Thursday, October 17, 2013

Anorexia of the Spirit / Dear Woman

Dear Woman,

How would you live, if you knew you were beautiful and loved beyond any doubt? 
How would you live, if you knew the rounded shape of your body was what nature intended,
That your body was meant to sing out in pleasure,
That NOTHING about it is wrong, or shameful or something to hide.
How would it be to enjoy, to savor and to celebrate in public, your healthy appetite, for food, for life, for sex, to be seen, felt, heard and touched?

How would you live if you could open your throat, your heart and your womb and let your own voice ring out, with passion, saying “YES” to all that makes you feel sensual and alive, and at one with the living earth--to making love with life?

How would you speak if the words “SORRY” or “I just____” or “Excuse me” died on your lips?
How would you occupy your body and your space at the dinner or the conference table?
How would you live if you were free to create, without the nagging voice of judgement?                              

How would you walk down a street, into a meeting with men or onto a stage-- if you knew that everything you birth is a blessing to this world: babies, art, great meals, poems, brilliant teachings, a wave of hope in the life of another, schools and companies and books and sacred gatherings?

Your Mother Father God

(c) Ellen Shapiro 2013
feel free to share as long as you provide the source and website link


Thursday, October 3, 2013

New Moon Update October 4th

As always, I find the planetary updates from the Power Path very helpful so I am sharing the latest one below, for the New Moon on October 4th.

Happy New Moon, and wishing you  a most transformational month of October...I have two main group offerings this month: "Mercury Retrograde E-Z" and
"Shine Out and Prosper: Confidence and Marketing Moxie for Heart-Centered Women". 

Check them out at my website,

And here's the Power Path info:

"....With Sun and Moon in Libra, the Venus ruler has considerable emphasis in the New Moon chart. Because Venus is in Scorpio at the moment, we find her in a more intense, powerful aspect of herself. She is wearing the raiment of the Dark Feminine; she pulls us deep to cleanse ourselves of that which needs to shrivel and slough off so new growth can fill our souls from deep within. She is rebalancing the relationship of the Feminine to the Masculine. Healing and forgiving of the past imbalance between these two energies is being called to the foreground.

Let's look at the two asteroid goddess energies that are squaring the North and South Nodes – the points that release what we have brought from the past (that we now feel we have the strength and power to release-south) and the point of growth in this lifetime (north). Both Pallas Athena and Juno are in a dynamic, stressful, crisis-causing relationship to the Nodes as points of release and growth.

Both are sub-rulers of Libra. Pallas Athena, Wisdom Goddess, is focused on justice, fairness, balance and social equality. By springing full grown clothed in shield and armor from her father Zeus's head, she entered the masculine world and directed her kundalini energy into the mental, artistic and healing realms embodying courage and strength and mastering creative visualization and manifestation.

In the face of the rising patriarchy, Juno (Hera) willingly surrendered her position as Queen of Heaven to partake of divine union and fulfillment with another –Zeus, but in the end, this union was not realized and instead his destruction of her fertility practices and infidelities bred betrayal, deep jealousy and frustration. In the last turn of the ages, much buried power struggle and negative emotional energy exists within the feminine psyche that needs to be transformed and released to create anew our capacity for committed relationship and equal partnership that these three feminine archetypes, Venus, Pallas Athena and Juno, so fervently desire.

As the strength of the Feminine reemerges, what has been compromised within each of us in our relationship to our inner masculine will be brought to the light and healed, and as our inner sacred marriage is given expression, so will it flourish in our outer world. There is no better opportunity to spend time and attention on right relationship than when Libra and Venus hold open the portal for you to the inner divine temple of love and relationship.

If we dial back from the personal, a major dance is taking place between Uranus and Pluto. They are within 1ยบ of an exact square to each other. On November 1st just before the eclipse of the New Moon, will be their fourth exact square of seven over a period of three years – 2012-2015. We are bracketing an intense learning period and growth curve; of course, it's uncomfortable!

What they say about Pluto's influence is 'it's almost more than the organism can bear...' kind of like childbirth, I guess. Pluto likes to extract a high price for his favors, so there are opportunities for some to be called on to give of what they cling to most desperately.

But Pluto rewards with deep transformation, clarity, release and personal power. So think about how you want to engage the energy. Total resistance to change? (like our childish Congress), extreme bonks on the head? (lost jobs, great debt, desperation, self destruction, etc.) Or surrender? and the mysterious darkness of the chrysalis when absolute, liquefying chaos reigns until the reemergence of essence occurs with beauty, freedom, and delight.

If you use the influence of Uranus in Aries to take a major personal risk, to put yourself on the line by stretching your edges maximally, to go for something innovative instead of status quo, then you will be using the times wisely and be rewarded by feeling more alive, energized and fool hardy than you may have felt in decades.

In addition, Uranus in Aries is in a Thor's Hammer configuration with Venus square Mars (feminine and masculine) reiterating and reinforcing some of the themes about the yin/yang polarities we were looking at earlier through Pallas Athena, Juno and the Nodes. A Thor's Hammer wields a lot of energy, is stressful and can bring things to crisis. A huge push is awakening us to underlying issues in our gender relationships. I just have to recommend Joseph Gordon-Levitt's film that he wrote, directed and stars in called "Don Jon". He's speaking about the influence of porn on sexuality. That's a Plutonian topic, if I ever saw one, and one that could use some transformation!

Whatever challenges exist are balanced by support and outlets for all the tension being created by the release we are all called on to step up to. Pluto remains extremely supportive with a positive relationship to Saturn (and Chiron). Saturn rules the bones and hard structures of the body and Pluto is taking the opportunity to regenerate patterns that go the deepest and hold our most limiting fears. We are making huge breakthroughs everyday especially in groups who gather to do the transformative, world shifting work that Pluto, Uranus, Saturn like to do.

Full Moon on October 18 will mark the beginning of the eclipse window with a lunar eclipse followed by a New Moon solar eclipse on November 3rd. Eclipse windows (about every six months) always allow us to reboot our systems and realign our selves to the cosmos. Mercury goes retrograde in Scorpio on October 21st until it turns direct again on November 10th. Many of you will sense that energy the week before and the week after. A good reminder that just like the trees and plants, it's time to turn our energy inward here in the Northern hemisphere.

New Moon, as well as eclipses, always allows us to begin anew and reset our intentions. Intend clarity in relationships, speak your truth and listen and receive the communications of your partner, seek beauty, bring into alignment what has tipped out of balance and consciously intend to let the grace and love of Venus shine through you wherever you go...."

The full article can be read here: