Sunday, November 20, 2011

How the Intensive actually works..a particpant guide

Participating in the Intensive:

 The sessions will be done sometime during the day, each day. However there will be a break for theThanksgiving holiday so the final session will be on Saturday the 26th. While the session is happening you just go about your life. You do not need to meditate, sit quietly, focus on your intentions or do anything in particular. You can be sleeping, eating, watching a movie, working, or lying on a beach in Costa Rica(ahhh…)

If you’re sensitive to energy you may notice some feelings come up or some kind of energy shift during the days of the Intensive.   Be sure to read the session notes, they will help!

I write up session notes, detailing what was addressed in the session and email them to you. My goal is to get them to you within 24 hours of the session so they are current, but my promise is no more than 48 hours after each session. If you do not receive session notes for some reason (check your spam filters) please don’t hesitate to contact me and ask where they are. Glitches do happen sometimes.

The emails will come from

The sessions will work regardless of whether you read the session notes, so you can relax about that. The session notes are provided for two reasons:

1-So you can understand things you may be feeling, new insights or shifts that you experience, and relate them to the session

 2-To let you know of any positive actions (homework)that came up for you to do.

These are generally short and easy to do—the point of the program is to make transformation simple and not a lot of additional work.

 Optional participation: I welcome your questions and also your experiences during and after the Intensive, so please do write me. I may share your experience with the group, omitting any identifying details of course. It’s very uplifting and enlightening for everyone else. (If you do not want it shared,

just let me know as I respect your privacy.)

That’s all folks! Enjoy the ride…


Joyful Manifesting is revving up to get ready!

The next Intensive begins tomorrow night November 21st.  This is almost 3 years since I began this program of accelerated energy shifts. You can still join in and you have until 7pm Eastern tomorrow to do so.   Go to

There are two parts to this message..the first one, below is about preparing for the Intensive.  The second part of this message will go in the next post and that is more about how the whole Intensive process works.

How to Prepare for the Intensive: Take some time to contemplate  two goals or intentions, things you want to manifest for this intensive and then write them down.  They would be: 

#1: A tangible goal: something you could see or recognize when it arrived such as a certain sum of money, completion of a project, a certain kind of relationship

 Important: make it something that is a bit of stretch but seems possible to you..not something that your subconscious mind will totally rule out as impossible.

 #2: An intangible goal: a quality or state of being that you want to experience more consistently (example: focus, peace, clarity could all be intangible goals).

A few guidelines: try to keep the wording simple and direct.  When it gets very complex, it becomes harder for you to recognize when the goal manifests.  Also using phrases like “I easily manifest….” helps.

 You do not have to send these to me, but you are welcome to if you want feedback on the wording, or want someone to  witness them.  Why don't I ask you to send those to me? 

The reason is because I'm not repatterning your goals and intentions, just the limiting beliefs. I use the repatterning and belief clearing to get whatever is blocking your manifesting out of the way.

Whatever your two intentions or goals are, write them down in your journal or somewhere you can refer back to them. Keeping a journal throughout the Intensive is a great thing to do; I highly recommend it.

That’s all folks!  Enjoy the ride…


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Spiritual Newsroom Flash: Latest on Manifesting

I've been really enjoying my new teleclasses where I teach, not just repattern...and sharing lots of fresh juicy content.  This morning before the Manifesting Tips and Techniques I got a download about things we all need to know in these accelerated times..which I share on this recording. That was followed by the timeless basics of manifesting with my twist on it..body-based manifesting. Get your pen and pad handy, set aside an hour (or listen in chunks).

If you listen, please enjoy..and send other to the links too! And come join me for the next adventure in powerful Joyful Manfesting, the 5 day Intensive by distance that begins on Monday 11/21.

more info on that is at

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Go gratitude! Just in time for 11-11-11!

