Friday, January 29, 2010

Breakfast with God

I just received this fascinating email from Maureen Moss, creator of the World Puja online community.

Enjoy the reading..and I like this idea of picking three high vibration words to describe ourselves, representing qualities that we would "wear" if we were going to have brunch with our creator.

what would you pick? mine are Loving/Focused/Compassionate.

Many blessings,

Here's her article:

"This year I began a year long class on "Mastering Alchemy." Included in this class is a strong emphasis on "Living Words." Given a list of more than 100 words and traits that carry a very high vibration, we are asked to choose and live three of the words and traits daily. It's a very powerful practice. Anyway...

Nearing the end of last week's class we were asked to choose and embody three words (without thinking) that we would "wear" if we were going to lunch with the Creator. I chose the words powerful, gracious and kind. (No thought.)

I went to sleep having the image in mind and heart of God, and me together, at lunch. Upon awakening, I entered my morning meditation (with journal and pen next to me,) and guess who joined me? God.

I felt the presence that I have come to know as God, 'come over me' before the words were telepathically impressed upon my consciousness. "Would you like to have breakfast with Me?" I simply smiled from the inside out and said, "I would love to." I noticed, very quickly, that I was still embodying the living words powerful, gracious and kind. Upon consciously noticing my state of being, a burst of Love palpably moved through my heart. I had the sensation that God was mirroring me, by being powerful, gracious and kind, to me.

I spoke my feelings about that out loud and here, in part, is what I received about each of you and the year ahead.

"You have just experienced, 'there is only One of us.' I have long told you that you will only teach that which you experience. You yourself needed this reminder, so you could remind the many. Who you are, is who I Am. How you Be is how I Be. How you love Me is how I love you. We are One.

Now you have a deeper awareness of why I ask all of you to create time for Me daily and come to me open-hearted and filled with love. Only through love and intentional contact can you access Me, hear Me, feel Me, know Me, collaborate with Me and make your way gracefully through your life; particularly through this next year.

Humanity is well within the energy field of 2012. Make no mistake about it, and do not take this lightly. What has been written thus far about 2012 has engaged many minds, now you must engage your hearts, so you will not miss what you have incarnated for, which includes meeting many Beings of Higher Consciousness that you have had a 'through the veils' experience with.

The timeline of the third dimension has collapsed, more quickly than anticipated. Your Beloved Mother Earth is in a most fragile state and has chosen to birth her ascended state now. She is doing so in great part to move herself up to her next level of consciousness, as she is dying in the former one, and in great part to push each of you into your next level of consciousness, for you too are dying in your former one.

The year ahead will be the most fascinating of any that you have had in your human experience, Beloveds. From meeting your space brothers and sisters, Archangels and Angels, to the many moments of alchemy and magic, apparent tragedy and transcendence, each of you will live the year in front of you being beckoned moment by moment to choose love or to choose fear, purposefully.

Your state of consciousness is being put to every test now, and for good reason. What you choose in each moment will determine where you will live in the new order outside of time. Whatever you choose is where you will be, and where you will be will mirror that which you choose.

The new earth is mandated to be duality and polarity free. The same is true for each of you in order that you ascend. You have been told before, via the one that writes this, that you are positioned to become heroes in a transition stage. Only through love stabilized, and consistency and communion with Me, are you able to hold the frequency of the new Earth and the fifth dimension without falling back into another deep sleep of separation.

You are each surrounded by vast Legions of Light Beings of the highest order that are positioned to help you as well. Each ask that you strengthen your rapport with them, ask for what you need, participate in your ascension and claim your victory.

It is also true that energies of a Dark nature still linger, attempting to win your affection. Circumstances are ripe for them to enter your lives each time you choose fear over love, regardless of any experience you are in the midst of. Come and sit with Me and I will tell you the Truth about any of your experiences, if you will listen with an open mind.

You will be well served if your stories that you continue to claim as the reason for your despair and malfunction have Light cast upon them, rather than the mortal mind's repetitive shadows. In the Light you will see Truth. In the Light and Love of Truth, along with your devotion to your shift, you are made capable of transmuting patterns of fear, patterns of repetition, change genetic coding, alter your DNA, and shift your entire ancestral lineage.

"How am I to do that," you might ask, "when I am jobless, uncertain, and my abundance is dwindling?" You choose to stop believing that you are jobless or without abundance and you will stand in the middle of your own transformation.

Be of good service to others, and you will have a job. Give and you will receive. That is the Law and the Promise. You have no need for the details. It is already written. Trust Me, or trust your mind. You choose.

Humanity has had a perception challenge for millennia. Stop perceiving anything. Let the former notions and perceptions seep out of you until you are empty. Empty. And when you are empty, I will fill you up with the nectar of a God, not a human playing small, but a God playing Big. You choose. Yes I know this is a big stretch for many. So be it. Stretch and empty yourselves, and see what you find. You have nothing to lose but a state of mind that has killed off many a Truth.

Choose love and love is what you will get. Take your mind out of everything it has formerly invaded.

Where you take notice of a conflicted nature, sit down and breathe. Connect to The Great Central Sun and the crystalline grid of Mother Earth, with your breath. Learn how to run stabilized energy through your bodies as easily as you put food into your mouth. Get into your body and compose yourself. Come to Me and I will lead you back to yourself and prepare you to enter a Higher Order outside of time.

I have told you this before and I tell it to you again. You are Gods in human form. You are loved beyond your deepest imaginings. You are My heart beating, and I love you.

Believe Me and come forth."

Copyright Maureen Moss 2010. Please feel comfortable to share this with others. I ask that you include my name and websites as this is part of a greater body of work.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The power of being really heard

The single life certainly has its joys and pleasures...but the downside can be spending way too much time alone. Even if you're partnered, it's so easy to get isolated if you work alone. Input overload is so prevalent..everywhere we turn there are so many choices and decisions. Truly an ADD world!

If I am too much alone, I get so caught up in my own thoughts and moods that I lose perspective.

A good talk with an old friend this morning was SO helpful. The feelings and the issues are still there..but being heard and witnessed, and my friend's ability to be present in a special way (she has some special training in this, not to mention our 24 year friendship) took the edge off.

Last night at our Sacred Women's Circle (highly recommended if you are in or near Santa Fe--or ask me how to start one!) I felt the healing power of a group of women and being heard and witnessed there. The group has grown like wildfire, and we had 26 women in our friend Diana's living room. Even when I'm tired, I just can't miss it..and many of us feel that way.

At this time it feels vitally important to gather the women. There is a magic going on there. I heard that the Dalai Lama said something like this:
"It is the women of the West who will save this world" and I heard Pete Seeger
also say that.

The themes in the women's group: birthing ourself, an urgent feeling that "I must do what I am here to do" and reinventing ourselves. At one moment I felt completely awed and humbled to be part of this movement which is far bigger than this particular circle in Santa Fe. It was so healing to be in the group and to be witnessed in the great caring and tenderness that women can hold for each other.

Sweet support, being really heard. It feels soooo good.

I realized today again, that as I prepare to teach a class or program on a topic, I myself have to 'take' the class first and work on my issues related to that topic. Since my topic is "your relationship to yourself" I shouldn't be surprised to discover that, yes, my own relationship to myself is being worked on--big time.

The life of an experiential teacher, I tell be continued.

many blessings,

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Affirmations for your business

Here are the intentions that got switched on for our businesses
in yesterday's call on "Energize Your Business for 2010". Feel free to use any of these or adapt them to your own situation. In the session we used energy work (repatterning) to get ourselves resonating, aligned or switched on for these intentions. That means we cleared beliefs and other repetitive thought patterns from our subconscious so that all systems are now "go" for us to realize these intentions.

What came up in this session was about patterns left over from our birth process that have been interfering with our vision of ourselves and our successes, our ability to move forward on goals and plans and create a business that is a reflection of our own uniqueness. Here are a few of those patterns, to give you an idea of what a session can uncover and shift. "I have to pried out of difficult places." "Birth is arduous, painful and takes a long time". Can you see how these could stop someone from "birthing" their business?

I will be doing this kind of "Energize" session for your business every 3 months since businesses always need ongoing tune-ups to stay on track.

Here are the intentions from our session:

*I am clear about the value I add
*I am aligned with, and fully aware of Who I am.
*I attract a great support team for the tasks I need done, in a way that is
affordable for me.
*I feel grateful, inspired, good about myself and my accomplishments.
*I am disciplined about my time
*I am committed to and focused on my work
*I am efficient and productive
*I create more than adequate financial resources to support the phases of
my business planning, start-up, and beyond.
*I create positive cash flow in my business.
*I am prosperous, I receive, and I know I am provided for
*I easily and efficiently receive $100,000 net income or more annually (substitute your own income goal) as I continue to make a positive difference in the lives of others.

*I see myself as a competent leader of my business
*I am dedicated, steadfast and patient
*I feel empowered, grounded, solid and present, in my body and in my business
*My business growth and development is a journey of endless unfolding possibilities

What else do you want to get "switched on" for this year? You can join me in future "Energize Your business" sessions, and there is also the Joyful manifesting
Intensive coming up on Valentine's day, a 5 day energy clear-out for your easy and joyful manifestations. And we can also work privately on intention setting and clearing what may be in your way, which is often found in our unconscious programming. For info, visit:

Many blessings,

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Session report after "Energize Your Business for 2010"

I enjoyed leading a tele-class today on "Energize Your Business". We meditated to begin, on our business, and on finding a heart connection to our business. Then we explored how old our business felt--if it were a person,who would it infant, a rambunctious or confused teen, a mature adult? One person discovered that her two different businesses were a bored adult and a nervous teenager, and I invited her to see how they might support each other. Could the adult support or guide the teen? Could the teenager bring some fresh or rebellious energy to spark the adult out of boredom? Another discovered that her two separate businesses were actually one and seeing them that way could reduce the complexity of the work. Try it, it could be interesting! Let me know what happens.

Our concluding statement was "I put in my full effort and leave the results to the Divine Will." In order to "clear" the statement or become aligned and resonating with this, we needed the following affirmation. Use this anytime you need to access your strength, power and higher vibration alignment. (Thanks to Sibylle Preuschat and Sue Pelechaty, from whom I learned the powerful process of Soul Clearing. They have included this affirmation from the work of Myra Swenson.)

"I have love, faith, trust, gratitude, courage and strength. My life energy is boundless. I am in a state of love. I am a powerful woman."

Friday, January 15, 2010

Get "Switched On" for your New Year's Goals--tomorrow!

I am happy to invite you to join me for a group repatterning
session tomorrow, January 16th, called "Forget Your Resolutions:
Manifest Your New Year's Intentions Instead" at noon Eastern.

It takes place by tele-class. Please register at my
site by midnight today to get the call in number and join us.
to register:

What is repatterning anyway? Its full name is Resonance
Repatterning and it is a trademarked system created by Chloe
Wordsworth. It is the core of the work I do, and a framework
that can be very helpful in looking at how you go about the
process of creating change in a behavior, relationship pattern
or emotional pattern. I'll post a fuller definition in a later
post, but for now, let me say this:

Through intuition as well as kinesiology, or muscle checking,
we go through a step by step process to identify beliefs,
memories, and other patterns held subconsciously and clear them.
It's about helping you get unstuck, clear what is holding you
back, in a very efficient and insightful way, using energy

For more information, I invite you to visit my
website at, the Institute(training) at, or the Association
(practitioners) at

Wishing you a happy and Switched On year,

Decree of Abundance & Contemplations for the new decade

I like this abundance decree from Maureen Moss and wanted to share it with you. Maureen is the creator of the World Puja Network which is a truly amazing website and collection of internet radio shows on a variety of topics--personal empowerment, spirituality, metaphysics and other subjects at the leading edge of consciousness. Check it out at


From The Light of God that I Am.
From The Love of God that I Am.
From The Power of God that I Am.
From The Heart of God that I Am.

