Sunday, February 21, 2016

Full Moon in Virgo: February 22nd - Climax in the War over our Hearts

So what about this full moon? Here is a very interesting take on this from a blog called the Elephant Journal  Based on this reading I am going to add something to this month's Joyful Manifesting program on accessing our hearts and staying emotionally balanced. 

"On Monday February 22nd, the moon will be full in the earth sign of Virgo and we will not only cross the line—we will leap so far over it that it disappears all together.
Many of us enjoyed playing in funhouses as children because of the aspect of illusion. What seemed like a wall was really only a door to a room we never even knew existed.
That is exactly what our moon is like this month—except it’s not an illusion, but in fact very real. This full moon is all about the climax point of a story that began months, or possibly even years ago.
The main factors of any lunar event are the aspects between the sun and moon.  This time, the sun is in the dreamy romantic sign of Pisces, and the moon is in independent and intelligent Virgo.
Virgo is a sign that often gets unfairly branded as being indecisive, but that is only because she waits to make a decision until all of the facts have been received. Virgos would rather be the last one to make a decision, rather than make one they would only come to later regret.
The thing is that we have spent the past six months secretly gathering information to plan for this moment. We’ve watched from the sidelines, we’ve researched our options and we’ve done some major soul searching—and all that is going to be essential because we are nearing the climax of our story.
Every great story has a climatic point at which everything suddenly changes and not only are there surprise plot twists, but characters who we thought were gone suddenly come back and save the day.
The point is to be prepared for the unexpected—but more than that, prepare yourself to become spontaneous.With this full moon not only does anything go, but anything and everything is possible.
Full moons tend to bring our underlying personal relationship issues to the surface.  It’s not that it exacerbates what wasn’t there, but more like the fullness of the moon is a reflection of our hearts.
And if our hearts aren’t fulfilled, then we become more aware of it during these lunar events and start searching for ways in which to remedy the situation.
It’s a time when we tend to look more inward at who we are and what kind of life that we truly want to lead. During this moon, we are being asked if we really are willing to risk it all in order to have all we’ve always wanted.
However, there is a risk of overdoing it and trying to compensate for time lost.
Depending upon the ego’s stance in all that is attempting to change in our lives, there can also be some heavy emotions and possibly even anger coming out at the wrong moment, or worse, toward the incorrect person.
The one thing that would be beneficial to remember is that anger usually only covers other emotions. Instead of lashing out, consider where these feelings are truly coming from.
Have we become frustrated because things are going differently than we planned? Are we feeling sadness from our apparent lack of control over external factors?
Or are we caught up in doing what we think we should be doing and neglecting our intuition in the process?
One of the most important emotional aspects of this moon is that there is some big cumulating energy here that ties back to whatever was going on in September for each of us.
It’s been six months of in-depth changes and a lot going on underneath a seemingly calm surface. Sometimes it’s been frustrating because it seems as if things haven’t been moving as fast as our egos would have liked.
But the thing that we have to remember is that even though things may look one way—the reality can be very different. This time we are being asked to open our eyes to what we’ve previously chosen to stay blind to.
We are being asked if we just want to float along, or ride the hell out of whatever wave comes our way. Being the first full moon in the Chinese Year of the Fire Monkey, it’s no surprise that we are up for some serious game changing energy.
Some full moons show us the light of truth and others help to shake us free some outdated routines and worn out patterns, but this moon is not just about changing the rules of the game, but the players too.
Simply speaking, the rule for this full moon is that there aren’t any.
Now, not only are we being shown where our heart lies, but we are being challenged to gamble everything for what we desire.
It is the time when the heat gets turned up just a bit more and we have to decide exactly how this will all end.Yes, there is a lot at stake.
But the final choice lies within each of us as to whether this will be the ending of a chapter, or just the point where all the pieces suddenly fell into place and we find the courage to take the steps into the life that we want to create.
If we can balance our emotions and listen to the truth in our heart, then we may fare on the side of winning whatever battle has been taking place.
But in order to do that, we need to go into this moon not just tipping our hat at the truth, but wallowing in it. Absorbing it into our very being and then being prepared to do something about it.
It’s up to us to have made these past six months count for something—it’s up to us to decide that we aren’t going to stand in our own goddamn way of happiness any longer.
Not only are we ready for the next chapter of our lives, but we are welcoming it.
The truth is there has been a war over our hearts. However, now is the time that we are being empowered to fight for what it is that we truly want.
And not give up until victory is ours."
