Monday, December 17, 2012

Sacred Womb Space Healing Meditation

Seeding the New Earth, 12/22/12:   Sacred Womb Space Activation & Healing Meditation

Align and attune your body with the power, grace and magic of the Divine Feminine.  We will do this through gentle yet profound practices from the Art of Feminine Presence.  Together, in safety and a space of blessing, we’ll make a deep contact with our womb space--the source of life, creativity and regeneration. 

We'll let go of whatever needs to be released.  We'll take in compassion, healing and joyful inspiration for our lives and for the seeding and birthing of the new Earth.  
Time: Noon, Eastern time, 12/22/12.  Dial in to: +1 559-546-1301 Access code: 279607 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Winter Season/Solstice Repatterning: Peace & Prosperity

What a powerful transition time we're in!  As December ends and we move into Solstice time, Xmas and New Year's, I have two gifts for you, two unique and entirely f*ree sessions for you that will be recorded.  If you are on my email list you will receive those as my gift and if not, you can sign up at the home page at  

Your first gift: Wednesday December 19: Winter Solstice Repatterning:  Blessings of Peace and Prosperity, Teleclass, live (will be recorded)  8:30 to 9:45 pm Eastern time

Your second gift: Saturday December 22:  
Seeding the New Earth, 12/22/12:  Sacred Womb Space Activation & Healing Meditation (details in the next post).

Winter Solstice Repatterning on the 19th:

Transition with ease into the season of winter so you can get revitalized and refreshed through balancing your Water Element.  (Chinese Medicine associates winter with the Water Element.)  In nature we see this as water flows deep under the frozen ice,  as the chi or life energy of plants and even animals go underground or into hibernation. 

Only us human beings fight the natural changes, by staying over-busy and refusing to slow down.  We keep our busy work schedules and add on parties and family obligations, more financial pressures, etc, instead of taking the rest and quiet we are supposed to take in during the winter, and recharge our energy for the spring, summer and fall ahead. 

Balance your Water element, step off the hamster wheel of busy-ness and overwhelm, release any anxieties about finances or family gatherings and come back to center.

Recharge your energy after the wild ride of 2012, connect to the peace that is always present, and open to new possibilities and prosperity in the New Year.

Want to know more about the Water element? It’s really cool (no pun intended)!  It’s all about flow, power, reserves of energy and money.  It’s also about courage, and drive—and after this year of 2012, wouldn’t it be great to recharge and find our courage to move forward again?

This is a free group repatterning session which you may attend live by teleclass, and will be recorded.  Here is the number to dial in: +1 559-546-1301 Access code: 279607 

Meantime, please enjoy this beautiful Solstice song from wonderful singer songwriter Celia Farran, her gift:

Monday, November 12, 2012

Solar eclipse/new moon tomorrow & what's up?

What's up?  Plenty....a new moon tomorrow, plus Solar Eclipse which, like all eclipses, is a time of profound change and letting go.  The Joyful Manifesting Momentum 5 day program (formerly calle called the Intensive) will be begin and could there be more perfect timing for 5 days of transformation by proxy?

Registration remains open till midnight tonight November 12th and it will be great to get it done sooner!  Remember that all you do is sign up, and then write down your two goals.  I do all the rest of the work.  To register go to:

For this coming program,  I'm adding a third piece to it this time.  What habit of thought, action or speech do you want to strengthen and resonate with?

I hope you will join us for this...and if you're on the fence, read the astrology and the energy reports below and I'm sure you'll get off the fence to take advantage of my powerful program for clearing and manifesting, the Joyful Manifesting Momentum program.

The theme of tomorrow's eclipse, according to one astrological website is about the healing of the masculine and feminine.  Yahoo!

Also, if you haven't read any of the November update from Jose and Lena Stevens, the theme of the month is "Turbulence". I've excerpted the next two week's update from their website,

November 13: New Moon/Solar Eclipse/Super Moon 3:08 PM MST. Eclipses always support change. This is a super moon that supports major change through shifting of the assemblage point, both personally and on the planet. Pay attention and make sure you have both hands on the wheel. Watch for accidents and shocks. Tell the truth to yourself today and make a decision based on that truth.

