Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Solstice Blessings to You!

Winter Solstice takes place late Wednesday 12/21 or on Thursday 12/22 depending on your time zone.  Can you feel the stillness, the inward pull of the shortest day of the year--despite the external pull of all the holiday festivities and busy-ness?  

In the cycle of nature, the solstice is the time of seeding our dreams and visions of what we want to plant, grow and harvest in the next growing cycle.  Even though all in nature appears still and underground, it is a potent time.  So try to find a little time in your day, early in the morning, noon or in the evening, to be still and listen.  Use breath and slow movement to find that still place. 

Many blessings,

Here is more Solstice and New Moon info from Lena Stevens, from http://www.thepowerpath.com/.

"Winter Solstice is Wednesday, December 21 at 10:23 PM Mountain Standard Time. This solstice is a time to celebrate your life, your responsibility to yourself, your power, your talents, your purpose, your vitality and your inspiration. Make a list of everything that stands in the way of this celebration and burn it with ceremony. Take note of where you are, what you are doing and who you are with. How is it? If you don't like it, change it. Since we are in an accelerated time, allow things to move and shift and manifest without the need to control or micromanage. Trust that your intentions are well set and step aside to allow them to manifest.

The New Moon is Saturday, December 24 at 11:08 AM Mountain Standard Time. This is a time for anchoring, for affirming, for sticking to your boundaries and for inserting order into something you can control. A good day to organize any space that is yours or improve your environment in some way. Being as this is also a holiday in many traditions, make sure you are not compromising yourself with unwanted distractions, but rather that you are in control of your decisions around how you are spending the day. It's OK to say "no" to what you don't want and "yes" to what you do want."

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What happens in the Manifest Your Mate program?

Manifest Your Mate is a program to move you forward easily, into the happiness, joy and the peaceful heart that comes from having love and a really wonderful partner to add to your life.

We begin this Saturday December 17th at noon Eastern with a live teleclass on “Increasing your Feminine Presence and Magnetism”.  I will lead us in a group Accelerated Belief Clearing, using Resonance Repatterning.   This session is recorded so you can participate even if you can’t be on the call.

After that I will do 8 more belief clearing sessions, one per week.  These sessions will also be the same ABC process except you won’t be on the phone with me.  (’ll explain more about this in a second. )

 Each session has its own theme or topic and these are custom designed for each group, so they are different each time I offer the Manifest Your Mate program. 

For each session, you’ll be given questions to think about before each session takes place, which will be posted on my blog…you’ll also get e-mail reminders when the questions are posted.
Other features of the program:

A recording of the live teleclass, Session 1.  For the 8 distance sessions I will provide detailed session notes within 24/48 hours.  The notes tell you what we worked on and will help you relate what you are experiencing to the session. The notes will also tell you if there are any positive actions or homework from the session. 

So there will be some work to do on your own, which is all self paced.   The goal is to keep the homework simple and doable, and not to overwhelm you—just what is needed to help you integrate the shifts that will happen from the distance sessions.

Apart from the first teleclass, and one other group support call (both of which will be recorded) the rest is done for you via the distance sessions. After the session I provide written session notes so you’ll know what work was done for you, within 24-48 hours.  The notes will also let you know if there are any positive actions or homework you need to do as a follow up.

 All you do is read the notes and do any positive actions or homeowork from the notes.  It's not like school, if you fall 'behind' just catch up as you can.  All the work is done at your convenience, on your schedule. 
What else do you get by signing up?

Within the program itself is more group support, PLUS options for additional private support at a super discount.

There will be one prescheduled support call midway through, where I can work with anyone who needs it, answer questions and help you go deeper.   On request and as needed,  there may be one or two other support calls to be scheduled  as we go. 

What is distance, virtual or proxy work?

I mentioned that the program will include 8 distance sessions.  In distance or proxy work, you don’t have to call in or even tune in at any particular time. 

Whoa--how does this work? I’ll explain more on the December 17th call, but briefly here…in proxy work I tune into the group’s collective energy and see what needs to be repatterned.  That’s a little different than a live session in person or by phone where I would speaking with you and get answers from you in conversation.  

What is the same is that whether live or proxy, I use the same process—which is based on the detailed clearing process contained in the written Resonance Repatterning protocols as guided by my intuition and muscle checking or kinesiology.
My clients LOVE proxy work, especially my Joyful Manifesting 5 day Intensives.  They keep coming back for more because they find it powerful and effective, and yet ultra-convenient.  (What a combination!). During a proxy session you can be traveling, sleeping or doing whatever you want while the work is done for you.  Then you get the notes afterwards.

Distance or proxy work might sound strange or hard to understand if you have not yet experienced me leading a repatterning session.  How can this work as effectively as it does when we are on the phone or working in person?  It works through principles of “nonlocal reality” of Quantum Physics…to try to explain that here could get pretty way out for you.

The best way to understand the ABC work and how it all works, is to experience it.

How can you experience this work directly, and get how proxy works?

You can do that two ways: first way is that I send you a link to a recorded session where you can follow along and experience the work that way.   Just email me at HeartsAbode@gmail.com and ask for it!

The other way for you to sample the work is to actually join us for the first session of Manifest Your Mate.  That's why I'm offering the first session live by teleclass, to encourage you to sample a session.  You'll be able to hear, see and feel how the process works, and to feel things shifting inside yourself as we work.

So I invite you to try the “sample a session” option and plan to attend (or listen to the recording later) the December 17th session at noon Eastern.  What you do is enroll in the program, but if you then decide this is not for you, you can cancel after the first live session and just pay $40, my fee for a single repatterning group session.  I refund you the rest.  I am confident you won’t want a refund but I want this to be as low risk as possible for you, so you’ll feel safe joining us…and so you can get help to manifest your mate. 

‘Cause that’s what it’s all about, after all! 

To learn more, go to this page: www.repattern.com/Manifest_Your_Mate.shtml.

Many blessings and happy manifesting,

PS Did you collect the gift I mentioned earlier? It’s for you whether you choose to enroll in the program or not….and I encourage you to share it widely with your single friends.  Just  make sure to tell them where you got it and the link to my blog or website.

It is a powerful healing ritual that was recorded.  It is called “Releasing the Old, Opening to the New” for manifesting a mate.  It’s about an hour and you are welcome to do this on your own. 

To find it, scroll down  to the previous few posts right here in my blog: www.heartsabode.blogspot.com.  The 12/9 post has instructions on how to prepare; the 12/12 post has the recording of the actual ritual.  Enjoy and let me know how you like it.

To reach me directly: HeartsAbode@gmail.com  or call 973-655-1745. 

Again my website is www.repattern.com  where you can learn about Manifest Your Mate, private sessions and other offerings and sign up for my newsletter and monthly free teleseminars.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What do YOU want to manifest now and in 2012?

I thought you might enjoy this transmission reproduced below.  It's such a great time to focus on what you want to manifest in your life--that is also in alignment with spirit, soul or Creator.  And to remember that we are loved indeed.  I find myself remembering with joy an experience I had years ago of looking at myself in the mirror and seeing myself through the eyes of the Divine, with total love and appreciation.

If you are feeling called to manifest a mate this year, come join us to begin the journey this Saturday, Dec. 17th! the link is http://www.repattern.com/Manifest_Your_Mate.shtml

Wishing you an amazing holiday time and year ahead with great love,

Discussions on 2012 by Archangel Metatron and Lord Buddha- Part 2
Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 12-12-11

It is with great angelic love that I step forward today to greet you accompanied by Lord Buddha, I am Archangel Metatron. In our previous communication together Lord Buddha spoke of the importance of the word 2012, encouraging you to use it as an activation for your being and growth. Lord Buddha also spoke about holding and understanding in your mind what you desire for the year 2012. The energies anchoring into the Earth and more importantly into your being are of quick vibration and so there is much power to fuel your thoughts and the ideas you wish to manifest. I encourage you to use this time to manifest your dreams and desire but to ensure that these are aligned with and blessed by your soul otherwise you may only cause greater confusion in your reality. Striving to achieve something that isn't the will of your soul and the Creator will only hider your spiritual development at this time.

