Whew--got through tax day! Now, whoopee! We're into another Mercury retrograde period, which just began yesterday, April 18th and will end on May 11th. (The effects can be felt up to two weeks before and after, though the retrograde energies are acutely felt three days before and after Mercury goes direct again).
This happens 3 or 4 times a year--and since Mercury governs communication, it means communication is slower, the internet, phone and other mediums of communication may have problems or breakdowns. Plans made during the retrograde often have to be revisited or revised later--important facts may be left out, or key points misunderstood. The standard advice given is not to sign any important contracts, buy any major items especially appliances, or make any major decisions during this time--except when absolutely necessary. Common sense needs to prevail :)!
When Mercury is retrograde, frustrations can build, and simple things can be difficult--and this is more true when you don't know about Mercury retrograde. When you do, it's easier to surrender to the flow.
Personally I have found it useful and empowering to know and incorporate Mercury retrograde information into my life, avoiding hassles and being able to keep humor and perspective about things that seem to "go wrong".
I will never forget the engineering firm I once worked for that did a major computer conversion without running parallel systems--and they "pulled the plug" on their entire accounting system during Mercury retrograde. Talk about disasters..they sure as heck didn't consult an astrologer, and common sense did not prevail on any level!
So now you know about it, but is there anything you can do? Actually yes, I will share with you ways to make good use of Mercury retrograde--in a minute. But first, other good news about Mercury retrograde!
Yes: I can help! I offer repatternings for the retrograde each time it rolls around. I can't change the course of the planets (not yet anyway) but with energy work I can help you change how those planetary energies affect you!
I plan to do a session this Thursday April 22 (and "retro-intend" that the shifts cover the entire Mercury retrograde +/- two weeks). All you have to do is register, tell me "proxy me in!" and that's IT. You don't need to send me any intentions or issues for this one unlike the Joyful Manifesting and this is distance or proxy, so you don't need to be on the phone with me--just go about your life and celebrating Earth Day!
To sign up:
What are the best ways to roll with, and even take advantage of the Mercury retrograde energies? Anything with a "re-" in it: review, revisit, reconnect. People from the past can often resurface during a Mercury retrograde. When communication and events go more slowly, we have the opportunity and invitation to reflect, to look more deeply at goals and plans that we have made and see if they still fit
Each retrograde has its own "flavor" depending on what sign it's in, what other planets are doing, and of course, how it affects you based on your personal astrology. The current retrograde that we're in--according to the website www.alphalifetrends.com, is about the "Revision of Financial
Structures and Values", in the sign of Taurus.
That made me smile because I was guided to offer two sessions last week, both of which dealt with money. (If you missed the teleclass, there's a link to it on my April 13th blog post.) The planets are pointing us to look in that direction--how we handle money and our financial lives, what's of true value.
If you want support through the ease and convenience of a proxy session for "Mercury Retrograde E-Z" please sign up here by Thursday 2pm Eastern time.
Many blessings and happy Mercury retrograde,
The link to register:
Monday, April 19, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
A gift of a session: Open to Receive Abundance
Hello and thanks to everyone who joined me for yesterday's repatterning session by tele-class on "Opening to Receive Abundance". From the sharing afterwards, I know that it was powerful and many people felt a shift from it. And now, if you'd like, you can have that experience too. Our focus was a lot on shifting fears of poverty, destitution and "this will never change" to a more abundant, receptive and hopeful state of mind.
Here's the link to listen-it's a little over an hour. It's not the most perfect recording but since many people wanted to hear it and couldn't be there, I wanted to offer it to you.
A heads-up: this is an actual session and it is my intention that anyone who listens to it--whether live on the call or listening to the recording--gets the shift. So--even though I am not speaking directly to you on the phone--know that you are receiving a real session, not just listening to a talk. It is possible--though not common--that you may have some feelings stirred up by the session. If so, and these are uncomfortable feelings that do not shift for you within 24-48 hours--using your own tools and self-awareness--please contact me as you may be having an energy constriction which can be cleared fairly quickly. You may also find that you want and/or need a private session, and we can talk about that as well.
Here's the link to the recording:
So, enjoy the session--and if you like it and want more, it's not too late to sign up for the Joyful Manifesting Intensive which begins on April 14th. More info on that at www.joyfulmanifesting.com.
Divine Prosperity Blessings,
Here's the link to listen-it's a little over an hour. It's not the most perfect recording but since many people wanted to hear it and couldn't be there, I wanted to offer it to you.
A heads-up: this is an actual session and it is my intention that anyone who listens to it--whether live on the call or listening to the recording--gets the shift. So--even though I am not speaking directly to you on the phone--know that you are receiving a real session, not just listening to a talk. It is possible--though not common--that you may have some feelings stirred up by the session. If so, and these are uncomfortable feelings that do not shift for you within 24-48 hours--using your own tools and self-awareness--please contact me as you may be having an energy constriction which can be cleared fairly quickly. You may also find that you want and/or need a private session, and we can talk about that as well.
