Hello, dear ones, the full moon of May is
almost upon us and you may start feeling
the energy now and through a few days
after the fullest point.
To utilize the energy of the full moon for
clearing out the old and opening to the new,
I offer a program each month at full moon
time called Joyful Manifesting. May Joyful
Manifesting is about to begin.
You can still sign up through midnight
tonight--May 12th. Go here:
I will do three proxy sessions this week, powerful Resonance Repatterning sessions done by distance, to clear obstacles and whatever may be in the way.
In the way of what, you might ask? You set two intentions or goals, things you want in your life, one tangible and one intangible--and a third one this month on self-nurturing. It can be in any area of your life.
Then I do the sessions, one per day, during this week, to unblock your manifesting of these goals or intentiions. I send you session notes so you know what was cleared for you and any homework that you may have (I keep it simple and easy-to-do).
That's it!
To sign up or learn more go to: http://www.joyfulmanifesting.com
Free free to contact me with questions at 973-655-1745.
Here is info for you on the May full moon, courtesy of Lena Stevens, co-author of www.thepowerpath.com and also via the astrology Lena quotes in her writing, Patricia Liles.