Last Friday another 5 day Joyful Manifesting program concluded. I offer these programs of distance healing & empowerment every other month on the new moon, which supports manifesting new conditions in our lives. There were 40 people receiving "proxy" or distance healings through this program to help clear the obstacles in the way of manifesting two goals or intentions.
In a way, the program is like having a really effective specific prayer being said for you every day for 5 days, and having a really powerful energy healing session at the same time. And all this happens without you having to go anywhere, call me, or even be online or meditating on the process.
I feel like the master archeologist/alchemist as I sit in my healing room, with my written repatterning books and in a meditative open space..working with the information that comes to me intuitively as well. For example, in one of the sessions I distinctly heard "And I don't know where my next $1000 is going to come from." One of the participants in the call had been thinking that exact thought that very day. She, and several others said, "I don't understand how that can be, but it feels like this group session you are doing is just for me--it's that accurate and right on!"
Here's a little taste from one of the sessions--this is the positive action (homework) that came up for us to do. You can do it too!
Do your spiritual practice 5 days a week (or more) for the next month. Not sure what your spiritual practice is? Here are some options, which you might not have thought of as a spiritual practice.
How I define a spiritual practice is as much about the intention with which you do something, as what you actually do for your practice. To me, a spiritual practice is any activity that helps you become more centered and in touch with yourself, and could be physical or creative. What we usually think of as spiritual practices are meditation, yoga, chi kung, chanting, prayer and contemplation. However, journaling, dance, other forms of movement, walking in nature, watercolor or drawing, working with clay, reading uplifting and inspiring material, walking in nature all qualify if you do them with the intention of attuning within and connecting to a Higher Power, however or whomever you understand that to be. If you set this time aside as your sacred and cherished time with Creator, that makes it a spiritual practice.
Another option is to identify a “menu” of spiritual practices—up to 3—that you can choose from daily, you don’t have to just pick one and do that one every day. Sometimes our challenge is to be consistent and regular with one thing, and at other times our challenge is to break out of the box and pay more attention to “what am I needing today?”. Those are times when we are asked to live more in the moment as opposed to being programmed in advance. What feels right to you?
One participant said "Wow, this positive intention just gels amazingly well with my goals...thanks again!!
Read on here for more feedback about this last Intensive. Oh and why do I call it an Intensive? It's because you get 5 days in a row of repatterning. That's a LOT of energy shifts in a short time, for creating real breakthroughs and momentum.
"I literally had a sciatic-like butt/leg pain yesterday (very unusual for me) that resolved when I relaxed into a new possibility of earning more when the fall rolls around and clients return from summer vacation. Pretty darn cool--you are a powerful energy shifter indeed!" (after a session about clearing our panic about money)
This same person moved through some dark difficult internal states as the Intensive went on and for a few days afterwards but has now arrived at whole new level of lightness, clarity and focus in her work direction.
"I had a HUGE shift after session 3 even though I had not read the notes yet. I had a stomach ache for several days and was actually worried that I had something seriously wrong with me. It lifted after that session, whatever it was, and I feel much better. Although they are proxy sessions, most statements were significant for me in either my relationship with my boyfriend, my son or my job. Funny how that works. Thank you for the shifts!"
"The other person who did the Intensive with me (the writer shared the Intensive with a friend via my two for one "gifting" option) was able to drop his addictive drinking for the whole 5 days."
"I am coming to greater peace on a decision that I have made and will be announcing it in the next four hours." (After the decision-making repatterning).
"It seems like the last couple intensives have been accompanied with a big nesting surge, including movement of furniture and the company that was here today.... helped move furniture lol. This helps our home to flow better and it is a very good shift in our life. Thanks so much for your work in these Intensives."
Thanks again to all of you who went on this journey with me. It is an honor, joy and awesome experience to serve you in this way.
Love and light,
PS If you want to know more, or sign up for the August Intensive, please go here:
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Something we can do about the oil spill in the Gulf
I heard a BBC reporter who was down in the Gulf area over the last two weeks talking about all the anger there..and also how there is a webcam showing the oil spilling into the water that is being broadcast in every bar and of course the focus is all on the problem not the solution..and what we focus on expands.
A friend from the Celebration, a spiritual community I belong to here in Santa Fe, shared Dr. Masaru Emoto's message (he's the author of "Messages from Water" showing the power of our thoughts and emotions on the molecular structure of water)that we can focus on right now. It is shown
As someone who has worked with Nature's intelligence in a system called co-creativity--if this is meaningful to you--you can add the following wording (or your own): "I now connect to the all-knowing intelligence of nature and the devic realm to assist in containing this oil spill and protect the waters and living beings on the planet". Because what is needed is beyond our human intelligence and nature, being the architect of all that exists in form in 3D, knows lots of stuff we don't! I think it's time in all humility to ask for help from Nature and the spiritual realms.
Dear friends, Dr. Masaru Emoto's prayer for the Gulf of Mexico Dr. Masaru Emoto is the scientist from Japan who has done research and publications about the characteristics of water. Among other things, his research revealed that water physically responds to emotions. Those of you who have viewed the film "What the Bleep Do We Know" may remember his photographs in the movie.
Many people have the predominantly angry emotion when we consider what is happening in the Gulf. And while justified in that emotion, we may be of greater assistance to our planet and its life forms if we sincerely, powerfully and humbly pray the prayer that Dr. Emoto himself has proposed.
I am passing this request to people I believe may be willing to participate in this prayer, to set an intention of love and healing that is so large, so overwhelming that we can perform a miracle in the Gulf of Mexico.
We are not powerless. We are powerful.
Our united energy, speaking this prayer daily...multiple times daily... can literally shift the balance of destruction that is happening.
We don't have to know how...we just have to recognize that the power of love is greater than any other power active in the Universe today.
(The prayer)
"I send the energy of love and gratitude to the waters and all living creatures in the Gulf of Mexico and its surroundings.
To the whales, dolphins, pelicans, fish, shellfish, planktons, corals, algae ... humankind ... to ALL living creatures...
And I will add - the company and people who caused this situation."
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I Love You."
(this is the Ho'Opponopono prayer)
Please join me in often repeating this Healing Prayer by Dr. Emoto.
Feel free to send it around the planet. Let's take charge ... and do our own cleanup!
Here's to clean water, a blessed healthy Earth, and to doing our part,
A friend from the Celebration, a spiritual community I belong to here in Santa Fe, shared Dr. Masaru Emoto's message (he's the author of "Messages from Water" showing the power of our thoughts and emotions on the molecular structure of water)that we can focus on right now. It is shown
As someone who has worked with Nature's intelligence in a system called co-creativity--if this is meaningful to you--you can add the following wording (or your own): "I now connect to the all-knowing intelligence of nature and the devic realm to assist in containing this oil spill and protect the waters and living beings on the planet". Because what is needed is beyond our human intelligence and nature, being the architect of all that exists in form in 3D, knows lots of stuff we don't! I think it's time in all humility to ask for help from Nature and the spiritual realms.
Dear friends, Dr. Masaru Emoto's prayer for the Gulf of Mexico Dr. Masaru Emoto is the scientist from Japan who has done research and publications about the characteristics of water. Among other things, his research revealed that water physically responds to emotions. Those of you who have viewed the film "What the Bleep Do We Know" may remember his photographs in the movie.
