Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Say Yes to Life!

We had a sweet but powerful call tonight. The topic: Staying Centered in Turbulent Times. There was a brief meditation, including the Abundance Decree by Maureen Moss, followed by a Committment Repatterning.

This repatterning looks at what our percentage of committment is to a particular goal or intention. Our overall intention for this session was to "Say Yes to Life". As the session began, we were only resonating between 10 and 15% committed to "Saying Yes to Life". That means that 85 to 90% of our behavior, emotional energy and subconscious programming was saying no (or at least not saying yes) to life. Talk about driving with the brakes on!

After the session, the group is now resonating with 100% committment to saying yes to life.

That's nice, you say, but you missed the call? No worries, mate. You may actually listen to the recording of the session and receive the benefit that way. I set that intention when I began the session, that it will repattern not just the people present on the call, but anyone who listens to it later. How cool is that? We call that in the world of repatterning: retro-intending. Because time is not linear, this actually works!

So here's the link. The recording is about an hour. To get the most out of it, I recommend listening to it in one sitting, uninterrupted. Treat this like an actual healing session--because it is. You wouldn't go to a coach, healer or therapist and multi-task. And it will be much more powerful that way. In fact, people have had powerful reactions to listening to the recording so don't think this is just food for the mind. It's the real deal. Enjoy!

To listen on your computer:

download link: save as an MP3 and listen when you like:

Many blessings,

PS Don't want to miss future monthly f*ree sessions? Make sure you are signed up at my website at Next one is August 25th. They will be the last Wednesday of each month (except for major holidays).

PPS Next Joyful Manifesting Intensive begins August 10th. Breakthroughs, anyone?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Come home to yourself..back to center..tomorrow!

Doesn't that sound enticing?

It's so easy to be set spinning in this accelerated
time--by people, situations, finances, the constant
pace of change, how fast everything is moving.

So come on in, pull up a chair, relax, because
tomorrow night, July 28th,we get to step out of the whirlwind
with a f*ree group repatterning session, called
"Staying Centered in Turbulent Times".

It's one hour starting at 7:30pm Eastern, 5:30 Mountain
and 4:30 Pacific time.

I'm looking forward to hearing you on the call.
It will be recorded.

Dial-in: 1-712-432-1600 access 121233#

Peaceful Prosperity Blessings,

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Today: A Day out of Time

Tonight I learned something interesting at the birthday party of the lovely Jan Stringer, whose latest book is "Bee-ing Attraction"-she's a great business coach and new member of the amazing Santa Fe tribe I'm part of here. She shared that today in the Mayan Calender is considered a Day out of Time, the last day of the year.

I woke up to soft rain falling--a rare thing here in Northern New Mexico and everything was so still. All I could do was my lemon water and then I fell into my armchair for a long delicious meditation.

Had a visit from a friend and we sat out in the moist cool air, enjoying the green of my growing garden..our conversation touched on many things and it truly felt timeless. Our lunch visit stretched to 4 pm and while I certainly have plenty to do--today was not the day for doing it. NO busyness of the world for me today.

It's not just that it's a summer Sunday--in fact my mood and energy on any summer Sunday this year is nothing like the social, relaxed and laid-back pattern of Sundays in other summers--but today is/was a day out of time. That explains a lot!

Also, if you've ever felt, like I have, that our Gregorian calendar seems irregular and not in synch with anything--when you read about the Mayan calendar--and other calendars based on moon, star and solar cycles--we were right.

Read this very interesting excerpt about the meaning of the Day out of Time in the Mayan calendar when you have a little time.

Mayan Day out of Time
Sunday, July 25, is an important day in the Mayan calendar. The Mayan calendar is built around a 13-month cycle, each month has exactly 28 days which totals to 364 days. The last day of the year is left out of this count and therefore is "out of time". This day is considered an opportunity for a big change: purification and healing, for forgiveness of debts and old grievances, a time for achieving peace, a great time to clarify our understanding, focus on direction and create a major shift in our lives. Especially after the Conscious Convergence on July 17th and 18th time is accelerating as we move with the new wave of energy that we created with our focused and collective intention during these two days.

