Tuesday, December 27, 2016

What are the energies for 2017?

This is an excerpt from a beautiful newsletter published by Pippa Merrivale.  Her work/site is called Metatronic Life.  I did a lovely online course with her earlier this month to deepen my connection to Archangel Metatron. 

Here is one take on the energies of the year ahead: I find it interesting also in its emphasis on water, which is a big theme, everywhere I look.  

"The number 17 in the Tarot is The Star: one of the most joyful, hopeful, faith-inspiring cards in the pack. In numerology, 2017 reduces to 1 (2+0+1+7 = 10 = 1), the start of a new cycle: the wheel of a very potent cycle of life has come full circle in our collective lives, and the next one is being ushered in.

The Star has always been the sign of faith and hope, inspiration and joy. It has promised guidance from outside us and symbolised the light that shines on deep inside our hearts, keeping us alive and even buoyant in spite of it all. The Star leads us on, it shows us the way, it reminds us that even in the darkest times we are never alone.
In this card, a female figure pours water into the sea and into the land. As the great Star shines out, and seven smaller stars light up the chakras of our life force, the water - or the Love - flows in five directions, vitalising the five senses of our physical lives. And as a choir sang out just a few days ago, on Christmas Eve, assuring us that "the Earth shall be filled with the glory of God, as the waters cover the sea," I felt the energy of water, the magical gift of life, as it flowed through my veins and all around, nourishing us and surrounding us as rivers and seas of Love.

In 'Metatronic Life' a few weeks back, many of us received fresh downloads: through the power and grace of Metatron, we were gifted with the palpable, tangible energies of the Cosmic Christ - or the frequencies of pure Divine Love - as the Christ Activations opened some deep doors in our consciousness. Those energies will continue to flow and permeate ever-deeper, in some way touching us all and reaching way beyond.

Yet while these Christ-frequencies flow, and while The Star is sometimes said to promise the calm that follows the storm, I don't sense that 2017 is set to be tranquil - love is not always quiet and it's certainly not meek. I do believe, though, that the energies of the coming year, which are so beautifully illustrated by every aspect of this ancient Star Card, offer us a great, empowering choice:

The Star carries a very bright light, so it offers to en-lighten us; to awaken our understanding and the knowledge of our own divine truth. While the waters of love flow onward through the sea and the land, then like one candle to another, the star of inspiration above us will light up the star of wisdom within us, kindling the fire of our solar plexus, which is the place of our own, inner sun. It's the place, in fact, from which many of our instinctive choices arise; the place from which we choose to go with the separation beliefs of our mindsets or the real sense of oneness that our spirit knows.

"You can lead a horse to water," goes the old saying, "but you can't make it drink." What will we do with the rich, generous, fertile Waters of Love in the year ahead? The choice is simpler than we allow: we can drink and fuel ourselves from them, responding from Love to the moments that make up our days, or we can focus on our thirst and need, projecting our fear and lack.

The great invitation in 2017, as the universal, creative process of "think it see it" speeds up with the rising frequencies around us, is to be very vigiliant in what we think and feel and say, very clear about who we are and who we wish to be. This is how we decide about the kind of reality we wish to see."

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Taking "Happy Holidays" to the next level: tap in on Dec 25 and January 1

I stumbled on this author and article in an internet search on "Co-creation" and wanted to share it.  Take from it what you resonate with...

(Source: http://www.sandrawalter.com/gateways-of-transformation-new-realities-step-forth/