I Decree-

I dwell in the midst of Infinite Abundance. The Abundance of God is my Infinite Source.

The River of Life never stops flowing. It flows through me into lavish expression. Good comes to me through unexpected avenues and God works in a myriad of ways to bless me.

I now open my mind to receive my good. Nothing is too good to be true. Nothing is too wonderful to have happen. With God as my Source, Nothing amazes me.

I Am not burdened by thoughts of past or future. One is gone. The other is yet to come.

By the power of my belief, coupled with my purposeful fearless actions and my deep rapport with God, my future is created and my abundance made manifest.

I ask and accept that I am lifted in this and every moment into Higher Truth. My mind is quiet.

From this day forward I give freely and fearlessly into life and Life gives back to me with magnificent increase. Blessings come in expected and unexpected ways. God provides for me in wondrous ways.

I AM indeed grateful. And I let it be so.

Saying it is not enough, believing it changes everything and then acting upon it changes everything, yet again!

Please share this with your loved ones! Maureen requested that you do so
with the following noted also: Copyright Maureen Moss, 2010 and her
Websites: also

I admire her honesty and deep contemplation and invite you to do the same
after reading this..more from Maureen Moss.

I thought quite awhile about whether I would step out on this limb or not, and I decided yes. Not just for me, but for the many.

First things first. Are we in agreement that this entire shift that we have been hauling ourselves through for a decade is first and foremost about a shift in consciousness? I have been wondering this past week or so how many have asked themselves a couple of big and critical questions, those being:

1. What does it mean for me to shift consciousness? (Your energy imprint on this earth is your consciousness.)
2. What am I shifting out of and into?
3. How will I behave in each moment that is of a higher nature than my former ways of behaving?
4.What must I let go of now, that is not my authentic Self?
5. How do I BE LOVE?

If those fundamental questions are not asked and answered by each and every one of us and fervently embraced and turned into action and being, then what is the point of playing at all in this amazing game of Shift? (And it is amazing.)

We are such a results orientated human race; don't we choose to play the biggest game of our lives in our favor? Is there really anyone not bursting at the seams to leave the discontent, discomfort, dissatisfaction, and dis-ease of separation behind? Is there really anyone that doesn't desire the ultimate amount of soul-growth and love out of this experience on Planet Earth? What are you willing to do for it? How are you willing to be for it?

For me personally it would appear pointless to not do everything possible to work with the energies that are in my favor, in my heart (and my house,) and to dig as far down into myself as possible to bring up the best in me.

I know it is a mandate to expose my authentic self, in spite of former fears 'on their way out resentments,' or limiting beliefs about myself, anything or anyone, and in spite of current headaches, heart adjustments (still), my body vibrating so fast at times I believe I'll just take off like a rocket, zero appetite, energy wipe-outs, my Higher Self and my soul both speaking to me almost non-stop, and ringing in my ears (again) so loudly, it's like bells that could be heard 'round the world. There is a price and a prize for going for the gold, of a God Consciousness. So be it. Bring it on.

I'm not stopping for anything or anyone (mind and ego included) to claim it. How about you? When I step out of this skin and bones suit, I'm making sure my life counted for something, and that I cleaned up as many messes that I made as possible, that I supported and loved as many as possible (without giving my energy away just to feel worthy or having it sucked out of me...this one is new to me,) that I climbed out on as many limbs as I deemed necessary and took flying leaps off many a cliff to see if I could reach the highest parts of myself. How about you?

Comments anyone? I'll share some of my contemplations with you as they ripen also..

May you rest in the sweetness and wisdom of your heart,

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

"These are not normal times!"

That quote is from a great astrologer, Dawn Silver, who I just got off the phone with. My call to her was prompted because lately--almost every day it seems--I learn of yet another truly powerful planetary event. Man...two eclipses close together at the year end, Mercury retrograde.

And that's just the beginning..fasten your seatbelt. If you thought things were changing a lot in the past few years, just wait!