Many people have the predominantly angry emotion when we consider what is happening in the Gulf. And while justified in that emotion, we may be of greater assistance to our planet and its life forms if we sincerely, powerfully and humbly pray the prayer that Dr. Emoto himself has proposed.
I am passing this request to people I believe may be willing to participate in this prayer, to set an intention of love and healing that is so large, so overwhelming that we can perform a miracle in the Gulf of Mexico.
We are not powerless. We are powerful.
Our united energy, speaking this prayer daily...multiple times daily... can literally shift the balance of destruction that is happening.
We don't have to know how...we just have to recognize that the power of love is greater than any other power active in the Universe today.
(The prayer)
"I send the energy of love and gratitude to the waters and all living creatures in the Gulf of Mexico and its surroundings.
To the whales, dolphins, pelicans, fish, shellfish, planktons, corals, algae ... humankind ... to ALL living creatures...
And I will add - the company and people who caused this situation."
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I Love You."
(this is the Ho'Opponopono prayer)
Please join me in often repeating this Healing Prayer by Dr. Emoto.
Feel free to send it around the planet. Let's take charge ... and do our own cleanup!
Here's to clean water, a blessed healthy Earth, and to doing our part,
Messages from Water,
oil spill
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
June's energies for Manifesting & Creativity
Hi, I'm excited to share with you the monthly forecast from Jose and Lena Stevens for the month of June--they are shamanic teachers here in Santa Fe and their website is
It's a very critical time to be focused on what you want to create and to take the focus off what you DON'T want, as they explain. So what a perfect new moon--this Sunday June 13--to join me for the next Joyful Manifesting Intensive!
Here's their forecast..this is the first part, if you want to read more in depth, visit their site!
The two main themes for June are FERTILITY and EXPANSION.
Many of the choices whether conscious or subconscious regarding creativity; what to create, what to destroy, what to change, what to keep; have provided for a new platform from which to operate. This is a very fertile time where whatever is seeded by conscious or unconscious intention will certainly grow and expand. The last full moon was an important time to become clear about these intentions as influences were already in place for their conception and growth. This month there is no holding the process back so it is imperative you focus on the positive aspects of what you wish to create.
There are always two sides to just about anything in life. You could say positive and negative, pros and cons, creative and destructive or, as above so below. There is also a more useful or productive way to hold the two and a less useful way. The less useful way is to see them as separate, at odds with each other and to be in resistance to either one. The more useful way is to acknowledge them both and to see how one supports the other. What give our experience of life on this planet definition are the sky (above) and the earth (below), the masculine and the feminine and the charges of positive and negative that create energy. They are our points of reference you could say. It is important to see both sides as belonging to the same coin, one side creative, the other side destructive; one side a positive charge the other side a negative charge, and to understand that you cannot have one without the other. Something that seems negative or destructive will always have the other side to it. Out of all destruction comes creativity and all creativity at some point leads back to destruction. You cannot have one without the other. Just notice and be aware of the cycle by honoring your own process of destruction in every creative act. My favorite example of this is cooking. When preparing a meal, a very creative process, you always destroy the original form of the ingredients regardless of what they are. You can remind yourself of this balance by paying attention to your own process and by honoring and acknowledging both the creative and the destructive aspects of everything you do.
The high level of creative energy available last month may be showing up now as destructive at first. If you look back into history, times of high invention and creativity were also times of incredible destruction. It is the natural flow of things and important to remember to acknowledge the creativity just on the other side of the destruction even if you cannot see it yet. As a collective, and in order to insure certain necessary planetary changes for our own evolution, we may be seeing the destructive side of the coin which will certainly and inevitably lead to the creative side at some point. Acknowledging the presence of the creative even if you cannot see it is an important part of the process and will help to bring it into being.
The fertility of this time period comes from the result of the recycling of energies, taking lessons learned, choices made and intentions clarified, and allowing for the resulting compost to become the fertile ground for new growth. Because it is such a fertile time, any new ideas or projects inspired by spirit and intentions of the heart will find a supportive foundation from which to grow. You may find yourself inspired and motivated to begin something new or to nurture something already in process. The expansive nature of the times will help to grow what you are conceiving faster and bigger than you can imagine. This is why it is very important that you keep your focus on what is useful and productive and not get distracted by worry, negative thoughts or trying to please someone else’s agenda. This is a great month for asking and receiving so be careful what you ask for consciously or unconsciously because you are likely to receive it in a very expansive way. Pay attention to what you are receiving and know you have asked for just that. So if you don’t like what spirit is bringing you, you will need to clarify your intentions and focus on what you truly want.
Everything this month has the potential to grow and expand. If you are constantly worried about money, that worry will expand and you could create even less abundance; if you are focused on being overweight, you may gain even more weight; if you are focused on what you have lost, you may lose even more; if you are focused on how wonderful your life is, your life may become even more expansively wonderful; if you can focus on how incredibly prosperous and abundant you are, spirit will expand that abundance even more. It is imperative to discipline the mind to dwell on only the things that are useful and you wish expanded in your life. This is a very tall order but with very great rewards. The expansive energy in the universe is neutral and does not care one way or another what it expands. It will go with whatever instructions it gets from you. So it will be entirely up to you to give it the instructions you want.
There is a depth to these times that cannot be ignored. If you are asking for something that is not aligned with spirit, you may not be able to manifest it, and if you did, it may not be deeply satisfying in the long run. Spirit knows best and you should pay attention to what is coming in. This is especially true around relationships and partnerships. We are moving into a new cycle of agreements where either people from your past will cycle back into your life, or new connections that feel like old friends will manifest. This is also true for work and career especially for those of you who are actively seeking right work. Do not limit your possibilities only to what you think you ought to be doing but rather open the possibilities up for spirit to bring you something you may not have ever imagined possible. In setting intentions for anything, the specific intention should always be for the joy, fulfillment and satisfaction it would bring rather than a picture of what you think it may look like.
How the themes show up this month:
You Personally
The expansion of consciousness is very available this month provided you can let go of how you hold on to your reality. It is very much like being blindfolded and asked to fall back and trust that you will be caught. So fall back into the lap of the universe and trust that she will catch you safely. Most of us are holding on too narrowly to our beliefs, thoughts and feelings, trying to control and anticipate how to keep ourselves moving forward in safety with one eye looking backwards and one eye looking forwards. To take advantage of what is really available, you must be able to let go with abandon and just simply relax into the womb of mother earth knowing that whatever you have conceived of is safely in her hands. From this place you can allow your consciousness to expand beyond what your mind can conceive of. Allow your senses to sharpen and your intuition to increase. Let go of the limitations of your mind. If you do this you can actually achieve ecstatic states this month. It is up to you!
-Jose and Lena Stevens,
Many blessings to you,
PS Registration for the next Intensive series ends at noon on Sunday June 13th. go here for more info or to register:
It's a very critical time to be focused on what you want to create and to take the focus off what you DON'T want, as they explain. So what a perfect new moon--this Sunday June 13--to join me for the next Joyful Manifesting Intensive!
Here's their forecast..this is the first part, if you want to read more in depth, visit their site!
The two main themes for June are FERTILITY and EXPANSION.
Many of the choices whether conscious or subconscious regarding creativity; what to create, what to destroy, what to change, what to keep; have provided for a new platform from which to operate. This is a very fertile time where whatever is seeded by conscious or unconscious intention will certainly grow and expand. The last full moon was an important time to become clear about these intentions as influences were already in place for their conception and growth. This month there is no holding the process back so it is imperative you focus on the positive aspects of what you wish to create.