Go, Gratitude! 
Last night was the first teleclass in my “Your Time To Thrive” series and our topic was gratitude.  I think it was a good class with some juicy ideas for how to cultivate gratitude..even in tough times.   If you’d like to hear it, here is the link: 
If you want to keep your vibes up and  move through the next few weeks with ease and grace, here are some November events with me…details at

Next week: Manifesting Monday on 11/14; Healthy Holiday Eating on 11/16 – wow!                 Week after: Aligned for Mercury retrograde on 11/20; Joyful Manifesting 11/21-26 -5 day Intensive

Are you interested in generating ongoing prosperity, and staying in a centered calm place as the crazy news swirls around you?  I also announced—and it’s not on my website yet, a new program to begin in December “Prosperity and Peace of Mind” which will include belief clearing/repatterning, coaching and inspirational email lessons on between the two sessions…it is a monthly program.  Let me know if you are interested in learning more. 

And in the works, a program on Overcoming Underearning and for business owners especially, “Your Best Year Yet” coaching and belief clearing/repatterning.

Please share this info and the recording link with others who would be open and happy to receive it! hey are invited to sign up at my website to receive reminders about the next free teleclass and other events, at 

In gratitude,


11-11-11 is TOMORROW! Time to weave our hearts!

According to many intuitives and seers, Friday 11-11-11 is a huge portal opening and another wave of major planetary shift.  Whether it is or not, the fact that so many people are focusing on the date and using the 11:11 am and the 11:11 pm to dance, celebrate, meditate, set intentions or visualize world peace makes it a powerful time.

There is a whole calendar of events happening in Santa Fe that day.  On the site for those events,, is a lovely Heart Thread Meditation.  I want to share it with you here---let me know if you try it, how you like it.

Happy 11-11,

"The HeartThread is a simple technique for entering the space of the heart and linking with the hearts of others. We place our right hand on our heart and the left hand over the right and close our eyes. From that place of stillness and peace we then feel, imagine or see the fibers of our hearts linking together with those of other hearts. We are then able to experience a sense of connection or oneness and even receive messages that enhance our sense of peace, understanding and connectedness.

The HeartThread technique can be used in a therapeutic setting with trained HeartThread facilitators or as a simple method for people to connect with each other, one on one or in a group. It can set a harmonious tone when used before a meeting or group process and can be used to assist friends, family and loved ones to release old patterns of behavior that no longer serve them. This enhances a sense of self-reliance or self-autonomy when used over a period of time on a regular basis. The HeartThread process can also be used with animals and over distance (e.g. over the telephone).

The more people that come together in this space of oneness, the greater is the unified field. A few minutes is sufficient to bring people into this field so they experience its beneficial effect. It is possible to affect the consciousness of many on the planet when the HeartThread is used in a coordinated manner with many people at the same time. This is the principle on which the Live As One experience on 11/11/11 is based.

You can also find a view photos and testimonials of those who have experienced the HeartThread in session or at workshops where we teach people how to use HeartThread in a peer-exchange at"

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Get Your Gratitude in Gear tomorrow night & all month!

To inspire you, here's an article on the neuroscience of gratitude:   (thanks to Adela Rubio for sharing this)

In honor of gratitude month I am posting on my Facebook fan page, 21 days of saying three things I'm grateful for.  As I do this, and look for things to be grateful for, more good stuff happens!  Come join me if you'd like to participate at Solopreneur Woman on Facebook and get your gratitude energy in gear!

Also, tomorrow night November 9th, I have a teleclass called "Get Your Gratitude in Gear" to celebrate and reinforce this month of gratitude.  We've all been told that gratitude is good for us, and that it's always good to be thankful, but how do you do it when life isn't going your way, when the money isn't there, or whatever is showing up that we don't want..?

There'll be some teaching and group support and energy work on this call.  It's part of a new series of monthly free teleclasses on "Your Time To Thrive", designed to share my work more widely, introduce myself to new people and reconnect with my tribe, while creating more uplifting vibrations and community. 

Time: 7pm Mountain, 9pm Eastern time. "Get Your Gratitude in Gear" is a one hour teleclass.
It will be recorded.  Dial in to:  1-(218) 237-3840   Guest Pin# 134971

I'm so grateful for blog readers!

In gratitude,

PS Please invite others to tomorrow night's call...all are welcome!