2012 and the years beyond are aligned to returning to your original energies and source, which means returning to the energy of the Creator. This alignment is so strong that many people believe or feel that numerous Ascended Masters even Jesus will return to the Earth during this period of humanities growth. Their feelings are an acknowledgment that the veils between the Earth and the inner planes are becoming thinner and so our beloved Ascended Masters, the angels and our guides will feel as if they are closer. It is not so much for the Ascended Masters to manifest but for your senses of their presence to increase. You may also feel a greater closeness and connection with the Creator. Your sensitivity to energy will increase and so you will feel as if you are uniting with aspects of your being and soul, as everything becomes entwined and united together as one.

It is because of the presence of the original energy and a greater connection with all that is the Creator that your manifestations will be fueled tremendously. At this time it is essential to look within your being, while calling for a quicker vibration of the Creator and your original source to pour into your being. As the energy surrounds you, pouring into your being, you can place your attention within your being and ask for the same~~for the energy vibration of the Creator within you to quicken and for your original source energy within to emerge and radiate from your soul.

You may call upon your angels, guides and ascended masters to draw close and to support this process offering any guidance or wisdom that is needed. Experiencing the energies you can ask your soul and your original source energy what it wishes to create and manifest at this time. With the energies flowing it is a wonderful opportunity to ask or to affirm what you desire or need within your reality to encourage a smooth, appropriate and easy path way forward.

Your original source energy is the vibration that you existed as before you separated from the Creator's soul to follow your path of learning and understanding. It is also the energy that you vibrated at after the separation from the Creator when you first moved forward as your Monad or soul group. This energy is extremely pure. It is a vibration before physical incarnations and so doesn't hold any karma or pain, just pure energies of love. By connecting with this vibration of your being you are reconnecting with a wealth of love with the ability to bring forward this abundance of love into your current reality and current existence on the Earth. It is a wonderful and powerful process to acknowledge that every time you are connecting with or thinking about your original source energy you are bringing a greater volume of love into your being and reality. As more and more people achieve this, a wealth of pure love will be anchored into your Earth through the intentions of many. It is essentially to channel the vibration into the Earth to support the development and transitions of Mother Earth as well as humanity. I wish to encourage you to focus upon activating and radiating your original source energy of love throughout each and every day. If you connect with this vibration during meditation you can become familiar with its energy and therefore when you call it forward throughout the day you will feel at ease and comforted by the energy, understanding its colours etc.

This process in itself will create many transitions within your being as much that is false or unneeded will fall away due to the presence of your original source energy. Even connecting with your original source energy may bring back memories of separation when you missed your greater unity with the Creator. This can be healed and overcome as it may be continuing to play out in your reality. A deeper connection with the Creator will also be experienced as if a new magnetic pull is binding you on a more intense level with the energies of the Creator.

Love is extremely important at this time,. There is a need to observe your own energies and thoughts to ensure that all are aligned with love. Re-evaluate your radiance of love and magnify it at this time. Let yourself be pure love, experience pure love, think with and as pure love and express pure love.

Can you allow yourself to exist as a greater beacon and example of Creator love on the Earth? It is in this period of growth that there is a needed to focus upon love as not only will it be a healing and cleansing process for you but you will be able to heighten your energy vibrations and wash the Earth with love. This will create a foundation for the era of love to manifest in 2012. As you think and exist as love, you will be placing the intention of love into 2012 and the coming years. You will also be holding yourself and loved ones as well in love. We cannot ask for anything more at this time.

The love that we are speaking of isn't a romantic love, nor is it a soul connection love. It is the love of the Creator. It is the way and the energy expressed as the Creator loves you. It is for you to collect the love that the Creator shares and bestows upon you and to radiate this same love from your own being. You already have the love of the Creator within your soul and being, there is just a need to connect with this vibration and ask it to flow forward.

During meditation or quiet time you can ask to connect with and experience the love of the Creator for you. Let yourself soak up this love, then simply ask to share and radiate this love from your being. You can remind yourself to achieve this throughout your day. It is also a wonderful process to practice sharing this energy with your loved ones, with humanity and the Earth noticing how different this loving energy is to your normal expression of love.

This process is most beautiful because it allows you to acknowledge and realise that you are loved completely and absolutely, with the ability of sharing this with others. As other souls achieve the same you will also be surrounded in the love that the Creator has for humanity, a strong and unconditional love. This is a beautiful way of beginning the Era of Love and it is a practice that can be brought forward as a natural habit into 2012 and beyond.

You may have noticed that through these communications we are offering you a focus for each week as we draw closer to 2012, this will continue as we love you unconditionally and wish for you to know that we are with you at this very special time.

With love and blessings,

Archangel Metatron and Lord Buddha

Monday, December 12, 2011

Your last holiday season without a partner?

Do you resonate with that intention, as a single woman? If you are already blessed with a loving intimate relationship, do you have a single friend or two who want to find their mate? If so, then the upcoming Manifest Your Mate program is for you.  It begins at the holiday season and ends right before Valentine's Day.

The goal of the program is to clear blocks to meeting and starting a relationship with a loving partner, a true mate.  Even if you have done some work to get ready for someone new, chances are there are some layers of beliefs and emotional programming that are keeping this from happening.

Manifest Your Mate, which you can begin right now...is designed to address those things in a focused and effective way.  And to help you feel more confident, happy, and open..so that you can also enjoy life along the way as your partner is on his or her way to you.

You can begin the journey right now with this ritual and healing process, called "Releasing the Old and Opening to the New".  It was done last Saturday and here is the recording..you'll need about an hour.

To listen to the ritual and do it yourself as you follow along: http://tinyurl.com/7lr8f5t
(See also the previous post at this blog for more info on how to prepare for it).  Then.....

Your next step would be to join us next Saturday Dec.17th at noon Eastern for a session on "Growing Your Feminine Magnetic Presence".  This is the first part of the paid program of Manifest Your Mate..if you are new to my work but this program sounds just right...I encourage you to register for it
under my "no-risk" sample offer.  You would sign up for the whole program but know that you could withdraw after the first session and just pay for that session.  (We have 9 sessions total plus an extra support/Q&A call...a LOT of clearing and energy shifts that will definitely move you forward and clear the path big-time).

Learn more and register here at www.repattern.com/Manifest_Your_Mate.shtml.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Manifest Your Mate/Ritual for Releasing the Old, Opening to the New

Tomorrow December 10th, as we are within the energies of the full moon/lunar eclipse, I will lead a ritual as the opening to the upcoming program called Manifest Your Mate.  The ritual is free and open to anyone, whether you intend to join the program or not.  So if you want to manifest a mate, or vastly upgrade your current relationship, join us..if you are blessed with a loving partner but have single friends, feel free to invite them.

Utilizing the planetary energies we will be focusing on Releasing the Old, Opening to the New, and on forgiveness.    Clearing the path of old baggage is a difficult but necessary step and that's what we will focus on...with the loving empowering energy of the group.

To prepare you are invited to write down any or all of the following:
1.  Beliefs about love, relationships and yourself from past breakups or relationships that did not work out. Don't try to make an exhaustive catalog..just list the top three that come to your mind.
2. One or two mistakes or things you regret about things you have done or not done in relationships.

3.  Areas where you would like to develop more openness and receptivity in your relationship--again, keep it to one or two.

When/where: Dial in to this number at noon Eastern, 10am Mountain time, from a quiet place:
1-218-237-3840  access code 134971#.  This call will be recorded!

Come join us and expand the vibration of healing, love and forgiveness on the planet as you open your own personal path to deeper love and intimacy.

Many blessings,

Are you an Excellent Receiver? It's a skill you can get better at!

On Wednesday I taught a teleclass called "Becoming an Excellent Receiver".  It is chock full of information about how/why we block the flow of goodness in our lives...as well as some practical suggestions on how to change our blocks to receiving.

It is part of my monthly "Your Time to Thrive" free teleclass series.  The next one will be on January 4th and it's on "Embodying and Living your Intentions". If you want to be on my e-mail list and receive reminders go here and put your name in the box to opt-in:

Here's the link to the recording:  http://tinyurl.com/6on7ol7

It's an hour and twenty minutes...get ready to explore, learn and take notes!   And let me know one or two things you are taking away from the class, and which of the practices you intend to play with.  I'd love to hear from you at HeartsAbode@gmail.com.