There are always two sides to just about anything in life. You could say positive and negative, pros and cons, creative and destructive or, as above so below. There is also a more useful or productive way to hold the two and a less useful way. The less useful way is to see them as separate, at odds with each other and to be in resistance to either one. The more useful way is to acknowledge them both and to see how one supports the other. What give our experience of life on this planet definition are the sky (above) and the earth (below), the masculine and the feminine and the charges of positive and negative that create energy. They are our points of reference you could say. It is important to see both sides as belonging to the same coin, one side creative, the other side destructive; one side a positive charge the other side a negative charge, and to understand that you cannot have one without the other. Something that seems negative or destructive will always have the other side to it. Out of all destruction comes creativity and all creativity at some point leads back to destruction. You cannot have one without the other. Just notice and be aware of the cycle by honoring your own process of destruction in every creative act. My favorite example of this is cooking. When preparing a meal, a very creative process, you always destroy the original form of the ingredients regardless of what they are. You can remind yourself of this balance by paying attention to your own process and by honoring and acknowledging both the creative and the destructive aspects of everything you do.
The high level of creative energy available last month may be showing up now as destructive at first. If you look back into history, times of high invention and creativity were also times of incredible destruction. It is the natural flow of things and important to remember to acknowledge the creativity just on the other side of the destruction even if you cannot see it yet. As a collective, and in order to insure certain necessary planetary changes for our own evolution, we may be seeing the destructive side of the coin which will certainly and inevitably lead to the creative side at some point. Acknowledging the presence of the creative even if you cannot see it is an important part of the process and will help to bring it into being.
The fertility of this time period comes from the result of the recycling of energies, taking lessons learned, choices made and intentions clarified, and allowing for the resulting compost to become the fertile ground for new growth. Because it is such a fertile time, any new ideas or projects inspired by spirit and intentions of the heart will find a supportive foundation from which to grow. You may find yourself inspired and motivated to begin something new or to nurture something already in process. The expansive nature of the times will help to grow what you are conceiving faster and bigger than you can imagine. This is why it is very important that you keep your focus on what is useful and productive and not get distracted by worry, negative thoughts or trying to please someone else’s agenda. This is a great month for asking and receiving so be careful what you ask for consciously or unconsciously because you are likely to receive it in a very expansive way. Pay attention to what you are receiving and know you have asked for just that. So if you don’t like what spirit is bringing you, you will need to clarify your intentions and focus on what you truly want.
Everything this month has the potential to grow and expand. If you are constantly worried about money, that worry will expand and you could create even less abundance; if you are focused on being overweight, you may gain even more weight; if you are focused on what you have lost, you may lose even more; if you are focused on how wonderful your life is, your life may become even more expansively wonderful; if you can focus on how incredibly prosperous and abundant you are, spirit will expand that abundance even more. It is imperative to discipline the mind to dwell on only the things that are useful and you wish expanded in your life. This is a very tall order but with very great rewards. The expansive energy in the universe is neutral and does not care one way or another what it expands. It will go with whatever instructions it gets from you. So it will be entirely up to you to give it the instructions you want.
There is a depth to these times that cannot be ignored. If you are asking for something that is not aligned with spirit, you may not be able to manifest it, and if you did, it may not be deeply satisfying in the long run. Spirit knows best and you should pay attention to what is coming in. This is especially true around relationships and partnerships. We are moving into a new cycle of agreements where either people from your past will cycle back into your life, or new connections that feel like old friends will manifest. This is also true for work and career especially for those of you who are actively seeking right work. Do not limit your possibilities only to what you think you ought to be doing but rather open the possibilities up for spirit to bring you something you may not have ever imagined possible. In setting intentions for anything, the specific intention should always be for the joy, fulfillment and satisfaction it would bring rather than a picture of what you think it may look like.
How the themes show up this month:
You Personally
The expansion of consciousness is very available this month provided you can let go of how you hold on to your reality. It is very much like being blindfolded and asked to fall back and trust that you will be caught. So fall back into the lap of the universe and trust that she will catch you safely. Most of us are holding on too narrowly to our beliefs, thoughts and feelings, trying to control and anticipate how to keep ourselves moving forward in safety with one eye looking backwards and one eye looking forwards. To take advantage of what is really available, you must be able to let go with abandon and just simply relax into the womb of mother earth knowing that whatever you have conceived of is safely in her hands. From this place you can allow your consciousness to expand beyond what your mind can conceive of. Allow your senses to sharpen and your intuition to increase. Let go of the limitations of your mind. If you do this you can actually achieve ecstatic states this month. It is up to you!
-Jose and Lena Stevens,
Many blessings to you,
PS Registration for the next Intensive series ends at noon on Sunday June 13th. go here for more info or to register:
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Support for manifesting from me and others
First: my next Joyful Manifesting Intensive begins on Sunday June 13th and you need to register by noon that day. It's best not to wait till the deadline as there's a little bit of preparation you need to do.
This is 5 days in row of powerful energy shifts and obstacle clearing for whatever it is you want to manifest via my repatterning work at a distance. You can participate very at several levels of activity from hardly paying attention to extremely involved with the program--all on your own schedule. You pick two goals, register and I do the sessions by distance. Sign up or learn more at
I'd also like to recommend two excellent books by Strategic Attraction consultant and coach, Jan Stringer, who has recently moved to Santa Fe. One is called Attracting Perfect Customers and the later one is called Bee-ing Attraction.
Finally, a f*ree resource for you: monthly teleclasses from energy healer/teacher Jo Dunning, whose personal energy, teaching style and techniques I really enjoy and find powerful yet balanced. It's her Pulse Technique teleconference, which she offers once a month. It's on Thursday June 10th at 5:15 pm Pacific. Enjoy!
Go to to register for email list.
To listen online:
A little more info for you:
The Pulse Technique Teleconference Workshop offers an opportunity to change things you would like to have different in your life so you can experience greater freedom, joy, aliveness, and abundance.
For this workshop prepare a list of 4 or 5 things you would like to have different in your life. They can be items that relate to many aspects of your life such as physical conditions, personality, limiting beliefs, unpleasant past experiences, phobias, fears, worries, finances, etc. During this workshop you will not need to talk or in any way identify yourself. The call will last about one hour.
You are welcome to share this information with others you think might enjoy participating. Remember no personal recording of the workshop is permitted, the content is protected under copyright law.
If you are interested in learning more about Jo Dunning, The Training Program or other events Jo offers, please visit our website at .
This is 5 days in row of powerful energy shifts and obstacle clearing for whatever it is you want to manifest via my repatterning work at a distance. You can participate very at several levels of activity from hardly paying attention to extremely involved with the program--all on your own schedule. You pick two goals, register and I do the sessions by distance. Sign up or learn more at
I'd also like to recommend two excellent books by Strategic Attraction consultant and coach, Jan Stringer, who has recently moved to Santa Fe. One is called Attracting Perfect Customers and the later one is called Bee-ing Attraction.
Finally, a f*ree resource for you: monthly teleclasses from energy healer/teacher Jo Dunning, whose personal energy, teaching style and techniques I really enjoy and find powerful yet balanced. It's her Pulse Technique teleconference, which she offers once a month. It's on Thursday June 10th at 5:15 pm Pacific. Enjoy!
