The time we are in has been called the Shift of the Ages, and many other things. Numerous healers and channels are providing updates on this ascension/evolution process. I liked this one and wanted to share it with you. The key point I take away from it is the importance of getting the body moving, and being in action.
I recently made a big shift out of some deep dark places and feel that my committment to action and movement is what really got things moving!
Here is the article:
The New Normal: Another phase in the shift of the ages
Many years ago, the Star Elders told me that when we came upon the shift of the ages many basic rules of nature, regarding how our dimension works, would change. Because most ancient cultures have prophesied that we are now in the shift of the ages, it is essential that we keep our eyes open to changes around us. The changes we see, the feelings we have and the effects that we see in the world, are all clues to what rules are changing and when.
We have had in recent months, a massive wave of heightened light and frequency wash across our dimension. Because of this, the laws of nature, the very fabric of our old dimension, is beginning to dissolve. One aspect that is greatly affected is the rule of duality and separation. Duality and separation creates up and down, black and white, right and wrong, etc…. Duality creates separation, and separation creates duality. The interesting point here is that we have never been separate from each other. We have always been intimately connected, but we have been unconscious . . . like sleeping zombies.
Thanks to massive waves of light coming into our dimension now, we are beginning to feel the impact that we are indeed connected to all life. What affects one, affects everyone. It is what the Maya call "In Lak'ech Ala K'in". This means what I do to you, I do to myself, and what I do to myself, I do to you. In Inca traditions this time is referred to as Taripaypacha (tah-ree-pie-pah-cha) with literally means "to merge with the universe". In Andean prophecy, this refers to a new Golden Age in the human experience. It is known as the age of meeting ourselves again, and heralds the coming together again of the Children of the SUN, and the recreation of a new and better world.
The terrible earthquake in Haiti reminded us what post-traumatic stress syndrome actually feels like in the collective consciousness. Any time there is a huge trauma or displacement in the family of humanity, we all feel it whether we know it or not. Many people suffered feelings of suffocation, tightness in the chest, panic attacks, uncontrollable hunger, stomach and digestive issues and a pervasive numb/empty feeling. It has been hard to get moving, because we have felt stuck, trapped and frustrated. We did daily battle with relentless procrastination. Life has felt like life itself was circling in a holding pattern. We are still having strange dreams of the past, as we clear out our past issues once and for all.
Even before the Haitian earthquake, humanity has been manifesting more and more physical illnesses; most of which are phantom symptoms that have more to do with the collective rather than the individual. The drug companies make more and more exotic designer drugs trying to help us deal with these imbalances. But the drugs have terrible side effects, and we end up being sick in another way. We are struggling to feel better, because deep inside we are becoming aware of the harmony, the balance, and the oneness that now exists in these new frequencies. But going into denial of these imbalances will give only a temporary reprieve, and prolongs the uncomfortable symptoms. We need to face the proverbial "bogeyman" inside of us so we can be free again.
We do the best we can to deal with the ever increasing frequencies which we are feeling. So we numb ourselves so as not to feel this stress; not because we are lazy, but because we don't know what to do to fix the imbalances. The problem appears to be too big and overwhelming to comprehend. We learn to adapt the best we can. Most everyone on the planet can feel that something is desperately wrong. Our fight or flight / catastrophobia mechanism has been kicking into overdrive. Emotionally we try to numb ourselves with more things, more food, more sleep, more drugs, more spiritual practices, more meditation and more yoga. We are finding that there are not enough things to have, or things to do in the world, to ease the stress that we feel inside. We find ourselves still hungry, and searching for a better high. Nothing seems to work.
Now that a little time has passed, we have already begun to assimilate and integrate the post-traumatic stress created by the Haitian earthquake. Even though it may not appear outwardly, we are working very hard to break through the veil to balance ourselves and our lives within these new higher frequencies which have arrived. We are learning to deal with what I call yet another level of the "new normal".
As complicated and challenging as this wave of light appears, there is an easy remedy. Recently the Star Elders shared a simple suggestion to help us get through this wave, and those coming to us in the future. They simply said "KEEP MOVING". I didn't understand the impact of what they were saying until recently.
Once I realized how stuck I was feeling, I kicked my backside into action. Believe me, I had to kick hard. I started moving. I did anything. It didn't matter what. I just moved. I worked in the garden and did some long needed home improvements. This didn't come easy, because I felt like I was hindered every step of the way. Even in writing this article, I hit more layers of procrastination than I wanted to count. But I persevered, and kept on keeping on.
In my stuckness, I didn't want to go to the gym. But when I finally went, right there on the elliptical machine that I dislike so much, I was having fantastic visions. I was feeling the light of the new and glorious world unfolding in front of me. It was incredible and timeless. My allotted 30 minutes passed by in a blink. I didn't understand this, until my sweetie Raphael said "Remember, the Star Elders said to keep moving." Oh, he was right!
I began to realize this phase of our ascension / shift of the ages, needed a deeper level of focus and commitment from us to make things happen. The deeper I committed to any desire or intent, the easier things became. As long as I stayed totally committed to making things happen, they did. But I couldn't do this sitting down. I had to move. I had to get involved. I had to do something. Soon my numerous post-traumatic stress symptoms began to diminish.
As each wave of high frequency light reaches us, we will become more conscious and awake, and the more we will feel the pulses and shifts in the collective consciousness. This can be a pretty uncomfortable dilemma for ones that are already quite open and awake. An old friend told me once that the only way out is through. There is no going back to the way it was. We must continue with our awakening. We must keep moving. We cannot unlearn the light. Once we become fully aware that each and every one of our actions affects literally everyone else, it will become more important to us to live with impeccability, harmony, and peace. We are being called to live an authentic life. You know the old saying "What goes around, comes around".
I began to realize that our feelings of being stuck related to the fact that our primal survival mechanism didn't want the "new normal" that was presented to us. Our spirits are eager for change, but the primal side of ourselves wants to hang on to the "old normal". The unknown is always a little scary, and facing 100% of ourselves can be detrimental to our ego. This is causing us the uncomfortable feelings, and the crazy and un-diagnosable symptoms. The old fading normal is arguing with the new normal birthing inside of us. This is simply duality rearing its ugly head, but it will fail. Duality is no longer being supported. The laws of natures based in separation and duality are now being replaced by the law of ONE.
The age of US versus THEM is over. Because of this fact, our world appears to becoming more polarized and out of balance. It appears this way because we are more conscious of how intimately connected we all are. We are closer together now. We can see the hidden skeletons in the closet. Therefore, we are more aware of all the imbalances. It is not that the world is getting more out of balance. It is just that we are becoming more aware of what has been happening all along. The mass collective consciousness is out of balance with new laws of nature, so it is no wonder why so many of us feel like aliens. It is not that we are aliens to this world. It is because our world is alien to us. It is out of balance with the truth of the new laws of nature . . . the wave of light that is now growing within us.
Example: You know when someone steps too close to you, and you have a feeling of your space being invaded. Well, these new higher frequencies have reduced the space around us to the point that everything is feeling too close and uncomfortable. We are becoming more aware. In time, our senses and perceptions will adjust to this new normal, and we will be one step closer to unity.
When we try to support ourselves, we seem to fail, and we don't know why. This is because we are thinking individually, instead of collectively. If our motivation is self-serving we will begin to run into a great deal of roadblocks. If we want things to go well for ourselves, we also have to consider how our intent and actions will affect other people. If we are offering a service, not only does the service have to be offered with integrity, but also our motivation for doing it must consider the receiver. Greed is a form of duality, because greed thinks of only itself, and not the whole. We can see this aspect of duality coming to light when we watch the evening news. What this means is that we can't do things the way we used to, because it won't work anymore. Remember, what goes around, comes around. No one will be able to avoid the new laws of nature that have been put in place. The new laws of nature cannot be altered by wealth, status, etc…. In other words, you can't buy your way out of this one.
Our eyes are opening. Because our eyes are opening, we will ultimately begin to bring balance back to the world. We can't become awake and stay out of balance at the same time. That would be dualistic. So if we can't stop our awakening, then balance will ultimately have to be restored.
So welcome to the new normal . . . an age where we are ONE once again. We are all intimately connected by an invisible thread of life. This new phase of our ascension is about the law of ONE, and that means every-ONE. If we want to heal ourselves, we need to heal the whole. If one is out of balance, then a part of us all is out of balance. It is time to come together and realize that we more than just family . . . we are ONE. Not Self centered - ONE centered.
author credit: Aluna Joy Yaxk'in is an internationally known author, spiritual life coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic who inspires and encourages others to recognize and accept their own authentic divinity and connection to God.
Copyright © 2010 - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that the content remains complete, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely. Center of the SUN - Aluna Joy Yaxk'in, PO Box 1988 Sedona, AZ 86339 USA Ph:928-282-6292 Email:
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Tapping Resources available-this week only!
