Friday, May 4, 2012

May's theme is Committment

As you read this forecast, ask yourself what your conscious and unconscious committments are.  Are you living in alignment with them, or not?  If you want support with this, you may want to do a "Committment Repatterning" with me by phone or in person if you're in or near Santa Fe.  Or, join me from any time zone for the upcoming May Joyful Manifesting Intensive.  More info on the Intensive is at

I hope you enjoy this forecast from shamanic practitioner Lena Stevens and find it useful.  She and her husband have a website called  I like these forecasts very much and usually publish them here, but here is info from them to sign up directly if you're interested: 

"Monthly forecasts will be posted on the first of every month on our website. To receive Moon updates and other information please sign up for email notices (link here).For a more specific overview of the trends for 2012 (discounted this month) please order our Mp3 or CD of TRENDS 2012 (link here).

What is commitment?

Commitment is removing the back door, the escape route and the words “if”, “maybe” and “when” from your vocabulary. Commitment is moving into your future with no turning back and no escape hatch. Commitment is eliminating the worry and anxiety that comes with ambivalence, doubt, consideration and “too many thinking”. Commitment is a natural segway of any bid for power. A bid for power without a proper commitment to launch it is not a serious bid for power.

If your bid for power is to stop smoking, you can’t qualify it with “if I find the right program” or “when I get more of a handle on my life” or “maybe next week”. No, if you want to stop smoking you stop right now. You make a commitment that goes along with your bid for power. Once you commit 100 percent, then the program or other support will show up and you will begin to get a handle on your life.

It is the same thing for relationships or work or health. If your bid for power is to make a change in the direction that is better for you, then do it now without procrastination and without the ability to sneak out if it does not work. Most of the reason for something not working out is your lack of true commitment to it. All of you have made some bid for power last month whether you are aware of it or not. This is the month where you either commit to it or choose a new one that you can commit to.

There are two types of Commitment: Commitment that is unconscious and manifested by your actions rather than what you verbally intend, and commitment that is consciously and deliberately planned for and chosen. The unconscious commitment is the one you may not be aware of but everyone else is by your actions around it.

A good example is someone who complains and complains about the nature of their relationship because it is not a good fit, and says they want something else, but ends up staying in the same relationship “until something better comes along”. This is not a serious bid for power for a new relationship and certainly not the way spirit works. This example is showing an action that the universe reads as a commitment and therefore will not provide another “better relationship” to take its place while the action shows a commitment to the current one. So this person may think they are bidding to change their circumstance but as long as they stay in the current relationship they are not serious about the change. If you are truly committed to changing your relationship dynamics you must show you are serious by becoming conscious about the ways you are showing commitment to the things you say you do not want.

Another example may be the person who says, I am on a diet, I intend to lose weight and really should not eat this piece of cake and then proceeds to eat it anyway. Are they serious about their bid for power to lose weight? Where is the commitment? Another example is the bid for power to have more fun and make more time for self. However if the person continues adding things that are not fun to their plate, they are showing by their actions that they are not truly committed to their intention and guess what, spirit will always give you more of what you are putting your energy into. This person may likely say, “I will make time when things slow down.” This is not good enough for spirit, as it is a conditional commitment and shows through action that the real commitment is something different than the spoken intention.

True commitment is unconditional, something we are not used to having or working with. Conditions create the “ifs”, “whens”, and “maybes” in our vocabulary. Placing conditions on your bid for power waters down the commitment to it and is like putting only your big toe in the water when you really intended to take a swim. Hesitancy, doubt, confusion, ambivalence, worry, anxiety, fear and mistrust, all take their toll on your ability to commit to something cleanly and clearly."

To read more of this forecast, go to:

Many blessings,

Thursday, May 3, 2012

What on Earth is going on? May astrology...

Have you noticed that things seem to be moving ahead slowly, even though there is a lot of energy, activity and intensity this year?  There are some amazing planetary shifts going on--as you have already heard--and there are also many interpretations of why and what it all means.

That's actually why I like astrology, because I find it more "scientific" and "objective" than channeled readings.  I do also read and value channeled readings but I believe they are subject to more distortion..and they are as clear as the channel herself (or himself).  With astrology--even for skeptics or people who don't understand it, when you start tracking events and energies from an astrological point of view, you start to see how accurate it can be.   I am talking well beyond the simple sun sign horoscopes you can read in a newspaper (does anyone even read newspapers any more?). 

There are powerful energies available in May--I don't want you to miss out!  This month, more than usual, "Timing is Everything".  So I've decided to post a 3 part series about these energies, to help you use this time well. 

Part i: Here's a good astrological overview from Susan Miller, author of the popular astrology site,  

First, from the Libra May astrology by Susan Miller..but I’m only including what applies to everyone:

“This has been an unusual year for everyone, so if you feel frustrated at the slow pace, you are not alone. It started out with Mars retrograde, January 23 to April 13. Thank goodness Mars has been moving again since mid-April (albeit slowly), as Mars is the action planet that gives extra oomph and push to everything we do. When Mars sleeps, you find it very hard to lift things off properly, in any phase of life, whether business or personal in nature.

Now, Venus will start to retrograde, May 15 to June 27, and that will have an even more powerful effect, (for Taurus and Libra) because Venus is your ruling planet.

There is more news about retrogrades, so I might as well tell you about the next one now. After June 27, you will only have two weeks, and then from July 14 to August 8, Mercury will retrograde. We are all upset about this, and believe me I didn't want to tell you, but I thought I should.

 I cannot remember a year anything like this one. It seems the universe wants us to go slowly and carefully.
If you look closely at these dates (which I carefully flag on all my Year Ahead Calendars that I write annually), the universe will give us little patches of time in which to act decisively. Those patches of time will be excellent for initiating new ventures, and we are in one of those now. (That window of opportunity opened April 13 and will end May 15.)

It is rare that the universe speaks so clearly: Go slowly to make sure all your plans are well thought out. 

Retrograde planets ask us to look back to scrutinize areas that we can improve. It looks like you'll be thinking back about things that have not taken the course you wanted, and about how you would do things differently in the future.

As said, Venus won't retrograde until May 15, so as you begin May, plan on being sharp and productive because - and this may surprise you - you have just arrived at one of the very sweetest portions of the year. Although it will be a narrow window of time, May 1 to May 13, it will be one of your best. Every zodiac sign will have something to celebrate then, and for you (if you’re a Libra)  your good news will center on money.

Enjoy your month..stay tuned for more!  And don't miss the super full moon on May 5th or the amazing events ar around May 20th! 

Many blessings,