Happy Receiving!

Many blessings,

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

December rocks: Excellent Receiver, Manifest Your Mate & more..

I have lots to share with you this month..are you ready to receive?  Tonight December 7th I am offering "Becoming An Excellent Receiver" as a f*ree teleclass at 9pm Eastern.  This is vitally important for everyone--we all need to learn how to receive as well as give for happiness and success in life.  Come join us and invite your friends too!

On Saturday December 10th I have another f*ree teleclass... Manifest your Mate: A Ritual for releasing the old and opening to the new at noon Eastern.  This is the kick off event to the upcoming Manifest Your Mate program and is free and open to all.  The link to the recording will be posted here. Then the first repatterning session of the program begins on Saturday December 17th.  for more information go to:

Tonight's teleclass and Saturday 12/10's teleclass are going to be recorded.
The dial-in# is 1-218-237-3840  passcode 134971#.  

But there's more: the  3 Holiday Season repatternings are just beginning and you can still sign up.  On Saturday 12/10 I am doing a proxy (distance) session for Healthy Eating, Happy Holidays (rescheduled from 11/16) and then on the 14th, a session on Prosperity and Peace of Mind.  Early in January we will have the annual "Manifest Your Intentions for the New Year" session on the 10th.  All details here:

And just one mo' thing: Manifesting Monday on December 20th - a single session to get your manifesting mojo working, your cash and abundance flow unblocked.

Whew--that'll keep us all happy, busy, abundant and well-repatterned! 

Sunday, November 20, 2011

How the Intensive actually works..a particpant guide

Participating in the Intensive:

 The sessions will be done sometime during the day, each day. However there will be a break for theThanksgiving holiday so the final session will be on Saturday the 26th. While the session is happening you just go about your life. You do not need to meditate, sit quietly, focus on your intentions or do anything in particular. You can be sleeping, eating, watching a movie, working, or lying on a beach in Costa Rica(ahhh…)

If you’re sensitive to energy you may notice some feelings come up or some kind of energy shift during the days of the Intensive.   Be sure to read the session notes, they will help!

I write up session notes, detailing what was addressed in the session and email them to you. My goal is to get them to you within 24 hours of the session so they are current, but my promise is no more than 48 hours after each session. If you do not receive session notes for some reason (check your spam filters) please don’t hesitate to contact me and ask where they are. Glitches do happen sometimes.

The emails will come from HeartsAbode@gmail.com.

The sessions will work regardless of whether you read the session notes, so you can relax about that. The session notes are provided for two reasons:

1-So you can understand things you may be feeling, new insights or shifts that you experience, and relate them to the session

 2-To let you know of any positive actions (homework)that came up for you to do.

These are generally short and easy to do—the point of the program is to make transformation simple and not a lot of additional work.

 Optional participation: I welcome your questions and also your experiences during and after the Intensive, so please do write me. I may share your experience with the group, omitting any identifying details of course. It’s very uplifting and enlightening for everyone else. (If you do not want it shared,

just let me know as I respect your privacy.)

That’s all folks! Enjoy the ride…


Joyful Manifesting is revving up now...how to get ready!

The next Intensive begins tomorrow night November 21st.  This is almost 3 years since I began this program of accelerated energy shifts. You can still join in and you have until 7pm Eastern tomorrow to do so.   Go to http://www.joyfulmanifesting.com.

There are two parts to this message..the first one, below is about preparing for the Intensive.  The second part of this message will go in the next post and that is more about how the whole Intensive process works.

How to Prepare for the Intensive: Take some time to contemplate  two goals or intentions, things you want to manifest for this intensive and then write them down.  They would be: 

#1: A tangible goal: something you could see or recognize when it arrived such as a certain sum of money, completion of a project, a certain kind of relationship

 Important: make it something that is a bit of stretch but seems possible to you..not something that your subconscious mind will totally rule out as impossible.

 #2: An intangible goal: a quality or state of being that you want to experience more consistently (example: focus, peace, clarity could all be intangible goals).

A few guidelines: try to keep the wording simple and direct.  When it gets very complex, it becomes harder for you to recognize when the goal manifests.  Also using phrases like “I easily manifest….” helps.

 You do not have to send these to me, but you are welcome to if you want feedback on the wording, or want someone to  witness them.  Why don't I ask you to send those to me? 

The reason is because I'm not repatterning your goals and intentions, just the limiting beliefs. I use the repatterning and belief clearing to get whatever is blocking your manifesting out of the way.

Whatever your two intentions or goals are, write them down in your journal or somewhere you can refer back to them. Keeping a journal throughout the Intensive is a great thing to do; I highly recommend it.

That’s all folks!  Enjoy the ride…


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Spiritual Newsroom Flash: Latest on Manifesting

I've been really enjoying my new teleclasses where I teach, not just repattern...and sharing lots of fresh juicy content.  This morning before the Manifesting Tips and Techniques I got a download about things we all need to know in these accelerated times..which I share on this recording. That was followed by the timeless basics of manifesting with my twist on it..body-based manifesting. Get your pen and pad handy, set aside an hour (or listen in chunks).  http://tinyurl.com/7kukgnc

If you listen, please enjoy..and send other to the links too! And come join me for the next adventure in powerful Joyful Manfesting, the 5 day Intensive by distance that begins on Monday 11/21.

more info on that is at http://www.joyfulmanifesting.com.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Go gratitude! Just in time for 11-11-11!

Go, Gratitude! 
Last night was the first teleclass in my “Your Time To Thrive” series and our topic was gratitude.  I think it was a good class with some juicy ideas for how to cultivate gratitude..even in tough times.   If you’d like to hear it, here is the link:  http://tinyurl.com/cpat4d3 
If you want to keep your vibes up and  move through the next few weeks with ease and grace, here are some November events with me…details at http://www.repattern.com.

Next week: Manifesting Monday on 11/14; Healthy Holiday Eating on 11/16 – wow!                 Week after: Aligned for Mercury retrograde on 11/20; Joyful Manifesting 11/21-26 -5 day Intensive

Are you interested in generating ongoing prosperity, and staying in a centered calm place as the crazy news swirls around you?  I also announced—and it’s not on my website yet, a new program to begin in December “Prosperity and Peace of Mind” which will include belief clearing/repatterning, coaching and inspirational email lessons on between the two sessions…it is a monthly program.  Let me know if you are interested in learning more. 

And in the works, a program on Overcoming Underearning and for business owners especially, “Your Best Year Yet” coaching and belief clearing/repatterning.

Please share this info and the recording link with others who would be open and happy to receive it! hey are invited to sign up at my website to receive reminders about the next free teleclass and other events, at www.repattern.com. 

In gratitude,


11-11-11 is TOMORROW! Time to weave our hearts!

According to many intuitives and seers, Friday 11-11-11 is a huge portal opening and another wave of major planetary shift.  Whether it is or not, the fact that so many people are focusing on the date and using the 11:11 am and the 11:11 pm to dance, celebrate, meditate, set intentions or visualize world peace makes it a powerful time.

There is a whole calendar of events happening in Santa Fe that day.  On the site for those events,
www.liveasone-11-11-11.com, is a lovely Heart Thread Meditation.  I want to share it with you here---let me know if you try it, how you like it.

Happy 11-11,

"The HeartThread is a simple technique for entering the space of the heart and linking with the hearts of others. We place our right hand on our heart and the left hand over the right and close our eyes. From that place of stillness and peace we then feel, imagine or see the fibers of our hearts linking together with those of other hearts. We are then able to experience a sense of connection or oneness and even receive messages that enhance our sense of peace, understanding and connectedness.

The HeartThread technique can be used in a therapeutic setting with trained HeartThread facilitators or as a simple method for people to connect with each other, one on one or in a group. It can set a harmonious tone when used before a meeting or group process and can be used to assist friends, family and loved ones to release old patterns of behavior that no longer serve them. This enhances a sense of self-reliance or self-autonomy when used over a period of time on a regular basis. The HeartThread process can also be used with animals and over distance (e.g. over the telephone).

