Saturday, September 8, 2012

Time to turn within before Joyfully manifesting!

Before the New Moon time which is so good for asking, and deciding "What do I want to manifest?" is the Dark moon.  The New Moon is September 15th which is preceded by the dark of the moon from the 12th to the 15th.

Astrologically this has been a year to look backwards, introspect on past choices and phases of li, and make decisions about what you will and won’t take with you into the future.  With the many planets in retrograde, we are asked to slow down and really consider what matters, what we truly care about and are willing to commit to.

We are now in the month of Elul, the last month in the Jewish calendar, also a time of reviewing the year just passing and doing some introspection, before  the High Holy days In late September.
Soon there will be a new moon in Virgo, on September 15th…To support you in manifesting, the Joyful Manifesting Intensive will begin on September 13th. What is cool is that the start of the Intensive coincides with the dark of the moon--the three days just before the new moon.  What a powerful time to look inside! 

Here is some interesting writing about the dark of the moon by astrologer Molly Hall:

The Dark of the Moon—the power of the Dark:

The dark Moon is private, intimate, richly renewing and full of
depth. The waning Moon is a time of letting go, and as you're stripped of what you've known, there's a moment of standing naked, not knowing who you are. This might be what dying is like, an awesome mystery that makes us feel fully awake at that final moment. What comes next, we wonder?

I've found the dark Moon to be the most powerful time for organically unfolding soul-searching. The inner Self starts to grow in power, and make its presence known. Ideally, you can listen, integrate, and set intentions that will bring you into harmony with yourself during the waxing Moon.

Stillness is the key word for the dark Moon. Restful, rich solitude gives you the chance to hear that inner voice. With the lunar face hidden, the intuitive-psychic self takes over. Make space for a clearing of the mind and spirit, so that you can be ready to receive.

There's a historic pattern of fearing the dark, and denying death. But it's a fact of nature, and if embraced, can be met as the winding down before the next new beginning. The Moon is associated with women, and many Goddesses like Hecate, Kali, Lilith, represent her dark aspect. The dark Moon reminds us of nature's cycles of death and rebirth. The grave and the womb become the same place, a transition when you're held in the mystery beyond physical existence.

Each dark Moon is a chance to be renewed, to experience unknowing, and to gain timeless wisdom. The dark Moon opens a door to the past, and it reaches back far into the collective memory. Make it a sacred time for yourself each month, a time to connect to the great mystery of life.

Source: This is original writing, the foundation of which came from the works of Vicki Noble, Demetra George, Judy Grahn, Starhawk and Elinor Gadon, to name a few.

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