Another full moon is upon us-tonight!-and that means time for another round of Joyful Manifesting. You can still register until tomorrow
Allow the powerful energy shifts of the Joyful Manifesting program to assist support help you get let go and open to the new, and get aligned with what you want to bring in with these powerful energies that are here now.
It's not only a full moon but it's a lunar eclipse and a rare configuration called a blood moon. There are many prophecies and predictions around this planetary event. I tend to ignore those that are about doomsday and Revelation-like apocalypse and seek meaning and guidance..what is leaving, what is coming in, what are we being asked to re-examine and shift? I look for information that is empowering and that asks me to look at what I can do, or what consciousness to hold.
For this Blood Moon Energy, take time to meditate, turn inside, get quiet and listen...however YOU do that.
Here is some information from a longer article, these were excerpts I found meaningful. You can read the full article here:
“With this last Aries Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse, it’s time to integrate the endings, awakenings, transformations and death and rebirth experiences related to the balance of Self and Other, completing our initiation into a more balanced exchange between the masculine and feminine energies of life as well as between women and men.”
-Cathy Pagano (click name for full article)
“First and foremost we want to dramatically change our relationship with ourselves - as anything we want or need or desire OUT THERE can only be fulfilled and truly experienced when we have found it IN HERE.
“Any relationships that are on solid footing are fine- you may experience things that rock your boat, but if your ship does not have holes in it and you are both willing to do the work to row to a safe harbor you will be fine.
“For others who have issues up and perhaps have large holes in their boat- this final Eclipse may be a time to think about whether those issues/holes can be fixed and if both people are willing to do the work necessary to fix them- or if it’s better to jump ship before you go down with it…”
-Divine Harmony
Here is a long article, pretty far out..but uplifting...take what is useful..leave the rest!
Final Blood Moon: Anchoring unity creation September 24, 2015 by Lauren
Happy belated equinox dear people of HEART! We may have merely survived another season of ascension, but the one that follows promises to be unlike ANY other…in the history of everness.
When I sat down to transcribe this report, the first words that entered my mind were: “The new world consciousness begins now.” If you are not feeling the truth of that already, you will soon enuf. We all have our own perfect, unique, divine timing…one that dovetails into the perfection of our lives, relationships and personal creations. Aka, ALL is well.
If you’re reading this then you already know that September is and has been a HUGE, supercharged month of majorly shifting tides. For some, a life-changing ‘event is on the horizon’, for others a deeper call to full truth, but for ALL…whether conscious or not…a turning point is definitely on tap.
A brand new frequency, steady & ready to take us to the heights of sustainable creative bliss. Certainly there is a whole lotta colorful hype about what this upcoming final blood moon heralds for humanity, but just like when 2012 came and went, these events are never what we conjure up in our heads.
That is definitely not to say that amazing, unspeakable gifts of goodness won’t befall us…in fact, this is already happening for some…it’s just that these waves of energy don’t affect everyone in the same way, at the same time. In the world of causality, the interpretations are spanning the gamut in the usual, polarizing ways…from the common “mass rapture” talk at one end, to the always popular doom & gloom theories at the other.
This is pretty typical aggrandizement for duality, where the separated mind tends to gravitate toward extremes…but we know better. We know that in unity, the truth is always somewhere in the middle and solely contingent on Self…
on how much LOVE we can hold in our HEARTs and how much light we can carry in our cells.
We know that in 5D, that is the only gauge we ever have for how we experience anything.
Yes, we are all receiving this energy… no, not everyone is ready to utilize it. Yes, this energy will change things in the world around us in grandiose ways…no, it will not be immediate. The point is that the unified heart-mind is unconcerned with “what will happen out there” knowing that the creation of worlds is all an inside job. (And yes, that includes things like: the global economy.) Those who get that concept, and employ it consistently and without fail, are those who are ready to benefit immediately from this serious boost of Source.