The more people that come together in this space of oneness, the greater is the unified field. A few minutes is sufficient to bring people into this field so they experience its beneficial effect. It is possible to affect the consciousness of many on the planet when the HeartThread is used in a coordinated manner with many people at the same time. This is the principle on which the Live As One experience on 11/11/11 is based.

You can also find a view photos and testimonials of those who have experienced the HeartThread in session or at workshops where we teach people how to use HeartThread in a peer-exchange at http://HeartThread.wordpress.com"

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Get Your Gratitude in Gear tomorrow night & all month!

To inspire you, here's an article on the neuroscience of gratitude: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ocean-robbins/having-gratitude-_b_1073105.html?ref=fb&src=sp&comm_ref=false   (thanks to Adela Rubio for sharing this)

In honor of gratitude month I am posting on my Facebook fan page, 21 days of saying three things I'm grateful for.  As I do this, and look for things to be grateful for, more good stuff happens!  Come join me if you'd like to participate at Solopreneur Woman on Facebook and get your gratitude energy in gear!

Also, tomorrow night November 9th, I have a teleclass called "Get Your Gratitude in Gear" to celebrate and reinforce this month of gratitude.  We've all been told that gratitude is good for us, and that it's always good to be thankful, but how do you do it when life isn't going your way, when the money isn't there, or whatever is showing up that we don't want..?

There'll be some teaching and group support and energy work on this call.  It's part of a new series of monthly free teleclasses on "Your Time To Thrive", designed to share my work more widely, introduce myself to new people and reconnect with my tribe, while creating more uplifting vibrations and community. 

Time: 7pm Mountain, 9pm Eastern time. "Get Your Gratitude in Gear" is a one hour teleclass.
It will be recorded.  Dial in to:  1-(218) 237-3840   Guest Pin# 134971

I'm so grateful for you...my blog readers!

In gratitude,

PS Please invite others to tomorrow night's call...all are welcome!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Today's New Moon and how to use the November energies

The next several days are going to be power packed with energies of letting go and opening to the new, so do tune in….and know that I am offering a lot of support in November for you. 

Today is the New Moon in Scorpio, it is also the start of Diwali, the Indian new year..in which the goddess Lakshmi, goddess of abundance is honored.  As with all new moons, this is a perfect day to ask yourself: “What do I want to create or manifest at this time, for this 4 week cycle and beyond?”

Scorpio, the sign we have just entered until late December, is about letting go of the old, and moving deeper into the mysteries of transformation, death and rebirth.  We also have the ancient earth-based holidays of Samhain and All Hallows Eve, the Day of the Dead, as October ends and November begins.

What is dying, what is wanting to end, and what is wanting to come in?  What are you most wanting to transform so you can give birth to your new self?  You can use this time wisely by spending some time alone and going inside, journaling, doing some movement or whatever helps you find your place of peace and inner wisdom.

I have a number of events coming up in November and December that I want to let you know about.  A more detailed calendar will go out in just a few days, but here are the highlights:

Nov. 9 will mark a return to doing a monthly free call, and I’m looking forward to it!  It will be an introduction for new people and a reunion for many of us who haven’t been on calls together.  I will be doing some teaching and energy work, not a full repatterning session, but you will come away shifted—at least that’s my goal!   These will take place on the 1st or 2nd Wednesday of the month. The overall topic is “Thrive Your Life” and there will be different themes for each class.   They will be recorded as well.  

Other upcoming sessions and programs:

 11/14: Manifesting Monday session for clearing obstacles (proxy)

11/16: Eating Healthy, Staying Happy: Stress free holiday eating and celebrations (phone or proxy)

11/20: Aligned for Mercury Retrograde ( proxy)

11/21-25: Joyful Manifesting Intensive (5 day proxy program of energy shifts to help you manifest two goals).

In closing, this quote from astrologer Robert Wilkinson (Google the Aquarius papers for his website): 

Be generous of Spirit, show care, and the rewards will be great. Be a good steward, and build so that the good works will endure well into the future. This month we get new views on how we can join with others to conquer a form of "separativeness through group-cooperation." Through the projects we accept that truly help others, we can lose all sense of separateness.

This time should be fairly productive, even if there is a lot of tension and separations from illusions. Cooperation breeds evolution, and problems can be solved by applied cooperative intelligence and skills. Find projects that benefit the evolutionary needs of self and/or others, and this time of applied skill will yield rewards by late November and early December.”

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

What Else is Possible?

Our subconscious mind is programmed to fill in the blank when we ask open ended questions...it does not like to have something dangling at the end of a sentence, unanswered.

Instead of "Why can't I do better?"  or "Why isn't what I want to happen, happening?" or "Why isn't he or she more understanding?"  which keep us locked into the problem, we can switch to solution focus by asking open ended "How" questions.

My favorite two questions of the moment are used in powerful work called Access Consciousness. They are:

"What Else is Possible?"   and "How Does it Get Any Better than This?"

Let me know how your life changes when you start using them..and I'll do the same!

Many blessings,

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Turning Point: Full Moon Update

Tonight is a full moon..a great time to name and release whatever you are ready to let go of. This is why I'm being guided to offer sessions that clear the roots of our issues at the oldest and deepest levels... Ancestral Patterns and clearing past life karma. It's time for THE CHANGE, to become who we are meant to be without all that baggage. To learn more about what I'm offering, visit my website at http://www.repattern.com/Ancestral_Alchemy.shtml

The full moon seems especially auspicious because of this month's theme according to shamanic healers and intuitives, Jose and Lena Stevens. The theme for the month of October is the "Turning Point." They give a simple exercise in the excerpt below to help you align with the theme of the month. Enjoy!

Excerpted from their monthly forecast which can be found at www.thepowerpath.com: 
The main theme for October 2011 is Turning Point.

"The image is that of facing a well-known view, in fact a view you have become so accustomed to you hardly notice it anymore. And now you have just realized that you are turning away from this view 90 degrees to the right and leaving it completely behind in order to face a new view. Suddenly it dawns on you that the old view will be gone forever, never to be seen again in the same way. There is nostalgia around the permanence of the loss of this old view. It is familiar to you and it has served to inspire, entertain, give you feedback and be a placeholder in your life.

You realize that once you turn towards the new view the old one is gone forever. And despite the inadequacies of the old view in matching a new time, there is a resistance to giving it up and turning towards the unknown. What if the new view isn't as good as the old one? What if you won't be able to see the new view? What if it is not a clear view, or an inspiring one? What if there is no new view?

The Turning Point can also be called the Point of No Return. When one season ends and another begins, as in moving from Summer to Fall, there is no going back. You have passed the point of no return. And as you move clockwise around the medicine wheel from one direction to the next, you are at a point of no return as you arrive at the new position or direction.

The natural progression in moving forward is always clockwise or to your right. That is the way the clock works, the seasons roll, and wheels move forward. So we are at the point of turning clockwise into a new landscape providing us with a new view. We have been creating this new view for a while now. We just have not turned our sights on it as yet.

The new view has been waiting for our much-needed focus on it to come into being and we are just now at that point but some of us still unwilling to make the final turn. What we do not realize in our resistance is that the new view is fabulous, inspiring, supportive and perfect for where we need to go. However in order to see the new view we must turn away from the old one and turn towards the new one. This is happening whether you are choosing to or not. We are truly at the Turning Point right now.

 Another image to work with is the idea of the Turning Point as the point at which there is enough energy moving in a certain direction to insure a result. If you have been ill and are recovering, there is turning point in your illness where you are insured a recovery. The same thing applies to an ending or a death. There is a certain turning point at which there is a certainty about the outcome. When a lot of energy is being put into building a business or starting a project, or cultivating a relationship, there is always a turning point at which it either takes off or you see that it won't work.

This month you have the opportunity to experience turning points in many aspects of your life. Perhaps you have set certain intentions, and worked with them over time. This month you may get to experience a turning point in manifesting those intentions. Other themes of the month are Transition/Transformation and Death/Rebirth. Transition/Transformation and Death/Rebirth are similar in that they both use the turning point to move from one point to another. The main characteristic of this change as a turning point is that there is finality to the ending of one experience that automatically turns you towards another one.