Go to to register for email list.
To listen online:
A little more info for you:
The Pulse Technique Teleconference Workshop offers an opportunity to change things you would like to have different in your life so you can experience greater freedom, joy, aliveness, and abundance.
For this workshop prepare a list of 4 or 5 things you would like to have different in your life. They can be items that relate to many aspects of your life such as physical conditions, personality, limiting beliefs, unpleasant past experiences, phobias, fears, worries, finances, etc. During this workshop you will not need to talk or in any way identify yourself. The call will last about one hour.
You are welcome to share this information with others you think might enjoy participating. Remember no personal recording of the workshop is permitted, the content is protected under copyright law.
If you are interested in learning more about Jo Dunning, The Training Program or other events Jo offers, please visit our website at .
Sunday, June 6, 2010
A different perspective on current events
As I hear and see the events unfolding in the world, it's so easy for me to go to grief, despair, futility, or even questioning that there is a benevolent force in the Universe. Most of the time, I don't engage much with world news. However, I've been asking what it is that I can do--apart from being loving and remembering to focus on the light as much as possible, while acknowledging my own shadow as well as the darkness of others.
One thing I can do, and will be doing more in this blog space, is to present different, positive perspectives on what is happening. My original intention in starting the blog--which I still have--is to share with you tools and resources that I find helpful, around personal growth and healing.
But given the direness and the escalation of what is happening--I feel it is very important to see all of this as a purging and a movement towards acension or the evolution of Earth and the human race, and to offer hope and a bigger picture.
I will share messages that have meaning and resonance for me, whether from astrology, channeled sources, or writers whose work has light and meaning for me. Some of the messages may include invitations to group meditations or other processes that you may engage in. I hope you enjoy and I welcome your comments.
Here's one that I received today and I find it very helpful. It was passed on by a wise elder of the Santa Fe community, Harriette King, and is from a channeled source, Matthew.
June 2, 2010
This is Matthew, here with loving greetings from all souls at this station and to say that we weep with you about recent occurrences that are evoking grief, fear, anger and grave concerns about what is happening in your world. We understand the purpose of it all and can see the forthcoming greatness, but in the interconnectedness of all souls, we feel your emotions of deep sadness, discouragement and pessimism. That is why we have come at this time.
The Israeli attack on a ship with persons whose purpose is humanitarian; other instances of unprovoked violence; renewed saber-rattling between the two Korean nations; little if any progress to stabilize Iraq or end the fighting in Afghanistan; fear about what will ensue if Iran develops nuclear weapons and what is fomenting in Pakistan; increasing instances of weather anomalies and seismic events; the continued gushing forth of oil in the Gulf of Mexico; economic collapse spreading throughout Europe; governments in chaos — all are indeed lamentable and with dire potential from your world’s perspective.
It is difficult even for the most stout-hearted lightworkers to view those situations and all others that are causing widespread suffering as anything other than the personal and national tragedies they are for the peoples who are directly affected. Compassion is a natural sentiment of lighted souls, and along with prayers and physical and financial assistance where possible, compassion’s high vibrations are helping to uplift those who are suffering. Outrage and assigning blame for atrocities and deliberate hardships also are natural reactions of a concerned populace, and we shall speak more about this a bit later.
It would be a disservice to tell you that all divisive matters will be happily resolved without any serious consequences because there will be some, but not of the severity that many minds are imagining. What we offer in this short message to lighten heavy hearts about all volatile, oppressive and heartrending situations is their higher purpose within the context of Earth’s ascension.
In our last message we stated that there is not much time left for everything that must be — and shall be! — completed before Earth reaches the universal “window” to exit third density, and that the tenacity of the dark minds and hearts has altered the Golden Age master plan. It originally called for a gradual emergence of truths and resultant changes, but in the current energy streams, the clearing away of the last vestiges of darkness is coming thick and fast, and longstanding conflicts between individuals, groups and countries have to peak within a comparatively short interval. With linear time “disappearing” in the vibratory planes the planet has reached, everything in your world is accelerating not just day by day, but minute by minute.
The prevailing vibrations, which are magnifying positive and negative feelings and behaviors, are transmuting negativity into the light that is propelling your planet out of darkness and into the light — that is what ascension is for any soul. In a transformation of that magnitude, death, destruction and despair are inevitable as the energies of greed, ruthlessness and power-lust that ravaged Earth and her residents for millennia are running the final stages of their course, and darkness is lashing out furiously in its fear of losing what little remains of its one-time global control. Because of our love for all souls, we wish the transitional process did not have to be tumultuous; however, it can be no other way in the last stages of a civilization’s harsh, yet determined struggle to raise itself out of deep third density and evolve into fourth.
Accomplishing that is exactly why you are where you are. Of the many souls who wanted to be part of this unprecedented era not only on the planet, but in the universe, you are among those chosen because you have the ancient wisdom, spiritual strength and innate capabilities to bring about profound changes. Do not doubt your powerful selves for even an instant!
Take heart in knowing that there are far, far more light-filled peoples in your world than dark, and at soul level they are eager to play their roles along Earth’s pathway out of violence, turmoil, deceit and corruption. At conscious level, however, relatively few of them know what you do — that all of you are gods and goddesses with unlimited potential to manifest whatever you intently focus on.
And as strange as this may seem, the lack of that knowledge will, after all, be a fine contribution to ushering in Earth’s Golden Age. Without knowing of their true Beginnings or anything about a Golden Age — or about the decades of assistance from other civilizations or that extraterrestrials are living among you or that many others will join you fairly soon to assist in new ways — those unaware souls are rising to the challenge of healing Earth and preserving it for future generations. They are directing the energy of “outrage and blame” into initiating changes which, although not realized, at this very moment are co-creating a world of harmonious coexistence of all humanity and Nature on Earth and with souls in worlds beyond. You could say that the grassroots movement that has been growing around the globe now also is soaring toward the heavens as you prepare to take your rightful place in our universal family.
Not everyone can be at the forefront of developing new or implementing long-suppressed technologies or be leaders in other avenues of reform, and there is no need for all to be in such positions. Simply BEing the light you are will strengthen and help persons nearby recognize their own light, and the increasing emanations will keep flowing out exponentially. By remembering that light and love are the same energy, simply expressed differently, and as the pure essence of Creator is the most powerful energy in the cosmos, you can see how LOVE is the key to leaving chaos and moving into rejoicing.
The vast changes in your world, already completed in the continuum, will come about swiftly even by your linear time calculations. This period of transition into the Golden Age for all who stay steadfast in the light is its own two-fold reward, so to say — joy in helping to emancipate Earth from the deep tentacles of darkness and leaps in soul growth from participating in this mammoth, magnificent undertaking.
Our beloved brothers and sisters, keep envisioning the world you want and know that you are co-creating it with every thought and deed. Countless numbers of light beings in spirit and physical worlds are accompanying you all along your triumphant journey.
With the infinite love and blessings of the universe, we bid you farewell for this moment.
Suzanne Ward
One thing I can do, and will be doing more in this blog space, is to present different, positive perspectives on what is happening. My original intention in starting the blog--which I still have--is to share with you tools and resources that I find helpful, around personal growth and healing.
But given the direness and the escalation of what is happening--I feel it is very important to see all of this as a purging and a movement towards acension or the evolution of Earth and the human race, and to offer hope and a bigger picture.
