Thursday, January 27, 2011

February Manifesting update

Sending sunshine and palm trees to you from Las Vegas today. This whole city is a tribute to holding a vision and making it manifest, and to the human imagination. It isn't exactly the world I want to create but it is collective vision of paradise and it makes me think the possibilities for hte world that people such as you and I would like to create. We have to begin to envision that now.

And it starts on a smaller scale, and ripples out to the world. Each person living a more joyful life expands the field of possibility for all of us.

I'm writing to let you know about opportunities to learn how to manifest and create some breakthroughs. The time we are in now is a window of opportunity to get clear and create the new life you've been wanting and envisioning, so why not go for it?

February 2: Manifesting 101, the first of my new format monthly f*ree teleclasses. I will be teaching and leading exercises on these calls now, not offering a full free session. I will still do that on occasion but not as a regular offering, which is no longer feeling energetically correct for me to do. Time is 9pm Eastern.

February 3: Next Joyful Manifesting Intensive begins, 5 days in a row of repatterning sessions for insights, breakthroughs and momentum--to clear what stops you from manifesting! I now have some recorded testimonials you can listen to, to learn more about how others have benefitted from these sessions, and more info at

February 21: Manifesting Monday, a one night proxy or distance session to clear the path and keep the momentum going. go to

What do YOU want to create or unblock this coming month and beyond?

Many blessings,

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Here is a report on the 1-1-11 Worldwide meditation from Maureen Moss, creator of the World Puja network. After you read what she has to say, you will definitely want to listen to the recording of the event. I personally can't wait to listen myself and am sorry I missed it, but I was soaking at Ojo Caliente, mineral springs here in New Mexico that day. Whatever you were doing New Year's day, the good news is this is being made available to all of us!

Maureen says:
"In over three decades of being in service to this Beloved Planet and brothers and sisters world-wide, I have not experienced the multi-dimensional profundity of what occurred during the planning of the World Meditation and Planetary Transmission on 1-01-11, or what occurred on that very day as the transmissions, activations, meditations and clearings took place.

Additionally, from what was written and sent to me by others worldwide, and what I have read in articles that people published in regard to it, neither had many others.

An excerpt from one article sent to me: "We, from the Higher realms were in attendance during this massive observance on the first day of your New Year, and there were Legions of Angels assisting in the activations that occurred.

Each person who took part is a Way-shower and a Pattern Maker who realized the great potential of this major event to create positive change for Humanity and the Mother Earth. What a wondrous boost to the Divine Plan this event was! We are still in celebration!" (author's name unknown.)

On the ground, I've been told that on that day cities throughout the world (and even airports) experienced a unique sense of quiet and calm.

Many were left speechless, while others couldn't stop crying. The shift was palpable.

Thousands met their main guide on a golden throne far beyond this Universe, with the help of Stuart Mooney, while still others, finally merged with their I AM Presence in the chamber of "The Diamond," thanks to Jacqueline Joy, resulting in most dancing their way through the day to the song "Lift The Light" that Barry Goldstein wrote and produced for our ending.

Diversity became Unity, a deep sense of well-being emerged, and hearts were literally blown open to accommodate the descent of The Divine, as thousands in over 100 countries experienced an awakening and came to know for themselves, that life as they had known it, had ended.

A full heart-filled with love thank you to all that were in physical attendance and those that were a part of it, whether you knew it or not.

All of the spoken words, transmissions, activations, meditations and energy are embedded in the 2 hour MP3 recording now made available to you, along with a full written transcription of the entire event. Each will prompt you into your awakened state and gracefully lead you through 2011.

It all awaits you at and Click on 2011 Planetary Transmission or on the Home Page graphic

Enjoy, and many blessings,

Monday, January 17, 2011

A Bounty of Uplifting Offerings---All F*ree!

Wow..there is so much good stuff flowing to us right now. I just have to share the wealth with you.

First, Jo Dunning, a master energy healer who I really like a lot, is offering her Activations of Awakening for f*ree this Wednesday January 19th via webinar, phone call, and I believe by distance. She normally charges for these powerful awakenings of the Pineal and other endocrine glands for spiritual acceleration. Go to her site to register at

There are tons of other things available too...this list is from Maureen Moss, creator of the World Puja Network. She has also shared her experience of the 1-1-11 worldwide meditation, which I will post in a later post.

But for now, know that the recording of this event are available, free, to you. All of the spoken words, transmissions, activations, meditations and energy are embedded in the 2 hour MP3 recording, along with a full written transcription of the entire event. Each will prompt you into your awakened state and gracefully lead you through 2011.

It all awaits you at:
Click on 2011 Planetary Transmission or on the Home Page graphic

Other events coming up: Mark Your Calendar For January
Don't Miss Broadcasts (to name just a few of dozens):

First of all don't miss our newest host, Rikka Zimmerman with her brilliant weekly new show "Access Consciousness." As a global speaker, this woman wakes-up an audience with sheer exuberance. If you're ready to glean some fresh wisdom on Abundance this is the show you won't want to miss each week.

