Tonight I learned something interesting at the birthday party of the lovely Jan Stringer, whose latest book is "Bee-ing Attraction"-she's a great business coach and new member of the amazing Santa Fe tribe I'm part of here. She shared that today in the Mayan Calender is considered a Day out of Time, the last day of the year.
I woke up to soft rain falling--a rare thing here in Northern New Mexico and everything was so still. All I could do was my lemon water and then I fell into my armchair for a long delicious meditation.
Had a visit from a friend and we sat out in the moist cool air, enjoying the green of my growing garden..our conversation touched on many things and it truly felt timeless. Our lunch visit stretched to 4 pm and while I certainly have plenty to do--today was not the day for doing it. NO busyness of the world for me today.
It's not just that it's a summer Sunday--in fact my mood and energy on any summer Sunday this year is nothing like the social, relaxed and laid-back pattern of Sundays in other summers--but today is/was a day out of time. That explains a lot!
Also, if you've ever felt, like I have, that our Gregorian calendar seems irregular and not in synch with anything--when you read about the Mayan calendar--and other calendars based on moon, star and solar cycles--we were right.
Read this very interesting excerpt about the meaning of the Day out of Time in the Mayan calendar when you have a little time.
Mayan Day out of Time
Sunday, July 25, is an important day in the Mayan calendar. The Mayan calendar is built around a 13-month cycle, each month has exactly 28 days which totals to 364 days. The last day of the year is left out of this count and therefore is "out of time". This day is considered an opportunity for a big change: purification and healing, for forgiveness of debts and old grievances, a time for achieving peace, a great time to clarify our understanding, focus on direction and create a major shift in our lives. Especially after the Conscious Convergence on July 17th and 18th time is accelerating as we move with the new wave of energy that we created with our focused and collective intention during these two days.
I live my life by a truth that was gifted to me as a child when I was visited by a beautiful woman dressed in white who appeared one day when I was 10 accompanied by a white wolf. She spoke to me that I was not alone and in the years that would follow I would come to understand why I had been brought here as a faith keeper. That white wolf remained by my side as my animal ally and spirit teacher to guide me and to walk with me on a Shamanic path of peace and truth. There is an every increasing awareness of the Mayan calendar and the significance of 2012. Everywhere I go I hear discussions and am asked questions regarding the significance of this date.
It is my truth that I simply share, having a strong belief that each day more and more souls are awakening and a huge shift in consciousness is occurring. What happened during the time of the Conscious Convergence in the ancient stones of the Star Walkers and Navigators was felt around the world as we are all joined together. 2012 I believe will continue to accelerate the awakening and we will in deed move into a higher vibrational frequency that will support the focused dream of oneness and unity. It is not an instantaneous event where one switch will turn off and another turn on nor is it the ending of the world. I choose to look at everything around me as a message, sometimes strong messages of warning but more now than ever messages of hope that we as global citizens can make a difference.
The current calendar the world now operates under known as the Gregorian calendar was imposed as an instrument of power and as a symbol of dominance by European conquerors over the Maya, Inca and Aztec civilizations—all of whom used, among other calendars, the 13 Moon/28 Day count. This 13 moon calendar was used by other ancient civilizations such as the Druids, the Essenes and the ancient Egyptians. It had also been identified as the Calendar of Thoth. If you have felt more stress and that you have less time it is because your vibrational field is realigning itself to truth and to the natural cycle and order that our earth vibrates at. Not the time manipulated system created by mankind to control other civilizations and nature itself.
On this very special day take the time to sit once again in stillness. If you can be near earth, dirt, or sand at the beach take a handful and slowly let the grains of sand or particles of dirt slip through your lightly held hands. If you live in the city you can even use corn meal for this ritual. This is so very symbolic of so many things ocurring in our lives right now. Each particle of earth and sand represents something you are letting go of. An old hurt or wound, a disappointment, an anger, a grievance or judgment. It can be an entire way of life as many of us are feeling our world is completely changing in some way. Focus on your breath and as you release the particles back to the earth feel your vibration being elevated. On a piece of paper write down the debts you are forgiving (old loves, old relationships, expectations not fulfilled). Forgive yourself of any guilts you continue to hold on to. Let go of feeling unworthy. This serves absolutely no purpose for you to be less than who you were intended to be. It is time to claim who you are and step forward. Fold the paper in half away from you and burn the paper symbolizing transformation. Remember we are still in the energy of 2010, the Year of the Phoenix Rising from the ashes. Bury the ashes in the earth giving gratitude to the earth mother and make your commitment to walk the earth in balance. This is also a Full Moon and full moons always represent completion, end of cycles, coming into our full power so this can be an especially powerful night to do the Uncrossing Ritual for those of you who have my 2010 Moon cycle and Ritual book.
The more you take the time to do the inner journey, to sit and be still to receive guidance from the greatest teacher you have (yourself) the more you will find your emotions stabalizing. Many of you have felt depressed, angry, frustrated and restless. Some have felt physically fatigued and emotionally drained. There is a continuous movement of energy now to raise your vibration. Opportunities such as these special celebrations of life can assist. These emotions will hold you in a lower vibration and you will not be able to truly move forward until you clear them. There are waves of energy coming rapidly now and we need to move through these times with determination and hope. We will all have moments of doubt and old fears will return only to be embraced and transformed if we allow the process to occur.
As always take a few moments to see your light moving through a web connecting with millions of souls around our planet. Feel yourself being part of a great awakening and feel how your light is so very important to the whole. We can not move forward if we do not move together. When you are complete with your personal ritual do something to bring beauty into the world. Go see a movie that inspires you, listen to beautiful music that soothes you, paint or create something beautiful, buy yourself some beautiful flowers or go into a garden and observe the amazing beauty that surrounds you.
Most important smile, feel alive and share your light with others. I continue to create the prayer circles so if there is anyone in need, or yourself, please send me the name of the person or persons and I will include them in the prayers of healing.
Much love, rainbows and joy on this magnificent day out of time.
Source: An article by Robbyne La Plant-Seaman,
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Today: A Day out of Time
Day out of Time,
energy healing,
mayan calendar,
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