Saturday, January 31, 2015

Happy Imbolc!

A seasonal note—I am not a pagan but I enjoy the rhythm of the pagan holidays because they are based on the natural cycles of the seasons and the earth.  So not only is this Superbowl weekend (hmm, is that a modern pagan holiday?) but it’s Imbolc, or Candlemas. 

It’s a holiday honoring the fire goddess, Brigid and the “seed” energy of the light returning.   I’ve posted more information and some suggestions about celebrate and honor this time in the natural year.  Take what resonates for you and leaves the rest.  

Some ideas for you…lighting candles, doing a cleansing ritual, do an initiation ceremony, make something with your hands.    Even if where you live it doesn’t feel to springlike, the wheel of the year is turning and the light tells us spring is coming.  Enjoy!  

Here's more information on this time of year.  Source is this website:

“This holiday is also known as Candlemas, or Brigid's (pronounced BREED) Day. One of the 4 Celtic "Fire Festivals. Commemorates the changing of the Goddess from the Crone to the Maiden. Celebrates the first signs of Spring. Also called "Imbolc" (the old Celtic name).

This is the seasonal change where the first signs of spring and the return of the sun are noted, i.e. the first sprouting of leaves, the sprouting of the Crocus flowers etc. In other words, it is the festival commemorating the successful passing of winter and the beginning of the agricultural year. This Festival also marks the transition point of the threefold Goddess energies from those of Crone to Maiden.

It is the day that we celebrate the passing of Winter and make way for Spring. It is the day we honour the rebirth of the Sun and we may visualize the baby sun nursing from the Goddess's breast. It is also a day of celebrating the Celtic Goddess Brigid. Brigid is the Goddess of Poetry, Healing, Smithcraft, and Midwifery. If you can make it with your hands, Brigid rules it.

She is a triple Goddess, so we honour her in all her aspects. This is a time for communing with her, and tending the lighting of her sacred flame. At this time of year, Wiccans will light multiple candles, white for Brigid, for the god usually yellow or red, to remind us of the passing of winter and the entrance into spring, the time of the Sun. This is a good time for initiations.

This can be a time of purification after the shut-in life of Winter, through the renewing power of the Sun. It is also a festival of light and of fertility, once marked in Europe with huge blazes, torches and fire in every form. Fire here represents our own illumination and inspiration as much as light and warmth.

It is traditional upon Imbolc, at sunset or just after ritual, to light every lamp in the house - if only for a few moments. Or, light candles in each room in honour of the Sun’s rebirth. If snow lies on the ground outside, walk in it for a moment, recalling the warmth of summer. With your projective hand, trace an image of the Sun on the snow."

Happy Imbolc, see you soon,

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