Friday, April 1, 2011

Joyful Manifesting Intensive begins tomorrow! How to get ready?

I always look forward to our 5 day Manifesting journey which I call the Intensive, because it is 5 days in a row of Resonance Repatterning to clear obstacles. It's different every time, depending on who's in the group and the planetary energies of that particular time.

If this is new to you and you're curious, visit the link above to learn more, or feel free to contact me directly at

Here's how to prepare for it:

Find a short bit of time to be alone and get in touch with yourself. Use deep breathing, stretching or whatever you like to do to get into a quiet and receptive mode.

Then ask for, or connect with, two things that feel important, that you would like to manifest in your life now. These two goals or intentions will be what we unblock in the Intensive.

1. The first is your tangible goal..something that would actually exist in a form, that you could see, feel or touch, or recognize when it arrives. (with a business, financial or relationship goal, the outcome might not be something you could physically touch but you would know when it got here.) This relates to the SMART principle of goal setting: a goal should be measurable. The point of this is so you can see a result, or movement towards a result.

For this goal you want to choose something that feels like a bit of a stretch but not outside the realm of possibility.

2. The second is your intangible goal. This is actually more like a state of being, or a beingness goal (is there such a thing?).
For example, peace of mind, being more loving, confidence--any of these could be an intangible goal. They're all great of course, but which quality or way of being would help you the most right now?

State these goals in positive present tense statements, such as:
I am now easily attracting xyz into my life
I am confident

We do this because we are working with the subconscious mind, which does not understand past or present--it only knows the present.

As always, feel free to email me with any questions..and have fun getting your preparation done for the Intensive! If possible try to have this done by tomorrow morning April 2nd. If you don't have time right now, just let it percolate and write down the goals when they come to you. That's a process called retro-intending. I'll explain that another time..

Happy and Joyful Manifesting, y'all!

Wishing you your heart's desires fulfilled for the greatest good of all,

Found this inspiring reminder digging in my own (blog)backyard!

In reading through my own blog (I should do that more, it's pretty darn good imnsho), I found this gem. Full post is on September 10, 2010. (this is a reprint of other's writing btw).

What is expected from each one of us in nothing less than remembering, accepting and integrating in every facet of our existence and within the very fabric of our waking consciousness the fact that we each are a Living Miracle, the embodiment of Universal Perfection, and the co-Maker of our evolving reality.

All we need to do is ask... Ask for an universal upgrade... Ask to have our physical self, brain, bones and blood, adjusted to the higher frequencies now seeping through every atom of our physical reality to catalyze and precipitate the Shift of Ages into an unprecedented era of Heaven on Earth, Blissful Happiness in every soul, and ongoing Communion with the universal family of souls living throughout this galactic Milky Way and beyond in the Grand Symphony of Light, Life and Love

You may choose to remain on the sideline of evolution and persist in sticking to your egoic certainties and separate sense of self. There is absolutely nothing wrong in doing so, for you have absolute freewill, just like every other soul in existence. Or you may choose to shift up towards the Light calling us all back into full remembrance of our truly universal, divine nature."