Here's the link to the recording:
So, enjoy the session--and if you like it and want more, it's not too late to sign up for the Joyful Manifesting Intensive which begins on April 14th. More info on that at www.joyfulmanifesting.com.
Divine Prosperity Blessings,
Sunday, April 11, 2010
The dance of success
Hi..I hardly feel like writing about business, right now--yet I have such a clear sense that I want to help people in business discover their aliveness. Whatever I end up offering I don't think it's going to look anything like conventional business coaching!
All I can say is, if you want to feel attract-ive, do what makes you feel alive and then you will attract more of what makes you feel alive. (PLEASE quote me on that!)
I've just spent a weekend dancing with a group, led by Sara Pagano, a well known 5 rhythms teacher. Our theme was flow--one of the 5 rhythms. We explored ideas like "How do you flow with resistance? How do you let your stuck places flow?" I haven't quite wrapped my brain around even the question yet--but my body danced it all weekend. Spending my weekend dancing makes me feel abundant, alive and magnetic! I will be curious to prove the "build the field and they will come" theory. I haven't sent out nearly as many emails as I am supposed to, I am supposed to keep reminding people of the many events I have coming up this week, but my heart isn't in it--you could say I have spring fever pretty bad :). Plus my autoresponder program is being really annoying this weekend.
Oops--excuse me--I've been having an Eeyore moment. Anyone know what I mean?
So this is a post to say hello, share a moment and oh yes! To clarify, because there have been inconsistent dates reported for these events:
Tomorrow, Monday April 12th at 2pm Eastern, noon Mountain, 11am Pacific
"Opening Up to Receive more abundance" --a one hour free tele-session.
Dial 1-712-432-1600 121233#
Tuesday night, April 13th: live repatterning group at Santa Fe Soul
from 7-8:30 pm. "Cash Flow Jump Start"--a self explanatory topic.
Finally on Wednesday, the Joyful Manifesting Intensive, 5 days of distance
sessions you can do from anywhere, for powerful energy clearing and obstacle
removal. I do 98% of the work for you by proxy. For breakthroughs, momentum
and miracles. (they do happen)
Life is a-bun-dance,
Shakin it with joy tonight in Santa Fe,
All I can say is, if you want to feel attract-ive, do what makes you feel alive and then you will attract more of what makes you feel alive. (PLEASE quote me on that!)
I've just spent a weekend dancing with a group, led by Sara Pagano, a well known 5 rhythms teacher. Our theme was flow--one of the 5 rhythms. We explored ideas like "How do you flow with resistance? How do you let your stuck places flow?" I haven't quite wrapped my brain around even the question yet--but my body danced it all weekend. Spending my weekend dancing makes me feel abundant, alive and magnetic! I will be curious to prove the "build the field and they will come" theory. I haven't sent out nearly as many emails as I am supposed to, I am supposed to keep reminding people of the many events I have coming up this week, but my heart isn't in it--you could say I have spring fever pretty bad :). Plus my autoresponder program is being really annoying this weekend.
Oops--excuse me--I've been having an Eeyore moment. Anyone know what I mean?
So this is a post to say hello, share a moment and oh yes! To clarify, because there have been inconsistent dates reported for these events:
Tomorrow, Monday April 12th at 2pm Eastern, noon Mountain, 11am Pacific
"Opening Up to Receive more abundance" --a one hour free tele-session.
Dial 1-712-432-1600 121233#
Tuesday night, April 13th: live repatterning group at Santa Fe Soul
from 7-8:30 pm. "Cash Flow Jump Start"--a self explanatory topic.
Finally on Wednesday, the Joyful Manifesting Intensive, 5 days of distance
sessions you can do from anywhere, for powerful energy clearing and obstacle
removal. I do 98% of the work for you by proxy. For breakthroughs, momentum
and miracles. (they do happen)
Life is a-bun-dance,
Shakin it with joy tonight in Santa Fe,
Friday, April 9, 2010
Prosperity Shifts Available VERY soon!
Next week is tax week--and while you're looking at what you earned last year, taxes and finances--how would you like a positive prosperity boost? I have no less than THREE different offerings for you next week.
Monday April 12th: A free one hour teleclass repatterning on "Opening to Receive Abundance" at 12noon Mountain time. Dial-in to 1-712-432-1600 Access 121233#. UK listeners can call in too, Dial 0844-58-191-02 same access code.
Tuesday April 13th: A presentation--lecture/demo and group repatterning in Santa Fe, at Santa Fe Soul, 2905 Rodeo Drive East, 7-8:30 pm on "Cash Flow Jumpstart".
Wednesday April 14th: The first day of the 5 day Joyful Manifesting Intensive (take this from anywhere, no phoning in or presence required). See below..