Tidal activity will be high and winds will be active.

November 16-21: This is a very intense time as it is between the 2 eclipses and very volatile. Don't engage in drama that does not matter. Stay away from negative people and argumentative situations. This would be a time to lay low or to be very focused on a task at hand that is meaningful to you. There is plenty of instability and turbulent energy. Be flexible, be patient, be accommodating if it does not compromise you and keep your boundaries strong. This could be a very productive time if you harness the power available and stay focused and present.

November 22-30: The turbulence winds down a bit and comes into a balance that is new. So the theme is newness. Focus on anything that is new or feels new in your life. Take a different route when going to a known destination. Change your habits or the way you do things Pay attention to details and add some new details into old foundations where you can. Be very disciplined about not going back into habitual behavior. Try something new. There will be surges of turbulent and unstable energy during this time but in general it feels more balanced mostly because we have gotten used to it.


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Life and its challenges are intensifying, as we are being asked to release countless limiting beliefs, layers of stuck emotion and all the habitual ways of thinking and being we've been accumulating for lifetimes.  To play metaphysical Dr. Phil: How's that been working for you?

It's clear to anyone who's not asleep that we are in rapid and acclerating times. Whether you believe in ascension or the magic shift of 2012, or not, everything we used to believe was the source of our security doesn't feel so solid anymore.  With solar flares and the earth's magnetic field shifting, everyone is feeling the changes, whether they know it or not.

These energy shifts demand a massive shifting of our collective consciousness.  For me and many other people I know, especially the women, what's up now is "TIME TO SPEAK THE TRUTH".
To all the old stuff, the stuff we kept sweeping under the rug, our habit of  tolerating the intolerable, we are now saying  "NO MORE!" "I can't keep doing things that don't work for me anymore.  I can't keep ignoring my feelings or leaving my own needs out of the relationship."

How are you responding to these internal pressures or the pressures of being asked to find a new way of being, living, working, relating?  Your choice: you can struggle, scream and kick all the way (and believe me, I've been there) or you can move with more grace into the new.  Now is the time to face whatever it is with love and courage...why not take the  profound support you can get from my
work, right now, right when you need it!

It's time for that breakthrough, isn't it? How much longer do you want to wait?  Contact me to set up some private sessions.  I'm offering Resonance Repatterning, Accelerated Belief Clearing and Emotion Code Clearing and  very happy to schedule you in.  Call me at 973-655-1745 or email me at

One totally easy and almost entirely done-for-you way is through the next Joyful Manifesting Momentum program that begins November 13.  Come join us, get on board, for the last Joyful Manifesting program for 2012!  Transformation E-Z through 5 days of distance or proxy sessions done for you to clear the blocks to manifesting.  Use it to create momentum in any area of your life!

Registration is open now, and closes midnight 11/12.  go to:

Many blessings

Will this be your breakdown to breakthrough? (Sounds painful).  Or would you rather have that breakthrough, that shift in your emotions, finances, and relationships, the fresh momentum
you want in your business, with less struggle & effort?

That's the reason the Joyful Manifesting Momentum program exists. If you join us, then
starting on November 13th, you'll be proxied in (included virtually) into a daily group session. That's a whole lotta clearing in one fell swoop! 

I've got a super effective psychic backhoe revvving up for you, which uses 3 things: the laser-like accuracy of Resonance Repatterning, my healing and intuitive skills honed over 20+ years
of practice plus kinesiology (muscle checking). With my backhoe, I clear negative emotions,
limiting beliefs, and other psychic "gunk" that is clogging the flow of joy, health, prosperity and creativity in your life.

Since 2008 I've been helping people manifest many things, such as selling their home,
attracting new relationships, more cash flow and family harmony.  The beauty of
Joyful Manifesting is you can use it for any area of your life that is stuck, blocked or
just not working well. Register now at:
Special bonus if you register by tomorrow night, 11/11 at 11:11 pm.

