Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Single Person who Cares

Tonight I was hanging out with my new friend Francesca. Responding to someone who had reached out to her for healing a while back, she blew breath over the phone to ignite the woman's spark of life after she'd ahd surgery. The next day, the woman said "You caught my gossamer thread" and "I don't feel alone anymore."

What changed everything was knowing that just one person cared.

I shared a similar story with her. After the death of a beloved friend, I was in devastating grief for a while. One night I let go of my inhibition completely and wailed away in my apartment. Part of me didn't care if anyone heard, the pain was so deep and it so needed to be released--and the other part of me wanted someone to hear.

My upstairs neigbhor Deborah, a sweet person and mom to a 5 year old, called me and said "Do you want to come upstairs where I can hold you or rock you?"

It was so caring, so real...I didn't actually need or want to go up to her place but knowing I was heard and someone cared made all the difference.

So, if you are the only one to hear someone's cry, or if you question whether you can do anything for another person in pain or need...the power of one is vast...don't underestimate it. Don't underestimate the grace you convey through listening to the man at the cash register, or letting someone you hardly know, be deeply seen and heard.

It's not about being Atlas and holding up the world, just about caring for another person, the one who's right in front of you. (It might even be yourself!).

Tikkun Olam--the healing of the world. It begins here:
See me, feel me, touch me, heal me. (Remember that song by the Who from Tommy?)

Love to you from this sacred & special place on planet Earth--Santa Fe, City of Holy Faith,

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