Here's a neat self-help resource for you. It's called EFT: Emotional Freedom Technique. It's another system of energy psychology, in the same family as the repatterning work I do. What I like about EFT is it's very simple to learn and powerful. I learned it a few years ago, and use it mainly on myself. EFT involves tapping on a sequence of meridian points while saying things out loud verbally that are related to what you are wanting to clear or transform.
If EFT is so good, you might ask why I don't offer EFT in my work with clients. Honestly, I feel repatterning goes deeper and is far more comprehensive, so I usually prefer to work in that system. Also, since EFT is much simpler as a self-help method, I prefer to be offering clients repatterning since this is a method they can't as easily provide for themselves. (Yes, it's possible to learn to repattern yourself--of course--but learning EFT is whole lot simpler and faster).
This week, there is a "Tapping Summit" this week...where different therapists and EFT experts share their knowledge and give you an experiential EFT session. This is all offered free..they would like you to buy the recordings, but for this week you can listen to a wealth of material for free.
I just listened to a recording with Judy Byrne, on "Tapping to Heal the Critical Internal Voice." It was excellent, and I highly recommend it. Besides leading the interviewer through several tapping sequences, she also explained a number of research findings that are very relevant to repatterning work..I enjoyed the external validation.
I am doing to share those principles in another blog post. Meantime, here's the link to the EFT info:
Tapping World Summit - this week only 2/21-2/25
8pm EST – go to any of these three websites:
Happy Tapping,
If EFT is so good, you might ask why I don't offer EFT in my work with clients. Honestly, I feel repatterning goes deeper and is far more comprehensive, so I usually prefer to work in that system. Also, since EFT is much simpler as a self-help method, I prefer to be offering clients repatterning since this is a method they can't as easily provide for themselves. (Yes, it's possible to learn to repattern yourself--of course--but learning EFT is whole lot simpler and faster).
This week, there is a "Tapping Summit" this week...where different therapists and EFT experts share their knowledge and give you an experiential EFT session. This is all offered free..they would like you to buy the recordings, but for this week you can listen to a wealth of material for free.
I just listened to a recording with Judy Byrne, on "Tapping to Heal the Critical Internal Voice." It was excellent, and I highly recommend it. Besides leading the interviewer through several tapping sequences, she also explained a number of research findings that are very relevant to repatterning work..I enjoyed the external validation.
I am doing to share those principles in another blog post. Meantime, here's the link to the EFT info:
Tapping World Summit - this week only 2/21-2/25
8pm EST – go to any of these three websites:
Happy Tapping,
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Could Solemn Vows be blocking your success and happiness?
This is the question that a new repatterning, the Nun Karma repatterning, addresses. This repatterning--a snippet of which was used in the last session of Joyful Manifesting that just ended--looks at how vows we made in the past of poverty, invisibility or martyrdom (among others) may be impacting and limiting our success now. A solemn vow is usually made in a high spiritual state and tends to be permanent through time unless it is specifically released.
If you find that you are hesitant to promote yourself, you tend to prefer to stay under the radar in your business or personal life, or suspect that there are some other blocks to having fulfilling work and relationships beyond the usual psychological or current life may need to receive this repatterning.
Whether you believe in past lives or not, our collective consciousness includes imprints from the past, where many people took refuge in a church or other religious order for safety or out of other necessity. Many people in the healing arts or helping professions, as well as creative artists, are being influenced by such vows and therefore find it hard to be visible or successful. The other common way these vows play out is in relationships, where the person remains single, can't form a happy long term relationship, or where relationships get complex or become a struggle.
I am happy to assist you with this and I have personally found it to be very powerful. Clients have been profoundly touched by it. This repatterning was created collaboratively (a new trend in the repatterning world) and it is considered "open source". That means you can go to a website and download it
for free. The download gives you a way to do the session on yourself even if you do not know how to do Resonance Repatterning, and the material is fascinating and worth reading. However, I would recommend having a practitioner lead you through it if you can.
This repatterning is available at
To a more joyful, successful and self-expressed life,
If you find that you are hesitant to promote yourself, you tend to prefer to stay under the radar in your business or personal life, or suspect that there are some other blocks to having fulfilling work and relationships beyond the usual psychological or current life may need to receive this repatterning.
Whether you believe in past lives or not, our collective consciousness includes imprints from the past, where many people took refuge in a church or other religious order for safety or out of other necessity. Many people in the healing arts or helping professions, as well as creative artists, are being influenced by such vows and therefore find it hard to be visible or successful. The other common way these vows play out is in relationships, where the person remains single, can't form a happy long term relationship, or where relationships get complex or become a struggle.