I live my life by a truth that was gifted to me as a child when I was visited by a beautiful woman dressed in white who appeared one day when I was 10 accompanied by a white wolf. She spoke to me that I was not alone and in the years that would follow I would come to understand why I had been brought here as a faith keeper. That white wolf remained by my side as my animal ally and spirit teacher to guide me and to walk with me on a Shamanic path of peace and truth. There is an every increasing awareness of the Mayan calendar and the significance of 2012. Everywhere I go I hear discussions and am asked questions regarding the significance of this date.

It is my truth that I simply share, having a strong belief that each day more and more souls are awakening and a huge shift in consciousness is occurring. What happened during the time of the Conscious Convergence in the ancient stones of the Star Walkers and Navigators was felt around the world as we are all joined together. 2012 I believe will continue to accelerate the awakening and we will in deed move into a higher vibrational frequency that will support the focused dream of oneness and unity. It is not an instantaneous event where one switch will turn off and another turn on nor is it the ending of the world. I choose to look at everything around me as a message, sometimes strong messages of warning but more now than ever messages of hope that we as global citizens can make a difference.

The current calendar the world now operates under known as the Gregorian calendar was imposed as an instrument of power and as a symbol of dominance by European conquerors over the Maya, Inca and Aztec civilizations—all of whom used, among other calendars, the 13 Moon/28 Day count. This 13 moon calendar was used by other ancient civilizations such as the Druids, the Essenes and the ancient Egyptians. It had also been identified as the Calendar of Thoth. If you have felt more stress and that you have less time it is because your vibrational field is realigning itself to truth and to the natural cycle and order that our earth vibrates at. Not the time manipulated system created by mankind to control other civilizations and nature itself.

On this very special day take the time to sit once again in stillness. If you can be near earth, dirt, or sand at the beach take a handful and slowly let the grains of sand or particles of dirt slip through your lightly held hands. If you live in the city you can even use corn meal for this ritual. This is so very symbolic of so many things ocurring in our lives right now. Each particle of earth and sand represents something you are letting go of. An old hurt or wound, a disappointment, an anger, a grievance or judgment. It can be an entire way of life as many of us are feeling our world is completely changing in some way. Focus on your breath and as you release the particles back to the earth feel your vibration being elevated. On a piece of paper write down the debts you are forgiving (old loves, old relationships, expectations not fulfilled). Forgive yourself of any guilts you continue to hold on to. Let go of feeling unworthy. This serves absolutely no purpose for you to be less than who you were intended to be. It is time to claim who you are and step forward. Fold the paper in half away from you and burn the paper symbolizing transformation. Remember we are still in the energy of 2010, the Year of the Phoenix Rising from the ashes. Bury the ashes in the earth giving gratitude to the earth mother and make your commitment to walk the earth in balance. This is also a Full Moon and full moons always represent completion, end of cycles, coming into our full power so this can be an especially powerful night to do the Uncrossing Ritual for those of you who have my 2010 Moon cycle and Ritual book.

The more you take the time to do the inner journey, to sit and be still to receive guidance from the greatest teacher you have (yourself) the more you will find your emotions stabalizing. Many of you have felt depressed, angry, frustrated and restless. Some have felt physically fatigued and emotionally drained. There is a continuous movement of energy now to raise your vibration. Opportunities such as these special celebrations of life can assist. These emotions will hold you in a lower vibration and you will not be able to truly move forward until you clear them. There are waves of energy coming rapidly now and we need to move through these times with determination and hope. We will all have moments of doubt and old fears will return only to be embraced and transformed if we allow the process to occur.

As always take a few moments to see your light moving through a web connecting with millions of souls around our planet. Feel yourself being part of a great awakening and feel how your light is so very important to the whole. We can not move forward if we do not move together. When you are complete with your personal ritual do something to bring beauty into the world. Go see a movie that inspires you, listen to beautiful music that soothes you, paint or create something beautiful, buy yourself some beautiful flowers or go into a garden and observe the amazing beauty that surrounds you.

Most important smile, feel alive and share your light with others. I continue to create the prayer circles so if there is anyone in need, or yourself, please send me the name of the person or persons and I will include them in the prayers of healing.