How can one program address so many things? It's because I don't "clear" your goals  and desires...I focus instead of whatever the obstacles are.  Usually that's old stuff from childhood, or from our society, like "I am not worthy to receive" "It's not safe to have what I want".  Even when you've done clearing before, with me or on your own, we have a a deep well of  old conditioning buried in our
subconscious.  And living in our culture right now, we can get "reinfected" by the negativity, lack and fear in the mass consciousness.

Finally, I make it so convenient by offering this work by proxy or distance.  All you do is sign up, write down your two goals, and I do the clearing work behind the scenes!  Nothing to dial into,
nothing to schedule, it's all done virtually for you and you do your part on your schedule, by reading the session notes and completing any positive actions (homework) on your own.  Totally E-Z.

Why not sign up now, at:  Let the shifts begin!

Finding Center After the Storm

Thanks to everyone who joined me the other night for a sharing circle, some teaching, and a Resonance Repatterning Session to calm your nervous system.

The sharing circle was not recorded, but if you listen here, you'll be guided through two simple ways that you can help yourself stay grounded, centered and able to flow with circumstances.  One of those techniques is even good for insomnia, or shock. 

The remainder of the recording is a session that you can receive now, just by listening and following along.  You can even pause the recording and stop to write down your answers to the questions I ask...and it all gets repatterned.  How cool is that?

Enjoy and feel free to share with others.  Make sure you forward them also the link to my website, which is where they can sign up for future events and inspiration.

Many blessings,

PS, Oh, yes the link to the session! Here it is:

Monday, October 29, 2012

Prayers and Mitigation of Hurricane Sandy

My heart and prayers go out to everyone being impacted by this massive storm.  Most of my friends, clients and family members (the few I have) live in the path of the hurricane.  Not to mention about 50 million people.  I feel the sadness and loss,  compassion and a silent reverential awe for the power of nature.  

May we learn to treat Nature and the earth with more respect and commit to doing what we can to minimize our contribution to climate change.  Most of all may we come out of our collective denial about the imbalanced way we are living on the planet.  

Helplessness is a natural response to such an event.  Yet I am writing to pass on to you great ideas for ways you can work spiritually and energetically to mitigate the storm, what the author calls creating a concordance.  Whichever of these resonates for you....use it and enjoy. 

Our prayers and collective energy is powerful.   Let's tap into it for our sisters and brothers on the East Coast and in the Caribbean, which was also hard hit.

Many blessings,

From Joseph Giove of Common

Good day Vibe Tribe,
Hurricane Sandy is causing problems and growing in strength. It is currently threatening the northeastern seaboard of the US. Below are the hurricane dissipation concordances we've used in the past to hold in heart and mind over the next 48 to 72 hours. Please IMMEDIATELY spread the word.
Thank you for joining us and lending your powerful support to our collective efforts toward creating social and environmental harmony.
All my best,
Joseph Giove
Executive Director
We are applying the power of our collective thought and feeling NOW toward dissipating the hurricanes in the Gulf Coast region and the east coast. Consider this the power to consciously *select* an alternate reality. Of course, this is in addition to inspired, prudent action. I am grounding my spiritual practice here with a donation to the Red Cross.
First let us study how Nature accomplished this a few years ago for Hurricane Dennis. Please study this NOW, Part 1: the description of how Hurricane Dennis "underwent a meteorological phenomenon" and suddenly dissipated (if you've participated in our Hurricane Dissipation Concordances before, you can skip to Part 2).
Then move into a constant energizing of the Concordance that follows in Part 2.
PART 1. From National Geographic News Service.
PART 2. ***DISSIPATING HURRICANE CONCORDANCE*** (Apply similar approach for Tornados)
Maintain an inner state of calm and confidence from now until the hurricane or tornado dissipates. This is a continual Concordance, not an event, over the next few days, perhaps over the next few weeks. I offer three levels of participation in this Concordance:
A) A brief but powerful *I AM* affirmation
B) An esoteric Ganesha mantra that asks for IMMEDIATE assistance.
C) A comprehensive  meditation/prayer
I suggest participating in all three, with a smile on your face in recognition
and gratitude of the Concordance's realization.
Offered by Da Vid at
Affirm with the *I AM* Presence:
Command in three sets of three.
And So It Is !!! Ah-Ommmmmmmmmmm...
Offered by Thomas Ashley-Farrand at
There is an esoteric Ganesha mantra that asks for IMMEDIATE assistance.
Chant the mantra below at least 108 times, then relax and smile in acceptance of its realization.
Om Kshipra Prasadaya Namaha
(Om Kshee-prah Prah-sah-dah-yah Nah-mah-hah)
May the Divine Ones and the Celestials hear our chants and prayers and
overwhelmingly respond immediately.
In Service
Thomas Ashley-Farrand
Offered by Joseph R Giove at
The hurricane fades out as thunderstorms form around the eye,
placing pressure on it such that it slows down, with
great force holding it in the gulf while powerful
forces churn and ***cool*** dramatically the gulf waters
between the eye and the coast, robbing the storm of
its fuel and weakening its momentum and winds and
minimizing the storm surge.
This storm is diverted by it stalling out in the gulf,
not harming *any* other areas. *I AM* a force reshaping
the eye wall resulting in greatly diminished momentum
and winds.
We see/feel the relief of millions as they return safe to their
homes with their loved ones, including their beloved pets.
I see/feel every living thing safe, secure and home.
Meteorologists scratch their heads in bewilderment over
such a dramatic and sudden dissipation.
PS. Please place your attention where it most enhances
the manifestation of the above Concordance, and OFF
what is contrary to it and born of fear. Fear kidnaps your
power; be aware of false imaginings that steal it.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Full Moon Update from the Power Path by Jose and Lena Stevens, and astrologer Pat Lilies...I think you'll enjoy it!   Speaking of astrology, it's almost time for--drum roll--you guessed it, another Mercury Retrograde. 