Speaking of which, and moving deeper into the second eclipse/blood super moon combo, there is absolutely a brand new, fully tangible, never-before-experienced frequency being delivered to us as I write this, resulting in a tremendous momentum of creation energy brought forth to the planet. It has been pulsing thru us since the solar eclipse and, from what I am told, will span the rest of this year and beyond…most notably from (September) equinox to (March) equinox of 2016…but we are in the thick of it right now, rising to the crescendo point.
And tho I say that it is being “delivered to us”, the starry folk remind me that while this energy wave is seemingly arriving from a Source outside of ourselves (ie, the galactic center) that we need to keep the holographic and empowered perspective that it is in fact coming FROM us, not TO us in the sense that we ourselves…aka, the Source inside of us…is heralding it. From the (3D) outside-in perspective it looks and feels as tho this energy is coming into our hearts when in actuality…from the (5D) inside-out perspective…it is our awakened hearts that is actually calling it forth. Simple perspective shift, profound difference…and one we must maintain to create in unity, where there is no separation between Self and Source.
This fortified, effervescent frequency is bringing with it many things known and unknown…but of the most pressing, according to our star kin and therefore the focus of this article, is our return to creator God status. Back in the July report the Pleiadians mentioned that moving into August (via the lion’s gate) we would be reconnecting with our magic powers…cultivating creativity to the point that we may actually be able to DO something with it. What they failed to mention, however (and likely on purpose), was the eruption of old energy around creation that would emerge for mass clearing. 😳
So, soon after the 888 gateway you may have definitely been throttled by a good ole fashioned dust-up of old unresolved/unLOVEd feelings around your creator power/powerlessness and purpose…ie, whether or not you feel in command of your life, of sustaining yourself solely on the merit of BEing GOD. This may have been served with a side dish of poverty thinking (for review), or at the least, a moment to reassess where you sit now on the prosperity-lack continuum.
BUT, beneath those old stories, and the extent to which you are willing/able to let go-move on…is a beautiful new consistent flow of (unity) creation that is steady and ready to take those prepared to the heights of sustainable creative bliss. You may be already be feeling this creative fire beginning to burn inside of you in ways you haven’t felt since before 2012…aka, since before all of our focus was on the monumental and unforgiving task of clearing out the lower body system in preparation for ensoulment. The best part is…depending on how clear your vessel…the momentum of this creative surge is going to continue to build as we all power up individually, and then spread this LOVE thru the grids. As the grid pulses with this concentrated Source frequency (think: 100th monkey) it enables more and more people to awaken, to bump up, to receive new creative orders (downloads from our spiritual blueprints) for exciting, purposeful new earth endeavors.
Again, if you are not feeling the ecstasy of said vibration, don’t fret. The point, as always, is that it’s here-now and available for everyONE and ALL who consciously choose to do what it takes to embody it. There is no rush, and this is not a race. We have a very long, exciting road ahead, so pace yourself. We know full-well the encompassing journey of purification-to-embodiment and it is never something worth expediting…or trying to. It’s like the Seven Sisters of Pleiades once said: “The point isn’t where you are on the journey, it’s that you’re on it at all.”
Cosmically speaking, this is beyond an exciting time…it is something we won’t be able to wrap our brains around in totality yet, but rest assured it is everything we are here for, everything we worked toward is happening now. And as we move into the fullness of the new/unified creation energy, those ready (those who have completed the karmic recycling program) will experience a “clicking into place” as the first group of souls moves deep into the flow of all good things…without a paddle!
There is a leap required, and you will know it when it presents, but don’t hesitate because that step in faith will quickly be replaced by the tremendous magnetic support of your universe. Are you ready to finally and fully PLAY with passion, purpose & potential to live and LOVE limitlessly? It’s GO time. ©As LOVE, Inc. 2015 All rights reserved.
Permission granted to copy and redistribute The 5D Report’s FREE VERSION ONLY on the condition that the content remains complete, intact, full credit is given to the author, and that it’s distributed freely.
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Planetary Update - Ease Your Way through Mercury Retrograde
L'shanah tovah -- Happy New Year! We are about to go into the Rosh Hashanah holiday, the Jewish New Year, a time of remembrance, prayer, cleansing, self forgiveness and forgiving others. Use this energy, whether you identify as Jewish or not, for letting go and new beginnings.