What is the experience of the Turning Point trying to teach us this month? What we need to learn is to be more present so we can fully embrace what is in front of us and then let it go with gratitude for the experience it provided. We need to learn to be less attached so that we can turn away from the old view and toward the new one with less resistance. We also need to learn to be more trusting and confident that the view we are creating that we are turning toward is exactly what we want and need. We need to face this view with confidence, enthusiasm and excitement instead of with fear.

Many of you know that there is a marker at the end of this month that marks the official end of the Mayan Calendar, namely the date of October 28, 2011. There are many predictions about what may happen at this time. Some predict 3 days of darkness, some predict major earth changes, some predict that nothing significant will happen, and other predict that the changes will be mostly personal, emotional and psychological

October 28, 2011 is simply a marker as it is impossible to predict what the Turning Point will manifest. What we can predict is change and transition that brings us all beyond the point of no return. How the month shows up: YOU PERSONALLY Use the month to get present. Use the month to fully take in your experiences with gratitude and use the month to fully release what you are turning away from.

You may go through feelings of nostalgia, sadness and even some grief, much of it general and not really connected to anything. Nostalgia is in the air as we are turning towards a new view. See and experience everything with presence. Practice saying goodbye to what you know, and hello to the unknown view ahead. This is an incredible time where you can experience the turning point towards the positive in many areas you have put energy into.

It is a good month for manifesting especially something you have been putting your focus into for a long time. You may also feel compelled to finally let go of what is holding you back from that new view. Make friends with death and the finality of its lessons.

A good exercise to do daily would be to face a literal view that you are familiar with and then to turn 90 degrees to your right, trying on the experience that you will never see the old view again. Take in the beauty and wonder of the new view and see its possibilities as positive and supportive. Do this as many times during the day wherever you are to practice the experience of the turning point."

Wishing you an incredible journey through this month of change and beyond,

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Riding the Waves in these Wacky Times

I am back to posting here, after a strange and challenging summer. What's it been like for you? Time--and life--are moving faster than ever, and we are being constantly challenged to stay centered as things change and fall apart all around us. As a client said recently "Everything I ever believed in has fallen away. It's hard to know what to believe anymore." She lost her business, her home and her relationship within 3 months.

Many of us have or are experiencing loss, although hopefully it isn't as intense for you as it was for this client. Support is vital, though it can feel like we have even less money to spend on that...which is why I will be offering lower cost group sessions and programs to provide that support in addition to private sessions.

I will also continue my focus on helping you clear blocks to bringing cash in, and to manifesting money, clients, an intimate relationship or the quality of relationships that you want

The next Joyful Manifesting Intensive begins on September 26th and it's 5 days in a row of repatterning work to clear your obstacles..the beliefs, memories and subconscious counter intentions that sabotage you, etc.
Clearing the "stuff" that blocks the Law of Attraction from working for you.

So, happy to be back!

Many blessings,

Monday, September 19, 2011

Are You Taking Up Too Much Room?

Probably not—but in the name of being polite or “nice”, you may be acting like you do. Certain automatic habits, like constantly apologizing, shrink your presence and energy field unnecessarily. Women are especially trained to apologize almost constantly, but we are all subject to this sorry epidemic.

I noticed this in two incidents this weekend. First, standing around my kitchen at home, my guest kept apologizing for being in my way, making dirty dishes, etc. Finally I said, “why are you sorry? All you’re doing is being here..and you are welcome in my kitchen.. no need to apologize."

Even more blatantly, last night, at a friend’s house, another guest needed to use the sink which I happened to be leaning against. He said, “I’m sorry but I need to get in there.”

Again, I asked “why are you saying sorry? It’s okay to need something. All you needed to do was say excuse me."

Even the phrase "excuse me" is self effacing.

It’s this reflex of apologizing…for asking someone else to move, to do something for you, for “being in the way"..I think it trains us to put ourselves down or act like what we should be is invisible.

Does being polite mean apologizing for our existence?

We are trained to put others first, but do we have to cut ourselves out of the picture altogether with our “don’t mind me, I’m just trying to exist in as small a box as possible” apology habit?

What do you think?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Manifest Your Mate - Session 3 - Clearing/Releasing/Redefining Our Relationship Legacy from our parents

Manifest Your Mate Session 3: Clearing Negative Beliefs/Examples from Our Parent’s Marriage


I discriminate between what is useful and positive from my parents’ example and what is de-energizing, outmoded and inappropriate. I chose that which is inspiring and life affirming.

I recognize that much of what my parents taught me is not appropriate for current day relationships and I open to a new paradigm for intimate relationship.

I am free to redefine and choose, in co-creation with my partner, the forms and patterns of relating that work for each of us, now.

Compensation Repatterning:

This Repatterning addresses compensation patterns that we developed, usually in childhood, to compensate or make up for the lack of love or positive attention that we experienced.

Compensation: Niceness
(non-coherent) Who I am is unacceptable
(coherent) People like and accept me when I am honest and genuinely myself with them

Compensation: Insecurity
(non-coherent) I have to hold onto my father’s attention/a man’s attention so he won’t leave me
(coherent) I feel secure even when there is silence in a conversation

Water Element Repatterning

This is one of the Relationship Repatternings and addresses imbalances in the water element. When our water element is out of balance we may be stuck, frozen, fearful and unable to access our own power and energy reserves.

What stops me from having the relationship I want is:

Believing I want too much/believing what I want doesn’t exist/ believing I can’t have what I want/ Negative expectations of relationships based on the past

I am afraid of being loved/commitment/not being worthy/disaster/metal

Non-coherent qualities of the water element blocking us:

I lack the energy to commit to what I want
I have low energy relationships based on control issues

Non-coherent earlier experience:

Age: 28 months/ involved parents/Something traumatic happens to one of my parents, or between them/big emotional shock in the family/I am not comforted or reassured

Feeling: Terrified
Unmet needs: Love bonding/Being heard/Self expression
Beliefs that resulted: I have to be good/I have to be quiet/I have to clamp down my feelings

Body position reflecting this: Hunched over, hands on belly, protecting belly

Feeling: Fear, dread

What is the new thing you can tell yourself about relationships?

I am open to new, fulfilling possibilities in relationship that far surpass my parents’ example or even my own past relationship history

Body position reflecting this: Open hearted, warrior stance
I live and relate from the power of my essence
Feelings: Optimistic/Encouraged

Acupuncture points done for you: Lg Intestine 11 (right side) while affirming “I joyfully release the past”

Relationship Modality for Water: Receiving Reassurance

From the Divine Mother: “You are perfect. I love you just as you are.”
From the Divine Father: “You are my beloved. I cherish and care for you always.”

Positive Actions:
This positive action is to be completed within the next week if possible. If you are overwhelmed or still working on previous positive actions, check in with yourself about doing this one now. What do you sense or feel intuitively, or in your gut about this one…I encourage you to follow that, and I can also test for you if you can’t get clear, as to whether these actions should be done now or later. I am testing that this particular set of positive actions may also be completed at the end of the 7 session series.

Step 1—this was previously provided, so if you’ve done it, move on to step 2. If not, go ahead now...

If you have photos of your parents, or if they are alive, just imagine them in your mind’s eye. What do you imagine were or are their beliefs about marriage and about the relationships between the sexes? What don’t you like, what upsets you, about how they related? What promises, vows or commitments did you make to yourself about relationships or marriage from being around your parent’s relationship?

Step 2: Ritual release: based on your explorations above, write down on small pieces of paper, what you want to release about your parent’s marriage. Then, when you are ready and in a ritual “space”, read these things out loud, and declare:

I now joyfully and completely release these beliefs, any pain or trauma these beliefs have caused, from my system, knowing they no longer serve me.

Continue with your ritual release by burning the pieces of paper safely, (Common sense: make sure anything you use to handle the fire won’t get too hot for you, and that you are not in a windy place or where the burning paper could fly off and start a fire, make sure there is ventilation, and that you’re away from flammables, smoke alarms, etc.). If this is not safe to do, or not feasible, you can tear the papers into small pieces and release them into the ocean or flush them away.