I will share messages that have meaning and resonance for me, whether from astrology, channeled sources, or writers whose work has light and meaning for me. Some of the messages may include invitations to group meditations or other processes that you may engage in. I hope you enjoy and I welcome your comments.
Here's one that I received today and I find it very helpful. It was passed on by a wise elder of the Santa Fe community, Harriette King, and is from a channeled source, Matthew.
June 2, 2010
This is Matthew, here with loving greetings from all souls at this station and to say that we weep with you about recent occurrences that are evoking grief, fear, anger and grave concerns about what is happening in your world. We understand the purpose of it all and can see the forthcoming greatness, but in the interconnectedness of all souls, we feel your emotions of deep sadness, discouragement and pessimism. That is why we have come at this time.
The Israeli attack on a ship with persons whose purpose is humanitarian; other instances of unprovoked violence; renewed saber-rattling between the two Korean nations; little if any progress to stabilize Iraq or end the fighting in Afghanistan; fear about what will ensue if Iran develops nuclear weapons and what is fomenting in Pakistan; increasing instances of weather anomalies and seismic events; the continued gushing forth of oil in the Gulf of Mexico; economic collapse spreading throughout Europe; governments in chaos — all are indeed lamentable and with dire potential from your world’s perspective.
It is difficult even for the most stout-hearted lightworkers to view those situations and all others that are causing widespread suffering as anything other than the personal and national tragedies they are for the peoples who are directly affected. Compassion is a natural sentiment of lighted souls, and along with prayers and physical and financial assistance where possible, compassion’s high vibrations are helping to uplift those who are suffering. Outrage and assigning blame for atrocities and deliberate hardships also are natural reactions of a concerned populace, and we shall speak more about this a bit later.
It would be a disservice to tell you that all divisive matters will be happily resolved without any serious consequences because there will be some, but not of the severity that many minds are imagining. What we offer in this short message to lighten heavy hearts about all volatile, oppressive and heartrending situations is their higher purpose within the context of Earth’s ascension.
In our last message we stated that there is not much time left for everything that must be — and shall be! — completed before Earth reaches the universal “window” to exit third density, and that the tenacity of the dark minds and hearts has altered the Golden Age master plan. It originally called for a gradual emergence of truths and resultant changes, but in the current energy streams, the clearing away of the last vestiges of darkness is coming thick and fast, and longstanding conflicts between individuals, groups and countries have to peak within a comparatively short interval. With linear time “disappearing” in the vibratory planes the planet has reached, everything in your world is accelerating not just day by day, but minute by minute.
The prevailing vibrations, which are magnifying positive and negative feelings and behaviors, are transmuting negativity into the light that is propelling your planet out of darkness and into the light — that is what ascension is for any soul. In a transformation of that magnitude, death, destruction and despair are inevitable as the energies of greed, ruthlessness and power-lust that ravaged Earth and her residents for millennia are running the final stages of their course, and darkness is lashing out furiously in its fear of losing what little remains of its one-time global control. Because of our love for all souls, we wish the transitional process did not have to be tumultuous; however, it can be no other way in the last stages of a civilization’s harsh, yet determined struggle to raise itself out of deep third density and evolve into fourth.
Accomplishing that is exactly why you are where you are. Of the many souls who wanted to be part of this unprecedented era not only on the planet, but in the universe, you are among those chosen because you have the ancient wisdom, spiritual strength and innate capabilities to bring about profound changes. Do not doubt your powerful selves for even an instant!
Take heart in knowing that there are far, far more light-filled peoples in your world than dark, and at soul level they are eager to play their roles along Earth’s pathway out of violence, turmoil, deceit and corruption. At conscious level, however, relatively few of them know what you do — that all of you are gods and goddesses with unlimited potential to manifest whatever you intently focus on.
And as strange as this may seem, the lack of that knowledge will, after all, be a fine contribution to ushering in Earth’s Golden Age. Without knowing of their true Beginnings or anything about a Golden Age — or about the decades of assistance from other civilizations or that extraterrestrials are living among you or that many others will join you fairly soon to assist in new ways — those unaware souls are rising to the challenge of healing Earth and preserving it for future generations. They are directing the energy of “outrage and blame” into initiating changes which, although not realized, at this very moment are co-creating a world of harmonious coexistence of all humanity and Nature on Earth and with souls in worlds beyond. You could say that the grassroots movement that has been growing around the globe now also is soaring toward the heavens as you prepare to take your rightful place in our universal family.
Not everyone can be at the forefront of developing new or implementing long-suppressed technologies or be leaders in other avenues of reform, and there is no need for all to be in such positions. Simply BEing the light you are will strengthen and help persons nearby recognize their own light, and the increasing emanations will keep flowing out exponentially. By remembering that light and love are the same energy, simply expressed differently, and as the pure essence of Creator is the most powerful energy in the cosmos, you can see how LOVE is the key to leaving chaos and moving into rejoicing.
The vast changes in your world, already completed in the continuum, will come about swiftly even by your linear time calculations. This period of transition into the Golden Age for all who stay steadfast in the light is its own two-fold reward, so to say — joy in helping to emancipate Earth from the deep tentacles of darkness and leaps in soul growth from participating in this mammoth, magnificent undertaking.
Our beloved brothers and sisters, keep envisioning the world you want and know that you are co-creating it with every thought and deed. Countless numbers of light beings in spirit and physical worlds are accompanying you all along your triumphant journey.
With the infinite love and blessings of the universe, we bid you farewell for this moment.
Suzanne Ward
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Repatterning Your Self-Talk: Highlights of Yesterday's Session
Yesterday's group session on "Repatterning Your Self Talk" was a powerful one. You can listen to the recording by going to the link on this post.
It is always fascinating to me to see the different issues that get brought up in a session--even when I offer a session on the same topic, the content of the session will always be tailored to that particular group so it's fresh and interesting. Yesterday's session for example, was from Family Constellations repatternings (written by Carin Block), and it was the Repatterning for Receiving. It's not necessarily the repatterning I would have expected us to be doing, but then, I'm often surprised--and in retrospect it always seems perfect.
The Repatterning for Receiving is all about being able to take in what is nurturing to us and the blocks we have around doing that. As I look back, it makes sense that this is the repatterning we did because it's all about being able to receive appreciation, praise, positive feedback and any kind of input that is nurturing and beneficial. When we don't feel worthy or deserving, or that we are loved, cared for and included in our families, we develop a habit of taking in criticism and negativity and filtering out positive input.
Another significant piece of the session was the healing modality, which was about integrating the archetypal energy of the Saboteur--that part of ourselves that appears to be interfering or blocking us from achieving our conscious desires. Our modality was about "fusing in" or integrating the Saboteur energy. According to Carolyn Myss in her book "Sacred Contracts" which is all about working with archetypes, the Saboteur is one of the basic 4 archetypes we all have. The others are Victim, Prostitute and Child. If you find archetypes interesting, please check out her book. It's very enlightening and helpful in understanding yourself more deeply.
So, feel free to listen to the session by clicking on this link, and be prepared--you will receive an actual session by listening. You can follow along and write down your own answers to the questions I ask to deepen your experience.