If you are feeling powerful energies, and shifts that may not seem directly related to your day to day life, but from a deeper place...welcome to September! Lots of planets changing direction, Pluto going direct, Venus too (strengthening the 'native' powers of these planets), and everybody's favorite, Mercury Retrograde. Yes, it's here again.
Did you know I do a proxy (distance) group session to help you ease your way through the Retrograde period? I can't change the planets (not yet, anyway, give me a few more years to develop my superpowers!), but I can help you shift the way you react to them. The "regulars" who sign up for these sessions swear they make life easier...
Register here by midnight September 14:
Keynotes with Mercury Retrograde--humor, patience, be careful with communications, if you must sign contracts, read the fine print carefully--and re-read to make sure you read it correctly. It is a time when our thought processes are less linear, more right brained than usual. I should know, because I was born under a Mercury retrograde. An astrologer once told me, "People born under a Mercury retrograde march to a different drummer". What do you think, dear reader? I'm pretty sure you too will agree that that astrologer was right about me.
But relax--it should not be as stressful as usual--I for one am really glad to hear it, because the last one was a humdinger!
Each Mercury Retrograde has its own 'flavor', depending on Mercury's relative position to the other planets. This one will have a focus on partnership and relationships.
Here's a take from a different astrologer than the two I usually quote from, on the upcoming retrograde...
That site,, has some interesting information about the September 13 solar eclipse and the healing of broken hearts:
Karyl Jackson is another astrologer who writes well on the retrograde, and this article has broader explanations too.
So, from me, you can get repatterned for Mercury retrograde, and this is also a GREAT time to do
some ancestral clearing (Special price on 3 session package of Ancestral Alchemy, through mid November) or some in-depth one on one work around relationships or money....
Enjoy the powerful energies, and let me know how I can support you on your journey to greater happiness, fulfillment and prosperity. I'm here for you.
Many blessings,
If you're ready to sign up for Mercury retrograde, the link again is: (sign up by midnight tomorrow night 9/14)
If you are feeling powerful energies, and shifts that may not seem directly related to your day to day life, but from a deeper place...welcome to September! Lots of planets changing direction, Pluto going direct, Venus too (strengthening the 'native' powers of these planets), and everybody's favorite, Mercury Retrograde. Yes, it's here again.
Did you know I do a proxy (distance) group session to help you ease your way through the Retrograde period? I can't change the planets (not yet, anyway, give me a few more years to develop my superpowers!), but I can help you shift the way you react to them. The "regulars" who sign up for these sessions swear they make life easier...
Register here by midnight September 14:
Keynotes with Mercury Retrograde--humor, patience, be careful with communications, if you must sign contracts, read the fine print carefully--and re-read to make sure you read it correctly. It is a time when our thought processes are less linear, more right brained than usual. I should know, because I was born under a Mercury retrograde. An astrologer once told me, "People born under a Mercury retrograde march to a different drummer". What do you think, dear reader? I'm pretty sure you too will agree that that astrologer was right about me.
But relax--it should not be as stressful as usual--I for one am really glad to hear it, because the last one was a humdinger!
Each Mercury Retrograde has its own 'flavor', depending on Mercury's relative position to the other planets. This one will have a focus on partnership and relationships.
Here's a take from a different astrologer than the two I usually quote from, on the upcoming retrograde...
That site,, has some interesting information about the September 13 solar eclipse and the healing of broken hearts:
Karyl Jackson is another astrologer who writes well on the retrograde, and this article has broader explanations too.
So, from me, you can get repatterned for Mercury retrograde, and this is also a GREAT time to do
some ancestral clearing (Special price on 3 session package of Ancestral Alchemy, through mid November) or some in-depth one on one work around relationships or money....
Enjoy the powerful energies, and let me know how I can support you on your journey to greater happiness, fulfillment and prosperity. I'm here for you.
Many blessings,
If you're ready to sign up for Mercury retrograde, the link again is: (sign up by midnight tomorrow night 9/14)
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