Friends, if you think things have been moving fast, just you wait! Here are some predictions based on the Mayan Calendar. This year, 2011, and the 18 days beginning March 9th, there will be great movement towards world unity. Hallelujah!
Things are also expected to be 20 times more accelerated than they have been. I can't even imagine what the implications of that are.
I am feeling moved to get something started in response, locally or online...perhaps a chain of events to support our coming together in a unity wave! Let me know what you think.
The following is from the website of Carl John Calleman PhD who has studied the Mayan calendar in depth:
March 9, 2011: Dawn of the Unity Wave
Last year large numbers of people gathered in the Conscious Convergence event on July 17-18, 2010, setting an intention to manifest unity consciousness as the Ninth, and highest, of the Mayan waves brings the universe to its highest state of existence. This event served as a base camp for intention setting and ascension towards Unity consciousness; We celebrated in joy in the most varied forms, ranging from the temples of Bali to the Mayan elders in Guatemala and from the Sami in the North to the Bushmen in the Kalahari. We could for the first time ever see our planet emerging as a sacred space encircled by a global medicine wheel.*
We are now approaching the actual beginning of this wave of unity consciousness, which begins on March 9, 2011. This is the ninth wave also known as the Universal Underworld. This wave includes thirteen uaxaclahunkin (18 day) periods that propel a process designed to lead the universe and the human beings to their highest state of consciousness.** The purpose of this article is to provide some additional background to this wave, its initiation date and suggest how the energy of the wave may be used in the most beneficial way. This requires that I again summarize the basic structure of the cosmic time plan as understood from the Mayan calendar.
Many people have in recent years come to know about the existence of the Mayan calendar and its purported end date, but surprisingly, not so many have assimilated what the ancient inscriptions are saying about it. In fact, there is only one known ancient inscription that mentions the calendar end -- Monument 6 from Tortuguero*** describes what will happen when the calendar comes to an end. The current reading of this ancient inscription by professional Mayanists is that we will then “witness the display of Bolon Yokte Ku in his full costume and regalia.” So whatever else you might have heard associated with the end of the Mayan calendar such as a pole shift, the end of the world, a galactic alignment, solar flares, radiation from the center of the galaxy, etc., actually lacks foundation in any ancient Mayan text.
Yet what obviously does have a background in an ancient Mayan inscription is Bolon, the number nine. At first sight, the reading of the Tortuguero Monument may sound cryptic and difficult to understand. There is however a lot of surrounding information about Bolon Yokte Ku that allows us to make sense of this insciption.*** Crucial to understanding is that Bolon Yokte Ku is the Nine-Support, or Nine-Step, entity of “period endings.” Bolon Yokte Ku, in other words, is a name for a cosmic pyramid in nine steps. Through extensive factual verification this pyramid has been shown to symbolize the nine levels of evolution the universe undergoes on its climb to its highest state of consciousness.
Each level of evolution, of Bolon Yokte Ku, the cosmic pyramid, is then developed through a series of thirteen time periods. These range from the hablatun (1.26 billion years) on the bottom level to the uaxaclahunkin of 18 days at the ninth level. This means a twenty times frequency increase and speed-up of time with every single step to a higher level. Soon, as of October 28, 2011, the energies of the nine waves are then all going to manifest fully. This final manifestation, I believe is what the ancient inscription refers to when it says that it will be witnessed how Bolon Yokte Ku will appear in his full regalia. The fruits of the nine waves will then appear in their fullness as these are simultaneously completed. This is no longer confusing if we accept that the ancient peoples of the world, including the Maya, would tend to personalize the cosmic forces describing them as “gods”, while, in the modern world, we would probably only describe this as nine energy waves.
As of March 9, 2011, the ninth and highest wave of the Bolon Yokte Ku will be activated. It seems to me that the purpose of this particular wave of 13 x 18 = 234 days is to cap the entire evolution of the universe that so far has been propelled by the eighth lower waves. From what we know about the changing polarities of consciousness of the nine waves it will do so by providing energies that are conducive to the human beings cocreating unity consciousness.
