Hello..a member of the wonderful creative/healing arts/dance community here in Santa Fe, my friend Rena Tairifa sent this message today and I thought you would enjoy it.
She has spent time at Findhorn, a co-creative community in Scotland, famous for great growing despite the very cold, rainy, inhospitable climate there. Co-creative gardening--something I have studied with Sibylle Preuschat and with the materials of Maechelle Small-Wright, involves working in partnership with nature.
When we work with nature, one level at which we can communicate and partner with her is through the Devas. The Devas are architects of form..some people see them as spirit beings or in other forms. I do not usually see them but I sense them. Everything that exists in form--not just plants and rocks and things we would consider nature, but anything that can be named, even intangible things, have an overlighting Deva, a Deva in charge of that thing.
If this idea is new to you, you can read Co-Creative Science by Maechelle Small Wright to learn more...You can also experiment with asking for a connection to be made to any Deva you want to connect with, and see what messages, images or sensations you receive from making that connection. Make sure that when you finish connecting, you ask for the connection to be released, with thanks....otherwise it's like leaving a phone off the hook.
So that is a little background for those of you not familiar with Devas or that we can communicate directly with nature.
This is Tairifa's communication from the Deva of Trust. Enjoy!
Many blessings,
Inspirational Message from the Deva of Trust
"Move from a place of knowing within you rather than as a result of adaptation to outer experience. Let go of your assumptions and your need to control life's creative process.
It does not matter what spiritual path you’re on, an ultimate sense of peace comes down to one question: Can you let go of the need to control your life, and trust there is a benevolent force guiding all that ever has, is, and will happen?
Trust is the soul's way of attuning to a fundamental law of reality. There is a deep rhythm that moves through all life that cannot be controlled by our will. When trust informs our experience, it allows our psyche to relax and our soul to be at peace with our situation. We can rest in unquestioned confidence that the universe provides, that we have and will receive what we really need. In fact, often beyond what we alone are even capable of imagining.
When we have a lot of basic trust, we are courageous and take risks. We don't suppress our competencies. We engage in life wholeheartedly, doing what feels appropriate with the confidence that it will work out. Life becomes a story of creation not an obstacle course.
Without basic trust, we tend to react to what arises in accordance with our conditioning wanting our process to go one way or another. We cling to predetermined assumptions and outcomes. We become tense and contracted and do all we can to manipulate the circumstances to fit with our desires.
Here is a suggestion for changing the automatic internal response to external signals. When a traffic light turns yellow and there is a safe distance to stop before it turns red, what do you tend to do? Do you accelerate to 'make it through'? If so, this is a metaphor for what happens inside when our yellow worry light goes off — we accelerate; try harder, move faster, do more, all stress responses to our conditioning. Trust is the ability to stop and wait for the green light to signal the time to move forward again.
Why not, for the month of November, practice putting on the brakes when the light is yellow and taking that moment to pause and breathe in trust and the deeper rhythm of life while waiting for the green light to again signal you to go."
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Inspirational Message from the Deva of Trust
Maechelle Small-Wright
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