Saturday, December 20, 2014

Winter Solstice Personal Journey (listen here)

Take time to tune in and really use the energies of the New Moon and Winter Solstice. Experience your own guided Solstice journey here...recording is about a half hour.

Let me know how you  enjoy it and feel free to invite others to read this blog by asking them to come to or sign up at my website at

Happy Solstice,

Friday, December 19, 2014

Dear Ones, 

I wish you a most peaceful and joyful holiday season.  I am leading a (virtual) Winter Solstice gathering on Saturday Dec. 20th at 11am Eastern, and will also publish a recording of it.  Dial in to: 

Attend by Phone: 
Guest pin code: 370169# 
Primary dial in number: (425) 440-5100 
Attend by Web:

Meantime, please enjoy this information...and some wonderful suggestions for how to utilize the energies:

Many blessings,

Winter Solstice and New Moon  December 21st 2014

From Jose and Lena Stvens,  Longer article at their website..
This is a uniquely powerful time and because the solstice and the New Moon We are feeling some new influences sliding in, the most prominent being a focus on wanting to be more creative in life and in everything we do. So in your work with RESPONSIBILITY and OPPORTUNITY, be open to infusing it with creativity and the inspiration that creativity brings. Spend some time imagining outside the box and allowing new ideas and expansive intentions to guide you in writing some new intentions and goals for yourself.

One of the important opportunities of this solstice and new moon is to work on releasing all disappointments, regrets and dissatisfactions from the past year. These energies only hold you hostage and keep you from moving forward into a beautiful transition and new opportunities. So work on releasing the old, whatever it is, and MOVE ON into the NEW. This is such a great chance for a powerful re-set, so don't waste it , use it! The solstice is always good time to do a ritual around releasing the old. You can burn, bury, shred and cleanse with sage, tobacco or other smoke.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Two Keys to Calming Down, and Slowing Down in a busy crazy life

Ever feel like “Stop the World--I want to get off! “ And have you noticed? The world doesn’t show any signs of stopping, or slowing down…in fact, it’s the opposite. Time has sped up and life seems to be getting fuller and busier.

It’s so easy to get overwhelmed—and the constant inflow of emails, text messages, etc. just add to the overwhelm.   When we are overwhelmed, we get triggered into a stress response—fight or flight.  Triggered, you will feel feel fear, anxiety, maybe anger or irritability, or just want to check out.  You're not thinking clearly, or in touch with our resources, power, problem solving abilities.

What to do, since stopping the world isn’t an option? Focus on what you CAN do, which is shift how you RESPOND.    Here are two quick things you can do daily, and as you need them.  Use them to shift from stress and overwhelm to more peace and presence.   In short, get more done and have more fun.  Sound good?

Remember, these are practices, so the more regularly you do them, the more you will benefit.  If you want group support, consider joining me for Morning Medical Qigong classes locally in Santa Fe, or by Skype.

#1: FREE, SIMPLE, BASIC--always with you--your BREATH.  Deep breathing, especially in and out through your nose, can transform your state of being instantly.  The best way is breathing in and out, SLOWLY and DEEPLY, through the nose , because it stimulates the vagus nerve and our parasympathetic nervous system—so it’s the most  relaxing.   Feeling emotional? Then breathe in through the nose, and OUT through the mouth, and let out any sighs, groans or other sounds that want to come out.

Take time each day to pause, and take some breaths.  Do this right before you eat and you’ll digest your food better—and enjoy it more.  That’s because your parasympathetic nervous system is active during digestion, and we need to switch into parasympathetic dominance to digest well.  Rushing, multi-tasking are NOT good for digestion.

Deep breathing is a key component of the weight loss and conscious eating plan called the Slow Down Diet—10 deep breaths before you start each meal.  Another weight loss plan called New You in 22 also has you do breathing to reduce stress.

Grounding is very important—we can’t really handle anything well if we’re not grounded and present, if we’re in the future or in the past, if we’re not really in our bodies.  We can get ungrounded when we are rushing, super busy, or doing too much multi-tasking.  Strong emotions, a shocking event, can also make us ungrounded and not present.   How to ground: stand with your knees slightly bent, and imagine you are pushing your feet down into wet mud (easier to do without shoes), sending roots down into the earth.  Imagine energy coming up from the earth and helping you feel grounded.
If you need more grounding, put your hands on the top of your head and run them gently down your face, front of your body and all the way down to your feet. 

STANDING AT STAKE is a standing meditation that is part of Qigong.  It’s great to do after you do your grounding.  With your knees still bent, raise your arms in front of you, as though you were hugging a tree.  Your hands are a little higher up than your upper arms and shoulders, and shoulders are relaxed.  The palms are facing towards you, fingertips of each hand almost touching. 
Stand in this position for at least a minute, and if you can, up to 5 or 10 minutes.  You will start to feel warmth and energy building—that is your Qi, your life force energy or vitality.  Not only will this help you feel calmer, more grounded and peaceful but it can actually give you energy and help you heal any health issues, over time.

Go ahead, try these—what do you have to lose but your stress and overwhelm?  Let me know how it goes..and feel free to email me with questions at  Remember you can join me for classes, too. 

Sunday, October 26, 2014

No Wonder It's Been So Intense lately! Ya think?!?

New Moon Eclipse Info from Meg Benedicte"We have just experienced a very impactful New Moon Eclipse on Thursday plus a triple sign change of the three brightest objects in the sky - the Sun, Venus and the moon entered the first degree of Scorpio, followed by the solar eclipse in Scorpio just hours later.
The first degrees of Scorpio where all this activity is happening carries the theme of resurrection. Just as in Scorpio mythology, we can rise as the Phoenix into higher realms. Eclipses create a concentrated threshold point that propels us forward into a more expanded Soul space.
Our human sensory body operates like a sophisticated radio antenna tower, and when attuned to a coherent state, is able to receive sentient light codes during eclipse, solstice and equinox events. We are currently suspended in an extreme crystal light infusion that is altering our pineal and cellular coding.
As Mercury slows down to practical stillness to turn direct on Saturday, Oct. 25th, we have a moment in time to redirect our focus and energy in a new direction as well. Mars is also conjunct the Galactic Core in Sagittarius, providing the drive and motivation to ascend into our divine life plan.
Mercury travels through the realms of consciousness, communicating between the two hemispheres of our brain. This heightens our inner psychic abilities to attune to authentic truth, guidance and purpose. We are being propelled into higher levels of existence so that our divine self can actualize in form. Just make sure you are grounding while Mercury pauses in the still point of redirection, assessing if you are still on point to your Soul’s life plan.
The sacred sites on the 5D crystal grid operate like planetary ‘frequency generators’ emitting an amplification of divine light codes from the eclipse activity. We are swimming in a sea of heightened light consciousness right now! Those who are sensitive to energy are directing the flow of amplified intentions for humanity into the collective. We will be gathering at the sacred site of Mount Shasta at the time that Mercury turns direct to collectively alter our future Earth. Please join us on the global broadcast and contribute to the growing hologram of a loving, evolved Family of Light.
Lovingly, Meg
Copyright (c) 2014 Meg Benedicte * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.”

Friday, September 26, 2014

Mercury's going Retrograde...can you feel it?

Whoopee...everyone's favorite time of year, happens 3 to 4 times each year.  This astrological event has gotten bad press...and it can be frustrating and crazy making  IF you don't understand how to navigate through this period of about 3 weeks, and how to use the energies.    Here is great information excerpted from  You can subscribe to her newsletter and get regular reports on astrology and Mercury Retrograde.

Meantime, here's more info...and good can be repatterned for Mercury Retrograde with one distance session from me....register by midnight October 2.  To learn more or register, go to:

from Alpha Numerology trends:

"The Purpose of Mercury Retrograde

The purpose is to review and revise your life and your connection with reality, especially as it relates to the Libra/Scorpio* aspects (of the October Mercury Retrograde) that emphasize making the changes that aline with your true inner motives and intentions. The beginning issues emerge as Mercury touches 16 Libra on September 15th. This becomes the touch point that opens issues that will be shifted to put you on the right path for you and your purpose. Once the changes occur (during Mercury retrograde - October 4th through October 25th) you will move into new directions as Mercury hits 16 Libra again on October 25th. After making major changes in September and October (a SEVEN* and EIGHT* month in numerology terms) renewed career and business decisions will unfold as the Lunar and Solar Eclipses occur at key times in October, (October 8th and 23rd). Being an EIGHT* month, October brings in  changes, shifts the new career and business opportunities into reality as well as relationships and partnerships within your new environment....

