Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ultimate Success Mantra and more...

Credit to my current coach, Kathy Mallary, who is offering the 2010 Empowerment club to a group of coaches, for sharing a fantastic book, the Big Leap by Gaye Hendricks. check it out if you want inspiration for a bigger life!

from the Hendricks book:
"There's a phrase I use in teaching people how to live in the Zone of Genius: get out of the box and onto the spiral. Here's what I mean by it. I think of the Zone of Genius as a continuous spiral. You go higher and higher every day as you expand your capacity for more love, abundance, and success. It's an upward journey with no upper limit.

"By contrast, I think of the lower zones as boxes. For example, your Zone of Excellence is a space in which you know how to function so well that you can attain great results without stretching yourself very much. It's a box, though, because ultimately you find yourself stymied and unsatisfied within it. You're doing the same thing over and over, and while it feeds the people around you, it doesn't feed you. You need to get out of any boxes you're in so you can taste the sweet freedom of living on a continuous upward spiral. To do that, a central guiding intention comes in very handy."

He goes on to offer several tips for taking shortcuts to the upper reaches of your spiral including the Ultimate Success Mantra:

"I expand in abundance, success, and love every day, as I inspire those around me to do the same."


  1. I'm going to comment on my own post! I really LOVE how he included abundance, success and LOVE in his Ultimate Success Mantra. Oh, I have a big aha right now--the "problem" with success as it has been conventionally defined is that it leaves out love and I am no longer willing to do that--leave the love out. How about you?

  2. Yeah. Bring on the love! We've been leaving Love out of the equation for waaaaay too long.