Gateways of Transformation: New Realities Step Forth

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~
This is a powerful consciousness-shifting passage, and the next two weeks will be quite potent. Many are already receiving higher levels of the photonic codes, as the Galactics and our Higher levels weave this light gently, steadily into the collective consciousness via pure conduits.
Gatekeepers and the Galactics have called forth the influx of dimensional-shifting, consciousness-shifting frequencies which will affect those choosing Crystalline/Christ/Unity consciousness embodiment. This is why so many experienced a powerful clearing during the last Gate (December 15-16). While the light hit the physical structure hard (most likely your right side, as a physical representation of the release of the old patriarchal structures), it prepared us for the massive influx we are aligning with for the final Gateways of 2016. We continue to open these Ascension gateways and the Solar aspects of the grids and Gaia. Feel free to call this forth and add your permission/intention to this acceleration.
Acceleration of Embodiment
I had a strong vision and download of how DNA creates the shifting of personal and collective timelines and realities. This included a splitting effect as well as simultaneous dimensional experiences. Solar Cosmic Christ embodiment includes an awareness of all dimensional aspects of Self, as well as a reunion with Source consciousness. DNA creates the bridge between Higher and lower Self via the vibration of unconditional LoveLight. It is also capable of creating a pure conduit of the I AM Presence and Pure Source Consciousness in form, which is the goal of this particular Ascension experiment on Gaia. Radiate love from your Christed Heart center to your DNA and all of creation – often.
The consistent reminder of creating the New, focusing on the New and what we desire for New Earth and HUmanity is reaching fruition. The higher realities which we co-created are revealing themselves, and the coinciding levels of new consciousness are presenting. If you are willing to surrender to this level of love, light and service, let it transform you.
The Light level influx depends upon available conduits for crystalline embodiment (the ability to allow the much higher vibration of the Higher Self and Solar aspects within form, with complete integrity, HUmility and grace), as well as our collective ability to receive and comprehend what is unfolding. This is a Divine activity, and the chaotic affect on the lower realities is a side-effect. Feel the emotion of it as it presents for you, release and clear as needed, and know that alternatives are manifesting quickly as the intention, magnetics, and incoming light merge to create Ascension.
As the embodiment phase accelerates, it triggers codes in the collective consciousness for a rapid quantum activation of crystalline consciousness. It feeds the light through the HUman heart grid, Gaia’s emerging Solar Self, triggers ancient Solar sites and the Solar aspects of the new Grid systems. In brief, it unveils the New Earth. Our focus now is to be willing participants in the reception and creation of these new realities, new states of consciousness, and make them available for all who choose this path.
Keep yourself aligned and in a state of peaceful reception, because the Solar and Gaia code delivery will be frequent but unpredictable.
Connect with the SUN and Gaia’s new grid systems often. So much work was completed on this in 2016, and now we know why. We are not only poised and ready, we are co-creating brilliance with the Higher realms. Command, decree, request, pray that the highest levels of light to be delivered to us, through us, now, in the highest interests of all concerned. Place your quartz in the ground, and surge the light through the crystalline grid, New Earth grid systems, HUman heart grid, Solar grid vortexes, and every crystal placed by a Lightworker. Every day through this influx.
Again, this is a Sacred passage of transformation, from December 25 through January 4. Our last Gate date from the list provided last year is December 31. Expect unique energies, consciousness shifts, and co-creations with the Higher realms, especially the Divine Cosmic Mother aspect, as this unfolds. Invite them in, utilize your spiritual maturity and step into this new phase of empowerment – Now. I AM honoring this passage by staying offline as much as possible, and focused on Gatework. Mount Shasta has provided visions of a huge light surge, and I AM staying very present in order to embody the Presence.
Leveling Up: Unity Meditations on Christmas and New Year’s Day
The Divine Realms are strongly assisting us through this phase. You may have noticed the brilliant light streaming in at the end of the meditations; that is here to assist the acceleration. Donate 30 minutes of precious focus to calling forth the New. Powerful activations are available to us as we unify on SUNday, December 25 and SUNday, January 1. We ask that anyone dedicated to Global Peace and Ascension participate and anchor/experience these Solar and Cosmic Mother frequencies. Details and free mp3 HERE.
Reminders for Optimizing the Influx:
– Meditate or be in the stillness twice a day to assist the DNA and repatterning into your new template.
– Send LoveLight through your activated heart to your cells, DNA, energy fields and all of creation.
– Open, expand and light up your energy fields, body and Ascension column often. Stay open.
– Consciously assist the body with integration. Calm, centered, rested, flexible.
– Get SUN light on your fields, even if sitting in a car or window in the SUN.
– Hydrate, use cleanses and fasts to assist with receiving maximum light.
– Visit your bodyworkers; our bodies need to catch up with the acceleration.
– Assist the New Grid Systems in activating the Solar aspects of Gaia’s energy lines, the new grids and crystalline grid as Gatekeepers open pathways through Solaris (the SUN).
– Join the Unity meditations on SUNdays.
Infinite blessings to all of us as we embrace this Gateway and the brilliant unknown with open hearts. May we recognize the Divinity of all of creation during this potent holiday passage. Have a blessed Christmas and brilliant NOW Year to all!
In Love, Light and Service,Sandra

Friday, November 4, 2016

Election Shift: Tapping into positive evolutionary energies together

It feels like we are on the edge of a major change, and all kinds of negativity, fears, deep unresolved hatreds and pain, the darkest of the dark, are being raised up into the world's full awareness.  Wowza.