What are the Phases of this Mercury Retrograde?
Mercury will collect the issues from September 15th as events culminate in Libra dealing with relationships, partnerships, friendships and alignment with others. Mercury reaches the furthest forward motion that it can stretching the Mercury leash to its limit. It is during these events that you will have Phase I of the process that will ultimately require additional adjustments.  The need to review, revise, and rethink situations (surrounding alignment of people in relationships, partnerships, etc) begins to become the obvious next step. Reassessing many issues, situations and decisions come into play.

Mercury reaches 2 Scorpio and turns retrograde from October 4th (1:02 pm EDT) through October 25th (3:17 pm  EDT). This is considered Phase II as there will be new and additional information, or changed information and changed circumstances (surrounding relationships, partnerships, friendships and motives connected to these relationships) that will need to be integrated into the situations. Major adjustments occur to make the course correction to allow the new information to be integrated into the new expression and reality.

Once Mercury turns direct, on October 25th, Phase III begins. Changes abound and catapult you into a completely new direction. As revised decisions unfold (based on the new information regarding partnerships and relationships) and evolve your pathway into a new journey, situations unfold the environment and circumstances that are more in alignment with your new sense of self, purpose and passion.

This Mercury retrograde becomes an important shift after the seven-year cycle written within Uranus in Aries challenges that were brought to the culmination point on April 20th, closing previous chapters, as a new chapter begins to open. Uranus connecting to the Lunar Eclipse on October 8th and to the point of Mercury turning direct on October 25th, will shift many aspects of your life onto a new path. Mercury retrograde adjusting your Life Journey, your Life Book within the Hall of Records shifts you into a new phase as determined by the qualities grown during the previous seven-year cycle; new environment, greater inner awareness and strengthened spiritual purpose."

Monday, May 12, 2014

May full moon & Joyful Manifesting

Hello, dear ones, the full moon of May is 
almost upon us and you may start feeling 
the energy now and through a few days
after the fullest point. 

To utilize the energy of the full moon for
clearing out the old and opening to the new,
I offer a program each month at full moon
time called Joyful Manifesting.  May Joyful
Manifesting is about to begin.

You can still sign up through midnight 
tonight--May 12th. Go here: 

I will do three proxy sessions this week, powerful Resonance Repatterning sessions done by distance, to clear obstacles and whatever may be in the way. 

In the way of what, you might ask?  You set two intentions or goals, things you want in your life, one tangible and one intangible--and a third one this month on self-nurturing.  It can be in any area of your life.  

Then I do the sessions, one per day, during this week, to unblock your manifesting of these goals or intentiions.  I send you session notes so you know what was cleared for you and any homework that you may have (I keep it simple and easy-to-do). 

That's it! 

To sign up or learn more go to:

Free free to contact me with questions at 973-655-1745.

Here is info for you on the May full moon, courtesy of Lena Stevens, co-author of   and also via the astrology Lena quotes in her writing, Patricia Liles.    

"Full Moon is Wednesday, May 14 at 1:16PM MDT (Mountain Daylight Time).

Use this full moon time to work with beauty. Pay special attention to all the beauty around you, bring beauty into your environment, and focus on beauty for your body. It may be a great day to do something luxurious and pampering for yourself.

This full moon is also a good time to be in gratitude and to honor the expansive quality of anything big that is happening around you either to yourself or to others. Welcome love and beauty into your life....


Written by Patricia Liles. Contact her at 

Full Moon in Scorpio

Sun in Taurus ~ Moon in Scorpio 24º

Wednesday, May 14, 2014, 1:16 PM Mountain Time
(May 14, 7:16 PM Greenwich Mean Time)

Revealing my prejudice, I admit the full Scorpio Moon of feminine power is one of my favorites. Scorpio being of the water element and fixed in nature expresses its need for depth through transformation, intimacy and emotional truth. This leads to some challenging areas we tend to avoid like our sexuality, death and dying, emotional vulnerability, desire, and personal power, yet here is where mystery, power and shamanic relationship to the invisible world lies.

Transformation involves becoming aware of the inessential and ruthlessly (because that's how Scorpio rolls) focusing on eliminating it to make way for the new. The 'rising from the ashes' and powerful Phoenix totem of Scorpio represents this life-changing process. A brave heart is required to want to shift the habitual, known and comfortable to live more consciously and in the truth, and scorpionic transformation invariably comes through lessons from our earthly experiences and emotional relationship with others. (READ MORE) "

Monday, April 7, 2014

Fasten your seat belts: Welcome to April's energies!

Greetings and most joyous spring to you!