I am happy to assist you with this and I have personally found it to be very powerful. Clients have been profoundly touched by it. This repatterning was created collaboratively (a new trend in the repatterning world) and it is considered "open source". That means you can go to a website and download it
for free. The download gives you a way to do the session on yourself even if you do not know how to do Resonance Repatterning, and the material is fascinating and worth reading. However, I would recommend having a practitioner lead you through it if you can.
This repatterning is available at
To a more joyful, successful and self-expressed life,
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Got giggles? A High Tech Tool for Well-being Right at your Fingertips
I would like to share a very advanced technology with you, one that you have known about since you were old enough to giggle...laughter!
Besides the fun and lighten up factor we know laughter brings, this gift of laughter that we humans share has many amazing powers to heal us and even improve our vision.
Yesterday's repatterning in the Joyful Manifesting Intensive was the Laughter Repatterning, which was a good reminder to me (yes I too can get pretty darn serious!) to lighten up. These are pretty somber days for a lot of people so here is some inspiration and tools for creating more laughter and humor in your life. I also believe that happy laughing people are a lot less fearful and feel more ready to take on challenges, instead of feeling disempowered and at the mercy of life, the economy or other people.
In the session, our group was assigned a positive action (formerly known as homework). I invite you to try it for yourself: Think of a situation in your life, and see the humor in it. If you can't, can you imagine it as a sitcom, as a skit played by your favorite comedian, or as a Monty Python episode? Is there some other image or perspective that could help you to lighten up about it?
I admit I was having trouble doing this myself today (a sign that I really need to do it). Just couldn't think of anything funny about this particular situation, or really about my life. Then I imagined the worries as being like the feathers on a dried dandelion, that I could just blow away..maybe not totally funny, but a lighter choice.
So, what are you doing in your life to help lighten up? Funny movie, going out for a nice walk or run, or finding someone else to laugh with can all work.
Did you know that even if you just fake the motions of laughter, you can fool your body into producing the same health giving benefits as actual laughter. (You know that saying, fake it till you make it?). Try it--in repatterning we call this the Oxygen laughing breath. You raise your hands up above your head, take a deep breath, and exhale with a "Ha, Ha" sound while slapping your thighs. Keep doing this and you probably will start laughing. It's funny how it works! Even if you don't really feel like you're laughing you'll fool your body into it!
Here are some health benefits to laughter, from the Laughter Repatterning by Chloe Faith Wordsworth.
1. Laughter helps you let go of muscle tension
2. Laughter helps you create and circulate endorphins (the body's own feel-good chemicals). This boosts your immune system and makes you feel on top of the world.
3. Laughing with others creates a sense of joy because it creates a bond of love with other people.
4. Laughter forces you to let go of your controls and express your joy spontaneously.
5. Laughter activates the flow of energy so you feel lighter, healthier, and more relaxed. Laughter brightens your energy field, which in turn lightens others' energy field (Laughter is infectious--catch it from your friends!)
6. Laughter connects you to your right you experience a different perspective, you see the big picture; you are no longer troubled by your problems; you have a positive outlook.
7. Laughter and humor are a resource that allow people and even nations, to move through times of pain and stress with less trauma. The English sense of humor is renowned and was a resource for facing the harsh reality of two world wars.
Share the love, share the light, share the laughter!
Lighter every day,
Besides the fun and lighten up factor we know laughter brings, this gift of laughter that we humans share has many amazing powers to heal us and even improve our vision.
Yesterday's repatterning in the Joyful Manifesting Intensive was the Laughter Repatterning, which was a good reminder to me (yes I too can get pretty darn serious!) to lighten up. These are pretty somber days for a lot of people so here is some inspiration and tools for creating more laughter and humor in your life. I also believe that happy laughing people are a lot less fearful and feel more ready to take on challenges, instead of feeling disempowered and at the mercy of life, the economy or other people.
In the session, our group was assigned a positive action (formerly known as homework). I invite you to try it for yourself: Think of a situation in your life, and see the humor in it. If you can't, can you imagine it as a sitcom, as a skit played by your favorite comedian, or as a Monty Python episode? Is there some other image or perspective that could help you to lighten up about it?
I admit I was having trouble doing this myself today (a sign that I really need to do it). Just couldn't think of anything funny about this particular situation, or really about my life. Then I imagined the worries as being like the feathers on a dried dandelion, that I could just blow away..maybe not totally funny, but a lighter choice.