This is the purpose of the Ninth wave. So let us stop for a moment to contemplate the momentous place in time in which we find ourselves. Life, and especially human life, has evolved to the eighth level. Those that have actually climbed a physical Mayan pyramid, such as the pyramid of the Great Jaguar in Tikal, may be able to relate to the feeling of coming close to the top at the eighth level catching breath for the ascent to the top. We are now then about to start the climb to the ninth and highest level of life. It was to prepare for this momentous opportunity that many participated in the intention setting event of the Conscious Convergence last July. We now can follow the intentions we set at this event and actually manifest through co-creating Unity Consciousness. It is now time for us to follow up, and actually manifest the Unity Consciousness that was the intention of this event. The meaning of the unity wave that is now about to begin is for us to cocreate the appearance of Bolon Yokte Ku in its full splendor, the completion of the cosmic plan and its nine levels of evolution. As March 9, 2011 arrives, we are called to begin co-creating Unity Consciousness; March 9, 2011 is the dawn of the wave of unity.
Thus, the year of 2011 is not scheduled to be just like another year. Very likely this is our last chance to live up to being co-creators with the cosmic plan. As this Gregorian year began, the messages that circulated reflected our heightened ambivalence to the passage of time. On the one hand there were the every year kind of messages like: “Hope you will have a great 2011” or “what do you want to create for yourself in 2011?” as if this would just be like another year. Messages centered on the individual, based on a linear view of time made up from years following one after the other.
On the other hand, around the New Year reports started to come about the “aflockalypse.” Large numbers of fish, birds and animals simply died for no apparent reason. This instead pointed to anything but a linear continuation of time in 2011. The aflockalypse is possibly due to the frequency increase that the nine levels of the Mayan pyramid undergoes combined with the extreme degree to which humans have now pushed the ecology of the planet off balance. If this is true, it would call upon us to adapt to this new frequency and also shift completely from asking for things for ourselves and what we as egos or individuals may want from 2011 to what our egos may do to serve the delivery of the divine plan. The ninth wave of unity would then be calling for a complete shift in our way of being, to manifesting unity consciousness, which is the intended end result of the cosmic plan. If this is to happen, it may also call for extraordinary cosmic energies to fulfill the cosmic plan. In fact, maybe the ninth wave will be a Judgment Day that will save the world.
If there is a twenty-fold increase in frequency with every wave, the Ninth Wave, or Universal Underworld, will have a duration of 13 x 18 = 234 days and would then start March 9, 2011. It will progress through seven days and six intermediate nights, each being a uaxaclahunkin. In Mayan calendar language, this means an 18-day period. The 18-day periods can be subdivided into two nine-day counts (two days off from the classical nine lords of the night count) since they will have both an ascending and a descending phase and in this way we may see more clearly the link to classical Mayan calendrics. If the ninth wave is all about creating harmony from what has evolved previously then our task would be to ask the divine for guidance as to what we would do to arrive at this. If we are asking for global harmony we cannot however simply ask for our egos to guide us. Instead we will from the outset have to ask questions like: “What can I do to serve the cosmic plan?” or “What shall I do to further the manifestation of unity consciousness?” If the days of the ninth wave are the time periods most conducive to generating such unity consciousness then we will have to turn for spiritual guidance from the divine in phase exactly with these days of the Universal Underworld.
The ninth wave here joins the alpha to the omega in that for the first time in history it brings the nine-day count to the forefront of evolution. These will be extraordinary times and it is possible that we here will be confronted with a choice of truth versus tradition. The reason is that if the ninth wave will have the strength that we may expect from the evolution of a new underworld then it will be energetically more powerful and stronger than the traditional tzolkin count of 13 x 20 days. The Ninth level will, in other words, bring in a nine-day count that transcends the tzolkin in power and is more meaningful to follow for those seeking to align themselves with the cosmic plan. Still, of course, the tzolkin will continue to live on as an undercurrent of energies.
The rhythm of the Universal Underworld is then a nine-day climb of increasing intensity starting on March 9, 2011 followed by a descending intensity for the next eighteen (9+9) days until a new descent begins of eighteen (9+9) days. We will then have to learn to ride this wave in order to ultimately climb to the top of the pyramid to be able to witness the appearance of Bolon Yokte Ku in “his” full regalia. Calendars to follow this eighteen (or nine day) count are available in German (can be ordered from christiane biebl, See also and Swedish (, but also on web sites in English and French (
We are calling for everyone to be part of the initiation of this new wave on March 9, 2011. Each of you is welcome to make use of the web site for communicating with others who share the same intentions. I feel it should be clear that it is something fundamentally new that is proposed here. A frequency of evolution, the nine-day count, which previously has only been vaguely discernible, will come to be the chief guiding rhythm. And if you think about it, it would be truly remarkable if the transformation to a new world could be the result of a mere linear continuation of calendars that have been used for centuries.
