Saturday, May 16, 2015

Time to go within and review..again! Mercury going retrograde NOW....

The energies of April and May have been busy, intense and all over the map!  Interestingly both our New Moon tomorrow and Mercury going retrograde, encourage us to use this time to re-examine, to review, to re-set our goals and our energy for what we are consciously choosing to create.

Mercury Retrograde has a bad rap now--a lot has been written about how it's a challenging time for communications and technology.  And it IS that!  Which is why I offer a Mercury Retrograde E-Z energy clearing and adjustment session to help you cope.  I also include intentions in the session for using the time wisely. 

To register by midnight May 18th, go to

Most people don't realize that there are also some wonderfully supportive energies within this three week time period.  If there were no purpose to having Mercury go retrograde 3 or 4 times a year, I don't think it would happen!   The Universe may be perplexing to us, but it is NOT wasteful!  

The brief piece below from astrologer Marina Ormes at explains this very well. (See the PS for another astrologer's take on this Mercury retrograde...)

"Happy New Moon in Taurus as  Mercury goes retrograde.
Mercury retrograde is a time for review and reflection. People sometimes complain about technology and communication challenges, because outward communication can feel, well, thwarted.
Backing up your computer, double-checking your calendar and itineraries, and asking clarifying questions to make sure you understand can help you avoid frustration and unnecessary suffering.
But remember to also attend to the inner communication that is actually improved when Mercury is retrograde. It's a great time for journaling and taking time to reflect on recent developments and what is important to you. Take time to reflect and set your intentions for the month."

Could you use the gentle yet effective support of being "repatterned" for Mercury Retrograde, for gliding through it with grace and humor instead of frustration annd aggravation--and for giving yourself permission to slow down, and be a bit introspective...If so don't miss out...go right now to register .....Mercury can make you more forgetful and distracted...registration closes midnight on Monday but why put it off when you are likely to forget?   Right here, right now--let the E-Z times roll! 

One more interesting take on Mercury Retrograde from astrologer Chris Largent:
Demonstrating that our solar system has a warped sense of humor, the Uranus-Pluto "Wake Up Shake Up" aspect goes on vacation just as Mercury goes retrograde next week.  That is, on Monday, May 18th, following a Taurus New Moon no less, the little Messenger seems to change direction at about 10 in the morning — and stays that way until Thursday, June 11th.

The reason for the humor, warped or otherwise, is that the retrograde period enables us to look back at "Wake Up Shake Up" aspect, which approached in 2010, was exact for the first time in 2012, and made its last exact connection in mid-March of this year.  It doesn't get back in the saddle until after Thanksgiving this year, and then it rides off into the sunset in early 2016.  But it's not exact any more.  The seven exact Uranus-Pluto squares have already happened.  As a result, we get to reflect of how our lives have changed during this time.

In other words, this retrograde, while being annoying in its typical little ways — the standard cautions are given below — offers us clarity about the long-term dynamics of change.  This is one retrograde that may make what's really happening on the planet much clearer.

In keeping with this, it's a good time to be more reflective, especially to reduce our nervous system overload.  Much of this simply involves taking more rest and reflection time.  There'smore, though, that we can do.  I was recently reminded that the human nervous system 
operates between high beta at about 30 Hz and deep delta, just below 4 Hz.  But the In-
formation Age devices we use entrain us to between 50 and 60 Hz.  When that happens, welose our connection to the cosmic, mystical, or holistic awareness (whatever we wish to call 
it) and replace that awareness with mere stress.

So, this retrograde also encourages us to use protective devices, most of which can be        found on the Information Age web, and take good care of the health of our nervous systems.  

We still have a Super Success aspect operating collectively through early June, so we can also look for new opportunities, engaging with the organic processes of our lives and nature, and networking in our communities, allowing ourselves to be supported by those around us  (both here and on the other side).  We can get our support teams on board.

We may need them, too, for Mercury's little annoyances — and here are the usual notes:

1) Since this is an inward-turning time, people may not be alert on the highway.  So, we       need to DRIVE CAREFULLY.

2) A reflective time also means re-activities.  We may redo, revise, revisit, retool, rescript,     rethink, or recheck things.  We may find that old relationships, creative projects, and work   projects return or need to be rethought (including, with Neptune in its own sign, the return    of relationship dynamics from past lifetimes).

3) Because of our inward orientation, Mercury retrograde may also represent distraction and confusion.  We need to double-check all plans we make and plan ahead.  And allow extra   time to get where we’re going.

4) We also need to communicate as clearly as possible, which often means repeating things until we’re clear that everyone understands what is being said.  The same is true of              listening.  We need to double-check what we think we heard someone say.  During a           retrograde, we often hear only what is in our own minds. 

5) This IS a time of contemplation.  We have an opportunity to slow down and look at our      lives.  We may re-examine our relationship and work commitments.  We may rethink our    health and finances.  And overall, we may look for alternatives to our present life commit-   ments.  This is a major change time.

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