Saturday, January 23, 2016

Happy New Year & Joyful Manifesting starts tomorrow night !

Wondering if I've really lost my mind this time?  Wasn't New Year's Day on January 1st? Well.....

Could be that I've lost my mind, and that might not be as big a problem as you'd think (ha!). Mental functioning tends to be overrated many problems or issues really get solved in the fact the video mentioned below explains how Human Design views the mind energy and that it is NOT really designed for problem solving on its own without input from elsewhere.  

Still there is a reason why I am wishing you a Happy New Year TODAY and it's because today is the New Year in Human Design. If you haven't heard of it yet, Human Design is a fascinating system that includes astrology, IChing, numerology.   The links below will send you to Karen Parker, and one of her Youtube videos, explaining what the New Year in Human Design is all about.

In short, today, this whole weekend is a good time for dreaming, meditating and visioning, not only for the coming year, but laying the groundwork and setting intentions for the next TEN years.  

A PERFECT and POTENT TIME to lay the energetic groundwork, setting intentions and initiating a new design for your life for the next TEN years.  What IS your vision?   Could you use some help on getting clear about it or opening to the possibilities of actually manifesting it? 

As Karen Parker invites you to do on the video, I invite you to: Think Big, Think Abundant, Heart-Centered Sustainable. Envision what you want and choose for your life and the world you want to live in. 

Remember, "You must be the change you wish to see in the world"

Because today is also the full moon in Leo, it's time for our first Joyful Manifesting series of 2016--3 days of obstacle clearing and vision alignment. You can sign up until 7pm Eastern, tomorrow (Sunday) night.(see PS below for how to do that), or just go to (Sorry the 2015 dates are still there but you can sign up for the gold membership there for 2016.  I need to get 2016 dates out!). 

Joyful Manifesting has been providing powerful and convenient transformation (come on, how often do THOSE two words show up in the same sentence?) years now.  

Some of my clients are raving fans of these sessions and have been repatterned monthly, making tremendous changes in their inner and outer lives through these sessions.  Some use this as their primary clearing modality and supplement with occasional private sessions.  Any way YOU want to use it, take advantage of this energy for ongoing clearing, upliftment and living a more joyful and intentional life!  

My ability to clear seems to grow each year, the clearer I get, the more I surrender to spirit and the guidance of my Soul. For 2016, besides added POWER, Joyful Manifesting has a new feature: a third intention around LIFE VISION.  Each month you will add to your two other manifesting intentions, a third one for "I live my vision of _____" which you will also write down and be aligned/repatterned for. 

Join us--as a gold member you get 6 months of clearing for just $57 a month, billed once a month. Plus discounts on private sessions plus gift a friend for $20.  

OR do just this month as a silver Member and get your year--and this 10 year cycle--off to a rockin start!   Let me know you want in by sending an email to OR register at my website by 7pm tomorrow Sunday January 24th

Go to to sign up or learn more. (Ignore the 2015 dates on the website, if you sign up now you will be charged in 2016.  I am setting up the updated schedule for 2016, shortly).  

Watch videos below for Human Design updates on the powerful energies for manifesting this year, starting now. 

Many blessings,

PS Human Design Videos on current energies:
Human Design report for NOW (Human Design New Year):

Human Design for January 1

PPS Remember to register for Joyful Manifesting by 7pm tomorrow, Sunday 1/24:
Register at for the gold membership. 
Email me for a silver member one-time participation in this month's only.
Email me for any

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Mercury Retrograde is upon us again--let it work FOR you not against you!

Mercury Retrograde is a 3 week long astrological event which happens several times a year--in 2016, four times!  It has gotten a bad rap because it can be challenging...and that is why I developed the Mercury Retrograde E-Z sessions to help you deal with the challenges AND use the retrograde time in the best way possible.  Considering that we will be spending 12 weeks this year within Mercury retrograde, that seems like a pretty good idea, to get repatterned for this. 

You can register now at 

Here are excerpts from a very in-depth article by an astrologer I follow, Robert Wilkinson.  If you find the astrological references a bit too technical, just bypass them and focus on the implications which are explained beautifully.  He has even written a book on Mercury Retrograde which you can purchase through his website. 

