Sunday, August 8, 2010

Joyful Manifesting Intensive! Coming right up & How to prepare for it is your August going? I'm having a wonderful working vacation on the East Coast. Mercifully the extreme heat broke and it's been the best of summer weather here.

And, I'm looking forward, as usual, to the adventure that is the 5 day Joyful Manifesting Intensive. On the new moon, Tuesday August 10th,I will begin the first session-to clear the obstacles to whatever you are wanting to manifest. It is 5 sessions, 5 days in a row--a lot of repatterning, for less than the price of a single private session.

If you would like to be part of this, or just learn more, please visit the site at

Already signed up? Here is how to prepare for it. If you've done it before it's the same instructions as usual.

Take a few minutes to sit quietly, relax and tune in. Then decide what your two goals or intentions are for this Intensive. What area of your life feels most in need of change or positive momentum? Is it your income, your relationships or the lack of intimacy, is it health, is it clarity on a business or other life decision? And what quality or personal strength do you need most at this time?

Write them down for yourself. You are welcome to email them to me, but that is entirely optional, to

1. A tangible goal: something you would recognize when it arrives. Be specific, not just "more prosperity" but something like "another 6 clients a month" "another $1000 of regular income a month", etc.
2. An intangible goal or quality: examples--peace of mind, relaxation, trust, etc.

And then stay tuned for your session notes!

Many blessings,

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