Saturday, May 29, 2010

Empowering Self Talk for Success--you CAN do it!

Come join me on Friday June 4th for a one hour coaching/repatterning group call on this topic "Self-Talk for Success".

As T. Harv Ekker once said, "the biggest barrier to your success" is between your ears!

This is a f*ree session, and it's open to anyone. Come with your open mind and curiosity and a willingness to get "switched on" for better and kinder and more effective ways to coach and support yourself to greater success.

What: Self-Talk for Success - a group coaching/repatterning session
Date: Friday June 4th
Time: 10 am Pacific, 11 Mountain, 1 Eastern
Call-in: 1-712-432-1600 Access 251276#
UK (local rates apply)0844-58-191-02 Access 251276#

Yes you can--yes WE can!

many blessings,

Friday, May 28, 2010

Oxytocin--A key to your success?

Oxytocin is a biochemical in the body that is all about bonding. It helps us to feel secure, safe, loved and connected in the world. When a woman gives birth, oxytocin flows and helps create a strong bond between her and her baby.

But how on earth does that relate to your level of success AND well-being as a woman in business? (If you're reading this and you're a man--you need oxytocin too, we all do, but building testosterone is far more crucial to you).

I personally would never have put the two together, except for some fascinating reading "When Mars and Venus collide" by John Gray, who teaches all about understanding the differences between men and women. This book focuses on how the two genders process conflict, and provides strategies to understand, work with and move through conflict with the opposite sex.

As women we are "wired" for connection. We solve problems by talking them out, being heard and listened to by others who care. Our brains have far more capacity for emotional connection than men's. Our emotional state is the key to our well being, and we balance our emotions by getting emotional support and feeling connected.

Historically, women lived in far greater connection to each other, and we received much of our oxytocin/bonding/support by being together and doing tasks like grinding grain, growing crops, and other communal activities. Now we don't live that way at all, yet we are wired for that.

All day long, we are working on our business at home, going out to a job, or juggling kids & work. During the day, our opportunities for bonding and connecting with other women, for getting the soothing and nurturing we need and sharing our feelings, are limited. If we have a partner, we may expect him (or her) to provide our oxytocin "hit" at the end of the day. This expectation is almost impossible for one other person to meet and what John Gray suggests is that we aim to provide 90% of our own bonding needs through internal work, connecting with other women, and activities that make us feel nurtured like baths, soft music, nature walks, massage, etc. Then we won't put unfair or impossible expectations on our partner and feel constantly disappointed.

Without a partner--or even with one--at day's end, we are oxytocin depleted and can feel drained, depleted and exhausted. This increases our sense of overwhelm about all that we have to do, and worry and anxiety can take over--until we can get a restorative dose of connection and sharing.

What are you doing, what can you do, to generate more oxytocin for yourself? This insight about what women need, has inspired me to explore this question further--through my writing, and through the groups I will be offering starting in July..on the launching pad for self-employed women.

Meantime, come explore this with me on Thursday June 3rd in a free group session (will be recorded) on "Successful Self Talk" and stay tuned for more on this here,
at the blog, as well as in future programs I offer.

Being a woman and having your own business IS different--we are not men and since business has in recent centuries been a man's domain, as women we need to redefine and figure it out for ourselves. Success that respects and incorporates a woman's different circuitry and ways of being--life on Venus--will look very different than than the traditional male model. (Many men are also questioning that model and we are collectively looking at the price we've paid for that model in our family life, health and in our marriages.)

As women--and as human beings-what do WE really need to be happy, fulfilled, productive and successful?

The old model is clearly not working--it's time to create the change we wish to see in the world!

To your success and happiness,

Friday, May 7, 2010

Get Repatterned for Prosperity & Peace--a gift to you

Hello..this is a quick post to invite you for this Sunday night at 7pm (Mountain time), 9pm Eastern,for a f*ree repatterning session by tele-class on "Seeding the New Prosperity" where we will examine and repattern our deep consciousness about money and abundance.

It is part of the World Peace Hologram project--where a monthly session is led by a certified RR practitioner. Most of these sessions are done by proxy--and you can submit input online--but this one, which I'm leading, will be by phone. Please sign up at

Here's the call-in number:1-712-432-1600 PIN: 602113#

This project was started as the repatterning profession's response to the events of 9/11. We have a blog and lots of other cool resources for you there.

Hope to hear you on the call,

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Invocation for Transformation Support for complete alignment with Light

Perhaps this invocation for this sacred task will be of service to you.

>From The Light of the Mother/Father God That I Am, and from The Power and the Love of the Mother/Father God That I Am, I call forth all of the highest Beings of pure Love and Light from this unto the 12th Dimension to be present with me now.

I call forth Creator Source. I call forth my Higher Self. I call forth the Divine Mother. I call forth Lord Metatron, Archangel Sandalphon, Archangel Gabriel, and Archangel Zadkiel. I call forth Lord Matreiya and St. Germain. I call forth the Light Beings from Arcturus, Sirius, Orion and Telos. I call in the Christ Light.

I ask and commit to working with you as you work with me to be in alignment, resonance and rapport with all aspects of my Creation on all planes of existence. I ask for assistance and empowerment to be in alignment, resonance and rapport with The One Mind of God.

In my stillness, away from distraction, I ask to be prepared to engage with the 12th dimension of Original Thought and the 11th dimension of Original Feeling, no longer bound by third dimensional thought or logic.

I call forth help and collaboration to assist me in dissolving all untruths, discrepancies and distortions that I hold about myself and all others. I devotionally commit to doing my part as you do yours to assist and empower me, through graceful experience, to make the leap in consciousness that assures my passage into the New World.

In this moment I ask you, Dear God, to further open my heart and mind, and direct my thoughts and words, as I become clearer about who I Am. I call upon Jeshua and Mary to help me clearly see the golden threads of my Oneness and love for all.

This invocation is spoken as a manner of love for all and for myself, and to link me with you to make the conditions of my life ripe for my transformation. I accept this power of transmutation.

And so it is with great love and deep respect that I say thank you in advance knowing my words have been heard, my heart stands behind my words and you are here.

I Am That I AM. I AM That I AM. And so it is. And so I let it be so.

Copyright Maureen Moss 2010. I ask that you include my name and websites as this is part of a greater body of work.

I wish you each love, joy, blessings, clarity and abundance. May Grace follow you wherever you go.

What is happening with our Earth?

I am sharing another Maureen Moss newsletter with seems totally right on to me, and helps me to have a different perspective on all the natural disasters that are occurring. Can anyone possibly argue at the depth and widespread shake-ups going on all over the planet as a sign of radical change, of old ways falling apart, at the exposure of truth and revelations about control, freedom and the new world we are moving into (at the same time the media being controlled by a handful of corporations!).

Her point of view may be new or seem extreme to you--it is to me, too--and of course some of this cannot be verified in any logical way--but I encourage you to read this with an open mind and consider the possibilities in what she is saying.

And, since I do RESONANCE REPATTERNING for a living, I certainly get what the title is all about. Here's Maureen's message (see end for website info):

"Alignment, Resonance and Rapport: A Sacred Task"

Dearest Hearts,

As always, I pray you are well, and I pray you are pouring love and blessings into our Beloved Mother Earth as she continues to shake and convulse her way back to her Original and Divine Blueprint. Her almost ceaseless activity is the only way in which she is able to shake off more than a reported 30 billion implants, that have infiltrated her during the 'time of humanities great illusion' and to fully re-form her crystalline energy grid in a non-duality, non-polarity firmament. This evolutionary progression is causing her as much discomfort and discord as it is causing us.

The number of actual earthquakes wracking the body of our Divine Mother Earth, not reported, is astounding in any given week (upwards of 3,500), as are the Solar Flares that are wreaking havoc, accounting for our emotional body flare-ups, brain fog, fatigue, nerve and endocrine disorders, sudden highs and lows, and other physical maladies. (Divine Mother/Divine Mirror.)