This time of year is always a powerful time of re-awakening, coming back to life, clearing toxins, and beginning to "bud out"--revving up for a new cycle of growth and flourishing.

What "new shoots" do you want to start putting out there?

I am so glad to be offering the support during what could be a real "fasten your seat-belts" time--my Resonance Repatterning, Soul Clearing, Ancestral Alchemy work.  

Also, right on time, you can benefit from the energy shifts and obstacle clearing of Joyful Manifesting.  The next series of three sessions will take place during a potentially volatile week...April 12-19.   You can register for the program at 

Joyful Manifesters: Receive extra support for the eclipse month:  Add a third intention around either relationships and communication OR your ability to stay centered
and focused, to your two intentions that you normally set for the Joyful Manifesting program.  

Here's the mix of influences going on in this powerful month:
Besides being spring, it's the year of the Wood Horse...and coming up this month, we have TWO a grand cross....these are major energies for looking at what needs to change and having old things drop may feel pressure, a desire,even an urgency to speak the truth, and move into a whole new frequency regarding relationships

As always, in astrology, it's not just what the planets are doing but how they interact with your own planetary energy, which is expressed in your birth and progressed chart. 

What does this mean to you?  This is yet another GREAT time to ease your way through transitions and clear the detritus that eclipses bring to light....with some private
work with me and/or joining us for Joyful Manifesting.  

You must register by April 11th, midnight for the Joyful Manifesting program, go to:

Wishing you an easeful month,

PS Want to read more about the current influences?  Here are some resources:

1. I always value the monthly forecasts you can find at

2. The publishers of Zodiac arts, a great site for astrological
news, have great articles for you on two current aspects, the upcoming lunar eclipse and Mars in Retrograde (March 1- May 19).  Enjoy!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

New moon March 30th...get ready for April!

Just a very short post today to invite you to read forecasts for tomorrow's New Moon and for the upcoming eclipses in April and a grand cross..Some astrologers focus on how these energies may play out in the wider political scene, others on the individual level  However you tend to see these trends, more profound and revolutionary change are on their way.

What I like in this forecast is the positive focus on HOW we respond so that we don't simply "ping" off the energies like a pinball....we always have a choice and our individual and collective choices change the course of history. 

Now is a great time to receive support through clearing more old patterns--my schedule for private sessions opens up a lot more after April 12th.  Another resource for you is next month's Joyful Manifesting for 3 days of concentrated clearing--check it out at http://www.joyfulmanifesting,com.   Whew!  

Check out the new moon and "how to prepare for what's coming" forecasts at

Passengers, fasten your seatbelts, turbulence ahead...

Monday, March 10, 2014

Ready to graduate? Ready to be crowned as Queen?

What I've noticed with shifts in consciousness is that they come in a wave, hitting land first for certain people and others later.  Often I experience something as one of those first wavers that I can then share with friends and clients as a guide for what they are going through or are about to.

Last week there was a strong wave of completion...a string of dreams about past phases of my life, symbolically showing me they are done, complete, including graduating with my Masters degree.  (which I did in 3D reality back in 1984).

I feel like a whole new life-not necessarily a new location, brand new career--is beginning to emerge. 

This new reality is more heart centered and is based on being in my personal sovereignty, while honoring the sovereignty of others. That means communicating, making plans, living from what is true-here and now--not out of roles, obligations, shoulds, or making another feel guilty or wrong
for their individual desires, needs or preferences.  It takes a lot more present-moment awareness, so that you can feel into what is so, what is true, what is real rather than going on assumptions or automatic pilot.

Personal sovereignty--being the queen of your domain, whether it's your body, your work, your home, your sexuality, your relationships--is up big time.  I gave someone the Personal Sovereignty repatterning last week--one of  the new repatterning series I am writing--and it was off the charts
powerful for her.  

Let me know if you would like that kind of  radical evolution support with a one-on-one personal sovereignty session.

A friend who is also a first-waver called today to share her breakthrough about a pattern of putting up with other people's negativity--even severe verbal abuse--and always holding space for them to be in their highest good at her own expense.  That came from a belief system that tolerating, even taking in rather than "tossing back" the ball of poison, is the "nice" or "spiritual" thing to do. 

We both agreed, it's graduation going to a whole new level. Dysfunctionality, abuse, using power against another....when we say no to it, as we name the truth and no longer participate in the old dynamics of blaming ourselves, internalizing abuse, making excuses for intolerable behavior...this is how we are going to collectively birth a new world. 