Things to Notice: As you complete the ritual, take a pause to notice. Breathe, relax your body and notice your sensations. Is there a sense of more relaxation, peace, safety, lightness and letting go? Take a pause to savor and enjoy, knowing you have made room for the new!

c)Optional additional positive action:
Is there anything positive that you have learned from your parents' example, or that your parents modeled, that you would like to keep and even build further on? What is their positive relationship legacy to you?

Session is complete.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Manifest Your Mate - Session 2 Positive Actions

Manifest Your Mate –Your Homework of Positive Action from Session 2

a)This positive action is to be done just one time, within the next week. Take some time with this one. This contemplation is for you to explore, think about, and journal about, so you can come to completion with what has been hurtful or unresolved in your relationship with your mother.
The purpose is not to delve in-depth again into the painful history, but to see what the gold nuggets are that you have or can "mine" from that history.

Note: If this is something you have not done before, this may be a subject to explore for some time, beyond the time frame of this program and this one-time positive action. You may also want to bring this exploration to your private healing work with me or other practitioners you work with. For some of you, this may be a summary and recap..but always worth looking at. Here are the questions:

What is the truth, higher purpose or lesson that your mother provides or provided for you? What qualities have you developed in yourself as a result of that relationship? What did she teach you? Example: “My mother teaches me the importance of being loving and accepting of myself and others” “My mother teaches me the value of life and of treasuring each day”. She might have taught this by example or by an example of what NOT to do,be or say.

b)Things to Notice: During your interactions with people, and when you are alone, begin to notice whether your thoughts, attitudes and behaviors are loving to yourself. Is your self talk critical, or accepting and encouraging? How would you treat yourself differently if you could act like a very loving, attentive and and caring mother? Do you deflect or minimize praise and appreciation from others? How much more love, compliments, help, and other good stuff are you willing to take in from other people, and from yourself?

c)Action: Rampage of Appreciation…write down as many things about yourself that you enjoy and appreciate as you can, at least 6. Add to the list throughout the day.

Express out loud to someone else (or in writing) what you appreciate about them or something they did—2x per day. This one is to be done for the next 3 days..start when you read the notes.

d)Optional: Repeat Deservability Prayer daily for 7 days, best out loud, to another person or the mirror.

DESERVABILITY TREATMENT - a prayer from the Unity Church

I am deserving. I deserve all good. Not some, not a little bit, but all good. I now move past all negative restricting thoughts. I release and let go of the limitations of my parents. I love them and I go beyond them. I am not their negative opinion, not their limiting beliefs. I am not bound by any of the fears or prejudices of the current society I live in. I no longer identify with limitations of any kind.

In my mind I have total freedom. I now move into a new space of consciousness, where I am willing to see myself differently. I am willing to create new thoughts about myself and about my life. My new thinking becomes new experiences.

I now know and affirm that I am at one with the Prospering Power of the Universe. As such, I now prosper in a number of ways. The totality of possibilities lies before me. I deserve life, a good life. I deserve love, an abundance of love. I deserve good health. I deserve to live comfortably and to prosper. I deserve joy and happiness; I deserve freedom to be all that I can be. I deserve more than that. I deserve all good.

The Universe is more than willing to manifest my new beliefs. And I accept this abundant life with joy, pleasure and gratitude, for I am deserving. I accept it; I know it to be true.
And so it is.

Manifest Your Mate - Session 2 Notes - Feeling Deserving, Lovable & Worthy of being loved

Session 2 Overview and Details of session notes

Overview of Session:

With this topic, it is not surprising that our relationship with our mother was the focus. Our first experiences of bonding and parenting (whether with our biological mother or another caregiver) imprint us with our sense of safety, of being loved and wanted, of being connected. From this relationship our infant selves form a fundamental sense of whether we are loved, wanted, accepted and welcomed—or not.

When I re-read the session notes again after having completed the Parental Repatterning for repatterning our primary mother imprints, the numerous negative beliefs and concepts that we are resonating with in relationship to an intimate partner, make perfect sense in light of mothering that did not meet our basic needs. This is not to trash anyone’s mother—most of our mothers were doing the best they could with what they had—but simply to finally clear those old imprints and resonate with the kind of loving mothering energy that helps us feel loved and secure and so that we can attract, be at ease with, and actually receive love from healthy caring partners.

If you are a woman seeking a relationship with a man, then usually it is the case that our father issues will impact our choices and outcomes in relationships, but our primary experience of mothering (again whether it was from our actual birth mother or another primary caretiver)and early bonding will most profoundly determine how lovable we feel and our ability to feel safe and relax into love, as well as form nourishing supportive bonds in our lives with partners and others.

Detailed Session notes:


The person I want doesn’t want me
I don’t believe the soulmate I intend to attract would perceive me as a match
I don’t truly feel worthy and able to sustain a long term relationship with someone I really love
Once my soulmate truly sees who I am, he will reject/leave/abandon me
There is no such thing as a truly healthy happy relationship so I might as well give up now
Even if/when I find my soulmate, it won’t last – s/he will die or leave; nothing good ever lasts


It is possible for me to be one of the blessed ones who finds their soulmate and enjoys happiness with him/her

I let go of unrealistic and ungrounded romantic ideals for the joys and pleasures of a growing, authentic intimate partnership

I let go of expecting the impossible from my soulmate/the opposite sex

I let go of either of us having to be perfect and celebrate our divine humanness

I know I am capable of having, worthy and deserving of an amazing, paradigm-shifting relationship

Repatterning: The Parental Repatterning

This repatterning helps transform our non-coherent (negative) patterns in relationship to, or in reaction to, our mothers.

What was the core issue in your relationship with your mother? My mother was unable to provide unconditional nurturing and soothing / My mother was not able to be fully present and bond with me at a heart and soul level

What qualities did you not like in your mother? My mother is critical, aloof, judgemental and unable to see me for who I am

Do you have any of these qualities? I am critical, judgemental of myself and unable to see myself clearly for who I am

What were the developmental needs that were not met or that were provided for negatively?

I force you to be at a different stage of development than you are actually at/I disrespect you/I put you down

What was the feeling response? I feel hurt, ashamed and want to escape

Beliefs that resulted:

I am always wrong / I can’t please anyone, especially the ones closest to me / I am useless

Trauma reflex: I overcompensate to avoide pain even though the original pain is no longer present

What is the % of non-coherent energy we have as a consequence of this imbalanced mother relationship? I have 94% non coherent frequency patterns in relation to my mother (this changed by the end of the session to 0% noncoherent).

As a result of this, I have 6% coherent energy available for…Feeling good about myself/Feeling lovable/Having a warm, open loving relationship with my partner/Sexual and emotional fulfillment (Shifted to 100% by the end of the session)

What is the compensation patterns we developed to make up for the lack of needs being provided?

I separate myself from others because my needs will never be met
I feel I must sympathize or agree with you because if I say the truth you’ll reject me
I am weak willed

Planetary frequency involved:
Mercury –non-coherent – I communicate ineffectively

I understand my mother treated me this way because she was not appropriately mothered herself and had distorted perceptions of what good mothering is.

Positive developmental mother messages we need to hear and resonate with:
You can trust me / I am always here for you

Self healing modalities:
Palming / Color lenses – green-visualize green in our hearts
There are several positive actions from this session, do them as you can!

They will be provided in a separate email.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Manifest Your Mate Session 1 Notes

Session 1, July 7: It’s Safe to Love – Overcoming Fear of Love and Intimacy

Love never works out for me, so why bother?
Love is painful
Being in an intimate relationship is too confining
Being with a partner means giving up my selfhood and sovereignty
I hate being vulnerable / I can’t trust or depend on love
I disappear in relationships
I don’t trust when someone is good to me or expresses love and affection towards me
I am always waiting for the other shoe to drop
I never attract a suitable and available partner who truly wants to be with me
Negative feelings: Fear/Dread/Insecurity/Anxiety
I don’t listen to my inner guidance or body knowing about whether someone is good for me
I am in conflict between wanting love and pushing it away
I totally accept the present challenging situation (the current relationship I’m in, the type of man I’m meeting, or my lack of relationship) free of self-pity and anger

New Possibility Intention:
I recognize my fear of love as an outdated survival strategy and I release it with compassion.
I am willing to experiment with new ways of seeing and imagining love relationships.
I seek out inspiring and uplifting examples of successful relationships and declare “This, or something even better, that’s for me!”