The call for events or celebrations to initiate the ninth wave on March 9, 2011 only means to point out that this is the beginning date, the initiation of our opportunity to move into unity together. We would also like to encourage you to find means of celebrating and transforming into unity consciousness during times that work for you, such as weekends around the first eighteen day period, as well as holding the intention for the beginning of true unity on March 9, 2011. In fact, the idea is that this process of transformation generating the unity consciousness of the ninth wave should not end. It will continue to October 28, 2011 and beyond.**** There is no single right answer to how this transformation to unity consciousness is to be brought about everywhere. Yet, there are tools available that can be used and further developed by all those who share the common intention of manifesting unity consciousness. Everything starts with an intention and if the intention is aligned with the purpose of the cosmic plan, it will be increasingly bearing fruit.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Life Is A-Bun-Dance/ Good Laughs from Swami Beyondananda
I went looking tonight on Google for the phrase "Life Is A-Bun-Dance" and I found this by the satirist/life commentator Swami Beyondanda.
AN ALTER NATIVE REALITY by Swami Beyondananda
Do we really create our own reality? Or is it all scripted out over at Universal Studios? The debate has raged as long as debates have been the rage, and I can provide no definitive answer either. Certainly some really big blockbusters have come out of Universal -- and more disasteroid scenarios are predicted for the near future. And yet, small independents continue to write and star in their own successful movies.
As more and more of these alternative scripts get produced, this is helping to bring about an alter native reality. And that is a good thing. For indeed, the native reality could use some altering. In a recent reality check, 71% of those responding said they "disapproved" of the current reality -- the lowest approval rating reality has had since the Great Flood.
This is understandable. Consider the political scene, for goodness sakes. All those endless buttals and rebuttals. The media baits us into arguing, and we keep falling for debate. It is so silly -- we could be making a beautiful brainchild together, and instead we are mass-debating.
And even those natives who ignore the political goings on, they too are in need of altering. Perhaps you are one of those going through "psychic midlife spread" and are complaining, "I seem to have outgrown my old life and nothing fits anymore." Well, as my beloved guru Harry Cohen Baba, the Garment Center Saint, used to say, "When something doesn't fit, you need to make alterations."
Now in the old days when Harry Cohen Baba was still on the material plane, people would come in for alterations all the time. Perhaps they'd just been in a serious karma wreck or suffered a near-debt experience, and their old habits were in tatters. He'd snip a little material here, mend a little tear there, and the natives would leave in a truly altered state, often remarking about how well their life fit.
"Wow. No crimping in the crotch! No more constriction around the neck! And look -- my arms are swinging freely!" I tell you it was quite a blessing to have a guru who could custom-tailor your reality like that. I remember shortly before his passing, the great healer's disciples gathered at his bedside and cried, "What will we do without you?"
The Garment Centered One shrugged and said, "Suit yourself." And this is only fitting. We can alter our own reality (not to mention the reality of the natives around us) by following these simple suggestions:
1. Tell A Vision. If you don't like the current programming, be your own channel and tell a vision....
2. Be An Esteem-Generator. Each of us at some time in our lives has been flattened by an esteem-roller, and it's taken months or years to get back up to a full head of esteem...
3. Life Is A Bun Dance, So Get Out On The Flow.
Sometimes when reality becomes too unpleasant, there is a temptation to dance off into the void. Clearly, this is a void dance. The opposite of a void dance is a bun dance. If you want to enjoy a bun dance, you gotta get up off your assets and shake those buns. Sadly, too many of us don’t know our assets from a hole in the ground. To create an alter native reality — and promote a bun dance — we gotta move our assets and dance, dance, dance, till the sacred cows come home.
there's more..can't find it on the Swami's site but you can do the same search I did..Google the prhase "Life Is A-bun-Dance" and you'll find the whole piece!
