Hi, I'm excited to share with you the monthly forecast from Jose and Lena Stevens for the month of June--they are shamanic teachers here in Santa Fe and their website is www.thepowerpath.com.
It's a very critical time to be focused on what you want to create and to take the focus off what you DON'T want, as they explain. So what a perfect new moon--this Sunday June 13--to join me for the next Joyful Manifesting Intensive!
Here's their forecast..this is the first part, if you want to read more in depth, visit their site!
The two main themes for June are FERTILITY and EXPANSION.
Many of the choices whether conscious or subconscious regarding creativity; what to create, what to destroy, what to change, what to keep; have provided for a new platform from which to operate. This is a very fertile time where whatever is seeded by conscious or unconscious intention will certainly grow and expand. The last full moon was an important time to become clear about these intentions as influences were already in place for their conception and growth. This month there is no holding the process back so it is imperative you focus on the positive aspects of what you wish to create.
There are always two sides to just about anything in life. You could say positive and negative, pros and cons, creative and destructive or, as above so below. There is also a more useful or productive way to hold the two and a less useful way. The less useful way is to see them as separate, at odds with each other and to be in resistance to either one. The more useful way is to acknowledge them both and to see how one supports the other. What give our experience of life on this planet definition are the sky (above) and the earth (below), the masculine and the feminine and the charges of positive and negative that create energy. They are our points of reference you could say. It is important to see both sides as belonging to the same coin, one side creative, the other side destructive; one side a positive charge the other side a negative charge, and to understand that you cannot have one without the other. Something that seems negative or destructive will always have the other side to it. Out of all destruction comes creativity and all creativity at some point leads back to destruction. You cannot have one without the other. Just notice and be aware of the cycle by honoring your own process of destruction in every creative act. My favorite example of this is cooking. When preparing a meal, a very creative process, you always destroy the original form of the ingredients regardless of what they are. You can remind yourself of this balance by paying attention to your own process and by honoring and acknowledging both the creative and the destructive aspects of everything you do.
The high level of creative energy available last month may be showing up now as destructive at first. If you look back into history, times of high invention and creativity were also times of incredible destruction. It is the natural flow of things and important to remember to acknowledge the creativity just on the other side of the destruction even if you cannot see it yet. As a collective, and in order to insure certain necessary planetary changes for our own evolution, we may be seeing the destructive side of the coin which will certainly and inevitably lead to the creative side at some point. Acknowledging the presence of the creative even if you cannot see it is an important part of the process and will help to bring it into being.
The fertility of this time period comes from the result of the recycling of energies, taking lessons learned, choices made and intentions clarified, and allowing for the resulting compost to become the fertile ground for new growth. Because it is such a fertile time, any new ideas or projects inspired by spirit and intentions of the heart will find a supportive foundation from which to grow. You may find yourself inspired and motivated to begin something new or to nurture something already in process. The expansive nature of the times will help to grow what you are conceiving faster and bigger than you can imagine. This is why it is very important that you keep your focus on what is useful and productive and not get distracted by worry, negative thoughts or trying to please someone else’s agenda. This is a great month for asking and receiving so be careful what you ask for consciously or unconsciously because you are likely to receive it in a very expansive way. Pay attention to what you are receiving and know you have asked for just that. So if you don’t like what spirit is bringing you, you will need to clarify your intentions and focus on what you truly want.
Everything this month has the potential to grow and expand. If you are constantly worried about money, that worry will expand and you could create even less abundance; if you are focused on being overweight, you may gain even more weight; if you are focused on what you have lost, you may lose even more; if you are focused on how wonderful your life is, your life may become even more expansively wonderful; if you can focus on how incredibly prosperous and abundant you are, spirit will expand that abundance even more. It is imperative to discipline the mind to dwell on only the things that are useful and you wish expanded in your life. This is a very tall order but with very great rewards. The expansive energy in the universe is neutral and does not care one way or another what it expands. It will go with whatever instructions it gets from you. So it will be entirely up to you to give it the instructions you want.
There is a depth to these times that cannot be ignored. If you are asking for something that is not aligned with spirit, you may not be able to manifest it, and if you did, it may not be deeply satisfying in the long run. Spirit knows best and you should pay attention to what is coming in. This is especially true around relationships and partnerships. We are moving into a new cycle of agreements where either people from your past will cycle back into your life, or new connections that feel like old friends will manifest. This is also true for work and career especially for those of you who are actively seeking right work. Do not limit your possibilities only to what you think you ought to be doing but rather open the possibilities up for spirit to bring you something you may not have ever imagined possible. In setting intentions for anything, the specific intention should always be for the joy, fulfillment and satisfaction it would bring rather than a picture of what you think it may look like.
How the themes show up this month:
You Personally
The expansion of consciousness is very available this month provided you can let go of how you hold on to your reality. It is very much like being blindfolded and asked to fall back and trust that you will be caught. So fall back into the lap of the universe and trust that she will catch you safely. Most of us are holding on too narrowly to our beliefs, thoughts and feelings, trying to control and anticipate how to keep ourselves moving forward in safety with one eye looking backwards and one eye looking forwards. To take advantage of what is really available, you must be able to let go with abandon and just simply relax into the womb of mother earth knowing that whatever you have conceived of is safely in her hands. From this place you can allow your consciousness to expand beyond what your mind can conceive of. Allow your senses to sharpen and your intuition to increase. Let go of the limitations of your mind. If you do this you can actually achieve ecstatic states this month. It is up to you!
-Jose and Lena Stevens, www.thepowerpath.com
Many blessings to you,
PS Registration for the next Intensive series ends at noon on Sunday June 13th. go here for more info or to register: www.joyfulmanifesting.com
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
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