Saturday, July 21, 2012

Are you Clear?

This week I experienced a major shift when a friend and healing colleague, Noelle Rose, worked on me with her clearing work.  There were many negative energies and even some entities in my energy wonder I was feeling discouraged, angry, unable to move forward and disconnected from Spirit.

Though I do clearing work on myself, it seems that I had picked up a lot of "stuff" from other people, not to mention things inside me that were up for clearing.   I think it points to the need to go see other people from time to time, even when you do have the tools.  They can see things you can't.

Because it has made such a big difference for me I thought I would share that with you, and ask you to check in with yourself  and see if you feel clear. 

Do you feel balanced emotionally, do you feel your habits overall are positive and supporitve of your well-being, how is your self-talk, and how do you feel about your life now and your future?  If you are not in a place of peace or acceptance at the very minimum, you need some clearing. 

What does it mean to be clear?

When you are free of trauma, when your energy is not being thrown off by negativity, you are clear and you are peaceful, open, accepting.  You feel good in your body and you may even reach the higher frequencies of joy, happiness, enthusiasm and even exhilaration. 

That is not what mainstream thinking will tell you. We live in a culture that is very cut off from healthy life force energy, that is artificially deadened and filled with addictive urges to buy more, change our looks, get more money.  Even the urge towards self-improvement can become an addiction or source of pain.

The ideas I'm proposing could be pretty radical. 

Our past traumas are being activated by current conditions, pointing to the need for more clearing, and we are triggered by the uncertainty and fear in the collective mind.  It's very very easy, especially if you are a sensitive, open and caring person, to have picked up a bunch of mental pollution...and you need to clear yourself often or get cleared.

How can you get cleared by someone else?
Find a practitioner of your choice and ask for it. 

I'd love to assist you, and I have a number of methods in my toolkit to help you come back to clear.  That's why I am calling my work by a new name, bcause it's not just Resonance Repatterning anymore. The new name is Accelerated Belief Clearing or ABC work.

What tools do I use?
I do Soul Clearing (also called Therapeutic Kinesiology), Nun Karma clearing, and Emotion code work which is all about clearing trapped emotions.  I also do integrative Body Clearing sessions for people who can work with me in person.  And of course, Resonance Repatterning.  

I'd be glad to test which of these would help you get back to clear, so you can feel like YOURSELF, your truly alive self. You can email me at or call me at 973-655-1745.

Many blessings,

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