It is so easy to go into fear, anger, reactivity right now.  Especially for the sensitive souls that I know are reading this message.  What can we do?

We can come together and use the multiplied power of our positive consciousness to make a difference, and to be uplifted by each other's good company.  

Let's gather together on Sunday night.

First activity:

Join a worldwide meditation, led by James Twyman for the highest most positive outcome for this election.  It will be 15 minutes. I plan to be on it myself.

Then, I invite you to join me and anyone else who is drawn to be with us--please invite others, this is all free and offered in service to you, our country, and humanity, for a repatterning session to uplift us and for a positive ripple effect going outwards...followed by a prayer and visioning circle.

Here are the details:

7pm Eastern, 5pm Mountain: A worldwide meditation by James Twyman.  This video explains it:

7:30 pm Eastern, 5:30 pm Mountain: Repatterning Session led by Ellen Anne Shapiro for uplifting and transforming our own consciousness and having that ripple out to our communities and beyond...THEN a prayer and visioning circle.  We will use Zoom video conferencing. You can join the conference via video or phone from anywhere in the world.

When you enter the conference via computer you will automatically be seen, unless you "mute" the video camera (making you unseen).  You will have the option to be seen, and heard when the icon that looks like a microphone is unmuted.  

Zoom is very simple to use so please don't let that stop you even if you're not a big technology person.   Here is the info:

Time: Nov 6, 2016 5:30 PM (GMT-7:00) Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/864679510

Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll):  +14086380968,864679510# or +16465588656,864679510#

Or Telephone:
    Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)
    Meeting ID: 864 679 510
    International numbers available:

Election Shift: Tapping into positive evolutionary energies together

It feels like we are on the edge of a major change, and all kinds of negativity, fears, deep unresolved hatreds and pain, the darkest of the dark, is being raised up into the world's full awareness.

It is so easy to go into fear, anger, reactivity right now.  Especially for the sensitive souls that I know are reading this message.  What can we do?

We can come together and use the multiplied power of our positive consciousness to make a difference, and to be uplifted by good company.

Let's gather together on Sunday night.

First activity:

Join a worldwide meditation, led by James Twyman for the highest most positive outcome for this election.  It will be 15 minutes. I plan to be on it myself.

Then, I invite you to join me and anyone else who is drawn to be with us--please invite others, this is all free and offered in service to you, our country, and humanity, for a repatterning session to uplift us and for a positive ripple effect going outwards...followed by a prayer and visioning circle.

Here are the details:

7pm Eastern, 5pm Mountain: A worldwide meditation by James Twyman.  This video explains it:

7:30 pm Eastern, 5:30 pm Mountain: Repatterning Session led by Ellen Anne Shapiro for uplifting and transforming our own consciousness and having that ripple out to our communities and beyond...THEN a prayer and visioning circle.  We will use Zoom video conferencing. You can join the conference via video or phone from anywhere in the world.

When you enter the conference via computer you will automatically be seen, unless you "mute" the video camera (making you unseen).  You will have the option to be seen, and heard when the icon that looks like a microphone is unmuted.  

Zoom is very simple to use so please don't let that stop you even if you're not a big technology person.   Here is the info:

Time: Nov 6, 2016 5:30 PM (GMT-7:00) Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/864679510

Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll):  +14086380968,864679510# or +16465588656,864679510#

Or Telephone:
    Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)
    Meeting ID: 864 679 510
    International numbers available:

Hope and Inspiration amidst the insanity

Dear ones,

Here's a hopeful message amidst the total non-coherence of this election season, from intuitive healer and spiritual teacher, Maureen Moss: 

Dearest Hearts,

Not a typical newsletter from me, these are words that flowed forth this morning.