Why April 14th? It's another new moon that day and so what?
Well, each new moon is a good time to set intentions or seed your next round of manifestations. And every other new moon--every two months that is--I offer an Intensive--5 days in a row of energy clearing sessions. This is proxy work, or energy work at a distance--so you set two intentions, and then go about your life. You don't have to be on the phone, meditating or online at any particular time during this process--I do about 98% of the work for you. It's convenient and easy--also very affordable--but the best part is it works! You can receive great momentum, breakthroughs and powerful insights as well as actual manifestations of things you want. You get 5 repatternings in a row!
What can the Intensive do for you? Well, this just in from a satisfied Joyful Manifester who is a healthcare provider:
"Since the last Intensive in January, I am delighted to say that I have had a significant number of new patients who are either paying me in cash at much higher fees, in some cases twice the amount I've been used to receiving with patients that take insurance. Just what I have been envisioning!"
The next one is coming up next Wednesday, April 14th. Learn more or register for it at www.joyfulmanifesting.com.
I look forward to helping you create money and abundance in all forms!
Many blessings,
Monday April 12th: A free one hour teleclass repatterning on "Opening to Receive Abundance" at 12noon Mountain time. Dial-in to 1-712-432-1600 Access 121233#. UK listeners can call in too, Dial 0844-58-191-02 same access code.
Tuesday April 13th: A presentation--lecture/demo and group repatterning in Santa Fe, at Santa Fe Soul, 2905 Rodeo Drive East, 7-8:30 pm on "Cash Flow Jumpstart".
Wednesday April 14th: The first day of the 5 day Joyful Manifesting Intensive (take this from anywhere, no phoning in or presence required). See below..
Why April 14th? It's another new moon that day and so what?
Well, each new moon is a good time to set intentions or seed your next round of manifestations. And every other new moon--every two months that is--I offer an Intensive--5 days in a row of energy clearing sessions. This is proxy work, or energy work at a distance--so you set two intentions, and then go about your life. You don't have to be on the phone, meditating or online at any particular time during this process--I do about 98% of the work for you. It's convenient and easy--also very affordable--but the best part is it works! You can receive great momentum, breakthroughs and powerful insights as well as actual manifestations of things you want. You get 5 repatternings in a row!
What can the Intensive do for you? Well, this just in from a satisfied Joyful Manifester who is a healthcare provider:
"Since the last Intensive in January, I am delighted to say that I have had a significant number of new patients who are either paying me in cash at much higher fees, in some cases twice the amount I've been used to receiving with patients that take insurance. Just what I have been envisioning!"
The next one is coming up next Wednesday, April 14th. Learn more or register for it at www.joyfulmanifesting.com.
I look forward to helping you create money and abundance in all forms!
Many blessings,
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Ultimate Success Mantra and more...
Credit to my current coach, Kathy Mallary, who is offering the 2010 Empowerment club to a group of coaches, for sharing a fantastic book, the Big Leap by Gaye Hendricks. check it out if you want inspiration for a bigger life!
from the Hendricks book:
"There's a phrase I use in teaching people how to live in the Zone of Genius: get out of the box and onto the spiral. Here's what I mean by it. I think of the Zone of Genius as a continuous spiral. You go higher and higher every day as you expand your capacity for more love, abundance, and success. It's an upward journey with no upper limit.
"By contrast, I think of the lower zones as boxes. For example, your Zone of Excellence is a space in which you know how to function so well that you can attain great results without stretching yourself very much. It's a box, though, because ultimately you find yourself stymied and unsatisfied within it. You're doing the same thing over and over, and while it feeds the people around you, it doesn't feed you. You need to get out of any boxes you're in so you can taste the sweet freedom of living on a continuous upward spiral. To do that, a central guiding intention comes in very handy."
He goes on to offer several tips for taking shortcuts to the upper reaches of your spiral including the Ultimate Success Mantra:
"I expand in abundance, success, and love every day, as I inspire those around me to do the same."
from the Hendricks book:
"There's a phrase I use in teaching people how to live in the Zone of Genius: get out of the box and onto the spiral. Here's what I mean by it. I think of the Zone of Genius as a continuous spiral. You go higher and higher every day as you expand your capacity for more love, abundance, and success. It's an upward journey with no upper limit.
"By contrast, I think of the lower zones as boxes. For example, your Zone of Excellence is a space in which you know how to function so well that you can attain great results without stretching yourself very much. It's a box, though, because ultimately you find yourself stymied and unsatisfied within it. You're doing the same thing over and over, and while it feeds the people around you, it doesn't feed you. You need to get out of any boxes you're in so you can taste the sweet freedom of living on a continuous upward spiral. To do that, a central guiding intention comes in very handy."
He goes on to offer several tips for taking shortcuts to the upper reaches of your spiral including the Ultimate Success Mantra:
"I expand in abundance, success, and love every day, as I inspire those around me to do the same."
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