Here's to happier Self Talk,
It is always fascinating to me to see the different issues that get brought up in a session--even when I offer a session on the same topic, the content of the session will always be tailored to that particular group so it's fresh and interesting. Yesterday's session for example, was from Family Constellations repatternings (written by Carin Block), and it was the Repatterning for Receiving. It's not necessarily the repatterning I would have expected us to be doing, but then, I'm often surprised--and in retrospect it always seems perfect.
The Repatterning for Receiving is all about being able to take in what is nurturing to us and the blocks we have around doing that. As I look back, it makes sense that this is the repatterning we did because it's all about being able to receive appreciation, praise, positive feedback and any kind of input that is nurturing and beneficial. When we don't feel worthy or deserving, or that we are loved, cared for and included in our families, we develop a habit of taking in criticism and negativity and filtering out positive input.
Another significant piece of the session was the healing modality, which was about integrating the archetypal energy of the Saboteur--that part of ourselves that appears to be interfering or blocking us from achieving our conscious desires. Our modality was about "fusing in" or integrating the Saboteur energy. According to Carolyn Myss in her book "Sacred Contracts" which is all about working with archetypes, the Saboteur is one of the basic 4 archetypes we all have. The others are Victim, Prostitute and Child. If you find archetypes interesting, please check out her book. It's very enlightening and helpful in understanding yourself more deeply.
So, feel free to listen to the session by clicking on this link, and be prepared--you will receive an actual session by listening. You can follow along and write down your own answers to the questions I ask to deepen your experience.
Here's to happier Self Talk,
Thursday, June 3, 2010
A recipe for success & confidence: Kindness & Self-Compassion
This post is for those of you who don't find macho self-talk to be very helpful. You know--"Just do it." "Get over it" maybe even "No pain, no gain"--that kind of talk. We've been conditioned to muscle our way through those times when we're fearful, stuck or holding back from taking our big leap.
I'm not sure that macho stuff even really works for men, although their main feel- good hormone is testosterone, which is activated by challenge. While women do enjoy challenges too, our main feel-good hormone is oxytocin and that's activated by love, communication, things that increase feelings of bonding and connectedness, not our sense of rugged individuality! I personally don't get too energized by the macho talk, and don't believe most women do either.
Yes, clearly there are times to just get into action..but how do you get there easily, and in a loving and heart connected way? Can you motivate yourself without beating up on yourself or creating other kinds of trauma for yourself? After all you're already feeling afraid or hesitant--so is a harsh taskmaster voice going to help you move forward?
This is what we will be exploring--and repatterning--on my next f*ree teleclass group session, entitled: Self Talk for Success. Come join if you can (see two posts earlier in this blog for the call in details) at 11am Mountain time, Friday June 4th.
Whether you can be on the call or not, here are some questions for you to explore and work with. And you are always welcome to do a private session or series with me around this topic. After all, couldn't you use more self-love and confidence?
Please try to answer each one in turn without reading the next one (I have my reasons for the sequencing!).
1.What IS working for you right now in the way you talk to yourself, think about yourself or speak about yourself? What areas of your life are you more encouraging and supportive to yourself? How do you notice and celebrate yourself and your accomplishments? Start noticing and writing down phrases that you say to yourself or out loud to others--about yourself and especially about your work or your business. They may be positive and empowering, like “yes, I CAN do that.” Or “I’m really good at __________” or “I appreciate myself for _______”
2.How easy or difficult was it for you to answer #1 above? Did you notice a first impulse to look at what you don’t do well, or the ways you don’t talk positively? Did it feel odd to start with “what do I do right?”. Just notice!
3)What are some of the phrases or words you use to yourself, about yourself in your mind, and about yourself to others that are de-energizing, disempowering or putting yourself down? For example: “I can’t handle this” “I am overwhelmed” “I never complete anything” “Why can’t I ____?”
Please answer these questions in the context of your business, workday or other work-related or creative activities:
1) Which areas are you most encouraging and self-supporting in, and which are more difficult for you to be kind and loving to yourself?
2) Are there certain times of day, certain tasks or situations which bring out your Loving Encouraging Coach self, your Inner Critic or your inner child?
3) Is there a need pattern that tends to bring out your Inner Critic? For example when I need a nap, a break or some exercise, I tend to get cranky and critical of myself or another person. This could be a physical need (ie low blood sugar, need to eat) or an emotional/mental one (needing contact after being alone too long).
4) What possible payoffs do you think you get (or did you used to get) for being self critical, putting yourself down or being hard on yourself? Was/is there someone in your life who might be pleased (consciously or unconsciously) by your keeping yourself down?
Enjoy your discovery process and I hope to hear you on tomorrow's call!
Many blessings,
I'm not sure that macho stuff even really works for men, although their main feel- good hormone is testosterone, which is activated by challenge. While women do enjoy challenges too, our main feel-good hormone is oxytocin and that's activated by love, communication, things that increase feelings of bonding and connectedness, not our sense of rugged individuality! I personally don't get too energized by the macho talk, and don't believe most women do either.
Yes, clearly there are times to just get into action..but how do you get there easily, and in a loving and heart connected way? Can you motivate yourself without beating up on yourself or creating other kinds of trauma for yourself? After all you're already feeling afraid or hesitant--so is a harsh taskmaster voice going to help you move forward?
This is what we will be exploring--and repatterning--on my next f*ree teleclass group session, entitled: Self Talk for Success. Come join if you can (see two posts earlier in this blog for the call in details) at 11am Mountain time, Friday June 4th.
Whether you can be on the call or not, here are some questions for you to explore and work with. And you are always welcome to do a private session or series with me around this topic. After all, couldn't you use more self-love and confidence?
Please try to answer each one in turn without reading the next one (I have my reasons for the sequencing!).
1.What IS working for you right now in the way you talk to yourself, think about yourself or speak about yourself? What areas of your life are you more encouraging and supportive to yourself? How do you notice and celebrate yourself and your accomplishments? Start noticing and writing down phrases that you say to yourself or out loud to others--about yourself and especially about your work or your business. They may be positive and empowering, like “yes, I CAN do that.” Or “I’m really good at __________” or “I appreciate myself for _______”
2.How easy or difficult was it for you to answer #1 above? Did you notice a first impulse to look at what you don’t do well, or the ways you don’t talk positively? Did it feel odd to start with “what do I do right?”. Just notice!
3)What are some of the phrases or words you use to yourself, about yourself in your mind, and about yourself to others that are de-energizing, disempowering or putting yourself down? For example: “I can’t handle this” “I am overwhelmed” “I never complete anything” “Why can’t I ____?”
Please answer these questions in the context of your business, workday or other work-related or creative activities:
1) Which areas are you most encouraging and self-supporting in, and which are more difficult for you to be kind and loving to yourself?
2) Are there certain times of day, certain tasks or situations which bring out your Loving Encouraging Coach self, your Inner Critic or your inner child?
3) Is there a need pattern that tends to bring out your Inner Critic? For example when I need a nap, a break or some exercise, I tend to get cranky and critical of myself or another person. This could be a physical need (ie low blood sugar, need to eat) or an emotional/mental one (needing contact after being alone too long).
4) What possible payoffs do you think you get (or did you used to get) for being self critical, putting yourself down or being hard on yourself? Was/is there someone in your life who might be pleased (consciously or unconsciously) by your keeping yourself down?
Enjoy your discovery process and I hope to hear you on tomorrow's call!