Clearly the week ahead for the United States and those across the world will be one of the most significant in history. The Presidential election is historic in and of itself, though the weeks to follow may prove to be more so. Nothing is as it appears to be.

We are in the beginning times of an entirely new civilization, as was humanity some 200,000 years ago. Everything not harmonized with this new civilization will be dismantled... not sometime in the future... in the weeks directly in front of us.

Hundreds of thousands of years and billions of people will be shaped by who we become individually and then collectively and how this Earth is restructured by the events unfolding now.

We must trust we are being brought into harmony under the impulse of One system of operation.

Long knowing that a new humanity and new global reality would be born… in this our lifetime… certainly we had little idea of how that would occur.

Not all that long ago we came to know the responsibility we personally held to lift and stabilize our consciousness, open wide our hearts and free ourselves from the captivity of a deceptive, fearful lower nature having multiple realities.

Certainly we started becoming aware of our desire to know ourselves authentically, thus beginning the journey to return to a singular loving nature no longer conflicted by dual pillars of truth nor at odds or war with ourselves.

All this, in Divine right time and in preparation for a new reality to be born on Earth. It had to begin within ourselves.

Certainly not as instinctively, was how an entire distorted external reality (politically, socially, economically and more,) operating in reverse truth, riddled with deception, lies and manipulation would come to find its true nature.

Few would have considered how much could potentially come to Light under the glare of so much darkness, or that it would come through a Presidential election… far from over on election day regardless of the seeming winner…in the United States of America.

This election is a seismic evolutionary event.

In this week ahead, and those to follow... through the flurry and activity of the end times and the beginnings... as you witness the distorted psychology of the human system exposed and broken down from every angle… breathe, stay in your center and with an open heart, open mind and love... be in observance of this most profound display of activity on behalf of humanities evolution... and that of the Earth.

Hold each other close and stay in your center. We will get through this...it has already been written.

God Bless You,

Maureen Moss, © 2016. Please share wherever you prefer keeping name, content and the website maureenmoss.com intact.

Monday, July 18, 2016

July 19 Full Moon & Planetary Report

What are the current planetary energies?  What does this July's full moon mean for you and why is it-as always-the perfect time to join me for a week of powerful energy clearing (3 sessions within the week of the full moon) via Joyful Manifesting? Check out this great article from foreverconscious.com (see below for link to full article).  

But before you do, don't forget to let me know you want into Joyful Manifesting! Send me an email at HeartsAbode@gmail.com to get in on the sessions, as soon as possible. 

Want to know more about Joyful Manifesting, a way to melt obstacles and make manifesting your goals and desires much easier? Info at www.joyfulmanifesting.com. 

Here's the article.  Happy Full Moon! 

July’s Full Moon is going to send a beam of self-love, which will give you the confidence and strength you need to create the life of your dreams.  July has really been a month of rest and self-care and the Capricorn Full Moon on the 19th is only going to amplify this even more.

Earlier this month we had a very gentle New Moon in the emotional and watery sign of Cancer. This New Moon was the first breath of fresh air we have had out of the cycle of digging and cleansing the past.  Now that the cleansing part of the cycle is finished, the Universe has been guiding us to turn our attention to accepting what is and simply just loving ourselves.

If you have been burning yourself out, if you have been ignoring the warning signs from the Universe; if you have been pushing ahead without any consideration for your true feelings, this Full Moon is going to gently remind you about the importance of balancing your energy.

The Capricorn Full Moon is very gently going to hold out its hand and remind you to slow down and think a little more practically and methodically before moving forward. The Capricorn Full Moon is going to hold out its hand and provide for you a place to rest if you need it.
During this time, your subconscious thoughts and feelings are also going to be illuminated.  Mother Moon is going to shine a light from within and guide you to become clearer about what it is that you want to achieve moving forward.
If July’s New Moon was all about emotions, July’s Full Moon is all about grounded practicality. It is about honouring your emotions but also leaving room to make practical decisions that are based in logic and truth.
Balancing these aspects and making sure there is room for both in your life, are going to help you to move forward on your highest path.