So, what are you doing in your life to help lighten up? Funny movie, going out for a nice walk or run, or finding someone else to laugh with can all work.
Did you know that even if you just fake the motions of laughter, you can fool your body into producing the same health giving benefits as actual laughter. (You know that saying, fake it till you make it?). Try it--in repatterning we call this the Oxygen laughing breath. You raise your hands up above your head, take a deep breath, and exhale with a "Ha, Ha" sound while slapping your thighs. Keep doing this and you probably will start laughing. It's funny how it works! Even if you don't really feel like you're laughing you'll fool your body into it!
Here are some health benefits to laughter, from the Laughter Repatterning by Chloe Faith Wordsworth.
1. Laughter helps you let go of muscle tension
2. Laughter helps you create and circulate endorphins (the body's own feel-good chemicals). This boosts your immune system and makes you feel on top of the world.
3. Laughing with others creates a sense of joy because it creates a bond of love with other people.
4. Laughter forces you to let go of your controls and express your joy spontaneously.
5. Laughter activates the flow of energy so you feel lighter, healthier, and more relaxed. Laughter brightens your energy field, which in turn lightens others' energy field (Laughter is infectious--catch it from your friends!)
6. Laughter connects you to your right you experience a different perspective, you see the big picture; you are no longer troubled by your problems; you have a positive outlook.
7. Laughter and humor are a resource that allow people and even nations, to move through times of pain and stress with less trauma. The English sense of humor is renowned and was a resource for facing the harsh reality of two world wars.
Share the love, share the light, share the laughter!
Lighter every day,
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day from Heart's Abode!
I wish you joy, peace and a heart full of love and gratitude.
Love is our essence, where we come from and what we are made
of, so I know that if you look inside you will find it..just
as the sun is always there even when we can't see it. Love
comes in so many forms and romantic love is just one of them,
as enticing as that form is. So I wish you love in all its
forms, including self-love.
I want to gift you with the recording of last week's Prosperity
Session, so here's the link to hear it. It takes a little
more than an hour and you will receive the session just by
listening. If you want to pause and write down your answers
to the questions I ask, you can do that too.
Here's the link to the recording:
Why am I giving a session away for free?
This is my way of paying it forward, especially in these times when so many are feeling financially challenged.
In exchange for this session, I request simply that you pass on this information to anyone you feel could benefit from a prosperity and energy shift and who would be open to new kinds of energy psychology work.
Peace, love, joy and prosperity blessings,
More info about the recorded Prosperity Call:
As you listen and come up with your own answers to questions I ask during the session, you’ll get to clear fears and limiting beliefs as well that hold you back from prosperity and fulfillment.
On the recording you'll also hear me talk about the next Joyful Manifesting Intensive--5 days in a row of repatterning sessions by distance (for this program you don't call in or show up anywhere--she does the work for you). It begins today, Valentine's Day and you can sign
up at
If you listen to the recording of the teleclass and feel a good shift, imagine how much more shift you can experience by having 5 days in a row of these sessions—for less than the price of a single session with me.
Curious about the Intensive or wondering what it’s good for? Read more here or go to
Love is our essence, where we come from and what we are made
of, so I know that if you look inside you will find it..just
as the sun is always there even when we can't see it. Love
comes in so many forms and romantic love is just one of them,
as enticing as that form is. So I wish you love in all its
forms, including self-love.
I want to gift you with the recording of last week's Prosperity
Session, so here's the link to hear it. It takes a little
more than an hour and you will receive the session just by
listening. If you want to pause and write down your answers
to the questions I ask, you can do that too.
Here's the link to the recording:
Why am I giving a session away for free?
This is my way of paying it forward, especially in these times when so many are feeling financially challenged.
In exchange for this session, I request simply that you pass on this information to anyone you feel could benefit from a prosperity and energy shift and who would be open to new kinds of energy psychology work.
Peace, love, joy and prosperity blessings,
More info about the recorded Prosperity Call:
As you listen and come up with your own answers to questions I ask during the session, you’ll get to clear fears and limiting beliefs as well that hold you back from prosperity and fulfillment.
On the recording you'll also hear me talk about the next Joyful Manifesting Intensive--5 days in a row of repatterning sessions by distance (for this program you don't call in or show up anywhere--she does the work for you). It begins today, Valentine's Day and you can sign
up at
If you listen to the recording of the teleclass and feel a good shift, imagine how much more shift you can experience by having 5 days in a row of these sessions—for less than the price of a single session with me.