I love his wordplay!
AN ALTER NATIVE REALITY by Swami Beyondananda
Do we really create our own reality? Or is it all scripted out over at Universal Studios? The debate has raged as long as debates have been the rage, and I can provide no definitive answer either. Certainly some really big blockbusters have come out of Universal -- and more disasteroid scenarios are predicted for the near future. And yet, small independents continue to write and star in their own successful movies.
As more and more of these alternative scripts get produced, this is helping to bring about an alter native reality. And that is a good thing. For indeed, the native reality could use some altering. In a recent reality check, 71% of those responding said they "disapproved" of the current reality -- the lowest approval rating reality has had since the Great Flood.
This is understandable. Consider the political scene, for goodness sakes. All those endless buttals and rebuttals. The media baits us into arguing, and we keep falling for debate. It is so silly -- we could be making a beautiful brainchild together, and instead we are mass-debating.
And even those natives who ignore the political goings on, they too are in need of altering. Perhaps you are one of those going through "psychic midlife spread" and are complaining, "I seem to have outgrown my old life and nothing fits anymore." Well, as my beloved guru Harry Cohen Baba, the Garment Center Saint, used to say, "When something doesn't fit, you need to make alterations."
Now in the old days when Harry Cohen Baba was still on the material plane, people would come in for alterations all the time. Perhaps they'd just been in a serious karma wreck or suffered a near-debt experience, and their old habits were in tatters. He'd snip a little material here, mend a little tear there, and the natives would leave in a truly altered state, often remarking about how well their life fit.
"Wow. No crimping in the crotch! No more constriction around the neck! And look -- my arms are swinging freely!" I tell you it was quite a blessing to have a guru who could custom-tailor your reality like that. I remember shortly before his passing, the great healer's disciples gathered at his bedside and cried, "What will we do without you?"
The Garment Centered One shrugged and said, "Suit yourself." And this is only fitting. We can alter our own reality (not to mention the reality of the natives around us) by following these simple suggestions:
1. Tell A Vision. If you don't like the current programming, be your own channel and tell a vision....
2. Be An Esteem-Generator. Each of us at some time in our lives has been flattened by an esteem-roller, and it's taken months or years to get back up to a full head of esteem...
3. Life Is A Bun Dance, So Get Out On The Flow.
Sometimes when reality becomes too unpleasant, there is a temptation to dance off into the void. Clearly, this is a void dance. The opposite of a void dance is a bun dance. If you want to enjoy a bun dance, you gotta get up off your assets and shake those buns. Sadly, too many of us don’t know our assets from a hole in the ground. To create an alter native reality — and promote a bun dance — we gotta move our assets and dance, dance, dance, till the sacred cows come home.
there's more..can't find it on the Swami's site but you can do the same search I did..Google the prhase "Life Is A-bun-Dance" and you'll find the whole piece!
I love his wordplay!
Swami Beyondananda,
the void
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
How to best use the energies this month: Clear Beliefs, Make Committments
The opportunties this month: Commit to Your Intentions & Clear Beliefs!
These are always a good idea..and there are two specific repatternings that could be helpful: the Belief Repatterning and the Committment Repatterning. Many times, things we are committed to doing or having are not manifesting because we don't resonate 100% with our committment. An example was a couple who said they wanted a baby, but muscle testing revealed they were only 3% committed! What that indicates is that you have a whole lot of subconscious programming working against whatever goals or outcomes you are wanting in your life.
Here are some excerpts from Jose and Lena Stevens monthly shamanic and astrology based newsletter, their report for February. The full update may be found at their website at
"This is the month where the "ifs" or conditions around your intentions need to be put aside and relegated to a position of less importance. You know on an intuitive level what you truly want and it is only the fear of not getting it that keeps you hesitant to commit. It is the mind that comes up with the reasons that feed the fear and keep you imprisoned in your story.
Are you willing to give up your story? Who would you be without your story? This is not an easy opportunity to deal with. It demands trust, courage and intuition. Use the aggression mode of the year wisely to cut through the bullshit of the mind and begin manifesting that which you have fully committed to. Remember that we are also in an emotionally centered time and headed for experiences that don't necessarily make linear or logical sense.
