Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Manifest Your Mate - Session 2 Positive Actions

Manifest Your Mate –Your Homework of Positive Action from Session 2

a)This positive action is to be done just one time, within the next week. Take some time with this one. This contemplation is for you to explore, think about, and journal about, so you can come to completion with what has been hurtful or unresolved in your relationship with your mother.
The purpose is not to delve in-depth again into the painful history, but to see what the gold nuggets are that you have or can "mine" from that history.

Note: If this is something you have not done before, this may be a subject to explore for some time, beyond the time frame of this program and this one-time positive action. You may also want to bring this exploration to your private healing work with me or other practitioners you work with. For some of you, this may be a summary and recap..but always worth looking at. Here are the questions:

What is the truth, higher purpose or lesson that your mother provides or provided for you? What qualities have you developed in yourself as a result of that relationship? What did she teach you? Example: “My mother teaches me the importance of being loving and accepting of myself and others” “My mother teaches me the value of life and of treasuring each day”. She might have taught this by example or by an example of what NOT to do,be or say.

b)Things to Notice: During your interactions with people, and when you are alone, begin to notice whether your thoughts, attitudes and behaviors are loving to yourself. Is your self talk critical, or accepting and encouraging? How would you treat yourself differently if you could act like a very loving, attentive and and caring mother? Do you deflect or minimize praise and appreciation from others? How much more love, compliments, help, and other good stuff are you willing to take in from other people, and from yourself?

c)Action: Rampage of Appreciation…write down as many things about yourself that you enjoy and appreciate as you can, at least 6. Add to the list throughout the day.

Express out loud to someone else (or in writing) what you appreciate about them or something they did—2x per day. This one is to be done for the next 3 days..start when you read the notes.

d)Optional: Repeat Deservability Prayer daily for 7 days, best out loud, to another person or the mirror.

DESERVABILITY TREATMENT - a prayer from the Unity Church

I am deserving. I deserve all good. Not some, not a little bit, but all good. I now move past all negative restricting thoughts. I release and let go of the limitations of my parents. I love them and I go beyond them. I am not their negative opinion, not their limiting beliefs. I am not bound by any of the fears or prejudices of the current society I live in. I no longer identify with limitations of any kind.

In my mind I have total freedom. I now move into a new space of consciousness, where I am willing to see myself differently. I am willing to create new thoughts about myself and about my life. My new thinking becomes new experiences.

I now know and affirm that I am at one with the Prospering Power of the Universe. As such, I now prosper in a number of ways. The totality of possibilities lies before me. I deserve life, a good life. I deserve love, an abundance of love. I deserve good health. I deserve to live comfortably and to prosper. I deserve joy and happiness; I deserve freedom to be all that I can be. I deserve more than that. I deserve all good.

The Universe is more than willing to manifest my new beliefs. And I accept this abundant life with joy, pleasure and gratitude, for I am deserving. I accept it; I know it to be true.
And so it is.

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