Much love, rainbows and joy on this magnificent day out of time.


Source: An article by Robbyne La Plant-Seaman,

Thursday, July 22, 2010

An interview with Yours Truly

I am happy to share this recording of Meira Findel, the Holistic Accountant, interviewing me. We decided to do this right now to
promote my Prosperity Party - my East Coast "tour" coming right
up in August(I AM a rock star,I am! I even have a photo of me in cool dark shades playing guitar, albeit air guitar, to prove it. And like any rock star, I go on tour!)

Meira's been a colleague, friend and fan for years but her major turnaround after a recent session with me is what led her to offer to assist me and promote me to her amazing network. I am so grateful!

The interview gives you more background and explanation of repatterning--and how I came to be doing this work. There's an emphasis on the work I do with clients around money and prosperity.

Here is the interview, it's about 45 minutes long.

OR downloadable version here:


With love,

PS Have you marked your calendar yet for my upcoming
f*ree monthly teleclass, 7/28 at 7:30 pm Eastern?
You just dial in at that time and listen..anyone on
the call receives the session, whether you speak or
not. It will be recorded and posted here.

Staying Centered in Turbulent Times teleclass
Wednesday, July 28 from 7:30-8:30 Eastern.
Dial-in: 1-712-432-1600 Access 121233#.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Come together, right now!

Yes, that's the title of a Beatle song..but these are the lyrics my inner radio station KLNS (formerly WLNS radio)is playing right now--remember this one? from the Youngbloods:

"Love is but a song we sing,
Fear is the way we die,
You can make the mountains ring,
Or make the angels cry,
Come on people now,
Smile on your brother,
Everybody get together,
try to love one another right now"

So many people are in fear, feeling separate, feeling alone, feeling backed to the wall by finances, or by the pressure of all their inner issues coming up. I do hear you--and I can relate too.

Someone wrote me this morning about being a really tight financial squeeze. She and her family have just enough money to eat until next payday. She doesn't even have enough money to call in for my free teleclasses. Another client wrote me about feeling tapped out and completely unsupported, having lost faith in people.

Like them, I've experienced a financial squeeze lately, and feeling like I'm alone on the planet--even though I know it's not really true and that I have many choices, options and solutions. When I go to that place, I only see from fear and contraction. But I cannot afford to stay there for long, I just simply can't. And neither can you.

We MUST manage our internal state and our inner dialogue. It is no longer an option if we are to continue here. It is only from that space that I can help myself or help others. And I believe this is part of the purpose of all this change and turbulence--for us to take charge, fully and completely, of mastering our own minds and inner state. Otherwise we will be rocked too far.

I repeat--the key is keeping our state stable, being able to witness with compassion what we or others are going through, and allow our feelings in a safe container. Allowing our feelings, yet also keeping a perspective that this is all temporary, and that from wherever we are, a shift is possible.

It's all in your state of mind and being. Can you find compassion and kindness in your heart?

And what helps? There are the practices that we do or can learn--meditation, prayer, journaling, reading inspirational books or listening to uplifitng talks or music. Walking in nature, dancing, doing yoga, doing EFT, Sedona method, reiki--whatever you know to do to keep letting go and coming back to center. For someone it might be cooking, or working with clay. Nothing is better or worse--just look at what works for you and do it!

These are not a luxury any more--they are vital to our sanity and being able to function and be of service to our families and the world.

The key right now is coming together for like minded support. We're in the Aquarian age which is all about group consciousness, not relying on authority, like government, corporations or any kind of "boss". So, we are the ones we've been waiting for (Hopi prophecy).

Find like minded others-whether it's another mom on the park bench, a repatterning teleclass with me, a yoga class, get your friends together. We cannot do it alone anymore, and we aren't meant to.

Whenever I get lost, what helps me most is connecting to others--hearing a friend's voice, going over to Santa Fe Soul, the health and healing center I work at, and chatting with other practitioners.

The other key is gratitude, and asking "what one little thing can I do for myself (or another) right now?" Sometimes the smallest actions have the most power to change our state.