Oy--Mercury goes retrograde right on Election Day.  It's going to be a mess!  I'm afraid I can't proxy in the Presidential candidates into the session (unless they ask me to, which I'd be flabbergasted at)..but I can proxy YOU in.   Register on or before 10/31..go to: 

From Lena Stevens: 

"Full Moon is Monday, October 29 at 1:50 PM Mountain Daylight Time. This is a busy full moon and a good time to get things done. If you have a project or something that can use a boost, ask for help. A community of people can really create something huge during this full moon time so don’t be afraid to ask big, think big and manifest big. Some of you may be inspired at this time to complete something, clean something, change something. Get help if you need it.
This is a very physical full moon so you may experience everything from physical tension in the body to a lot more energy to go and do something physical. Make sure to move the body during this time so that the energy doesn't back up.
You probably won’t get much sleep during this one but instead of resisting it, use it and have fun. Fun is the operative word here. Many of you probably feel there has been a lack of fun lately so go have some fun and it should what is fun for you not what you think ought to be fun and isn't."
Written by Patricia Liles
Contact her at
Taurus Full Moon   
Sun in Scorpio ~ Moon in Taurus 6º
October 29 1:50 PM MDT (October 29 7:50 PM Greenwich Mean Time)
Taurus and Scorpio polarity themes will be activated in our lives with this Full Moon ~ that is our physical resources (money, possessions, security, self worth) and our psychological/sexual resource (the mysterious, unseen, essential, shadowy, and power-infused).  Through the lens of Taurus/Scorpio, we weigh and determine what has real and lasting value in our lives, feel the burden (or commitment) of what we are attached to, and engage in the human dance of death, loss, grief and rebirth.  Not lightweight topics, but we expect nothing less from two of our power signs – fixed, earth Taurus and fixed, water Scorpio.  Power signs, including Leo and Aquarius, are not indecisive about where they are headed.  They tend to know what they want and are out to get it.  Everything else is a distraction.  Maybe a little inflexible at times, but they know what they value.  Take the opportunity given at this time of year to clean up your act on the physical plane.  Clear some space of dead energies – closets, drawers, corners, garages, files, gutters – anywhere you think energy is blocked and can’t flow easily.  Give freely of the old to make way for the new energy.  We are preparing our lives for the influx of higher frequency energies coming with the end of this year and shaping the future.

Monday, October 15, 2012

New Moon Manifesting: Could Frustration be blocking you?