Repatterning: Healing the Family System Part II – Repatterning for Receiving
This Repatterning addresses blockages and other kinds of non-coherence around receiving what we need, what is helpful, beneficial and nurturing for us. Some of the concepts in this Repatterning are based on the Family Constellation principles which I will explain in brief in italics, just after the statement. All statements or reference to content are direct quotes or derived from “Healing the Family System II” by Carin Block.

Intentions around Receiving:

I receive what benefits and nurtures me from my partner

Non-coherence around Receiving:

I intend for my partner to assume responsibility for my well -being and happiness.
[In Constellation thinking, this is non-coherent in that we are the ones who are responsible for our own well-being].

I deny my circumstances
[We can only really be at peace and open to receiving when we acknowledge and accept our current circumstances rather than fighting them]

Instead of taking my parents, I choose to ask my partner for what I need in solving my problems.
[“Taking our parents” is a Constellation principle which says we must accept, receive and acknowledge our connection to our parents and ancestors in order to have a happy, healthy life. It does NOT mean condoning or taking in their harmful or negative behaviors or energy].

I exclude my ancestors
[Similarly, we must include all of our ancestors, by acknowledging our blood, DNA and energetic connection to our lineage, whether we like who they were/what they did, or not]

I am intolerant and critical

My partner expects me to do what s/he tells me to do

Out of love for my parents, I fail at relationships
[This refers to the concept of systemic loyalty, where for the sake of belonging or being loyal to our family and “what we do in OUR family”, we may limit ourselves in some way]

Earlier experience related to blockages in receiving:
14 months old with our mother/caregiver
I experience alternating periods of smothering and neglect, making me confused and disoriented. I cannot trust her to be there when I need her and so love feels shaky to me.

Unmet needs: Rest/Sunlight/Freedom to express feelings/Ecstasy

Negative belief about love that resulted:
Love is erratic and undependable; I can’t trust it
Love comes and goes for no reason and I am helpless to stop it from leaving

Coherence around receiving:
I am in charge of my life
I accept that there are issues in which my partner cannot help me.
I face problems with wisdom and keep myself centered.
What I receive from my partner satisfies me
I perceive myself as part of my family system
I am loving and tolerant
My partner shares my joy and pain and respects my individuality
I am worthy and receive what benefits and nurtures me
Out of love for my parents I am successful at love

Modalities (from Healing the Family System):

Note: these have been recorded for you so you can listen and do these modalities yourself. That is optional, as the modalities have already been done for you by proxy.
#1: Empowering Statements: (Statements to be spoken/heard aloud)
Listen and follow along here:

Imagine your father saying to you:
“I bless you to live in abundance and hold onto or grow your money”
“I give you a place in my heart”
Imagine now saying to your mother:
“Even if you leave, I stay in life”
“I give you a place in my heart”
“I accept and honor my destiny.”

#2: Fusing Symbols: The Adventurer
Here we “fuse” or integrate the energy of different archetypes or symbols. Again, this was recorded for you so you can do it yourself by listening to the recording, but it’s optional as this was done for you by proxy.
Listen here:


Here are the directions:
“Close your eyes and relax. Create an image that symbolizes the Adventurer. You can imagine the Adventurer as a person, a light, a figure, a landscape, whatever you wish. S/he is naïve, inexperienced and candid. S/he embarks on his/her path without concerns, goes joyfully through life learning many things in order to evolve. S/he represents the void, the nothingness that appears at the beginning or end of the path, when wisdom is attained. S/he is nonchalant, spontaneous and enthusiastic. S/he looks for adventure and comes up with dazzling ideas. Sometimes s/he can go a little mad.”

Notice your image or sensation. Whatever you perceive is okay. Notice any details that make this more vivid and tangible for you.

Now, contact your heart, and say to the Adventurer, “now I see you and acknowledge what you are and what you represent: The Adventurer. You are naïve, inexperienced and candid. You embark on your path without concerns, you go joyfully through life and learn many things in order to evolve. You are the void, the nothingness that appears at the beginning and end of the path when wisdom is attained. You are nonchalant, spontaneous and enthusiastic. I now choose to take everything you give me, I am nourished by you and do something good with this. I give you a place in my heart and honor you.”

Now, take a bow or incline your head. This reverence represents honoring and accepting the Adventurer with everything s/he is and everything s/he gives you.

Finally do the open heart gesture (see below). Breathe in and fuse the Adventurer in your body, place him/her where you feel most comfortable. By doing so, you know have access to all the resources of the Adventurer and can use them for the greatest good.”

Open heart gesture: (The following is from Chloe Wordsworth’s Modalities book, paraphrased).

The open heart gesture is a movement that opens up the radiant energy field of the heart to giving/radiating and feeling/receiving love. According to Heart Math, this field can extend as much as 300 feet beyond and around the body! Stand up, and take some deep breaths. As you breathe, extend your arms out to either side as though you were embracing someone in a very wide hug. Feel yourself opening your heart wide to radiate and give love. Then, with another breath, bring your hands and arms in towards your own heart, receiving your own love and the love energy that is available to you from other people and Source. Go back and forth a few times, radiating love, then receiving it.

Doesn’t it feel great?

Positive Actions:
a)Action: Each morning, do the Open Heart Gesture 3x, as you do so imagine opening your heart up to radiate and receive love.

b)Things to Notice: Throughout the day, notice how open or closed you feel to express or receive love and affection, and as you become aware, come back to the open heart gesture. You may need to focus especially on opening your heart to yourself.

Manifest Your Mate: Session 1 Additional information

Our topic: It’s Safe to Love – Overcoming the fear of Love and Intimacy

This pattern is described quite thoroughly in Phyllis Light’s book, “Love Now, Here’s How”. The following are excerpted from her book.

Common Signs that you have this pattern:

Avoiding relationships/not wanting to get involved
Feeling abused/attracting abusive partners
Leaving relationships when they get too good
Feeling as if you’re going to die because you are in a loving relationship
Feeling as if you aren’t okay in others’ eyes, and therefore not allowing them to be nice, kind or loving to you
Avoiding or finding fault with someone who is interested in you
Pushing away a man/woman who loves you
Feeling as if you can’t have love here, and therefore you resist getting to know people who are kind and loving to you
Maintaining long distance relationships or relationships with unavailable partners
Not wanting to settle down with one person
Avoiding intimacy in relationships
Being unable to be intimate with your partner (or vice versa)
Creating superficial relationships
Being a bachelor or loner

How did this pattern come about and how does it tend to operate in your life?
This pattern clearly keeps relationships from working out for you. You might have a fear of love if the love you experienced as a child was mingled with threats to your safety in some way. For example, if your parents physically, mentally or emotionally abused you, and that was your first experience of love, understandably, you may fear love or prefer to live without it.

If your parents were overbearing, unreasonably demanding, or frequently made you do things you really didn’t want to do, you may have felt overburdened, overpowered, or suffocated by love. If such was the case, you are probably inclined to resist love in any form.

The problem is that because of your negative programming about love, you are convinced that love is to be avoided at all costs. You are not truly open to creating a loving relationship with another because you are so fearful of the consequences of being that close to someone again. Your early experiences with “loving” relationships taught you to stay away from them, as a way to ensure your survival and sanity.

With this pattern you also may avoid people who treat you kindly and lovingly, because you are so accustomed to being treated poorly by the ones who “loved” you as a child, and the positive attention is totally unfamiliar. You may find yourself choosing pain over pleasure again and again, because the mind always gravitates toward the familiar. Your “inner computer” is “wired” to continually attract the poor, neglectful, unloving, abusive or smothering treatment.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Manifest Your Mate--juicy stuff ahead!

I hope you have already done your Attract Your Soulmate ritual..that is, if you are wanting to attract new love into your life, or shift your present relationship to a richer, happier and more fulfilling one!