Here's a beautiful example a client shared with me, illustrating the value of group support and of gratitude:

"I was beginning to feel hopeless, wondering what the point of everything was. A group of my colleagues [yoga teachers] began to gather around me in support for new motherhood and pitched in for me to get some self-care. Then from a discussion with about 6 yoga teachers online, they all started telling me these things that I had done for them, which were just things that I do.

Like one of them... her mom had breast cancer and no insurance. Our local studio had a benefit for her and her mom to help pay for the chemo and people were donating through paypal for some complimentary therapies.

I used to teach with her on Saturday mornings and I would press five/ten dollars into her hand every week. I had wanted to donate money to some cause anyway and wanted to see it go to someone I knew. Another one thanked me for helping her to find a cranio-sacral therapist for her son and he didn't have to have tubes put in his ears.

I was beginning to think that people were just self-absorbed and didn't really care or maybe couldn't care beyond what they had going on with their lives.... and they started reminding me that the little things I do make a big difference.

Every time I start to despair over the last couple weeks (and I have been really down for awhile- this birth tapped everything I had), something happens to give me back that glimmer of hope."

So, start a gratitude club. Call people you know and express gratitude for things they have done for you. Express gratitude to yourself for all that you do for you, for your children, family, clients, or others. Trade appreciations with someone else. Start a gratitude diary for all that you appreciate. If you're in a tough place, appreciating your breath, that you have a roof over your head, your next glass of water--start there.

Whatever we focus on expands. Focus on gratitude, the support and love of friends, family, colleagues and community, the support of the earth in providing food and water. Focus on keeping your mind clear and positive, or neutral and a detached, witnessing the ups and downs of life.

Whatever works--just do it! And come back here to read and replenish, come back to find recordings of free sessions, and guidance for these times we are ALL going through. You are not alone.

Rest in your Heart's Abode.

Om shanti, shalom, Ellen

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Questions to Consider in Preparing for Monday's Manifesting teleclass

To unblock your manifesting magic, here are some good questions to consider and write your answers to. This is useful, whether you will join me for Monday's teleclass or not.

The purpose of the session is to identify anything that is currently blocking your manifesting what you want—a belief, a perception of lack in your life, feelings of being undeserving, fear of having what you want. To prepare for the session, please read this post and spend some time answering the questions.

If you don't want to miss out, don't forget to register by midnight, Sunday night, July 11th. (I won't be checking registration till Monday morning around 10 Mountain time,but I can't guarantee your participation unless I hear from you by the deadline. Thanks for understanding.)

Sign up here:

Questions for Manifesting teleclass on July 12 2-3pm Eastern

Overall intention of session: To identify anything that is currently blocking your manifesting what you want. That might be a belief, a perception of lack in your life, feelings of being undeserving, fear of having what you want. To prepare for the session, please read this post and spend some time answering the questions.

If there are things you want to manifest, or you are wanting and needing a miracle of more abundance in your life—what are you waiting for?

The link to register, one mo' time:

1. If you aren’t clear on at least three things you want to manifest in your life, whether that’s a state of mind like peace or self-confidence, or particular outcomes or objects—like a certain number of new clients, observable momentum in your business, a certain amount of money—take some time over the next 48 hours—we are in range of the new moon energy of July 11th already—to meditate, ask for guidance and clarity about what those three things might be.

Like me, you may have a lot that you are choosing to manifest—much more than 3 items on your list. That’s great—it’s good to ask! But for purposes of this call, and focusing more specifically, we will look at those three things. One item on the list should be the quality or way of being that having the other 2 items will give you. For example, if you are wanting to generate 1 new project or 3 new clients in your work, and an additional $1000 in the next week—what quality would that give you? Would it make you feel more peaceful, have more faith and truth, or help you feel more connected to Source?

Write down your three items.

2.Limiting beliefs or negative thoughts—as you did the above exercise, did any limiting beliefs come up, such as “I can’t have what I want.” Write those down too. Did any thoughts come up about the economy, or other things you heard growing up, about money or success or having good things?