Source: Robert's website,  

The Guide of Souls in January 2016 - Mercury Slowing Down, Preparing to go Retrograde at 2 Aquarius  by Robert Wilkinson
Happy Western New Year, and yes, it's THAT time again! Mercury is radically slowing down, preparing to go stationary retrograde at 2 Aquarius on January 5 at 5:06 am PST, 8:06 am EST, 1:06 pm GMT. This has important implications for all signs.
,,,For now, adapt  to the slowing pace of things, be willing to put some things on hold for a little while, and  take a look at what's been set into motion up to now with an eye to seeing what has to be done before things can again move forward in late January.  Since Mercury has already been slowing way down for a couple of weeks, we’ve already begun to experience a quality of “Mercury crashing into retrograde.”.
I know there are many unfortunate things attributed to Mercury retrograde, but there are also many productive things that get done, connections that are made, and different angles of view glimpsed that make our understanding more complete and well rounded.
The two weeks before the retrograde is a good time for setting things in motion that will need a delay before being picked up anew. Or for doing things that will need research, rehearsing, or reworking to whatever degree before completion. The time before Mercury goes retrograde is good for doing what must be done so that other related things can be done later, as well as reconnecting with people and activities from the past that are somehow related to the future….
The coming retrograde will show us a new look at recent signals and information that we sent or received, and get clear about what roles we're playing and not playing. This one will bring some sort of “cosmic visitation” that will “galvanize us into action” and “liberate us from adverse conditions.” Many will glimpse a greater effectiveness or find a way to reorganize to help things move forward in late January.
As with all Mercury retrograde periods, things from the past will be reevaluated, re-examined, or understood differently. We can get a new look at ideas, ways we’re communicating and understanding what others are communicating to us, and get new insights into all things ruled by Aquarius and Capricorn, such as larger goals and aims, friendships, and our sense of responsibility and duty, and specifically all things related to the house(s) where we have 15 Capricorn to 2 Aquarius.
For example, we may get new insights or understanding about someone who used to be a friend, or someone who was a group colleague, or something related to our honor, public standing, or profession. Some will remember old goals and ambitions, or even why an interaction had the effect of showing us something that had to be re-examined in light of our goals at the time. It’ll be a good time to shift gears around old obligations, duties, and structures, and get free of those which have kept us in adverse conditions.
And of course, it should be a good time to see how our life structures hold up or not when confronted with a challenge, and quicken as things come to a head. Some will figure out a different emphasis in what they believe would fulfill them, and those who can be creative in seizing opportunity can shape the process to a desired end.
Mercury goes stationary retrograde in Aquarius just an hour after making its final square to Mars at 2 Scorpio. This is a very powerful square that we’ve experienced ever since the Solstice, and heavily affects everyone with planets in the beginning of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. From the Solstice through Jan 1, it mainly affected those with planets in late Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, and once Mercury re-enters Capricorn on Jan 8, we can expect echoes of that late Cardinal sign square to give us new insights and understanding about the friction of late December.
As Mercury has been and continues to be in septile to Venus, this indicates that this time in late December and early January is one of very important choices in determining our destiny in at least a third of our life areas. The best thing about this retrograde is that once Mercury retrogrades back into Capricorn, it will again make a long term trine to Jupiter, which will keep that favorable Earth energy in play for many weeks to come! This should be an easier transit than the last one in Libra, which was in a powerful square to Pluto AND a semisquare with Saturn at the end of Scorpio, which indicated a not so easy transit!
As Mercury goes retrograde in the Air sign of Aquarius and then retrogrades back into Capricorn, it again shifts the elemental emphasis of Mercury retrograde. All the 2014 Mercury RX periods began in early Water signs, with Mercury retrograding back into Air signs. So in 2014 we danced between Feelings and Ideas, experiencing and relating. All the 2015 Mercury retrograde periods began in an Air sign and stayed in that sign the entire retrograde period, making 2015 entirely an Air affair!
In 2016, this shifts again, as this January Mercury retrograde begins in the Air sign of Aquarius, but retrogrades back through the last half of the Earth sign Capricorn. So here we dance between ideas and practical necessities, relating and taking a new look at what is in our “enlightened self-interest.”