It has been over a year since I have interviewed three people in one month let alone over the course of a year. This month I was compelled to contribute to continuing to keep the energy moving powerfully in this first month of this powerful New Year.

First, I interview a global leader, great teacher and a man that I have long considered to be a great friend, and a no easy way out mentor. To say he's brilliant....well, an understatement. His name; Robert Rabbin and our conversation, all about Authenticity (perfect timing!) Jan. 13

Next is part 2, on "The Divine" with new trailblazer, Panache Desai, on Jan. 27.

And a woman who has contributed very quietly for decades through her brilliant book Oneness, Rasha. This interview will be part meditation and part conversation on Jan. 30.

All of Stuart Mooney's shows this month will take off where he left off in our global meditation. What an authentic, pure, uncomplicated blessing this man is to the world and to The World Puja Network.

Carla Rueckert joins James Gilliland on Jan. 25. Carla has served as a vocal channel since 1974 and was the instrument for the five The Law of One books. Not a show to miss, particularly as the Law of One couldn't be more timely.

Great wisdom, activations, and transmissions continue to flow from hosts Dr. Steven Greer, Judy Satori, Jo Dunning, Christine Day, DeAnne Hampton, Pippa Merivale, Kerrie O'Connor and Sheila Gale. All details, more guests, dates and times at

MP3 Recording and Written Transcript of World Gathering is at
Click on 2011 Planetary Transmission or on the Home Page graphic

Brand New Article: "Know Yourself and Honor Yourself" also on Click on Newsletters.

From my heart to yours,

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Preparing for the Manifesting Your New Year's Intentions group

Set aside some time for this..up to an hour is best, or you may like to do this over several days. In your quiet place, where you have no interruptions, do what you need to do to get present. You may want to stretch, dance for a few minutes, shake out your body, whatever works for you. Now, take a few deep breaths and consciously relax your body. If you have a way you like to connect to Source, or to your higher self, go ahead and do that now.

Then have a sense of the year ahead, like a glass jar. This jar isn’t empty, though—it’s filled with the stones that are intentions and goals from the past. Empty the jar out, and sort through them..which are the ones that don’t fit any more? List a few that seem important to let go of.

If this image doesn’t work for you, you can use your own, or simply ask, “What do I want to let go of as I move into this New Year? What isn’t or hasn’t been working, or what feels outdated and outmoded?” Notice how you feel about letting them go…does it feel possible and easy, or difficult and scary? Does it bring up self doubt or negative/limiting beliefs and thoughts? Write those down too.

Now, onto what we do want—there may be new stones we want to add, or re-energize and activate what’s already in the jar. One way to determine this is to state the opposite of what we are letting go of, but sometimes what we want to bring in is not in relation to the what we’ve let go of. Now list these.

You may choose to focus on just personal or professional goals/intentions, or combine them. My experience is that it’s hard to hold more than three intentions in my mind and energy field at any one time, so keep that in mind. Most of us need to strengthen our focus and decision making skills, so why not use this exercise that way?

Enjoy your preparation, and hear you on next Saturday's call! I do plan to record it.

Here's to an awesome year ahead,

To register or learn more:
I recommend attending in person (phone) but if you cannot, you are also welcome to do the preparation on your own and be proxied in (receive the session by distance).

How to make 2011 your year?

I have a feeling, maybe you do too, that this is going to be your year. The year you make some important breakthroughs and go to a whole new level of clarity and living on purpose.

It's easy to make resolutions, promises to ourselves. But besides all the inspired resolutions, the question is, what needs to enter or leave your life to get there. What are you going to do differently and what support do you need to put in place to make the changes happen?

What do you really need to commit to this year? I'm not talking about action steps at this point, like eating less sugar. I'm talking about an overall committment like "Being more loving to myself and my body", "Allowing myself to be more successful".

I have two easy ways for you to receive clarity, clearing, and energy for moving forward, coming right up!

1. Tomorrow's proxy or distance session, Manifesting Monday, which I am planning to do once a month, to help you manifest money, support, helpful people, your health and relationship goals and intentions. More info at:

2. Next Saturday, my annual Manifest Your New Year's Intentions group by teleclass, at 10am Mountain, noon Eastern. More info at:

Instructions for how to prepare for the New Year's group will be in the next post.

If insanity is doing the same things and expecting different results, how do we get sane and grounded in making changes?"

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Neediness: What' so wrong with it?

I wanted to share some helpful teachings for anyone who is going through depression, health challenges, hard financial times or being challenged in making a living. During these times, all of our self-doubts, our insecurites, questioning if we are good enough, if we have anything to offer..rear up out of the depths of our subconscious. It is not an easy place to be and I personally have visited those places this past year.

