I am buzzing with energy after tonight's Prosperity Jumpstart f*ree Repatterning session. It feels so good to connect and share insights and tools to help people shift into a more optimistic, energized state of being.
We started out with an orientation, as repatterning sessions often do. Orientation helps you to be fully present and in the moment, to be aware of your body, and not have your attention fractured and distracted as so often happens in our multi-tasking, ADD world.
What we needed was an orientation to appreciation. We were asked what is a positive change you are experiencing, and what do you appreciate about it? You might want to take a minute to stop and do that right now. By focusing on what we appreciate--even if that is something we learned from a difficult or challenging situation--we move to a more coherent or positive state of being. Gratitude or appreciation, or as a member of my spiritual community calls it "Appreciatude" has the highest vibration of any feeling.
In the Abraham Hicks book, "Ask and It is Given", they give an emotional scale, ranking emotions from the lowest vibration to highest. Appreciation is high on that list!
On the call I also talked about the idea of coherence. In repatterning, and in all my work with others, my goal is to help you move to a more coherent state of being. What is coherent creates a sense of order, beauty and harmony, like birdsong or classical music. What is non-coherent creates disssonance, chaos and breakdown.
Did you happen to see Masaru Emoto's "Messages from Water" or "What the Bleep Do we Know?" Coherence was pictured in a visual way. Emoto did experiments with water--when frozen in a certain way, water formed crystal patterns, which changed when certain words or music were played next to the water. The crystal patterns for "Thank You" are extremely symmetrical and beautiful. The crystal patterns that appeared when words like "I hate you" or heavy metal music were played, are unpleasant to look at and induce a feeling of "Yuck". These images depict how coherent and non-coherent sound affect our bodies, since we are over 70% water.
In any moment we have a choice to move towards greater coherence--from wherever we being on the "scale" from totally non-coherent to highly coherent. We can always move a few notches further on the coherence continuum. I prefer this perspective so much over labeling things as positive or negative, good or bad. What is coherent leads to order and creating life, what is non-coherent leads to disintegration and decay. It's not really good or bad, these are just choices.
The key is realizing you can make a different choice, and you can learn ways or get help to make that shift--once you are not just reacting out of habit or out of being triggered emotionally. That's where I find that the repatterning work I do (and receive) can be so helpful.
Play with it--you may just find, as I did, that it's not just semantics here. It really is a different more empowering way to look at our emotions, behaviors and the situations of everyday life.
One more share from tonight's call. We did a Hearing repatterning, and in the introduction to the repatterning, I talked about how the sounds we heard early in life--even while inside our mother's womb--can impact how and what we hear, through the rest of our lives. So if we heard harsh voices and arguments, or if our mother was stressed and we heard her irregular heartbeat, we can go through life not feeling safe, or being hypersensitive to sound. We can also develop filters so that we only hear negative comments and voices, and can't even hear when someone is saying something kind or complimentary to us. We begin to resonate with arguments or violence, and will tend to draw that into our lives, through the power of our unconscious resonance.
The good news is--you can repattern such issues. Through this process and the use of kinesiology, we can go back even to your prenatal experiences and create new coherent feelings and beliefs.
I have a special offer for Valentine's Day on private sessions...but you'll have to read the next post for those. Yes, I'm being a little coy with you here....
Prosperity Blessings to you,
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Highlights from tonight's Prosperity Jumpstart call
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