Many blessings,
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Breakfast with God part 4
Hello there--I hope to hear you on Friday's group session! Meantime, more inspiration from Maureen Moss. I love her "Breakfast with God" messages..let them stretch your thinking or inspire you about the times we are living in!
Dearest Hearts,
As always, I pray you are well. This month I have had many messages from God along with several Masters that I hadn't worked with for awhile.
All have come about as a result of a compelling summons from my Soul, a couple of months ago, prior to my birthday, to enter into a state of silence and pass through the final stages of healing and purification required for Ascension. I took a deep breath, listened, and made the preparations to do so, letting nothing stand in my way.
My mind reminded me that this has been a very tough journey. My heart told me to be grateful for every bit of it.
At this point, I was not about to fall short of whatever I must be or whatever I must do to step fully into the Light, and live in peace.
I headed to the place on the grid in the United States that I am most in alignment and rapport with. On the first day, I went to my favorite source of nourishment, the ocean, to have breakfast with God.
I began with a prayer. "Dear God, on this day and from this day forward I surrender all of me to You. I sit on the shore of Your magnificent creation, by the summons of my soul. I am asking You, dear God, to usher me through the final initiations that stand between my human experience and my Divine One. Dear God, shine your Light where there is darkness. Take my hand and lead me, knowing that I have, with deep trust, made this commitment to follow as you lead. I am in deep gratitude for this calling."
I then remained still, becoming full with an unexpected joy I had not felt, for quite some time.
That day, and for many weeks that still continue, I have had revelations, conversations, remembrances, more tests, frequency shifts and blessings. I notice I have to keep very close to the inside of myself to remain fully aligned with God, as the planetary energy intensifies significantly, attempting to push everybody's buttons.
For the purpose of this article I will share what came from this particular "Breakfast With God" conversation that is not personal, though concerns all of humanity. Much more will come in the months ahead.
"You have nearly reached the end of one of the most important incarnations, if not the most important incarnation of your time. The book of records for this long and arduous evolutionary period will soon be closed and stored, for later review. You have each created quite a 'story' for yourselves.
How do you feel? Do you remember the goals you set for your incarnation? How have you managed with the curriculum leading you through the Ascension protocols? Do you see the Light or are you still in the tunnel?
I will share with you what I see, which perhaps will shed Light for you and give you further leverage to lift your Life; not as a matter of judgment, as a matter of observance.
There are those of you, through blind faith, seemingly endless trials and tribulations and gut wrenching tears, that have boldly taken this incarnation to heart. You have succeeded in letting go of judgments, deeply embedded patterns, emotional wounds and traumas. You did so with a compassionate nature and a renewed respect for yourself.
You have awakened your sleeping consciousness, and returned to the heart and mind of God.
Often, you claimed and invoked the power of My name, I Am, as yours, to raise your vibration and inflame your memories of who you truly are. You used your powers fiercely, humbly and intentionally to move every mountain that attempted to stand in your way, particularly your mind and ego.
You opened a new level of alignment with Me and with the Earth, each time you claimed I AM. You activated, and strengthened your rapport with Me and your I Am Presence each time you proclaimed and embraced the Truth, that you are, I Am.
You studied and called forth the Christ Consciousness repeatedly until it became your consciousness. You will make your Ascension (if you have not already), before the close of 2012.
There are those of you that are now making great strides to actively pursue your incarnation with unsealed minds and hearts filled with love. You are living on behalf of yourself, rather than against yourself.
You are willingly surrendering to the path that is laid before you with compassion, commitment, trust and gratitude. You are remembering how to manage energy, as well as the ways to raise your vibrations through a word, a surrender, a thought or an action of love.
As the pressure intensifies on your Planet, you may falter though you will not fall if you continue to walk with Me, using My mind and My love, to your advantage. Use every intense moment as leverage to raise yourself above it. You will make your Ascension shortly.
And then there are billions amongst you that still toy with the Codes of Conduct and The Laws of Love that govern Ascension. Those same beings have an on again off again relationship with Me, and their own I Am Presence. There is ongoing struggle to find peace and balance.
Beloveds, until you lay aside the folly of your senses, and live your life as an act of Love, in gratitude and trust of Me at all times, you will be on hold to ascend.
As much as I love each and every one of you, no one will experience their personal Ascension by any other means than through a total and complete renewal and reintegration with their I Am Presence, the most Divine part of you, that is the most Divine part of Me.
Less you surrender every grip on your mortal identities, and cease fighting to be right for all that limits you, you will continue to fight against the Light rendering yourselves powerless and at the mercy of long standing chaos.
Reach for your freedom, no matter what the energies or the planets around your planet are doing. You are each fully capable of bursting through all obstacles from the inside out.
Slow down, give Me your will, open your heart fully and pay attention to your Life, and what it is asking you to let go of, and let in.
Too often you refuse to properly perceive and embrace the blessings of higher awareness as you rush through the experiences of your life. You choose to forget that every experience you have lives within a sacred moment, and carries a message vital to the expansion of your consciousness.
I wish to remind you (briefly) of a time in your history, that many of you were a part of; a time when you came to know that your only salvation was to use your experience to return to Me, out of love for yourself.
Perhaps, from this, you will draw strength and compassion and a sense of urgency to complete your journey into the Light.
Over 12,000 years ago the beloved continent of Lemuria, and many of its inhabitants, were completely submerged underwater.
Overnight everything was lost. All material possessions were gone. Loved ones were separated. Animals, minerals, elementals and nature, along with all the beauty and all the aspects of daily living on this magnificent continent vanished in one fell swoop, without warning.
All that was left was Self, seeking the meaning and the purpose of life, while in the void of nothing. There was no time for pity or stories. There was no time to be angry, or truly feel the pain, though the agony was beyond words.
The traumas of betrayal and abandonment that existed remained to be healed by each, in succeeding lifetimes.
That was the beginning of fulfilling the purpose for coming to the Earth, to seek one's Spiritual Mastery in a state of complete surrender.
Every being was left only to themselves and with Me. Can you imagine/remember the hell and heartbreak and then the courage and perseverance to begin again with nothing, but Me as their Source and supply for all things?
During that time the High Priests and Priestesses of Lemuria prophesized that many of you would gather again during a time of great trial and tribulation upon the earth. And, it was spoken, that those living on the earth at such a time would be given every opportunity to make a full recovery and make their Ascension back into the One Mind and One Heart of God, freed from the third dimension and all of its dark, dire and separated influences, forevermore.
You live in the midst of that prophecy. You were chosen to come back to Earth now, (whether you lived in Lemuria or Atlantis,) to purify yourself and bring peace to this earth, and bring peace to yourself. You will never have to go through darkness and separation again, if you will only come to the Light now. Let yourself ascend.
You have no further need to suffer or fight, Beloveds. You are almost home. Let everything go, everything that causes you struggle, including your sadness. Let it go.
I ask you to understand now, that you are being initiated, by a final series of personal and global experiences, to bring you to the altar of your Ascension. Pay attention. Slow your pace.
Use every precious moment of your incarnation, as you end this cycle of evolution, to be in harmony with your heart, and with Me during a time of unprecedented reward. Dig deep for your own love.
Breathe My life into you. Together, we will restore the world that you carry within you.
I Am asking you to go beyond your deepest fears. I will take care of you. Let Me in. Give Me your will and give Me your fears. I know what to do with them. Trust Me.
I miss you. I love you and I await you all.