There has been a lot of confused and stagnant energy floating around in the cosmos in recent months and now things are starting to shift and become clearer.
As these shifts occur, we are going to feel a little all over the place and perhaps even pulled or pushed in a different direction. We may even feel nothing, and be left wandering around to figure out where to go next.
No matter what you are feeling, remember that this Full Moon is all about making practical decisions on what you want your life to look like. It is about getting clear on the best way to move forward in order to achieve the life you desire.
We have all been releasing and letting go of things, and now it is time to think about what we want to harvest for the months to come.
July’s Full Moon is the perfect time to sit down and work out what emotions you want to create in your own life. Joy, happiness, laughter, adventure, whatever it is, write it down and begin shaping your life around them.
You have the power to co-create your reality and with the ambitious energy of this Capricorn Full Moon, we are all going to be given pens to write and crayons to colour with.

If you are unhappy with the shape and direction of your life, this Full Moon will also help you to develop the confidence and belief that you need to make some changes.
For the full article go here: http://foreverconscious.com/intuitive-astrology-july-full-moon-2016http://foreverconscious.com/intuitive-astrology-july-full-moon-2016

Monday, June 20, 2016

Solstice meditation (gift for you) & planetary updates

Today June 20th, is a rare combination: Summer Solstice and Full Moon.  A very
powerful time.   

For this occasion, I have recorded a meditation for you. Enjoy it--and feel free to use it again and again as you are drawn, it's not just for solstice time, The actual recording time is ten minutes long but you may want to take up  to 20-30 minutes for it  (stopping and starting the recording to complete the exercises).  Here's the link to the recording:  


What are the energies of this time?  Here's a beautiful summary from Jose Stevens.
For the whole text which is part of the June Energy Forecast, go here:

"Once every 30+ years, the Summer Solstice and Full moon fall on the same day. 
This is a rare and powerful event and should be well honored. 

The Full Moon is at 5:02 AM MDT (Mountain Daylight Time) and brightest the night of the 19th. 
The Summer Solstice is at 4:34 PM MDT (Mountain Daylight Time).

Take advantage of this powerful energy and celebrate something in your life that you 
have accomplished. It could be a completion, a decision, a project, a commitment, 
a new beginning or the achievement of some goal. This is also a social time for 
gatherings, community events and cooperative participation. Make sure that during
this time you stay focused on the positive, on the doors that are opening, 
and on the potential, instead of dwelling on any fear, resistance, judgment or negativity. 

What you put your energy and focus on will grow in this fertile time so make sure it is 
what you want. Allow yourself to be supported by your community and your friends 
and be willing to receive all that is positive that is available to you."

From another source:
"This June solstice full moon is the Northern Hemisphere’s first 
summer solstice AND full moon since 1967, aka the Summer of Love.  
The next one won't happen until June 2062."   For the rest of the article
with more on the astronomy, and some beautiful full moon images, go here:

Solstice blessings with love,

PS When you listen to the meditation, imagine that we are all gathered
together, in community.  And we will be!   I will be leading a qigong class at the 
actual Solstice time and bringing you all in.  To quote Rumi, "Out there, beyond
right and wrong, is a field.  I'll meet you there"

And given all of this it IS a perfect time to join us for Joyful Manifesting.  Three
sessions within the week to provide maximum clearing and opening to more
love, health, money and prosperity, work fulfillment...whatever your body, 
heart and soul are longing for. Go to www.joyfulmanifesting.com to register)

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Retrograde Planets--Mercury and five more! Woo-hoo!

Why is this night different from all other nights? (A question we ask at Passover)

Why is this Mercury Retrograde an especially auspicious time to do repatterning work?

Mercury is about to go retrograde in the earth sign of Taurus on April 28th.  I always do a repatterning to support your travels through the retrograde period,  but this one is especially critical because we have five planets already retrograde—and with Mercury that makes 6.  That is a LOT of retrograde energy.  I want to tell you more about what that means and how you can understand and use the energy wisely.

Once you read more about this time, you’ll probably want to receive the benefit of belief and memory clearing that I offer.  So here are THREE good options.  Go to my website, www.repattern.com to sign up.

     Joyful Manifesting (3 sessions done within  the week, by distance, to unblock your money, health and life goals) which is about to begin for late April
    Mercury Retrograde E-Z  (1 session done by distance to address Mercury issues and this time, other planetary issues as well. 

    Private session or package with me, where we can go into your specific concerns, goals, issues, in much greater depth.  Contact me directly at HeartsAbode@gmail.com to set that up.

