Sunday, January 24, 2010

Affirmations for your business

Here are the intentions that got switched on for our businesses
in yesterday's call on "Energize Your Business for 2010". Feel free to use any of these or adapt them to your own situation. In the session we used energy work (repatterning) to get ourselves resonating, aligned or switched on for these intentions. That means we cleared beliefs and other repetitive thought patterns from our subconscious so that all systems are now "go" for us to realize these intentions.

What came up in this session was about patterns left over from our birth process that have been interfering with our vision of ourselves and our successes, our ability to move forward on goals and plans and create a business that is a reflection of our own uniqueness. Here are a few of those patterns, to give you an idea of what a session can uncover and shift. "I have to pried out of difficult places." "Birth is arduous, painful and takes a long time". Can you see how these could stop someone from "birthing" their business?

I will be doing this kind of "Energize" session for your business every 3 months since businesses always need ongoing tune-ups to stay on track.

Here are the intentions from our session:

*I am clear about the value I add
*I am aligned with, and fully aware of Who I am.
*I attract a great support team for the tasks I need done, in a way that is
affordable for me.
*I feel grateful, inspired, good about myself and my accomplishments.
*I am disciplined about my time
*I am committed to and focused on my work
*I am efficient and productive
*I create more than adequate financial resources to support the phases of
my business planning, start-up, and beyond.
*I create positive cash flow in my business.
*I am prosperous, I receive, and I know I am provided for
*I easily and efficiently receive $100,000 net income or more annually (substitute your own income goal) as I continue to make a positive difference in the lives of others.

*I see myself as a competent leader of my business
*I am dedicated, steadfast and patient
*I feel empowered, grounded, solid and present, in my body and in my business
*My business growth and development is a journey of endless unfolding possibilities

What else do you want to get "switched on" for this year? You can join me in future "Energize Your business" sessions, and there is also the Joyful manifesting
Intensive coming up on Valentine's day, a 5 day energy clear-out for your easy and joyful manifestations. And we can also work privately on intention setting and clearing what may be in your way, which is often found in our unconscious programming. For info, visit:

Many blessings,

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