Just scroll down to the blog post immediately before this one and you'll find the written directions.

Manifest Your Mate begins on July 7th, and as it approaches, I am fleshing out the program more. My friends, this is JUICY. I have been working with manifesting, and with manifesting relationships, for years and have a wealth of background and resources to share with you.

Based on my own knowledge, and using Dr. Phyllis Light's book "Love Now: Here's How--26 Roadblocks to Healthy Relationships" and inspired by "Calling in the One" by Katherine Woodward Thomas, here are the topics for the sessions--the goal first, followed by what we are clearing:

Session 1) It’s Safe to Love: Overcoming Fear of Love/Intimacy
Session 2) I Deserve Love: Feeling Lovable, Worthy and Deserving of Love
Session 3)Clearing Beliefs from Parents/Parents Marriage,
Session 4)Clearing Beliefs about Relationships, Romance, Marriage from the culture
Session 5)Embracing my authentic self: Fear of Being Dominated/Loss of Self
Session 6)Keeping my Power and Healthy Boundaries: Fear of Being Used/Manipulated
Session 7)Opening to Greater Trust and Surrender: Feeling out Of Control in Love

Here's a sample of the self-exploration work and positive actions that will be assigned: This is the assignment for Session 2, to give you a sample of the kinds of stuff we'll be doing in the program:

Positive Action: Receptivity to Love, Self Love and the “good stuff”

a)Things to Notice: During your interactions with people, and when you are alone, begin to notice whether your thoughts, attitudes and behaviors are loving to yourself. Is your self talk critical, or accepting and encouraging? How would you treat yourself differently if you could act like a very loving, attentive and and caring mother? Do you deflect or minimize praise and appreciation from others? How much more love, compliments, help, and other good stuff are you willing to take in from other people, and from yourself?

b)Action: Rampage of Appreciation…write down as many things about yourself that you enjoy and appreciate as you can, at least 6. Add to the list throughout the day. Express out loud to someone else (or in writing) what you appreciate about them or something they did—2x per day.

c)Optional Additional Action: Repeat Deservability Prayer daily for 7 days, best out loud, to another person or the mirror.

Doesn't it sound great? I'm so excited! Please register now and share this blogpost with others. Go to: http://www.repattern.com and tab over to Manifest Your Mate.

Happy manifesting y'all,

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Ritual for Clearing & Attracting Your Soul Mate

I am happy, grateful and excited to be offering a special ritual via teleclass tomorrow, at the New Moon and Solar Eclipse, Friday July 1st, at 10am Mountain time, 12 noon Eastern time. According to Vedic astrologers, this is a very auspicious time to be doing this ritual.

I personally feel quite strongly that now is the time to bring my soulmate in, and that many, many of us have been preparing, praying and longing and it's time. In the Soulmate Summit that took place earlier this year, over 60,000 people were registered for teleclasses or participated in a Facebook group. That's a MOVEMENT, my friends!

The timing, and the ritual itself, was inspired by Arielle Ford, who's written a book on Attracting your Soulmate and is leading a workshop at the Omega Center in New York this very weekend. She very generously shared an outline of a fire ceremony (much like the many fire ceremonies and Vedic rituals I participated in over my 20+ years on the path of Siddha yoga meditation) which I will modify to suit the teleclass format and have also adapted based on my own guidance.

I was also inspired to finally get it out there--Manifest Your Mate, a 21 day program of proxy or distance energy sessions along with self-discovery processes, which will begin on July 7 officially. But doing the ritual, either with us on July 1 or at any time on or before July 7, will really start the program for you. More about that in my next post!

First, some basics about how this is all going to work.
1) Teleclass will take place July 1, at noon Eastern (DST); 10 am Mountain time. The number to dial into is: 1-559-546-1700 Access: 824128#

2) If you can, please read through the outline below and take some time to
prepare for the ritual. It should not take more than a 1/2 hour to hour, so do the preparation when you are in a quiet place where you won't be interrupted. If you don't have time, it's okay, just show up to the call.
If you won't be on the call, you can still do this ritual on your own schedule, EITHER by reading through the outline and doing this on your own, or by listening to the teleclass where the group does the ritual together, via the recording I will provide. It will be powerful if you do it alone, and magnified if you do it with at least one other person. (wherever two or more are gathered..)

3) Preparing for the ritual:
You may use a candle, or even create a small fire in a metal bowl or oustide, if you can do this safely. I will be using a candle. If you do not wish to use an actual candle or fire, you may visualize a fire and do this symbolically. Also gather a bowl or sacred vessel, and fill half to 2/3 with water. Have an extra vessel and also a pitcher, jar or other container of water ready as well. You will also want to have a pen and paper handy.

Find something you can use to make an offering to the fire. This might be sage, tobacco, other herbs, flower petals, small pieces of paper (be careful if doing this outside as burning paper tends to blow away easily), corn or other grain,or some cooked food. Whatever feels right.

Beyond this, create a sacred space with any other objects or images that you would like to have around you that connect you with Spirit, with joy, love and your own heart. If sage, incense or essential oils are things you enjoy, bring them in. You may keep this as simple or ornate as you like.

When you have created your sacred space, take a few minutes to relax your body, shakout any tension or anxiety, and then breathe deeply in through the soles of your feet, letting the breath sweep through your body from the inside, like a fresh breath of wind. The breath moves up from your feet, cleansing and clearing any toxic or stale energies, emotions and thought forms, and then you exhale it out from your mouth, releasing any constrictions on the exhale. Do 1-3 rounds of this cleansing breath.

4) You may do these contemplations ahead of time, or while you are actually doing the ritual. These contemplations may also be useful to do again later on if you find there is rich material there. These are some of the things I will be addressing in the Manifest Your Mate program as well.

Round 1: Appreciation/Regrets--Offering & Release:
Take some time to acknowledge and appreciate all your past relationships and what you have learned from them. What lessons have you learned, how have you grown, what qualities have been strengthened in you? Then acknowledge anything else you feel grateful for in this moment.
Breathe in the appreciation. Make an offering to the fire, a pinch of whatever you wish to offer, or do it symbolically in your mind, in gratitude for your lessons, for your life, for the earth.

Now take a minute to get in touch with regrets that you may have about the past relationships. Just work with whatever comes first to mind, even though there may be a long list. We can use the power of symbolism and resonance so that we don't have to exhaustively list it all, whatever you come up with can be "proxy" for all the regrets you want to release.

Now, , breathe out what you are ready to release..and then scoop up a little of the water and let it wash over you, rinse your hands with it, or sprinkle the drops. This is using the power of water to cleanse and heal.

Round two: Our prayer for our hearts to be healed of anything that stands in the way of manifesting our soulmate. Write this on a small, clean piece of paper and offer it to the fire--literally or symbolically in your mind. The prayer request will burn, turn to smoke and release into the ethers. This allows the energy of the past to move along to its highest spiritual progression path as we bring in the healing energies.

Optional: You can also speak the words of "whatever stands in the way of manifesting my soulmate" into water, and then pour that water into another cup/bowl/or container. This is using water in additon or instead of fire.

Round 3: This is the prayer for “new” love (or if you are already with your soulmate you can use this ceremony to create a new career or new results in some area of life). On a clean sheet of paper write down your desire and then offer it to the fire, knowing, feeling and trusting that the result you have asked for is already ours. Or use the water method, speaking these things into the water and then pouring it into another vessel.

If you are using water, then go outside and sprinkle/pour the water on the earth (or on your houseplants), releasing this to the earth.

Closure: Take a few minutes to breathe deeply and feel the effects of the ritual. Notice your energy and how you feel. To close the ritual, if it feels right, you can recite the following:

God/Goddess and All That Is, (or use your own language here)

In this moment I am grateful for the healing of my heart of EVERYTHING that would stop me from attracting my soulmate. In this moment I remember that my perfect, right partner is magnetizing to me and my only job is to rest in perfect awareness that their heart is already joined with mine as I
“savor the waiting.”

And so it is.

Wishing you love, laughter, deep soul satisfaction and magical adventures leading up to and beyond the meeting with your soulmate, may you find in form a magnificent reflection of your own Divine Human self.

Many blessings,