Belief systems are probably the most challenged this month as they create the foundation of our stories. Belief systems are anchored in the past and will continue to affect our future unless they are disconnected. They are instruments of the mind and only geared towards survival. They will continue to feed you false information until you examine them and give another instruction. This is a great time to examine your beliefs and see how absolutely divorced many of them are from what is really going on in the present. It is important to stay out of judgment as you realize how outdated your beliefs are and the enormity of what needs to change.
Everyone has specific beliefs about what will make them happy, healthy, loved, successful, well, tired, sick, sad, strong, stressed, depressed, anxious, relaxed, good, bad, responsible, irresponsible, forgiven, spiritual, productive, unproductive etc. Take some time to examine each of these categories and ask yourself what your personal and specific belief systems are regarding each one.
Sometimes it is easier to write in a stream of consciousness exercise unless you are able to do this with a partner where you simply express the stream of consciousness regarding each belief. This is not about judging anything to be either right or wrong. This is about uncovering what's there so you can see what has been running the show. Emptying the mind in this way is very powerful and you will get to see where your fears are hidden.
Belief systems are very limiting in that they constantly create the reasoning behind why you can or cannot do or be something or someone. There are many examples in history of people who have accomplished extraordinary things because they did not buy into the belief that they could not.
We have talked before about the power of the collective belief system that guides the evolution of all living things on the planet. In order to change the collective belief system, each individual must first change their own. It is the hundredth monkey effect that dictates that when enough individual belief systems have evolved to a less limited function, the whole collective will be free to evolve as well. So all of you out there that wish to be of service to the planet at this time can do so by working on your own belief systems.
Along with beliefs come expectations. Expectations are different from committed intentions as they are usually attached to a specific outcome. They are fed by your beliefs and their success or failure becomes part of your story. A true "don't know mind" leaves a lot of room for your intentions to manifest in interesting and wonderful ways. When you commit to something one hundred percent, without the need to know how you will get there, the universe will begin to weave it creatively into the physical world.
All information about everything already exists in the quantum field and that information will respond to the instruction it gets that comes from unwavering commitment. The minute you try and control how something is going to happen you diminish the power behind the intention that is necessary for the quantum field to respond.
If you commit with conditions (I will do it "if") the quantum field is a bit confused as to what you really want and will end up creating chaos from mixed messages. Sometimes you have to make a choice. Here is a good example of that. If you are involved in legal negotiations for damages for health reasons (accident, environmental pollution etc.), there is an attachment to your continuing to be in poor health as part of the argument. All the energy you are putting into the legal process is reinforcing the fact that your health and well-being are compromised. The quantum field takes that as an instruction from your belief system. You need to continue to be compromised in order to receive compensation. Therefore the other intention of actually getting well is clouded by the need to remain ill.
Regardless of the other players involved, you may have to examine your original motivation and intention and commitment. If your primary intention is to end up completely well then that is what you intend even if it comes to you in a different way than winning a legal battle over compensation. Beware of giving the field mixed messages. Committed intentions that are not compromised are indeed powerful and have the ability to become manifest almost overnight. If your intentions are compromised or clouded with doubt, mixed messages or conditions it will be much more difficult to see results.
We can't stress enough the power of these times and what they afford to everyone in terms of opportunity if you can commit, stay in present time and get out of your mental trap that needs to know and control the how of things. You don't need to know how, you just need to know what. In fact there is very little information available with regards to "how" these days. And what is available is outdated and doesn't work. So be a pioneer of your own life and decide what you want. Then commit to it one hundred percent without the need to know how you will get there.
The early explorers did not have a map. They followed their intuition and they followed signs. They paid attention and stayed present. Signs are different than conditions. You can always ask for signs to guide you so you know you are on the right track. Signs appear as support and provide synchronicity and magic. Conditions are what you place on your intentions that keep them from being fully committed.
Remember that self-deprecation is also one of the obstacles of the year and will be manifest by everyone in varying degrees. All the obstacles are nasty, do not serve spirit and will derail your good intentions and commitments faster than anything. So beware, try not to react to others and watch your own tendencies."
Many blessings for your clarity, committment and releasing outworn beliefs this month! Let me know if I can be of assistance to you in this.