Wishing you the joy and liberation of discovering, stepping into and living your own sovereign
truth of being,


PS Joyful Manifesting begins this week on the 12th.  Use the concentrated power of this program to make a shift in any area of your life--finding your voice, affirming the value of your work, making some healthy habit changes, growing your business, attracting new clients.  Register by midnight
tomorrow at

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

March energies and coming events

Whew--I'm glad February, and a very challenging Mercury Retrograde period, is behind us. 

What a perfect month March is to continue or renew your personal growth journey with some help from me!  Read about the energies of the month here, and the fuller forecast at the Power Path website,

"The Theme for March 2014 is COMMITMENT.

This is a month of putting yourself 100% behind your choices and decisions. It is about setting new rules, weeding out what doesn’t work, being disciplined about what it takes to manifest your intentions, and doing your work. It is about taking all of the grand dreams and goals and grounding them into a practical “to do” list that you follow even when you don’t feel like it.

This month you will see what you are made of and you will be inspired by your ability to persevere and take action. How you handle this month will set you up for managing any challenges that may come your way in the future. There will be opportunities to handle more power and to be resolved in your choices and decisions. It will be critical to anchor your commitments in your heart and to be clear from that perspective about what you are willing to get behind and what you are not willing to put any more energy into.

In the aftermath of the RELEASE theme of February, there is a lot of emotional, psychological and energetic debris floating around that has nowhere to go. All of this debris needs to either be cleaned up and disposed of, or integrated in a way that serves a new direction and new dreams.

Practicality has its benefits this month as well as paying attention to the details and keeping track of your discipline."

My questions to you:
What are you willing to commit to, this month, this season and going forward?  What "debris" do you want help clearing out of your way?

Here are some ways to get support from me in March:
Joyful Manifesting continues with 3 distance clearing sessions done-for-you to keep your prosperity pathways open and clear, during the week of March 12th to the 19th. 

Sign up here by midnight March 11th.

FIRST JOYFUL MANIFESTING BONUS SESSION, Saturday, March 8th.  This session is f*ree for gold members of Joyful Manifesting, $40 for everyone else:

"Clear Financial Fears and Tax Trauma" 11:30 am Eastern, 3/8.  A group coaching/repatterning session by teleclass.  You can participate by proxy and receive the recording only if you are either a Joyful Manifesting gold member or a paid participant.

How to register:
Email me at and I will send you a Paypal invoice. Or join us free, if you're already a member of Joyful Manifesting. Just email me to say you want in!

This is the first of many more cool bonuses for those of you who choose to receive the benefits of Joyful Manifesting on a regular basis. Some will be members-only, some for a fee and open to everyone.  

personal power repatternings, written by your favorite prosperity coach/repatterner (ahem!):

LATER in March, look for the "Relationship with Money Repatterning", available to Joyful Manifesters and paid participants. 

Don't miss out--stay in touch by signing up for the blog or at my email list at
Many March miracles and blessings to you,

PS You are of course always welcome to do a private session with me, and I'm booking sessions through the month mainly on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Fresh Waves of Prosperity from my creativity lab..and great resources for you!

The collective energies are about to shift, again.  With Mercury retrograde almost over and the theme of "Release" for the month of February...I sense the pressure cooker energy is going to dissipate and we will see more forward movement.

This week, I want to let you know that I am working on new repatternings to address money, prosperity, deservingness, work and related topics and can't wait to share them with you.  Stay tuned, and if you are not on my email list, go ahead and sign up so you get the special invitations.  Just go here to

If you want to do some in-depth private work around prosperity, relationships or any area where you feel held back, I have some open time in my schedule this week to get you unstuck and getting the energy flowing again.  Just contact me at

Sharing resources--Two great opportunities from others this week too. (I am very choosy about who and what I recommend, so don't do it that often, just so you know.**)

One is the World Tapping Summit 2014, begins tonight.  Free EFT sessions every day for a week from some of the best practitioners and teachers of the work.   I think EFT is an excellent and handy self-help tool, and it dovetails nicely with Resonance Repatterning work too.  Sign up here:

The other, which happens monthly, is the free Quantum Pulse teleclass with energy healer Jo Dunning.  It's the last Tuesday of each month and she offers energy sessions to clear obstacles.  Especially great for you Joyful Manifesters out there!  Sign up at

Take good and gentle care,

**I do not benefit financially from these recommendations through affiliate links or any other form of compensation.  I have received from both these sources so I am simply paying it forward.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Thoughts on Love: Happy Valentine's Day to you

What a perfect day to reflect on what love really is, and what it means to you.