3. Metal Element Focus: In this session we will have an added focus on the metal element, which in Chinese medicine consists of two meridians, or energy pathways. One is Lung (breathing in, taking in what is inspiring) and the other is Large Intestine (letting go, what is toxic, worn out or no longer needed).

a)What do you need to let go of that you are holding onto?
b)What do you need to take in, receive or open the space for in your life?

Happy manifesting,

Friday, July 9, 2010

Eclipse and New Moon July 11th--Powerful Manifesting & Meditating time

Here are the energies we're moving into now. This was passed on via Harriette King, wise woman and networker extraordinaire, from Judith James. I will try to find the original source of this writing.

It's so timely I want you to have it now. And PLEASE come join me for a repatterning to take advantage of these energies on Monday July 12th. My first Manifesting Monday call--at an unusual time--not evening--at 2pm Eastern. To register, go to

It's a power packed time. Even if you can't come to the call, please do read this post and spend some time meditating & contemplating!

Love and Blessings,

"When a Total Solar Eclipse occurs on a NEW Moon a very special energy of transformation occurs. On July 11 this will take place. Take time for this day, and utilize its extraordinary potentials for the positive. Keep your energy intact, and do not allow emotions to fray.

Solar Eclipse is a New Moon with an extremely tremendous impact. The Sun that gives us life and lights our path is joined briefly with the dark and mysterious qualities of the Moon. The Moon blocks the light of the Sun. In this moment of perceived darkness, spirituality and the psyche combine anew, beginning another cycle in the spiral of our personal development. Great openings and great closures can occur...great advancement or untoward downward spiral. This Eclipse is extremely meaningful.

The last time there was a solar eclipse at this same degree of Cancer was in 1991; the next one will be in 2029. Think back to the personal themes in your life during the summer of 1991 and review the progress of your personal growth over the last 19 years.

All eclipses indicate change; solar eclipses signify beginnings and usually manifest as events in the outer world. At solar eclipses we: begin something completely new, make promises to ourselves, commit, announce, present ourselves, show up, make plans, select events, make decisions, rise to the challenge, make an effort, change, mature, take on greater challenges, travel at a faster pace, feel restless, feel pressured by deadlines and a buildup of emotions, experience a crisis and feel excited.

There are two kinds of solar eclipses. North nodal eclipses have a personal orientation and symbolize personal identity, ego and the physical body. South nodal eclipses are other-oriented and symbolize a spouse or significant other, relationships and new perspectives based on interaction with others. This is a south nodal eclipse, suggesting that we are being called to use previously learned skills and talents in new ways and that the opportunities to do so will come through our relationships.This solar eclipse takes place with the Sun and Moon in Cancer. The tarot card associated with the sign of Cancer is the Chariot card. It teaches us the defining quality of self thru speech; how self-talk, inner intent and outward expression must align to create our reality. Universal forces provide protection while tenacity assures victory and triumph. This represents the cyclic aspect of change and is associated with psychic receptivity. Confer with Spirit, with your Divine Self and Guidance during the Solar Eclipse of July 11th.

Eclipse periods are extremely active, often associated with meaningful events and public exposure. The impact of the July 11 Eclipse will have impact lasting three years. Expect to see current themes begin to develop ambitiously on their own at the end of next April, 2011. A full understanding of the impact of this period will take until the end of 2011 to unfold. But it will be great and potent!"

Happy New Moon,

Monday, July 5, 2010

If You Want to Change the World, Tell a Better Story!

I am inspired by the lovely speaker, writer and facilitator Gail Larsen. She says "If you want to change the world, tell a better story!". Her business is Real Speaking, coaching and empowerment for speakers and others who want to get their voices out. Her 4th of July talk at the Celebration (the spiritual community I attend on Sundays)was titled "Calling All Voices: Your Truth will set us Free".

There were many gems in her talk, including "Be Yourself. Everyone Else is Taken" which is a principle of her work. Another take away for me was that we need different solutions and ideas now to deal with the many challenges we face on the economic, environmental, health and global levels, not just trying to adapt and edit ourselves and what we truly need and want into old political and economic models.

She gave us four vital questions to contemplate and answer for ourselves--perfect for this Cardinal Cross time of seeing what is true alive and really works NOW.