I'm not saying this to stir up fear and dread. I don't believe in astrology as a kind of fortune telling at all, or to make anyone feel like a victim of fate. For example, I offer sessions to help you align for Mercury retrograde--not to make you afraid of these events, which happen 3 to 4 times a year, but to empower you and help you deal with what gets stirred up, with calmness, perpective and even humor. Also to empower you to use the energy of the retrogrades constructively.

Knowledge is power--knowing what is influencing you helps you work with the energies and not against them. You know, swimming with the current instead of upstream. Letting go of fighting with what is, is so much easier. Knowing when to act, when to be guided and let go.

Reminds me of whitewater rafting years ago. Besides the beauty and silence of a late May morning on the Delaware River, I remember the shock of finding myself capsized, abruptly immersed in the icy water and hearing the words of the guide in my head:"If you do end up in the water, float feet first and wait to be rescued."

Yeah--uh huh. Well, I did, and the guides did come eventually, but it wasn't easy!

I'm grateful that life flows a lot more smoothly than whitewater rafting did that day. But for me astrology is a guide--to anticipate a challenge ahead and to prepare. It helps me discern the best timing to steer the boat, and the times it's better to let the current carry me, or even change boats (or rivers) altogether!

So my goal is to help you become aware of significant energies of the moment and how to make best use of them. This is the most empowering and uplifting use of astrology and why I'll be weaving it into the mix here.

Today I learned of another powerful planet, Saturn--which governs rules, structures and teaches us focus and discipline--doing a shift. Tomorrow, it will go retrograde, making us look more deeply at what is important to us, what our values are, and what plans, structures and long term focus we need to make that happen. It'll be there for a long time--going direct again in the summer, so this is a long transit.

What does that mean for you? Well, it's a really great time to be looking at what you want to manifest in your life. To meditate, to do inner work, to look back at the past and what has and hasn't worked in your life and especially in your relationships. It's a great time for visioning, dreaming and making plans that will support your manifestations. Here's an intereresting video about that:

I offer a number of ways to support you in this process. One is the occasional and monthly group repatternings, like the upcoming New Year's Intention group. I offer a program every two months called the Joyful Manifesting Intensive, which offers a concentrated focus and deep clearing work.

For the most in-depth focus on gaining clarity, giving yourself permission to thrive and have what you want, and clearing obstacles out the way, I offer private sessions and packages. My website is being updated for 2010 changes this week, so feel free to contact me directly at

What else is on tap for this year astrologically?
Lots of stuff--check it out online and you'll see what I mean. In 2010, and for the next three years, we have a tremendous opportunity to evaluate how we've been living and choose new directions for our personal lives as well as collectively. What kind of world do we really want?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Your personal and business New Year's contemplations

I received this set of questions from marketing coach Debbie Bermont. (Her site is

Enjoy answering the questions for yourself. I love to keep my New Year's review and intentions in a journal and look back at them at the end of the year, or even beyond that.

Another fabulous thing to do is to assemble images from magazines and catalogs, draw, paint or collage your answers. If you are a visual or kinesthetic learner you'll especially enjoy the process.

Personal questions:

What fills me up and lights up my life?
What keeps me centered?
What would make this year FUN?
What new activities would I like to include in my life this year?
What do I want more of in my life?
What beliefs can I release in my life that no longer serve me?
What relationships should I release that no longer serve me?
Who should I reconnect with in 2010?
What kind of contribution can I make in the world this year?

Business questions:

How do I want to position myself in the marketplace?
What skills do I need to learn this year to make my business grow quickly?
What team do I need to put in place to expand my business?
What kind of exposure do I need to grow my business? Where will I get this exposure?
What one thing can I change about my business that will make the greatest impact?
What old patterns of behavior have held me back in my business in the past that I'm ready to release? What new behavior will I replace it with?

A Special Window is open this week

Happy New Year! Weren't we just talking about Y2K and the millenium? Where did those 10 years go?

Well, never mind that.