This January RX is a transitional anomaly, since the April-May retrograde is entirely in the Earth sign of Taurus, and the Aug-Sept retrograde is entirely in the Earth sign of Virgo. It will shift to multiple elements again in the Dec 2016-Jan 2017 retrograde, since that one will begin in Capricorn and retrograde back into the Fire of Sagittarius. Of course I’ll explain more as each of these periods approaches. Until then, A New Look at Mercury Retrograde” will help you get a fix on all of the above and more!
In the next 3 weeks, we can see what life has prepared for us since the last Mercury retrograde in September-October. This can give us a new perspective on what’s shifted in our view or understanding since then, and this will give us a look back so we can find a more well-rounded perspective as we come to a new understanding of those past events.
This Mercury retrograde will offer us opportunities to look back and distill a different sense of vision, and for some how they can contribute to a better world through some sort of idealistic yet practical service. Others may get a new sense of group work, or a different overview of how past friends either helped us fulfill our goals or frustrated them. All of us will get glimpses of how our past experiences and choices resulting from the last Mercury retrograde have led us to a new view of possibilities.
Consider the next 3 weeks as an opening of liberating conditions that will sometimes abruptly move us into new directions and new work. Some will get new insights into old friends and public work done with others, and perspective about what happened in a prior time of life. This time will bring interesting insights through looking back or within about prior interactions, misunderstandings, or miscommunications, and why certain things came down the way they did in relationships and public situations in our past.
Pay attention to the signs, signals, information, and ideas that come in this period, because the Mercury RX span is the same sector as Pluto will occupy between 2015 and November 2025! In some roundabout way, what occurs in this retrograde will sprout seeds of long term importance wherever we have the second half of Capricorn in our charts.
As the song says, “There are new dreams crowdin’ out old realities, There's revolution sweepin’ in like a fresh new breeze, Let the old world make believe It's blind and deaf and dumb, Nothing can change the shape of things to come…”
This is where we get to look back on what has been and what is happening right now in order to get insights into what is to come. It will certainly be an important retrograde, given the aspects in play! Get ready to leave the past behind!
Important changes are in the air, with dramatic culminations and major protection and efficiency. I’ll explain more in future articles on this Mercury retrograde period.
This Mercury retrograde will give us many signs and signals for what will dominate Mercury-ruled areas from late January 2016 through late April 2016. This retrograde is a time to review past ideas and ideals in prior friendships and ambitions, and take a new look at how these contributed to misunderstandings about what roles we were and were not playing with those people or in those collective efforts. Keep it friendly, detached, and responsible, and take a new look at why you had to withdraw from some relationships in order to launch new visions or conform to new truths in your life.
Here we take a new look at what’s behind us before moving forward anew at the end of the RX period in late January. We can get all kinds of new insights into future potentials, while seeing things in the recent past differently.
The Inferior Conjunction happens January 14 at 24 Capricorn. That indicates the coming “fusion of life and mind” will help us to a new look, new interpretation, or new understanding of the issues associated with the third decan of Capricorn, and give us a new take on what “transcendent security” would mean for us.
So welcome to many things being reviewed or coming back up to surface these next three weeks thanks to the retrograde quality of the time. Some will review past efforts to see what still needs to be integrated into the life, and/or there could be returns, rehearsals, or echoes of the past and its views, misunderstandings, dilemmas, paradoxes, and dualities.
This one allows us to take a look back at how we’re using Aquarius and Capricorn energy in our lives, see who our friends truly are, review and renew goals and ambitions, and see a new way to be effective within a group context. Take a new look at the ideas you got in late December, since we will capture the essential elements of understanding what we need to mobilize into action by late January based in our insights these next 3+ weeks.
For all of us, during the next several weeks the future that's already rolling forward will slow a little so we can get a new look at crucial elements of the process we cannot afford to ignore. All of us will have a new understanding of multiple elements of our lives by late January, and will begin a process of purifying everything in our public self-expression, moving into a more caring role or sprouting seeds of power.
This will be another important retrograde, where the past will be reviewed to see what we can and cannot bring with us into the future in late January. It will help us rehearse or do the research we need to get ready to spring forward in mid-February, clear about what we know, what we need to know, and what must happen if we are to move forward in our lives.
Renewals, returns, reconnections, reunions, and re-beginnings are promised by this retrograde. And of course, more on this Mercury retrograde period will come soon!

Copyright © 2015 Robert Wilkinson