Happy February,
These are always a good idea..and there are two specific repatternings that could be helpful: the Belief Repatterning and the Committment Repatterning. Many times, things we are committed to doing or having are not manifesting because we don't resonate 100% with our committment. An example was a couple who said they wanted a baby, but muscle testing revealed they were only 3% committed! What that indicates is that you have a whole lot of subconscious programming working against whatever goals or outcomes you are wanting in your life.
Here are some excerpts from Jose and Lena Stevens monthly shamanic and astrology based newsletter, their report for February. The full update may be found at their website at
"This is the month where the "ifs" or conditions around your intentions need to be put aside and relegated to a position of less importance. You know on an intuitive level what you truly want and it is only the fear of not getting it that keeps you hesitant to commit. It is the mind that comes up with the reasons that feed the fear and keep you imprisoned in your story.
Are you willing to give up your story? Who would you be without your story? This is not an easy opportunity to deal with. It demands trust, courage and intuition. Use the aggression mode of the year wisely to cut through the bullshit of the mind and begin manifesting that which you have fully committed to. Remember that we are also in an emotionally centered time and headed for experiences that don't necessarily make linear or logical sense.
Belief systems are probably the most challenged this month as they create the foundation of our stories. Belief systems are anchored in the past and will continue to affect our future unless they are disconnected. They are instruments of the mind and only geared towards survival. They will continue to feed you false information until you examine them and give another instruction. This is a great time to examine your beliefs and see how absolutely divorced many of them are from what is really going on in the present. It is important to stay out of judgment as you realize how outdated your beliefs are and the enormity of what needs to change.
Everyone has specific beliefs about what will make them happy, healthy, loved, successful, well, tired, sick, sad, strong, stressed, depressed, anxious, relaxed, good, bad, responsible, irresponsible, forgiven, spiritual, productive, unproductive etc. Take some time to examine each of these categories and ask yourself what your personal and specific belief systems are regarding each one.
Sometimes it is easier to write in a stream of consciousness exercise unless you are able to do this with a partner where you simply express the stream of consciousness regarding each belief. This is not about judging anything to be either right or wrong. This is about uncovering what's there so you can see what has been running the show. Emptying the mind in this way is very powerful and you will get to see where your fears are hidden.
Belief systems are very limiting in that they constantly create the reasoning behind why you can or cannot do or be something or someone. There are many examples in history of people who have accomplished extraordinary things because they did not buy into the belief that they could not.
We have talked before about the power of the collective belief system that guides the evolution of all living things on the planet. In order to change the collective belief system, each individual must first change their own. It is the hundredth monkey effect that dictates that when enough individual belief systems have evolved to a less limited function, the whole collective will be free to evolve as well. So all of you out there that wish to be of service to the planet at this time can do so by working on your own belief systems.
Along with beliefs come expectations. Expectations are different from committed intentions as they are usually attached to a specific outcome. They are fed by your beliefs and their success or failure becomes part of your story. A true "don't know mind" leaves a lot of room for your intentions to manifest in interesting and wonderful ways. When you commit to something one hundred percent, without the need to know how you will get there, the universe will begin to weave it creatively into the physical world.
All information about everything already exists in the quantum field and that information will respond to the instruction it gets that comes from unwavering commitment. The minute you try and control how something is going to happen you diminish the power behind the intention that is necessary for the quantum field to respond.
If you commit with conditions (I will do it "if") the quantum field is a bit confused as to what you really want and will end up creating chaos from mixed messages. Sometimes you have to make a choice. Here is a good example of that. If you are involved in legal negotiations for damages for health reasons (accident, environmental pollution etc.), there is an attachment to your continuing to be in poor health as part of the argument. All the energy you are putting into the legal process is reinforcing the fact that your health and well-being are compromised. The quantum field takes that as an instruction from your belief system. You need to continue to be compromised in order to receive compensation. Therefore the other intention of actually getting well is clouded by the need to remain ill.
Regardless of the other players involved, you may have to examine your original motivation and intention and commitment. If your primary intention is to end up completely well then that is what you intend even if it comes to you in a different way than winning a legal battle over compensation. Beware of giving the field mixed messages. Committed intentions that are not compromised are indeed powerful and have the ability to become manifest almost overnight. If your intentions are compromised or clouded with doubt, mixed messages or conditions it will be much more difficult to see results.