(c)Maureen Moss, 2010, This article may be shared but please include the attribution to the author.
Dearest Hearts,
As always, I pray you are well. This month I have had many messages from God along with several Masters that I hadn't worked with for awhile.
All have come about as a result of a compelling summons from my Soul, a couple of months ago, prior to my birthday, to enter into a state of silence and pass through the final stages of healing and purification required for Ascension. I took a deep breath, listened, and made the preparations to do so, letting nothing stand in my way.
My mind reminded me that this has been a very tough journey. My heart told me to be grateful for every bit of it.
At this point, I was not about to fall short of whatever I must be or whatever I must do to step fully into the Light, and live in peace.
I headed to the place on the grid in the United States that I am most in alignment and rapport with. On the first day, I went to my favorite source of nourishment, the ocean, to have breakfast with God.
I began with a prayer. "Dear God, on this day and from this day forward I surrender all of me to You. I sit on the shore of Your magnificent creation, by the summons of my soul. I am asking You, dear God, to usher me through the final initiations that stand between my human experience and my Divine One. Dear God, shine your Light where there is darkness. Take my hand and lead me, knowing that I have, with deep trust, made this commitment to follow as you lead. I am in deep gratitude for this calling."
I then remained still, becoming full with an unexpected joy I had not felt, for quite some time.
That day, and for many weeks that still continue, I have had revelations, conversations, remembrances, more tests, frequency shifts and blessings. I notice I have to keep very close to the inside of myself to remain fully aligned with God, as the planetary energy intensifies significantly, attempting to push everybody's buttons.
For the purpose of this article I will share what came from this particular "Breakfast With God" conversation that is not personal, though concerns all of humanity. Much more will come in the months ahead.
"You have nearly reached the end of one of the most important incarnations, if not the most important incarnation of your time. The book of records for this long and arduous evolutionary period will soon be closed and stored, for later review. You have each created quite a 'story' for yourselves.
How do you feel? Do you remember the goals you set for your incarnation? How have you managed with the curriculum leading you through the Ascension protocols? Do you see the Light or are you still in the tunnel?
I will share with you what I see, which perhaps will shed Light for you and give you further leverage to lift your Life; not as a matter of judgment, as a matter of observance.
There are those of you, through blind faith, seemingly endless trials and tribulations and gut wrenching tears, that have boldly taken this incarnation to heart. You have succeeded in letting go of judgments, deeply embedded patterns, emotional wounds and traumas. You did so with a compassionate nature and a renewed respect for yourself.
You have awakened your sleeping consciousness, and returned to the heart and mind of God.
Often, you claimed and invoked the power of My name, I Am, as yours, to raise your vibration and inflame your memories of who you truly are. You used your powers fiercely, humbly and intentionally to move every mountain that attempted to stand in your way, particularly your mind and ego.
You opened a new level of alignment with Me and with the Earth, each time you claimed I AM. You activated, and strengthened your rapport with Me and your I Am Presence each time you proclaimed and embraced the Truth, that you are, I Am.
You studied and called forth the Christ Consciousness repeatedly until it became your consciousness. You will make your Ascension (if you have not already), before the close of 2012.
There are those of you that are now making great strides to actively pursue your incarnation with unsealed minds and hearts filled with love. You are living on behalf of yourself, rather than against yourself.
You are willingly surrendering to the path that is laid before you with compassion, commitment, trust and gratitude. You are remembering how to manage energy, as well as the ways to raise your vibrations through a word, a surrender, a thought or an action of love.
As the pressure intensifies on your Planet, you may falter though you will not fall if you continue to walk with Me, using My mind and My love, to your advantage. Use every intense moment as leverage to raise yourself above it. You will make your Ascension shortly.
And then there are billions amongst you that still toy with the Codes of Conduct and The Laws of Love that govern Ascension. Those same beings have an on again off again relationship with Me, and their own I Am Presence. There is ongoing struggle to find peace and balance.
Beloveds, until you lay aside the folly of your senses, and live your life as an act of Love, in gratitude and trust of Me at all times, you will be on hold to ascend.
As much as I love each and every one of you, no one will experience their personal Ascension by any other means than through a total and complete renewal and reintegration with their I Am Presence, the most Divine part of you, that is the most Divine part of Me.
Less you surrender every grip on your mortal identities, and cease fighting to be right for all that limits you, you will continue to fight against the Light rendering yourselves powerless and at the mercy of long standing chaos.
Reach for your freedom, no matter what the energies or the planets around your planet are doing. You are each fully capable of bursting through all obstacles from the inside out.
Slow down, give Me your will, open your heart fully and pay attention to your Life, and what it is asking you to let go of, and let in.
Too often you refuse to properly perceive and embrace the blessings of higher awareness as you rush through the experiences of your life. You choose to forget that every experience you have lives within a sacred moment, and carries a message vital to the expansion of your consciousness.
I wish to remind you (briefly) of a time in your history, that many of you were a part of; a time when you came to know that your only salvation was to use your experience to return to Me, out of love for yourself.
Perhaps, from this, you will draw strength and compassion and a sense of urgency to complete your journey into the Light.
Over 12,000 years ago the beloved continent of Lemuria, and many of its inhabitants, were completely submerged underwater.
Overnight everything was lost. All material possessions were gone. Loved ones were separated. Animals, minerals, elementals and nature, along with all the beauty and all the aspects of daily living on this magnificent continent vanished in one fell swoop, without warning.
All that was left was Self, seeking the meaning and the purpose of life, while in the void of nothing. There was no time for pity or stories. There was no time to be angry, or truly feel the pain, though the agony was beyond words.
The traumas of betrayal and abandonment that existed remained to be healed by each, in succeeding lifetimes.
That was the beginning of fulfilling the purpose for coming to the Earth, to seek one's Spiritual Mastery in a state of complete surrender.
Every being was left only to themselves and with Me. Can you imagine/remember the hell and heartbreak and then the courage and perseverance to begin again with nothing, but Me as their Source and supply for all things?
During that time the High Priests and Priestesses of Lemuria prophesized that many of you would gather again during a time of great trial and tribulation upon the earth. And, it was spoken, that those living on the earth at such a time would be given every opportunity to make a full recovery and make their Ascension back into the One Mind and One Heart of God, freed from the third dimension and all of its dark, dire and separated influences, forevermore.
You live in the midst of that prophecy. You were chosen to come back to Earth now, (whether you lived in Lemuria or Atlantis,) to purify yourself and bring peace to this earth, and bring peace to yourself. You will never have to go through darkness and separation again, if you will only come to the Light now. Let yourself ascend.
You have no further need to suffer or fight, Beloveds. You are almost home. Let everything go, everything that causes you struggle, including your sadness. Let it go.
I ask you to understand now, that you are being initiated, by a final series of personal and global experiences, to bring you to the altar of your Ascension. Pay attention. Slow your pace.
Use every precious moment of your incarnation, as you end this cycle of evolution, to be in harmony with your heart, and with Me during a time of unprecedented reward. Dig deep for your own love.
Breathe My life into you. Together, we will restore the world that you carry within you.
I Am asking you to go beyond your deepest fears. I will take care of you. Let Me in. Give Me your will and give Me your fears. I know what to do with them. Trust Me.
I miss you. I love you and I await you all.
(c)Maureen Moss, 2010, This article may be shared but please include the attribution to the author.
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