What I've noticed with shifts in consciousness is that they come in a wave, hitting land first for certain people and others later. Often I experience something as one of those first wavers that I can then share with friends and clients as a guide for what they are going through or are about to.
Last week there was a strong wave of completion...a string of dreams about past phases of my life, symbolically showing me they are done, complete, including graduating with my Masters degree. (which I did in 3D reality back in 1984).
I feel like a whole new life-not necessarily a new location, brand new career--is beginning to emerge.
This new reality is more heart centered and is based on being in my personal sovereignty, while honoring the sovereignty of others. That means communicating, making plans, living from what is true-here and now--not out of roles, obligations, shoulds, or making another feel guilty or wrong
for their individual desires, needs or preferences. It takes a lot more present-moment awareness, so that you can feel into what is so, what is true, what is real rather than going on assumptions or automatic pilot.
Personal sovereignty--being the queen of your domain, whether it's your body, your work, your home, your sexuality, your relationships--is up big time. I gave someone the Personal Sovereignty repatterning last week--one of the new repatterning series I am writing--and it was off the charts
powerful for her.
Let me know if you would like that kind of radical evolution support with a one-on-one personal sovereignty session.
A friend who is also a first-waver called today to share her breakthrough about a pattern of putting up with other people's negativity--even severe verbal abuse--and always holding space for them to be in their highest good at her own expense. That came from a belief system that tolerating, even taking in rather than "tossing back" the ball of poison, is the "nice" or "spiritual" thing to do.
We both agreed, it's graduation time....life going to a whole new level. Dysfunctionality, abuse, using power against another....when we say no to it, as we name the truth and no longer participate in the old dynamics of blaming ourselves, internalizing abuse, making excuses for intolerable behavior...this is how we are going to collectively birth a new world.
Wishing you the joy and liberation of discovering, stepping into and living your own sovereign
truth of being,
PS Joyful Manifesting begins this week on the 12th. Use the concentrated power of this program to make a shift in any area of your life--finding your voice, affirming the value of your work, making some healthy habit changes, growing your business, attracting new clients. Register by midnight
tomorrow at http://www.joyfulmanifesting.com.
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