Saturday, May 29, 2010

Empowering Self Talk for Success--you CAN do it!

Come join me on Friday June 4th for a one hour coaching/repatterning group call on this topic "Self-Talk for Success".

As T. Harv Ekker once said, "the biggest barrier to your success" is between your ears!

This is a f*ree session, and it's open to anyone. Come with your open mind and curiosity and a willingness to get "switched on" for better and kinder and more effective ways to coach and support yourself to greater success.

What: Self-Talk for Success - a group coaching/repatterning session
Date: Friday June 4th
Time: 10 am Pacific, 11 Mountain, 1 Eastern
Call-in: 1-712-432-1600 Access 251276#
UK (local rates apply)0844-58-191-02 Access 251276#

Yes you can--yes WE can!

many blessings,

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