Curious about the Intensive or wondering what it’s good for? Read more here or go to
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Highlights from tonight's Prosperity Jumpstart call
I am buzzing with energy after tonight's Prosperity Jumpstart f*ree Repatterning session. It feels so good to connect and share insights and tools to help people shift into a more optimistic, energized state of being.
We started out with an orientation, as repatterning sessions often do. Orientation helps you to be fully present and in the moment, to be aware of your body, and not have your attention fractured and distracted as so often happens in our multi-tasking, ADD world.
What we needed was an orientation to appreciation. We were asked what is a positive change you are experiencing, and what do you appreciate about it? You might want to take a minute to stop and do that right now. By focusing on what we appreciate--even if that is something we learned from a difficult or challenging situation--we move to a more coherent or positive state of being. Gratitude or appreciation, or as a member of my spiritual community calls it "Appreciatude" has the highest vibration of any feeling.
In the Abraham Hicks book, "Ask and It is Given", they give an emotional scale, ranking emotions from the lowest vibration to highest. Appreciation is high on that list!
On the call I also talked about the idea of coherence. In repatterning, and in all my work with others, my goal is to help you move to a more coherent state of being. What is coherent creates a sense of order, beauty and harmony, like birdsong or classical music. What is non-coherent creates disssonance, chaos and breakdown.
Did you happen to see Masaru Emoto's "Messages from Water" or "What the Bleep Do we Know?" Coherence was pictured in a visual way. Emoto did experiments with water--when frozen in a certain way, water formed crystal patterns, which changed when certain words or music were played next to the water. The crystal patterns for "Thank You" are extremely symmetrical and beautiful. The crystal patterns that appeared when words like "I hate you" or heavy metal music were played, are unpleasant to look at and induce a feeling of "Yuck". These images depict how coherent and non-coherent sound affect our bodies, since we are over 70% water.
In any moment we have a choice to move towards greater coherence--from wherever we being on the "scale" from totally non-coherent to highly coherent. We can always move a few notches further on the coherence continuum. I prefer this perspective so much over labeling things as positive or negative, good or bad. What is coherent leads to order and creating life, what is non-coherent leads to disintegration and decay. It's not really good or bad, these are just choices.
The key is realizing you can make a different choice, and you can learn ways or get help to make that shift--once you are not just reacting out of habit or out of being triggered emotionally. That's where I find that the repatterning work I do (and receive) can be so helpful.
Play with it--you may just find, as I did, that it's not just semantics here. It really is a different more empowering way to look at our emotions, behaviors and the situations of everyday life.
One more share from tonight's call. We did a Hearing repatterning, and in the introduction to the repatterning, I talked about how the sounds we heard early in life--even while inside our mother's womb--can impact how and what we hear, through the rest of our lives. So if we heard harsh voices and arguments, or if our mother was stressed and we heard her irregular heartbeat, we can go through life not feeling safe, or being hypersensitive to sound. We can also develop filters so that we only hear negative comments and voices, and can't even hear when someone is saying something kind or complimentary to us. We begin to resonate with arguments or violence, and will tend to draw that into our lives, through the power of our unconscious resonance.
The good news is--you can repattern such issues. Through this process and the use of kinesiology, we can go back even to your prenatal experiences and create new coherent feelings and beliefs.
I have a special offer for Valentine's Day on private sessions...but you'll have to read the next post for those. Yes, I'm being a little coy with you here....
Prosperity Blessings to you,
We started out with an orientation, as repatterning sessions often do. Orientation helps you to be fully present and in the moment, to be aware of your body, and not have your attention fractured and distracted as so often happens in our multi-tasking, ADD world.
What we needed was an orientation to appreciation. We were asked what is a positive change you are experiencing, and what do you appreciate about it? You might want to take a minute to stop and do that right now. By focusing on what we appreciate--even if that is something we learned from a difficult or challenging situation--we move to a more coherent or positive state of being. Gratitude or appreciation, or as a member of my spiritual community calls it "Appreciatude" has the highest vibration of any feeling.
In the Abraham Hicks book, "Ask and It is Given", they give an emotional scale, ranking emotions from the lowest vibration to highest. Appreciation is high on that list!
On the call I also talked about the idea of coherence. In repatterning, and in all my work with others, my goal is to help you move to a more coherent state of being. What is coherent creates a sense of order, beauty and harmony, like birdsong or classical music. What is non-coherent creates disssonance, chaos and breakdown.