If you're new here, read this first—a few words about the Mercury Retrograde phenomenon.  Mercury Retrograde has gotten “famous”—or infamous may be a better word!  Even mainstream publications like the Huffington Post and the Daily News talk about it.  

When you start to understand real astrology—not just the pop astrology that often sounds fatalistic, superficial or even superstitious, you realize that it is simply a tool for guiding our lives.   It’s helpful to understand what a planetary aspect means so you can flow with the rhythms and tides, rather than struggle and fight against them.  And to know that even negative or “adverse” energies offer opportunities—if you know how to work with them.

If you’ve been in my “tribe” for a while, you know the “deal” about Mercury retrograde—a period of about three weeks that happens three or four times each year, when the planet Mercury appears to go backwards in its orbit….and a time that can lead to frustration, things slowing down, communications breakdowns, misunderstanding about contracts, etc.  

So this is a time when certain things are to be expected and certain activities are best postponed.   And a time when certain things are favored—anything that starts with a “re” – “Review” “Re-examine” and yes, “Re-pattern” !

Each planet that is in retrograde “appears” to be going backward and in astrology, that means retracing its path and the issues that are triggered/highlighted for each planetary aspect.   It also means a sense of slowing down or “reverse” progress in the areas that the planet rules. For example, Jupiter, which rules expansion and growth—in retrograde you may feel contracted rather than expansive.  Or you may be looking at what holds you back from growing and expanding.

With so many planets retrograde now PLUS Mercury—expect old patterns and memories to surface big time.  Could there be a better time to  do some group proxy work OR some private work with me? (Sometimes I have to smile at how the planets really support me in my repatterning practice—and this is one of them.  I usually get busier at these times,  including clients who have no clue about the planetary aspects or what is “hitting” them).   

So, I invite you to gain a deeper understanding of these energies for yourself, and if you want a guiding light, clarity, loving support and transformation, join one or both of the group events, and do some one on one work with me.  

Group info on Joyful Manifesting and Mercury Retrograde at www.repattern.com  Contact me directly for a private session. 

Many blessings, happy transformation time! 
PS For a take on the current retrograde period, an excerpt from Astrology King:
“This new Mercury retrograde allows you to get in touch with deeply buried memories so you can heal old wounds. Old friends may reenter your life to settle old karma and allow you to move on. Happiness and prosperity will follow once Mercury turns direct.
There will be five retrograde planets between Mercury retrograde on April 28 and Jupiter direct on May 9. This rare event only happens 4% of the time and can increase the negatives associated with retrograde planets.”

Full article, with much of interest, may be found here:

Monday, March 21, 2016

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse March 23rd : Holding boundaries, feeling the oneness

This Wednesday we have a full moon/lunar eclipse in Libra.  I will be supporting the energies of healthy boundaries and emotional balance with a special focus in the Joyful Manifesting program, three energy clearing sessions done for you within a week. 
For more information go to http://joyfulmanifesting.com.  (Last date to sign up for this series is midnight March 23rd).  Here is the current astrology from the Mystic Mama website: 
“…We have all been in very deep emotional, psychic, spiritual and Unconscious waters this month!
“…It is interesting to note that both Eclipses in this Eclipse portal (which is a time of great transformation and change) are in Pisces and Libra- the two signs that tend to be very idealistic, want to see the beauty, tend to ignore the shadow and also tend to over focus on others at the expense of the self…”
“The best use of Libra energy is being able to hold space for seeing it ALL- Light and shadow, self and other, good and evil, black and white (Libra is the sign of the scales).
“The best use of all the Pisces energy present right now is to deeply feel the all and understand that we are ALL connected to it all and to each other and instead of numbing ourselves out so we don’t have to acknowledge this we need to tap into our greater sensitivity and realize this connection for personal and planetary healing.
“Of course living with an open heart has to be supported by healthy boundaries and a healthy sense of self- both of which Pisces and Libra are not necessarily known for so therein lies the karmic lesson right now…Wherever we each are at on this spectrum- the call this month is to come more to the center.
“We each need to be open enough to realize we are all in this together- and we have to be grounded into an individual sense of self enough to keep healthy boundaries so we don’t get overwhelmed by the suffering and pain in the world and simply become immobilized, apathetic and victimized as a result…”
This is a great time to be repatterned, to work with me privately or receive the energy sessions by proxy with the Joyful Manifesting program.  Go to http://joyfulmanifesting.com or contact me directly at HeartsAbode@gmail.com for more information. 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Full Moon in Virgo: February 22nd - Climax in the War over our Hearts

So what about this full moon? Here is a very interesting take on this from a blog called the Elephant Journal  Based on this reading I am going to add something to this month's Joyful Manifesting program on accessing our hearts and staying emotionally balanced. 