Sometimes the word has a lot of meaning to me.  It's a feeling, an expansion in my heart, a desire to give my joy, a tender nurturing of another or myself,  tending to my garden, holding a grieving client's heart. 

Sometimes love seems truly to be a have more meaning when it's put into action.

Sometimes love seems so overused that it has no meaning whatsoever.  People who hardly know each other, ending an email or phone call with "I love you"--or the other extreme, two long time married people ending each call with "Love you" whether they feel it or not, where the words have become rote.

When you say "I love you" do you mean it? Do the words mean anything when you say them? I am very careful about using those words, because I want them to mean something when I do say them.
Sadly, love for many, has become a medium of exchange..."If I say I love you, you'll do ____ for me"  or "I need you to love me so I can feel  ____".   In intimate relationships, it is often linked with ownership....if a couple is in love, there's an expectation they won't feel that towards anyone else.  That expectation can cause great suffering.  Even in a deeply committed monogamous relationship our hearts can deeply love more than one person, even as a lover--while still not choosing to act on that feeling with someone who is not our partner.

To me, love is the infinite field from which we came, which is interwoven into the fabric of our lives, and it is the place to which we return.  This temporary body is a channel through which life will take shape, and then return to its Source. 

Seeing love this way, there is no lack, loneliness or isolation, for I am no longer a single cell in a vast sea. 
May you rest in that abundance, today and all days.

From my Heart's Abode to yours,

Sunday, February 9, 2014

It's February: Be Your Own Valentine with Embodied Self-Love

Our monthly focus for Valentine's month is "Embodied Self-Love".

The phrase “Love yourself” is used so often that the words started to lose their meaning. I knew that feeling love for myself makes me feel happy, and I also understood that self-love is a key to better relationships.  Although a cliché by now, it's true that “In order to be loved by others, or truly love another, you have to love yourself first”.

I knew that self-love was important yet it was becoming another task on the do-list. More "work"!   I've been learning ways that really work and make self-love more joyful, which I'm happy to share with you.
 I practice self-love through kind and compassionate self-talk.  Monitoring my thoughts and being more careful with the words I “speak” to myself, is an empowering new habit. These days—most of the time, even when I “slip” into speaking poorly of myself, or beating myself up, I see it faster and forgive rather than judge myself for that.

 Awareness Practice: To deepen your awareness of your self-talk-imagine the voice of your ‘inner roommate’ as if you could hear it externally, like the sound of another person’s voice.  Write down the words you hear and then ask yourself: “Is this really true? Is it kind, is it necessary? Is this what I need to hear right now?  What is this inner critical voice trying to do for me (usually it’s trying to keep you safe) and is this the best way to do that? What would be a more supportive way to talk to myself?” 

Take this a step further, beyond mental awareness, into the body.   I’ve been doing that this past year, and I feel the difference on a cellular, tangible level.  My love for my whole being, my desire and joy in taking loving care of my health, my body and my boundaries, is stronger and deeper. After my initial resistance, I know enjoy this and look forward to it.

This practice took root in me after a workshop with my wonderful qigong and Daoist teacher, Daniel Villasenor, who said, “You can grow self-love simply by self-cultivation (mindful touch).”  Curious to see-- could it be that simple to cultivate self-love like a seed, with touch?--I began.  Gradaully I’ve grown to love it and treasure the gifts I receive from it—vitality, pleasure, and self-love.  Try it, you’ll like it!   

Embodied Self-Love Practice--simple, yet profound.  What is this? The embodied self-love practice is about touching yourself regularly with love and kindness. Through doing this, it becomes natural to appreciate your body more, and feel more sensual, sensitive and fully alive.

Daily, or a few times a week, touch your body like a caring friend or lover, using organic coconut or grapeseed oil.  Depending on the time you’ve set aside, you can massage the whole body, just the face, or whichever places that want your touch the most, and don’t be shy to include your intimate areas.

Make it a ritual, use soft music or candles if you like.  It doesn’t need to take long, most days it’s about 10 minutes for me, though sometimes I treat myself to a longer ‘session’. You can do this any time of day, though some people find it too stimulating at night.  (I can share more with you about this practice privately or in a small group call, so contact me with your questions)

How does this work? The body is literal—it translates being touched with love to “I am loved.  My body is lovable, my life matters.”  We learn this in infancy—only infants that get touched will thrive and touch tells the infant it is loved.   (This concept is the basis, in fact, of the “Self-Acceptance Repatterning”.  I'm very happy to offer you this session or whichever repatterning you need to increase your self-love and acceptance.) 