Did you happen to see Masaru Emoto's "Messages from Water" or "What the Bleep Do we Know?" Coherence was pictured in a visual way. Emoto did experiments with water--when frozen in a certain way, water formed crystal patterns, which changed when certain words or music were played next to the water. The crystal patterns for "Thank You" are extremely symmetrical and beautiful. The crystal patterns that appeared when words like "I hate you" or heavy metal music were played, are unpleasant to look at and induce a feeling of "Yuck". These images depict how coherent and non-coherent sound affect our bodies, since we are over 70% water.
In any moment we have a choice to move towards greater coherence--from wherever we being on the "scale" from totally non-coherent to highly coherent. We can always move a few notches further on the coherence continuum. I prefer this perspective so much over labeling things as positive or negative, good or bad. What is coherent leads to order and creating life, what is non-coherent leads to disintegration and decay. It's not really good or bad, these are just choices.
The key is realizing you can make a different choice, and you can learn ways or get help to make that shift--once you are not just reacting out of habit or out of being triggered emotionally. That's where I find that the repatterning work I do (and receive) can be so helpful.
Play with it--you may just find, as I did, that it's not just semantics here. It really is a different more empowering way to look at our emotions, behaviors and the situations of everyday life.
One more share from tonight's call. We did a Hearing repatterning, and in the introduction to the repatterning, I talked about how the sounds we heard early in life--even while inside our mother's womb--can impact how and what we hear, through the rest of our lives. So if we heard harsh voices and arguments, or if our mother was stressed and we heard her irregular heartbeat, we can go through life not feeling safe, or being hypersensitive to sound. We can also develop filters so that we only hear negative comments and voices, and can't even hear when someone is saying something kind or complimentary to us. We begin to resonate with arguments or violence, and will tend to draw that into our lives, through the power of our unconscious resonance.
The good news is--you can repattern such issues. Through this process and the use of kinesiology, we can go back even to your prenatal experiences and create new coherent feelings and beliefs.
I have a special offer for Valentine's Day on private sessions...but you'll have to read the next post for those. Yes, I'm being a little coy with you here....
Prosperity Blessings to you,
Monday, February 1, 2010
Joyful Manifesting Prosperity Call--your gift
It's February 1st already..and time to think ahead to the next Joyful Manifesting Intensive. The Intensive is 5 days in a row of powerful blockage-busting repatterning sessions, of energy healing done for you by distance. Many of my clients are loving this program, which I am now offering every two months on the new moon, the best time to manifest.
More information here:
I will be speaking about the program--and offering you an actual experience of a session, on February 10th, a Wednesday night, at 9pm Eastern. On this no-cost teleclass, you can receive a jumpstart for your prosperity. How? Through an one-hour repatterning plus whatever meditations, visualizations or other inspirations I am guided to add to the mix.
Call-in to: 1-712-432-1600 Access code 160503#, Wed. Feb. 10th, 9pm Eastern.
Many blessings,
More information here:
I will be speaking about the program--and offering you an actual experience of a session, on February 10th, a Wednesday night, at 9pm Eastern. On this no-cost teleclass, you can receive a jumpstart for your prosperity. How? Through an one-hour repatterning plus whatever meditations, visualizations or other inspirations I am guided to add to the mix.
Call-in to: 1-712-432-1600 Access code 160503#, Wed. Feb. 10th, 9pm Eastern.
Many blessings,
Gather the women
There is a building energy to gather the women, to do what we can to heal each other. As we do, we support every woman in expressing her compassion, gentleness, fierce protection of the young, more integrated brains, emotional intelligence and all that women bring to the world.
The elders are saying it, astrology heralds it, many different voices are saying this is the time of the return and re-emergence of the Divine Feminine. But in balance, with both men and women expressing these qualities..along with the Divine Masculine.
The men of wisdom are acknowledging this too. I have heard that the Dalai Lama said this, and I myself heard Pete Seeger say, "it's the women who are going to save the planet." We can't do that if we're too busy trying to downplay who we are or be more like men. Vive l'difference and I for one am so darn tired of apologizing or minimizing my glorious gorgeous self! It's incredible how often women say "I'm sorry."
There are more women in their midlife to crone years than ever before on this planet. To you my fellow (oops, "fellow women?"--better rephrase)..Never mind, to my women peers in this massive group of midlife women: we are a FORCE. We have consumer power and we are represented in leadership roles. We're better educated, healthier and with more opportunities than our foremothers could ever dream of.
Yet the feminine is still so squelched and all her gifts, which could so help the planet, are not being unwrapped and circulated. After the women's movement, the pendulum has swung so much the other way, that just declaring oneself a feminist seems to be a radical act of courage. Let's take back the word, and shed the tired old stereotypes around it. Or reinvent another one, to celebrate our true feminine essence. Being for the recognition and rights of women is simply supporting 50% of the human race.
