Thursday, February 18, 2010

Got giggles? A High Tech Tool for Well-being Right at your Fingertips

I would like to share a very advanced technology with you, one that you have known about since you were old enough to giggle...laughter!

Besides the fun and lighten up factor we know laughter brings, this gift of laughter that we humans share has many amazing powers to heal us and even improve our vision.

Yesterday's repatterning in the Joyful Manifesting Intensive was the Laughter Repatterning, which was a good reminder to me (yes I too can get pretty darn serious!) to lighten up. These are pretty somber days for a lot of people so here is some inspiration and tools for creating more laughter and humor in your life. I also believe that happy laughing people are a lot less fearful and feel more ready to take on challenges, instead of feeling disempowered and at the mercy of life, the economy or other people.

In the session, our group was assigned a positive action (formerly known as homework). I invite you to try it for yourself: Think of a situation in your life, and see the humor in it. If you can't, can you imagine it as a sitcom, as a skit played by your favorite comedian, or as a Monty Python episode? Is there some other image or perspective that could help you to lighten up about it?

I admit I was having trouble doing this myself today (a sign that I really need to do it). Just couldn't think of anything funny about this particular situation, or really about my life. Then I imagined the worries as being like the feathers on a dried dandelion, that I could just blow away..maybe not totally funny, but a lighter choice.

So, what are you doing in your life to help lighten up? Funny movie, going out for a nice walk or run, or finding someone else to laugh with can all work.

Did you know that even if you just fake the motions of laughter, you can fool your body into producing the same health giving benefits as actual laughter. (You know that saying, fake it till you make it?). Try it--in repatterning we call this the Oxygen laughing breath. You raise your hands up above your head, take a deep breath, and exhale with a "Ha, Ha" sound while slapping your thighs. Keep doing this and you probably will start laughing. It's funny how it works! Even if you don't really feel like you're laughing you'll fool your body into it!

Here are some health benefits to laughter, from the Laughter Repatterning by Chloe Faith Wordsworth.
1. Laughter helps you let go of muscle tension
2. Laughter helps you create and circulate endorphins (the body's own feel-good chemicals). This boosts your immune system and makes you feel on top of the world.
3. Laughing with others creates a sense of joy because it creates a bond of love with other people.
4. Laughter forces you to let go of your controls and express your joy spontaneously.
5. Laughter activates the flow of energy so you feel lighter, healthier, and more relaxed. Laughter brightens your energy field, which in turn lightens others' energy field (Laughter is infectious--catch it from your friends!)
6. Laughter connects you to your right you experience a different perspective, you see the big picture; you are no longer troubled by your problems; you have a positive outlook.
7. Laughter and humor are a resource that allow people and even nations, to move through times of pain and stress with less trauma. The English sense of humor is renowned and was a resource for facing the harsh reality of two world wars.

Share the love, share the light, share the laughter!

Lighter every day,

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