Today is the New Moon in Scorpio, it is also the start of Diwali, the Indian new which the goddess Lakshmi, goddess of abundance is honored. As with all new moons, this is a perfect day to ask yourself: “What do I want to create or manifest at this time, for this 4 week cycle and beyond?”
Scorpio, the sign we have just entered until late December, is about letting go of the old, and moving deeper into the mysteries of transformation, death and rebirth. We also have the ancient earth-based holidays of Samhain and All Hallows Eve, the Day of the Dead, as October ends and November begins.
What is dying, what is wanting to end, and what is wanting to come in? What are you most wanting to transform so you can give birth to your new self? You can use this time wisely by spending some time alone and going inside, journaling, doing some movement or whatever helps you find your place of peace and inner wisdom.
I have a number of events coming up in November and December that I want to let you know about. A more detailed calendar will go out in just a few days, but here are the highlights:
Nov. 9 will mark a return to doing a monthly free call, and I’m looking forward to it! It will be an introduction for new people and a reunion for many of us who haven’t been on calls together. I will be doing some teaching and energy work, not a full repatterning session, but you will come away shifted—at least that’s my goal! These will take place on the 1st or 2nd Wednesday of the month. The overall topic is “Thrive Your Life” and there will be different themes for each class. They will be recorded as well.
Other upcoming sessions and
11/14: Manifesting Monday session for clearing
obstacles (proxy)
11/16: Eating Healthy,
Staying Happy: Stress free holiday eating and celebrations (phone or proxy)
11/20: Aligned for Mercury
Retrograde ( proxy)
11/21-25: Joyful Manifesting
Intensive (5 day proxy program of energy shifts to help you manifest two
In closing, this quote from astrologer Robert Wilkinson (Google the Aquarius papers for his website):
“Be generous of Spirit, show care, and the rewards will be great. Be a good steward, and build so that the good works will endure well into the future. This month we get new views on how we can join with others to conquer a form of "separativeness through group-cooperation." Through the projects we accept that truly help others, we can lose all sense of separateness.
This time should be fairly productive, even if there is a lot of tension and separations from illusions. Cooperation breeds evolution, and problems can be solved by applied cooperative intelligence and skills. Find projects that benefit the evolutionary needs of self and/or others, and this time of applied skill will yield rewards by late November and early December.”
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