We can't stress enough the power of these times and what they afford to everyone in terms of opportunity if you can commit, stay in present time and get out of your mental trap that needs to know and control the how of things. You don't need to know how, you just need to know what. In fact there is very little information available with regards to "how" these days. And what is available is outdated and doesn't work. So be a pioneer of your own life and decide what you want. Then commit to it one hundred percent without the need to know how you will get there.
The early explorers did not have a map. They followed their intuition and they followed signs. They paid attention and stayed present. Signs are different than conditions. You can always ask for signs to guide you so you know you are on the right track. Signs appear as support and provide synchronicity and magic. Conditions are what you place on your intentions that keep them from being fully committed.
Remember that self-deprecation is also one of the obstacles of the year and will be manifest by everyone in varying degrees. All the obstacles are nasty, do not serve spirit and will derail your good intentions and commitments faster than anything. So beware, try not to react to others and watch your own tendencies."
Many blessings for your clarity, committment and releasing outworn beliefs this month! Let me know if I can be of assistance to you in this.
Happy February,
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Happy Valentine's Day - A Self Love Manifesto
I am loving myself today, and I invite you to do the same in your own unique way. Because you've got to "Make your own kind of music, Sing Your Own Special Song" as the Mamas and the Papas sang many years ago.
I Am Loving Myself Today
I am loving myself by making an altar with a mirror on it, that I and others will dance in front of. Below the mirror it says: Dear Ones, Help me Love What I See in this Mirror, and Let It Show.
I am loving myself by chanting and singing full out, even though my new roomate can hear me. I am loving the sound of my free voice ringing out.
I am loving myself by affirming that I am beautiful, unique and deserving of a loving caring partner who I really want to be with, who really wants to be with me, and that a relationship way more fulfilling than any I've ever had, is on its way to me this year.
I am loving myself by freely admitting and embracing my right, desire and ability to make a truly abundant living, that I can no longer accept "just enough to get by" when life's feast is before me.
I am loving myself by letting my voice be heard and the love in my heart shine out, in my spiritual community, "The Celebration" in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and by writing online and sharing my essence in this way.
I am loving and celebrating myself with a wonderful Trager healing session, singing karaoke and dancing on Valentine's Day.
I am loving myself by refusing to feel any kind of self pity even though I am single and 54. Even though I have never been legally married or had children. Even though my last partner died of cancer in 2006.
I am one with the heart of the Goddess, I am maiden, mother and crone, I am love, I am beauty, I am every woman and every woman is me.
I have had my heart broken, and my innocence shattered, but I take my place in the Divine Resurgence of the Divine Feminine TODAY.
Love and Light to all of you, my dear Divine Sisters and Brothers,
thank you for being in my life, and thank you for being.
I Am Loving Myself Today
I am loving myself by making an altar with a mirror on it, that I and others will dance in front of. Below the mirror it says: Dear Ones, Help me Love What I See in this Mirror, and Let It Show.
I am loving myself by chanting and singing full out, even though my new roomate can hear me. I am loving the sound of my free voice ringing out.
I am loving myself by affirming that I am beautiful, unique and deserving of a loving caring partner who I really want to be with, who really wants to be with me, and that a relationship way more fulfilling than any I've ever had, is on its way to me this year.
I am loving myself by freely admitting and embracing my right, desire and ability to make a truly abundant living, that I can no longer accept "just enough to get by" when life's feast is before me.
I am loving myself by letting my voice be heard and the love in my heart shine out, in my spiritual community, "The Celebration" in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and by writing online and sharing my essence in this way.
I am loving and celebrating myself with a wonderful Trager healing session, singing karaoke and dancing on Valentine's Day.
I am loving myself by refusing to feel any kind of self pity even though I am single and 54. Even though I have never been legally married or had children. Even though my last partner died of cancer in 2006.
I am one with the heart of the Goddess, I am maiden, mother and crone, I am love, I am beauty, I am every woman and every woman is me.
I have had my heart broken, and my innocence shattered, but I take my place in the Divine Resurgence of the Divine Feminine TODAY.
Love and Light to all of you, my dear Divine Sisters and Brothers,
thank you for being in my life, and thank you for being.
Divine Feminine,
the Goddess
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