Part of the brain fog is the recalibration of the left and right hemispheres of our brain, necessary to accommodate the higher vibrational crystalline beings that we are becoming. Our brain must be able to send our bodies new accelerated signals of higher consciousness enabling us to become what we have long been destined to become, Illumined Gods in a human form, fully capable of traversing multidimensional life with ease and grace.

Previously our brains were implanted (like Mother Earth), manipulated and blocked, keeping us at polarized levels of consciousness, which in turn amplified humanity's victim and martyr consciousness. That is being changed, and requires your assistance.

New electrical energy is being ignited inside of our brains, and new neuro pathways are being opened (which was accelerated on March 20, 2010), that will help each of us see our old stories as useless and almost ridiculously inappropriate to Now life, prompting you to consciously bar them from your energy field and finally let them dissolve. The new electrical currents that first create confusion and disruption will ultimately reveal a clarity that will become the benchmark for the restored human. Soon our brain will only comprehend the Now as any form of reality, as we move into a timeless and infinite based reality.

Also, if you will notice when you have an emotional flare up, it is most often related to a belief system you (or your family) have long held... an inaccurate belief system. And yes, sometimes it appears to come from 'left field.' Don't judge it. Just notice. Every former, lingering belief system that has been held in the frequency of the third dimension is being challenged and will continue to be challenged until it reaches a zero point. At that point, as though by magic, you will be able to embrace and experience a different level of quantum perception. Your participation in letting every flare up be one of noticing, blessing and releasing will quicken your progress significantly. Self-compassion is vital.

With every tilt of Divine Mother Earth, our hearts are being tilted as well.
The crystalline, diamond heart has now become our true lens of perception for our authentic and Divine nature to emerge within the cosmic reality of One Mindedness. In other words we are being made ready to come fully into alignment, resonance and rapport with the innate wisdom of the One Mind of God, each and every time Mother Earth makes a quake.

Please know there is nothing random about where she shakes; she knows what she is doing. She has a plan and she's doing it for us as well as herself. She's not angry, as many have proclaimed. She loves us more than you might imagine. She is on a mission to ascend... so we can.

This act is an awesome and yet delicately orchestrated plan to align Earth with the Cosmos and humanity with God. It is a feat never before accomplished, however we are beginning to fathom the unfathomable now aren't we?

Little did we know, as we have gone through this human process, that we were being prepared, through every trial and tribulation, to hold the templates of the Christ Consciousness that would result in profound spiritual illumination never before experienced as a collective in human form. Never.

This is the day that St. Germain, when he took the form of Roger Bacon, had already long awaited. He said then (as he says now), "When humanity discovers their proper orbit as the planets have found theirs, at last all will move in harmony under the great impulse of a single creation....One Unity, One System, One Design."

During many a lifetime we have been on a singular trip to attempt to seek ourselves, never considering the whole picture of humanity, or our part in collaborating to lift and illuminate an entire species and a beloved Earth that has fallen over and over again.

In those days we traveled by ego on a never-ending quest to nowhere. Now we are on a voyage together, to a glorious new destiny, a new reality, traveling by heart and intuition, both of which carry the comprehension of the true process of life, which is Love. This lifetime we are on a journey to Love, shattering every former matrix that shadowed love at its every turn, primarily from within ourselves.

This time we will not fail. We will not. We will stand together as empowered souls standing in the Light, without shadow, and emit the Divinity within.

And this is why right now, we must be certain that every part of our life, every choice that we make, every relationship that we enter into, that we are in alignment, resonance and rapport with each of them. No exception. No excuses.

Look closely at your mind, your body, your work, your relationships, your plans and your residence. Are you in alignment, resonance and rapport with each? Are adjustments necessary? Adjustments are not judgments. They are shifts in consciousness allowing you greater ability to make this ascension more seamless for yourself.

These adjustments will make you more able to communicate and collaborate with ease and grace with God, your Soul, the Divine Mother Earth, the Stars, each other, and the Angelic and Galactic Realms. These adjustments are the way in which to reach a new plateau in your ascension and restore your power to influence your life in the most beneficial manner.

We are the ones that will change the future for every being coming to this Earth. Can you imagine that? We are the Ones chosen to anchor in the Divine Plan of Freedom, of Love, of Illumination, of Peace and of Joy. We are the Ones. We are the Ones that are being entrusted with codes that will change the human experience forever.

We are the Ones that will be free and the ones that will free each that comes after us, and that came before us, for WE will be the ones that dismantled every implant, trap and paradigm that kept humanity imprisoned since the beginning of time. WE ARE THE ONES THAT WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR to open the gateways to the Golden Age.

Now please ask yourself this question - what adjustments would be wise for you to make to be in alignment, resonance and rapport with every aspect of your life?

(to be continued with another installment)

Copyright Maureen Moss 2010. I ask that you include my name and websites as this is part of a greater body of work.

I wish you each love, joy, blessings, clarity and abundance. May Grace follow you wherever you go.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Practice, Preaching & Got Giggles?

What a concept! Staying home and giving myself time and space to be with myself, to meditate, write in my diary and BE. It has felt so nurturing and refreshing. I highly recommend it!

It's also a relief to use the tools and teachings I know, for myself, to move out of spinning my wheels--I've been stuck for quite a while now about the new direction and expansion of my work.

Yesterday I finally sat in Remembrance, a Sufi meditative practice, that I've been studiously avoiding for weeks. This practice, which comes from Sufism but has much wider applications to anyone with a spiritual bent--is a gift I learned from Mark Silver, a wonderful teacher of business and spirituality.

During the Remembrance practice, I received wonderful loving support from the all-knowing One within me and began to relax and soften into a more receptive mode. I added to this another dimension of the practice, giving myself my “jewel” as Mark calls it. Your jewel is an essential quality that others receive from your presence, that soul-essence light that radiates from you whatever you are doing. It is also usually something that you yourself need and value. One of my jewels is tenderness. Instead of continuing to (mentally) wail on myself for my lack of action and clarity, I gently caressed my cheek and soothed the parts of me that have been at war with myself.

I realized that I am tired, and while I have plenty of active fun in my new life in Santa Fe (hallelujah!), I have not had a restful vacation, non-working solitary retreat or even a one-day get away in a long, long time.

That part of me that says "I need a vacation..I need a break and fresh perspective..or simply to stop working for the day" gets louder and louder, and may start to whine and sabotage anything I try to do for work. Until I hear it and address its concerns. (Does that sound like any two year olds you know? Well that part of me is probably about that old!)

When I try to do creative work or start new things from a place of depletion, it just doesn't work. In the old days I would simply force and struggle and not enjoy what I was creating. I simply cannot do that any more. The part of me that is now aligned and resonating with feeling good, having pleasure, doing what I love, won’t let me!

If I don’t listen to those messages, which still happens—or try to override them, I just get stuck and unhappy and sabotage or procrastinate any efforts I do make.

I have to smile, as I look at the pattern, since for me, whatever I wish to teach others, I first must live it (and sometimes re-live it). My new focus is on supporting self-employed women to nourish themselves as they grow their business, so guess what I need to do? Follow my own homework and listen to my own teachings! Keeps a girl honest…:-)

So, I’m looking at my vacation plans for the next 6 weeks, and also seeing some other ways I can nurture myself with down time, time outside and mini getaways.

I haven't even done much about it yet--but I notice that just by hearing my inner needy child and rebellious teenager and promising to get them what they need, the creative juice is back!

It works, this self-love thang! It really really does. That old Protestant work ethic, nose to the grindstone mentality, not so much.

Could you remind me next time I forget?

I’m so well-trained—you too?--that when I have a “problem” with work to just keep going, to solve the stuckness mentally or overcome it with the force of my will. To wail away at the stuck place. Funny how that doesn’t work—you know, “What you resist persists…”. Taking a break, moving my body around, going into another room to change perspective or getting outside..changing the channel and getting the energy moving through play, connecting with another person or my inner guidance—that’s how the logjam breaks up. By asking myself, what do I really need? By being gentle and paying attention, whether it's rest or play or connection...Getting unstuck with a caress or a giggle, not a hammer!

PS If you want to learn more about Mark Silver's teachings, his website is and he generously allows you to download the first three chapters of his content rich book--including instructions on the Remembrance practice.