Sunday, November 20, 2011

How the Intensive actually works..a particpant guide

Participating in the Intensive:

 The sessions will be done sometime during the day, each day. However there will be a break for theThanksgiving holiday so the final session will be on Saturday the 26th. While the session is happening you just go about your life. You do not need to meditate, sit quietly, focus on your intentions or do anything in particular. You can be sleeping, eating, watching a movie, working, or lying on a beach in Costa Rica(ahhh…)

If you’re sensitive to energy you may notice some feelings come up or some kind of energy shift during the days of the Intensive.   Be sure to read the session notes, they will help!

I write up session notes, detailing what was addressed in the session and email them to you. My goal is to get them to you within 24 hours of the session so they are current, but my promise is no more than 48 hours after each session. If you do not receive session notes for some reason (check your spam filters) please don’t hesitate to contact me and ask where they are. Glitches do happen sometimes.

The emails will come from

The sessions will work regardless of whether you read the session notes, so you can relax about that. The session notes are provided for two reasons:

1-So you can understand things you may be feeling, new insights or shifts that you experience, and relate them to the session

 2-To let you know of any positive actions (homework)that came up for you to do.

These are generally short and easy to do—the point of the program is to make transformation simple and not a lot of additional work.

 Optional participation: I welcome your questions and also your experiences during and after the Intensive, so please do write me. I may share your experience with the group, omitting any identifying details of course. It’s very uplifting and enlightening for everyone else. (If you do not want it shared,

just let me know as I respect your privacy.)

That’s all folks! Enjoy the ride…


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