"On Monday February 22nd, the moon will be full in the earth sign of Virgo and we will not only cross the line—we will leap so far over it that it disappears all together.
Many of us enjoyed playing in funhouses as children because of the aspect of illusion. What seemed like a wall was really only a door to a room we never even knew existed.
That is exactly what our moon is like this month—except it’s not an illusion, but in fact very real. This full moon is all about the climax point of a story that began months, or possibly even years ago.
The main factors of any lunar event are the aspects between the sun and moon.  This time, the sun is in the dreamy romantic sign of Pisces, and the moon is in independent and intelligent Virgo.
Virgo is a sign that often gets unfairly branded as being indecisive, but that is only because she waits to make a decision until all of the facts have been received. Virgos would rather be the last one to make a decision, rather than make one they would only come to later regret.
The thing is that we have spent the past six months secretly gathering information to plan for this moment. We’ve watched from the sidelines, we’ve researched our options and we’ve done some major soul searching—and all that is going to be essential because we are nearing the climax of our story.
Every great story has a climatic point at which everything suddenly changes and not only are there surprise plot twists, but characters who we thought were gone suddenly come back and save the day.
The point is to be prepared for the unexpected—but more than that, prepare yourself to become spontaneous.With this full moon not only does anything go, but anything and everything is possible.
Full moons tend to bring our underlying personal relationship issues to the surface.  It’s not that it exacerbates what wasn’t there, but more like the fullness of the moon is a reflection of our hearts.
And if our hearts aren’t fulfilled, then we become more aware of it during these lunar events and start searching for ways in which to remedy the situation.
It’s a time when we tend to look more inward at who we are and what kind of life that we truly want to lead. During this moon, we are being asked if we really are willing to risk it all in order to have all we’ve always wanted.
However, there is a risk of overdoing it and trying to compensate for time lost.
Depending upon the ego’s stance in all that is attempting to change in our lives, there can also be some heavy emotions and possibly even anger coming out at the wrong moment, or worse, toward the incorrect person.
The one thing that would be beneficial to remember is that anger usually only covers other emotions. Instead of lashing out, consider where these feelings are truly coming from.
Have we become frustrated because things are going differently than we planned? Are we feeling sadness from our apparent lack of control over external factors?
Or are we caught up in doing what we think we should be doing and neglecting our intuition in the process?
One of the most important emotional aspects of this moon is that there is some big cumulating energy here that ties back to whatever was going on in September for each of us.
It’s been six months of in-depth changes and a lot going on underneath a seemingly calm surface. Sometimes it’s been frustrating because it seems as if things haven’t been moving as fast as our egos would have liked.
But the thing that we have to remember is that even though things may look one way—the reality can be very different. This time we are being asked to open our eyes to what we’ve previously chosen to stay blind to.
We are being asked if we just want to float along, or ride the hell out of whatever wave comes our way. Being the first full moon in the Chinese Year of the Fire Monkey, it’s no surprise that we are up for some serious game changing energy.
Some full moons show us the light of truth and others help to shake us free some outdated routines and worn out patterns, but this moon is not just about changing the rules of the game, but the players too.
Simply speaking, the rule for this full moon is that there aren’t any.
Now, not only are we being shown where our heart lies, but we are being challenged to gamble everything for what we desire.
It is the time when the heat gets turned up just a bit more and we have to decide exactly how this will all end.Yes, there is a lot at stake.
But the final choice lies within each of us as to whether this will be the ending of a chapter, or just the point where all the pieces suddenly fell into place and we find the courage to take the steps into the life that we want to create.
If we can balance our emotions and listen to the truth in our heart, then we may fare on the side of winning whatever battle has been taking place.
But in order to do that, we need to go into this moon not just tipping our hat at the truth, but wallowing in it. Absorbing it into our very being and then being prepared to do something about it.
It’s up to us to have made these past six months count for something—it’s up to us to decide that we aren’t going to stand in our own goddamn way of happiness any longer.
Not only are we ready for the next chapter of our lives, but we are welcoming it.
The truth is there has been a war over our hearts. However, now is the time that we are being empowered to fight for what it is that we truly want.
And not give up until victory is ours."