Let's celebrate women's true power, which is about community, protecting other women, children and families, our passion and compassion, our intelligence which is far better at connecting feeling and intuition with logic. Let's celebrate our hearts and our love, our sensuality and creativity. This power is of a totally different flavor than the masculine power model we've tried so hard to copy since the 1970's and 80's when we came into the workforce in greater numbers.
I have been going to a Sacred Women's circle here in Santa Fe, it started about 3 months ago and it is just blossoming. Lately over 25 women are crowding into our friend Diana's living room. We will soon outgrow meeting in someone's house. Yes, indeed it's time for the women to gather!
The elders are saying it, astrology heralds it, many different voices are saying this is the time of the return and re-emergence of the Divine Feminine. But in balance, with both men and women expressing these qualities..along with the Divine Masculine.
The men of wisdom are acknowledging this too. I have heard that the Dalai Lama said this, and I myself heard Pete Seeger say, "it's the women who are going to save the planet." We can't do that if we're too busy trying to downplay who we are or be more like men. Vive l'difference and I for one am so darn tired of apologizing or minimizing my glorious gorgeous self! It's incredible how often women say "I'm sorry."
There are more women in their midlife to crone years than ever before on this planet. To you my fellow (oops, "fellow women?"--better rephrase)..Never mind, to my women peers in this massive group of midlife women: we are a FORCE. We have consumer power and we are represented in leadership roles. We're better educated, healthier and with more opportunities than our foremothers could ever dream of.
Yet the feminine is still so squelched and all her gifts, which could so help the planet, are not being unwrapped and circulated. After the women's movement, the pendulum has swung so much the other way, that just declaring oneself a feminist seems to be a radical act of courage. Let's take back the word, and shed the tired old stereotypes around it. Or reinvent another one, to celebrate our true feminine essence. Being for the recognition and rights of women is simply supporting 50% of the human race.
Let's celebrate women's true power, which is about community, protecting other women, children and families, our passion and compassion, our intelligence which is far better at connecting feeling and intuition with logic. Let's celebrate our hearts and our love, our sensuality and creativity. This power is of a totally different flavor than the masculine power model we've tried so hard to copy since the 1970's and 80's when we came into the workforce in greater numbers.
I have been going to a Sacred Women's circle here in Santa Fe, it started about 3 months ago and it is just blossoming. Lately over 25 women are crowding into our friend Diana's living room. We will soon outgrow meeting in someone's house. Yes, indeed it's time for the women to gather!
Future Self Help?
In the quantum physics universe, time is not just linear. We are being influenced by the past, present and potential futures. Here is a fabulous technique that helps you create what you want bringing back wisdom and guidance from your future.
Whatever you are trying to develop in yourself, or create in your life now..imagine a future version of yourself who has already developed or achieved that. Allow that future self to guide, inspire and gift you with her/his wisdom!
Now that's what I call self help :).
Here is a message I recently received in a self-session, from my Future Self. I hope it inspires you, too.
"How would you live if you knew God wants you to: Feel and know what it is you desire, ask for what you desire, and have what you desire?
Exercise your wanting muscles, practice naming and claiming what you desire, and feel how very loved you are, and how your happiness is wanted for you.
Call on me anytime--I am a future self with love and wisdom for you. I am a future self who sings and dances and writes, and who is surrounded by love, beauty, abundance,and spiritual, truth-based loving people.
And I tell you: I am never far away. I call you forward to me. Come. Embrace me as I embrace you. What you are looking for, is also looking for you."
Whatever you are trying to develop in yourself, or create in your life now..imagine a future version of yourself who has already developed or achieved that. Allow that future self to guide, inspire and gift you with her/his wisdom!
Now that's what I call self help :).
Here is a message I recently received in a self-session, from my Future Self. I hope it inspires you, too.
"How would you live if you knew God wants you to: Feel and know what it is you desire, ask for what you desire, and have what you desire?
Exercise your wanting muscles, practice naming and claiming what you desire, and feel how very loved you are, and how your happiness is wanted for you.
Call on me anytime--I am a future self with love and wisdom for you. I am a future self who sings and dances and writes, and who is surrounded by love, beauty, abundance,and spiritual, truth-based loving people.
And I tell you: I am never far away. I call you forward to me. Come. Embrace me as I embrace you. What you are looking for, is also looking for you."
future self,
quantum physics,
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