Hello out there...anyone else feeling frustrated? Grrr.....I have a beautiful quote from Earth Medicine by Jamie Sams to share with you. 

Frustration, along with a bunch of other emotions we usually label as negative, isn't really's a message that something needs to change.  Same with anger!  But if it gets stuck or if we turn against ourselves, or get lost in a battle with what is, it can be a huge barrier to clarity and to manifesting what you want.

This is on my mind today because today is the October new moon and because I'm feeling frustrated as all get out!

New Moons, and especially the three days leading up to the new moon, called the dark of the moon, are great days  to begin or continue manifesting new things.  That's why I always begin the 5 day Joyful Manifesting momentum program (I believe it's time to drop the word "Intensive" as the program is more like manifesting e-z) on the new moon.

The next Joyful Manifesting program isn't till November and you can read more here:   Why wait when you have the power to manifest each and every day, and you have the new moon energizing you now! 

Do you know what it is you are wanting to experience, or create in your life? Do you feel clear on the mental and emotional levels about your ability to manifest?

Or are you feeling stuck, frustrated, angry or in despair? There are a LOT of planetary energies impacting us right may want to do a full belief clearing with me or a 20 minute Emotion Code clearing.  Just call me at 973-655-1745 to set that up.

From Jamie Sams: "Healing Frustration":

When frustration and anxiety overwhelm our sense of well-being it is time to take a break.  Nothing can be done about the confusion or the lack inof clarity when we are in the same environment (physical or mental environment) that created the situation.  When everything we touch or try do ends up falling short, we are out of sync with our body's rhythms, the Thought World, and the rhythms of the Earth Mother that allow our lives to flow with ease.

Healing this type of frustrationis accomplished by stopping all activity.  That is to say we can change the chaos, allowing the ease of desired manifestation, by changing our internal rhythms.  Taking a walk and breathing deeply, calming the senses, and noticing things we can admire about the outdoors can shift our perceptions. 

When we feel the new rhythm of calmness flow through our bodies, we step into a new point of view, allowing clarity to come.  When we see the clear picture of what we want and intend, we ask the Earth Mother to bless that idea or mental picture by manifesting it in the tangible world. 

When we show our gratitude for new clarity and the manifestation of our ideas, we have completed the circle between the Thought World and the natural World.  We have then healed our frustration by being in sync with both worlds and we  become the connection that brings the two worlds together as one. From this point of balance, all things become possible and we can create at will. "

It's a gorgeous golden fall afternoon in Santa Fe.  Anyone want to join me for a walk?

Many blessings,

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Time to turn within before Joyfully manifesting!

Before the New Moon time which is so good for asking, and deciding "What do I want to manifest?" is the Dark moon.  The New Moon is September 15th which is preceded by the dark of the moon from the 12th to the 15th.

Astrologically this has been a year to look backwards, introspect on past choices and phases of li, and make decisions about what you will and won’t take with you into the future.  With the many planets in retrograde, we are asked to slow down and really consider what matters, what we truly care about and are willing to commit to.

We are now in the month of Elul, the last month in the Jewish calendar, also a time of reviewing the year just passing and doing some introspection, before  the High Holy days In late September.
Soon there will be a new moon in Virgo, on September 15th…To support you in manifesting, the Joyful Manifesting Intensive will begin on September 13th. What is cool is that the start of the Intensive coincides with the dark of the moon--the three days just before the new moon.  What a powerful time to look inside! 

Here is some interesting writing about the dark of the moon by astrologer Molly Hall:

The Dark of the Moon—the power of the Dark:

The dark Moon is private, intimate, richly renewing and full of
depth. The waning Moon is a time of letting go, and as you're stripped of what you've known, there's a moment of standing naked, not knowing who you are. This might be what dying is like, an awesome mystery that makes us feel fully awake at that final moment. What comes next, we wonder?

I've found the dark Moon to be the most powerful time for organically unfolding soul-searching. The inner Self starts to grow in power, and make its presence known. Ideally, you can listen, integrate, and set intentions that will bring you into harmony with yourself during the waxing Moon.