Source: http://www.elephantjournal.com/2016/02/full-moon-in-virgo-the-climax-point-in-the-war-over-our-hearts/

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Happy New Year & Joyful Manifesting starts tomorrow night !

Wondering if I've really lost my mind this time?  Wasn't New Year's Day on January 1st? Well.....

Could be that I've lost my mind, and that might not be as big a problem as you'd think (ha!). Mental functioning tends to be overrated anyway..how many problems or issues really get solved in the mind...in fact the video mentioned below explains how Human Design views the mind energy and that it is NOT really designed for problem solving on its own without input from elsewhere.  

Still there is a reason why I am wishing you a Happy New Year TODAY and it's because today is the New Year in Human Design. If you haven't heard of it yet, Human Design is a fascinating system that includes astrology, IChing, numerology.   The links below will send you to Karen Parker, and one of her Youtube videos, explaining what the New Year in Human Design is all about.

In short, today, this whole weekend is a good time for dreaming, meditating and visioning, not only for the coming year, but laying the groundwork and setting intentions for the next TEN years.  

A PERFECT and POTENT TIME to lay the energetic groundwork, setting intentions and initiating a new design for your life for the next TEN years.  What IS your vision?   Could you use some help on getting clear about it or opening to the possibilities of actually manifesting it? 

As Karen Parker invites you to do on the video, I invite you to: Think Big, Think Abundant, Heart-Centered Sustainable. Envision what you want and choose for your life and the world you want to live in. 

Remember, "You must be the change you wish to see in the world"

Because today is also the full moon in Leo, it's time for our first Joyful Manifesting series of 2016--3 days of obstacle clearing and vision alignment. You can sign up until 7pm Eastern, tomorrow (Sunday) night.(see PS below for how to do that), or just go to www.joyfulmanifesting.com (Sorry the 2015 dates are still there but you can sign up for the gold membership there for 2016.  I need to get 2016 dates out!). 

Joyful Manifesting has been providing powerful and convenient transformation (come on, how often do THOSE two words show up in the same sentence?) for...wow...8 years now.  

Some of my clients are raving fans of these sessions and have been repatterned monthly, making tremendous changes in their inner and outer lives through these sessions.  Some use this as their primary clearing modality and supplement with occasional private sessions.  Any way YOU want to use it, take advantage of this energy for ongoing clearing, upliftment and living a more joyful and intentional life!  

My ability to clear seems to grow each year, the clearer I get, the more I surrender to spirit and the guidance of my Soul. For 2016, besides added POWER, Joyful Manifesting has a new feature: a third intention around LIFE VISION.  Each month you will add to your two other manifesting intentions, a third one for "I live my vision of _____" which you will also write down and be aligned/repatterned for. 

Join us--as a gold member you get 6 months of clearing for just $57 a month, billed once a month. Plus discounts on private sessions plus gift a friend for $20.  

OR do just this month as a silver Member and get your year--and this 10 year cycle--off to a rockin start!   Let me know you want in by sending an email to HeartsAbode@gmail.com OR register at my website by 7pm tomorrow Sunday January 24th

Go to www.joyfulmanifesting.com to sign up or learn more. (Ignore the 2015 dates on the website, if you sign up now you will be charged in 2016.  I am setting up the updated schedule for 2016, shortly).  

Watch videos below for Human Design updates on the powerful energies for manifesting this year, starting now. 

Many blessings,

PS Human Design Videos on current energies:
Human Design report for NOW (Human Design New Year):

Human Design for January 1

PPS Remember to register for Joyful Manifesting by 7pm tomorrow, Sunday 1/24:
Register at www.joyfulmanifesting.com for the gold membership. 
Email me for a silver member one-time participation in this month's only.
Email me for any questions...HeartsAbode@gmail.com