Touch feeds your parasympathetic nervous system, which in turn helps you relax, and feel more connected to yourself and to others.  It will help you digest and sleep better, and feel more peaceful.

From a Daoist point of view, self-touch, especially around our intimate areas, enlivens and reconnects us to our jing, the core creative and procreative energy that gave us the spark of life.
From concept to embodied reality, this practice generates an internal feeling of goodness, acceptance and pleasure--that which I always longed for a partner to provide. Embodied self-love can be your key too, to being more fulfilled and free from any dependence on a partner or friends for approval and attention.      

If you desire a new partner or a richer relationship with your current partner, embodied self-love will help you come to your relationship full, rather than from lack or neediness.  It will benefit you even if you are not in partnership or not wanting one, by freeing you to experience more love, pleasure and satisfaction.

It’s a great way to finally end that vain effort to fill a hollow place in yourself with water from another’s well, to liberate yourself from needing food, substances, entertainment, money, achievement or material goods to feel satisfied.  Now THAT is abundance and true flourishing!    

Experiment, let me know how it goes. I’m here for encouragement and guidance if you need it.  Let the joy, pleasure and self-love begin.
Here's to loving and celebrating your glorious Self, 
Ellen .

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Happy Chinese New Year--year of the Wood Horse! This  New Year began on January 31st.  Wood is the element of spring and new growth, and we know the freedom-loving high spirited power of Horse.  Be prepared for MOVEMENT this year!

Ironically, we have just entered Mercury retrograde as of the things will slow down a bit this month. Mercury is retrograde in Pisces, which can make us dreamy and more right-brained than usual.  Hopefully you have taken advantage of the session I do for this Mercury retrograde journey!

For February, in keeping with Valentine's Day, my theme is "Embodied Self-Love".  Look for an article on this topic in my next blog post..along with a fresh "twist" on the idea of self-love. 

Meantime, Joyful Manifesting--new and improved, Version 2.0--is coming right up. Register by midnight February 11th.  Use this program of distance energy shifts and belief clearing, all done for you, to remove obstacles, clear limiting beliefs, get unstuck and get the energy moving for any goal:  more self-love, attracting a partner, improving your present relationship---or in any other area of your life where you could use a powerful boost. 

More info and registration link is here:

Get your manifesting energy rolling! The shifts begin as soon as you sign need to wait. 

Many blessings,

PS For 2014 I've upgraded and enhanced the program, and am calling it version 2.0.  It will
provide the same transformation, energy boost and forward momentum as always, but it's
been reformatted to make it more user friendly, to keep the shifts gentler, more consistent and

What's changed in version 2.0? The biggest changes are:

1. Sessions are monthly instead of every other month,
2. Three sessions during the week, instead of 5 (less intense, STILL great shifts)
3. You have a lower-cost subscription option OR sign up a la carte for any month you want to do it.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Wait---I'm not quite ready for a New Year!

Then you're in the right place and your Fairy Godmother has 3 gifts for you.
Turning a calendar page is NOT the same as turning a new leaf.  Just because it is New Year's Day, your inner organic timing may not match the calendar exactly.  Didn't these holidays go by in a blur, very fast:  Solstice, Xmas and New Year's? 
Take this window of time between today's New Moon and the Full Moon on the 15th to look back at the year just passed to come to completion, and decide what you are letting go of, and what you want to bring into 2014.  

And come join us for the group repatterning on January 7th, "Manifest your Intentions for the New Year, with Grace, Joy and Ease".  Registration at
These three gifts are recordings of teleseminars I led recently.  Please listen as you are guided, and share with others too! Just send them a link to this blog.  

If you listen in sequence to each of these three recordings, they will provide a journey for you.  Or just listen to whichever ones you are guided to!
Solstice guided ritual: Healing and relaxing guided journey (about 30 minutes):
Opening to Prosperity (prosperity teaching and coaching, about 45 minutes)
Ring Out the Old, Ring in the New: Make Room for More Prosperity in 2014 (about 25 minutes)
We connected with the devas of 2013 and 2014, and did the Integration for Completion process for endings and new beginning

Many blessings for the New Year,