1. What brings you alive?
2. What breaks your heart?
Your answer to these first two questions is a great guide to where you are being called to direct your creative energy and time.
3. What does healing look like?
4. What simple action can you take (to address any of the above)now?

For me, writing more here, letting my voice be heard, and being willing to associate with powerful people who are committed to truth and making a difference, are some of my answers.

And for you? What are your answers to these powerful questions?
Enjoy your contemplation and feel free to share your comments on the blog!

To Our True Freedom and Independence,

PS Gail's website is
In a later post I will share with you her 5 principles of Transformational Speaking, which are explained fully in her book "Transformational Speaking".

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Intense enough for you yet?

A dear friend passed this on, and it's one of the best writings I've seen on a current astrological event called the Grand Cardinal Cross..a phase that we're in which began last Saturday, June 26th.

If there was ever an auspicious time to do belief clearing and intention setting like what I offer, this is it!

May you be enriched and supported by this information. As my friend and astrologer, Dawn Silver said, "These are not normal times!"

Keep breathing, step up your spiritual practices and self-care, and call me if you need some extra support.

Love and light,
Grand Cardinal Cross of June 26th, Eclipses of June and July
(this information is from Lisa Zimmerman, Astrologer)

On a scale of 1-10, if the intensity has been at level 10 for you recently, it may go up a notch to 11. This is the path of evolution and if you are conscious, you are awakening to a higher vibration with each step you take.

The Eclipses are here and they can generate dramatic events and changes that you never saw coming, but you don't have to let them rock your world. Stand in your power, be courageous and rock your own world!

We're in the midst of a Grand Cardinal Cross, which requires that you operate from your highest vision when you're confronted with challenges or stressful situations and keep the focus on what you want to create. Using that as a focal point can be a steadying influence during times of uncertainty.

The Lunar Eclipse on Sat, June 26th at 7:30am ET is part of the Grand Cross and is in the sign of Capricorn, which rules your authority, your professional life, commitments, responsibility and structures.

Lunar Eclipses are about endings and I encourage you to be proactive and work WITH the energy rather than letting the energy work on you while you remain passive. Release your attachment to non-working patterns, clear, delegate and move on wherever called for. If it feels too scary to make a move, reach out and ask for help - there's so much available.

It's time to get real, be disciplined and take responsibility for what's not working in your life. That old story you tell about why you are like this, can't do that, what "they" did to you, has got to go. Your attachment to that story has you imprisoned and it's time for a hostage release! Step into your authority and trust your Self.

The Solar Eclipse on Sun, July 11th at 3:40pm ET is a New Moon in Cancer that rules home, family, security and your emotional needs. Your emotional needs are primal and non-negotiable. If your needs are not being met you are probably not a happy camper! The Solar Eclipse is about new beginnings, so this is the time to examine your emotional needs, domestic and personal life and make any needed corrections.

Cancer brings up quality of life issues and whatever is out of alignment will be up for review and restructuring. Pluto on the Moon opposing the Sun can bring ego issues and power struggles. Uranus/Jupiter in Aries opposing Saturn can bring up repressed energies and some people will act out like you can't believe! You'll wonder, "What was that?!!" Still others will come from their Higher Selves and will surprise you by taking the high road when you least expect it. Remember, you always have a choice in how you respond to any experience.

It's so easy to be triggered around issues of security, especially when the unexpected occurs. If you knew that you had the power to create at will, wouldn't that give you a sense of security? Instead of projecting outward and trying to control your environment or fearing what may happen, focus on your creations! Please know that chaos or disruption isn't mandatory during an Eclipse, but if you have that experience, practice impeccable self-care.

You may take a sideways step into a new reality where you feel different and all your familiar reference points have been shifted. You may not recognize yourself or where you are, but don't be frightened and go into reaction - you've just arrived in a new country where you don't speak the language yet (cool...)! Allow yourself the space to integrate any new energies that arrive in or around you.

Faith that all is in Divine order and the intention to do whatever it takes to be who you came here to be will carry you during times of change. You are a Lightworker who came to help evolve humanity at this time and regardless of what your shadow may tell you at times, you are the essence of pure goodness.

Recommit to your path and your Higher Self's journey - the company is excellent!