The worst part is not necessarily even the circumstances, but what we tell ourselves about them, what meaning we ascribe. It's easy to go into judgement and shame about being broke, depressed, unable to pay for the help we need, or even feeling unable to help ourselves. On top of what's going on, we layer on shame, self-critcism, etc. for being in a needy place.

A dominant idea in our culture--which almost all of us have bought into, whether we consider ourselves mainstream thinkers or not--is that being needy is about the worst thing. Rugged individuals, we are to be self-sufficient, able to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps at all times.

Look at how our culture treats people with needs--the poor, the homeless, the disabled, the elderly. Even in metaphysical circles, we are often reminded that we are creating our own reality. It is true--and ultimately,on the big picture level, So if we are broke or depressed, we have created that and it is up to us to get ourselves out of it.

On one level that is true--we are responsible for our lives and how we think, feel and react. AND yet, we're not doing it all alone--we are constantly co-creating that with a higher Intelligence and our soul's chosen life lessons, our destiny.

But when you are in a hurt child place, when all you can feel about life is a resounding NO, or you just want to be held and comforted, judgement and shame wont' help. They will just make you feel worse, more helpless and keep you down even longer.

Time for a fresh look at the whole idea of having needs. Here's a really positive perspective from Sufism which Mark Silver has shared in his writings on Heart of Business, bringing spirituality into the business arena. The Sufis say that being needy is the human condition. We are born dependent on our caregivers for food, water, warmth, touch and care...and throughout our lives we depend on food, water, air from the Earth. We depend on others for love, comfort, our life force itself comes from Source/Spirit/God. We can't live for long at all without taking in something from outside ourselves.

So why not accept that needs are part of being human, of being alive, rather than fight or judge this being human? We simply must depend on others, and on the Source of all, to help us--at times more than others. At those times, our "job" is to ask for grace, and to completely turn it over. When self-effort is completely beyond us, or we just need a boost, it's okay to ask. In fact, this is how balance is created in the Universe.

When you do ask, let yourself be receptive and open. Let the grace come in whatever form it will...the kindness of a stranger or a friend, an unexpected gift of food, money, a inspiration for a new way to make money..a mentor..a poem or song that uplifts you. Throw off the shame about being human and having needs and let the Source of All return you to a place of peace, connection, trust and hope.

We already know that we are "spiritual beings having a human experience"; now it's time to full embrace being human while having spiritual experiences!

Here's to embracing, celebrating and honoring our needs...and being open to having them met.

Many blessings,

Passing on a Gift for you: Prayer Circle on the 11th of each month

Hi..I am writing to invite you to participate in a prayer circle that will take place on the 11th of each month, beginning in January. It's being offered by Jennifer McLean of McLean Masterworks. The Masterworks site and community is a very beautiful offering of some of the best healers and energy workers and you can participate at different price points from free to paying member.

She will be leading a prayer circle to take advantage of the energy of the 11th energetic can donate $1.99 a month to support her costs or do it for free if you are not in a position to donate anything.

Here is the information I received from her:
11/11 PRAYER CIRCLE 12 MONTH PROGRAM (Starts Jan 11/2011):

Click here to take you to her link:

"I am excited to announce a new program designed to take
you through this amazing year of change openings and

I was guided to create a monthly prayer circle for you, and these
circles will occur on the 11th day of each month at 11 AM pacific
time. They will be recorded so you can listen later. The energy of
the prayer is captured in that moment and available to you on
the replay.

The guidance indicated that each of these days, that fall on the
11th each month in this year 2011, are mini portals of energy that
are designed as amplifiers of intention. We are leveraging this
energy to project intentions for each of us and the planet.

We are using the power of the group energy to create an even
stronger wave available to all who participate. We are, from
this, also creating an energy wave for all on the planet.

These monthly prayers will also assist you in seeing the light and
joy in your lives. We focus continually on what is right and good in
all situations. It is a practice that by the end of the year you will
do n aturally, that will in turn raise your vibration.

TIME! So sign up now.

I hope you will join us... it is sure to be life changing."

Many blessings for 2011, from my heart to yours,

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year! Awaken to the Dream of the Earth

Happy New Year dear friends and readers. Mine is off to a wonderful start and I hope yours is too.

This poem was forwarded to me by Tracy Collins, a friend from the EmbodyDance ecstatic dance community in Santa Fe and I'm passing it forward to you. Enjoy!

Awaken to the Dream of the Earth

Let us remember within us
The ancient clay,
Holding the memory of seasons,
The passion of the wind,
The fluency of water,
The warmth of fire,
The quiver-touch of the sun
And shadowed sureness of the moon.

That we may awaken,
To live to the full
The dream of the Earth
Who chose us to emerge
And incarnate its hidden night
In mind, spirit, and light.

-excerpted from John O’Donohue’s “Praise of the Earth”, To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings