This is an excerpt from a beautiful newsletter published by Pippa Merrivale. Her work/site is called Metatronic Life. I did a lovely online course with her earlier this month to deepen my connection to Archangel Metatron.
Here is one take on the energies of the year ahead: I find it interesting also in its emphasis on water, which is a big theme, everywhere I look.
"The number 17 in the Tarot is The Star: one of the most joyful, hopeful, faith-
The Star has always been the sign of faith and hope, inspiration and joy. It has promised guidance from outside us and symbolised the light that shines on deep inside our hearts, keeping us alive and even buoyant in spite of it all. The Star leads us on, it shows us the way, it reminds us that even in the darkest times we are never alone.
In this card, a female figure pours water into the sea and into the land. As the great Star shines out, and seven smaller stars light up the chakras of our life force, the water - or the Love - flows in five directions, vitalising the five senses of our physical lives. And as a choir sang out just a few days ago, on Christmas Eve, assuring us that "the Earth shall be filled with the glory of God, as the waters cover the sea," I felt the energy of water, the magical gift of life, as it flowed through my veins and all around, nourishing us and surrounding us as rivers and seas of Love.
In 'Metatronic Life' a few weeks back, many of us received fresh downloads: through the power and grace of Metatron, we were gifted with the palpable, tangible energies of the Cosmic Christ - or the frequencies of pure Divine Love - as the Christ Activations opened some deep doors in our consciousness. Those energies will continue to flow and permeate ever-deeper, in some way touching us all and reaching way beyond.
Yet while these Christ-frequencies flow, and while The Star is sometimes
said to promise the calm that follows the storm, I don't sense that 2017 is set to be tranquil - love is not always quiet and it's certainly not meek. I do believe, though, that the energies of the coming year, which are so beautifully illustrated by every aspect of this ancient Star Card, offer us a great, empowering choice:
The Star carries a very bright light, so it offers to en-lighten us; to awaken our understanding and the knowledge of our own divine truth. While the waters of love flow onward through the sea and the land, then like one candle to another, the star of inspiration above us will light up the star of wisdom within us, kindling the fire of our solar plexus, which is the place of our own, inner sun. It's the place, in fact, from which many of our instinctive choices arise; the place from which we choose to go with the separation beliefs of our mindsets or the real sense of oneness that our spirit knows.
"You can lead a horse to water," goes the old saying, "but you can't make it drink." What will we do with the rich, generous, fertile Waters of Love in the year ahead? The choice is simpler than we allow: we can drink and fuel ourselves from them, responding from Love to the moments that make up our days, or we can focus on our thirst and need, projecting our fear and lack.
The great invitation in 2017, as the universal, creative process of "think it see it" speeds up with the rising frequencies around us, is to be very vigiliant in what we think and feel and say, very clear abo
ut who we are and who we wish to be. This is how we decide about the kind of reality we wish to see."
In 'Metatronic Life' a few weeks back, many of us received fresh downloads: through the power and grace of Metatron, we were gifted with the palpable, tangible energies of the Cosmic Christ - or the frequencies of pure Divine Love - as the Christ Activations opened some deep doors in our consciousness. Those energies will continue to flow and permeate ever-deeper, in some way touching us all and reaching way beyond.
Yet while these Christ-frequencies flow, and while The Star is sometimes
The Star carries a very bright light, so it offers to en-lighten us; to awaken our understanding and the knowledge of our own divine truth. While the waters of love flow onward through the sea and the land, then like one candle to another, the star of inspiration above us will light up the star of wisdom within us, kindling the fire of our solar plexus, which is the place of our own, inner sun. It's the place, in fact, from which many of our instinctive choices arise; the place from which we choose to go with the separation beliefs of our mindsets or the real sense of oneness that our spirit knows.
"You can lead a horse to water," goes the old saying, "but you can't make it drink." What will we do with the rich, generous, fertile Waters of Love in the year ahead? The choice is simpler than we allow: we can drink and fuel ourselves from them, responding from Love to the moments that make up our days, or we can focus on our thirst and need, projecting our fear and lack.
The great invitation in 2017, as the universal, creative process of "think it see it" speeds up with the rising frequencies around us, is to be very vigiliant in what we think and feel and say, very clear abo
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