Monday, January 17, 2011

A Bounty of Uplifting Offerings---All F*ree!

Wow..there is so much good stuff flowing to us right now. I just have to share the wealth with you.

First, Jo Dunning, a master energy healer who I really like a lot, is offering her Activations of Awakening for f*ree this Wednesday January 19th via webinar, phone call, and I believe by distance. She normally charges for these powerful awakenings of the Pineal and other endocrine glands for spiritual acceleration. Go to her site to register at

There are tons of other things available too...this list is from Maureen Moss, creator of the World Puja Network. She has also shared her experience of the 1-1-11 worldwide meditation, which I will post in a later post.

But for now, know that the recording of this event are available, free, to you. All of the spoken words, transmissions, activations, meditations and energy are embedded in the 2 hour MP3 recording, along with a full written transcription of the entire event. Each will prompt you into your awakened state and gracefully lead you through 2011.

It all awaits you at:
Click on 2011 Planetary Transmission or on the Home Page graphic

Other events coming up: Mark Your Calendar For January
Don't Miss Broadcasts (to name just a few of dozens):

First of all don't miss our newest host, Rikka Zimmerman with her brilliant weekly new show "Access Consciousness." As a global speaker, this woman wakes-up an audience with sheer exuberance. If you're ready to glean some fresh wisdom on Abundance this is the show you won't want to miss each week.

It has been over a year since I have interviewed three people in one month let alone over the course of a year. This month I was compelled to contribute to continuing to keep the energy moving powerfully in this first month of this powerful New Year.

First, I interview a global leader, great teacher and a man that I have long considered to be a great friend, and a no easy way out mentor. To say he's brilliant....well, an understatement. His name; Robert Rabbin and our conversation, all about Authenticity (perfect timing!) Jan. 13

Next is part 2, on "The Divine" with new trailblazer, Panache Desai, on Jan. 27.

And a woman who has contributed very quietly for decades through her brilliant book Oneness, Rasha. This interview will be part meditation and part conversation on Jan. 30.

All of Stuart Mooney's shows this month will take off where he left off in our global meditation. What an authentic, pure, uncomplicated blessing this man is to the world and to The World Puja Network.

Carla Rueckert joins James Gilliland on Jan. 25. Carla has served as a vocal channel since 1974 and was the instrument for the five The Law of One books. Not a show to miss, particularly as the Law of One couldn't be more timely.

Great wisdom, activations, and transmissions continue to flow from hosts Dr. Steven Greer, Judy Satori, Jo Dunning, Christine Day, DeAnne Hampton, Pippa Merivale, Kerrie O'Connor and Sheila Gale. All details, more guests, dates and times at

MP3 Recording and Written Transcript of World Gathering is at
Click on 2011 Planetary Transmission or on the Home Page graphic

Brand New Article: "Know Yourself and Honor Yourself" also on Click on Newsletters.

From my heart to yours,

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