Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Two Keys to Calming Down, and Slowing Down in a busy crazy life

Ever feel like “Stop the World--I want to get off! “ And have you noticed? The world doesn’t show any signs of stopping, or slowing down…in fact, it’s the opposite. Time has sped up and life seems to be getting fuller and busier.

It’s so easy to get overwhelmed—and the constant inflow of emails, text messages, etc. just add to the overwhelm.   When we are overwhelmed, we get triggered into a stress response—fight or flight.  Triggered, you will feel feel fear, anxiety, maybe anger or irritability, or just want to check out.  You're not thinking clearly, or in touch with our resources, power, problem solving abilities.

What to do, since stopping the world isn’t an option? Focus on what you CAN do, which is shift how you RESPOND.    Here are two quick things you can do daily, and as you need them.  Use them to shift from stress and overwhelm to more peace and presence.   In short, get more done and have more fun.  Sound good?

Remember, these are practices, so the more regularly you do them, the more you will benefit.  If you want group support, consider joining me for Morning Medical Qigong classes locally in Santa Fe, or by Skype.

#1: FREE, SIMPLE, BASIC--always with you--your BREATH.  Deep breathing, especially in and out through your nose, can transform your state of being instantly.  The best way is breathing in and out, SLOWLY and DEEPLY, through the nose , because it stimulates the vagus nerve and our parasympathetic nervous system—so it’s the most  relaxing.   Feeling emotional? Then breathe in through the nose, and OUT through the mouth, and let out any sighs, groans or other sounds that want to come out.

Take time each day to pause, and take some breaths.  Do this right before you eat and you’ll digest your food better—and enjoy it more.  That’s because your parasympathetic nervous system is active during digestion, and we need to switch into parasympathetic dominance to digest well.  Rushing, multi-tasking are NOT good for digestion.

Deep breathing is a key component of the weight loss and conscious eating plan called the Slow Down Diet—10 deep breaths before you start each meal.  Another weight loss plan called New You in 22 also has you do breathing to reduce stress.

Grounding is very important—we can’t really handle anything well if we’re not grounded and present, if we’re in the future or in the past, if we’re not really in our bodies.  We can get ungrounded when we are rushing, super busy, or doing too much multi-tasking.  Strong emotions, a shocking event, can also make us ungrounded and not present.   How to ground: stand with your knees slightly bent, and imagine you are pushing your feet down into wet mud (easier to do without shoes), sending roots down into the earth.  Imagine energy coming up from the earth and helping you feel grounded.
If you need more grounding, put your hands on the top of your head and run them gently down your face, front of your body and all the way down to your feet. 

STANDING AT STAKE is a standing meditation that is part of Qigong.  It’s great to do after you do your grounding.  With your knees still bent, raise your arms in front of you, as though you were hugging a tree.  Your hands are a little higher up than your upper arms and shoulders, and shoulders are relaxed.  The palms are facing towards you, fingertips of each hand almost touching. 
Stand in this position for at least a minute, and if you can, up to 5 or 10 minutes.  You will start to feel warmth and energy building—that is your Qi, your life force energy or vitality.  Not only will this help you feel calmer, more grounded and peaceful but it can actually give you energy and help you heal any health issues, over time.

Go ahead, try these—what do you have to lose but your stress and overwhelm?  Let me know how it goes..and feel free to email me with questions at  Remember you can join me for classes, too.