Our New Year's energy didn't just end on January 1st. Right now, in fact, we have a very powerful window for clearing out old stuff and focusing on what it is we want to bring in to our lives, not just this year but for the next 3 year cycle which will take us to 2012. (I'm not going to get into the whole 2012 thing here except to say I don't believe in any kind of negative or end-of-the-world scenario.)

Between the lunar eclipse and "Blue Moon" of December 31st and January 15th, with a solar eclipse there's a lot of planetary support for clearing out old energies. Eclipses mark times of powerful endings, changes and a whole new take on things.

January 15th is also the new moon--the most powerful time of each month for setting intentions and beginning new things. That same day, Mercury shifts to direct (forward) motion in its orbit, moving out of retrograde. (Mercury retrograde is a 3 week period that happens several times a year. It can be challenging and so I offer repatterning sessions by proxy (distance)to help you move through the retrograde periods with ease.)

That means new projects will begin to move forward and it will be a great time to initiate or resume action on things you've been percolating for a while.

To take advantage of the new moon energy--and also because I've had a bad cold and unable to get the word out sooner--the January 11th New Year's Intention session is being moved to January 16th at 12noon Eastern. I'll bring the virtual tea and shortbread.

For more information or to register:

I hope you'll join us for this one hour session..and in the meantime, I have a great set of questions for you to work with for your year ahead. Look for them in the next post.

Many blessings for an amazing 2010,

Welcome to Heart's Abode!

With love, gratitude and respect--I welcome you to Heart's Abode. Thank you for joining me here.

My purpose is to inspire and uplift you, to make the journey of healing, self-discovery and spiritual growth fun and rewarding. I have plenty to share with you from my own experience, from my work with clients, and my full-to-the-brim toolkit. I also want to share resources that have helped me. And last but not least, I see this as a space for like-minded community building.

This blog has been germinating for quite a while--trust the process, Ellen--and finally the seedling has pushed itself above ground!

Why "Heart's Abode?" For a few abode to me is a place of safe dwelling. A Buddhist prayer says "May all beings dwell in the heart. May they be free from suffering." In the Hindu tradition, a person bows their head and kneels in order to place their heart above their head. Western culture has always valued the mind above the heart, but to play Dr. Phil for a minute, "How's that working for you? (or us as a society?)"

Heart's Abode is also a reference to the heart, that fascinating, mystical organ. We all know that the heart is an incredibly powerful muscle that keeps us alive and brings vital oxygen to our cells. But the heart is much much more than that.

Research now shows that the heart has its own intelligence and the energy field of a human heart can be felt up to 300 feet away!

The heart is also a chakra, or energy center in the body, and it is central to many spiritual paths and teachings. There is so much to say about the heart..and I will, later! But for now, this quote expresses the essence of Heart's Abode very beautifully. It's from one of my spiritual teachers, Bhagawan Nityananda:

"The heart is the hub of all sacred places. Go there and roam."

As you roam through the abode of this blog, you'll find:

Personal reflections and experiences, including insights from my work with clients who are often my best teachers.

DIY (Do it Yourself)Healing resources: Meditations, imagery, energy exercises, tools and contemplations for you to use in your life. These are intended to empower you as with any other kind of self-help, support and education. Remember that nothing on this site can or is intended to replace getting help from a skilled practitioner as you need it.

Other tools and Resources: Books, products and practitioners that I have personally benefitted from or that come from a trusted source. If I recommend something from which I benefit financially as an affiliate or distributor--which I'll do from time-to-time, I will let you know that.

Spiritual/metaphysical enrichment: Messages from guides, channeled information, yoga and Eastern spirituality. I find astrology to be a very accurate and useful source of insight as well, as interpreted by skilled astrologers (not the kind of "pop" or sun-sign astrology you might find in a daily newspaper). If any of this is new, I invite you to keep an open mind--and of course take what is useful and leave the rest!

Information about my programs and offerings, as well as those of others whose work I value. I assure you this won't be a pitch fest..I want to provide real value and enrichment to you.

So, let the journey of a thousand miles begin with this single step, my first blog post!

Many blessings,