Stillness is the key word for the dark Moon. Restful, rich solitude gives you the chance to hear that inner voice. With the lunar face hidden, the intuitive-psychic self takes over. Make space for a clearing of the mind and spirit, so that you can be ready to receive.

There's a historic pattern of fearing the dark, and denying death. But it's a fact of nature, and if embraced, can be met as the winding down before the next new beginning. The Moon is associated with women, and many Goddesses like Hecate, Kali, Lilith, represent her dark aspect. The dark Moon reminds us of nature's cycles of death and rebirth. The grave and the womb become the same place, a transition when you're held in the mystery beyond physical existence.

Each dark Moon is a chance to be renewed, to experience unknowing, and to gain timeless wisdom. The dark Moon opens a door to the past, and it reaches back far into the collective memory. Make it a sacred time for yourself each month, a time to connect to the great mystery of life.

Source: This is original writing, the foundation of which came from the works of Vicki Noble, Demetra George, Judy Grahn, Starhawk and Elinor Gadon, to name a few.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Ancestral Alchemy: Get Help from Your Family LIneage

Ancestors, shmancestors!  We are Americans--many of us are only connected back two or three generations.  The dominant culture here is about living in the present, with some honoring of the past...but ancestors?

By contrast, in many cultures, especially in African and many indigenous cultures, this way of living with no connection to, or feeling for our ancestors, we would be considered "lost" or "like orphans".  We would be seen spiritually and literally impoverished and cut off from the flow of blessings and life force energy.  Chinese medicine even has a name for this type of chi or life energy--the kind we inherit from our parents and our ancestry.

We receive life force energy from our lineage, and we also carry physical and emotional issues.  These issues we are carrying are hard to identify and even then, what do you do about them?  There is a lot that can be done, actually, and it's way beyond the reach of conventional talk therapies. 

We can tap into the collective intelligence of  person's family system--with permission and a healing intention--and access information that would otherwise remain hidden.  This can be done through rituals and through a whole body of work, created by Bert Hellinger and now offered around the world, called Family Constellations therapy.

Hellinger was very influenced by the Zulu people among whom he served.  Family Constellations work is psycho-spiritual work done in group sessions designed to heal imbalances in the family system.  (The system includes parents, grandparents, ancestors, and others who have had a significant influence on family members).   

We are now blessed to have the Family System Resonance Repatterning work based on the Constellations work so we can offer this healing not only in groups but also one on one.   

The depth of this work is hard to explain but can be felt tangibly in your cells, in your bone marrow.  It has changed my life and the lives of many and healed long-standing patterns that did not respond to more traditional therapies and healing work.

This work and my studies of Vedic ancestral healing, form the basis of Ancestral Alchemy work.  With Ancestral Alchemy we look at possible financial, relationship or health issues you are carrying from your family or ethnic history. These Ancestral issues can block your greatest good in any area of life. 

I focus on the Ancestral work at this time of year because it's the natural calendar as we move from late summer into fall, the season of letting go.  In the Jewish calendar we are now in the month of Elul, a time of great introspection leading up to the high holy days.  In the Vedic tradition, September is the time of Pitru Paksha when ancestors are honored with ceremony and in meditation. 

So it's a powerful time of year....why not use these energies to move yourself forward and free yourself from generational layers that are holding you back? 

Ancestral Alchemy for Prosperity sessions are on 8/29 and 9/5 with a special bonus session on 9/8.  Learn more here at

Prosperity and ancestral blessings to you,

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Are you Clear?

This week I experienced a major shift when a friend and healing colleague, Noelle Rose, worked on me with her clearing work.  There were many negative energies and even some entities in my energy wonder I was feeling discouraged, angry, unable to move forward and disconnected from Spirit.

Though I do clearing work on myself, it seems that I had picked up a lot of "stuff" from other people, not to mention things inside me that were up for clearing.   I think it points to the need to go see other people from time to time, even when you do have the tools.  They can see things you can't.

Because it has made such a big difference for me I thought I would share that with you, and ask you to check in with yourself  and see if you feel clear. 

Do you feel balanced emotionally, do you feel your habits overall are positive and supporitve of your well-being, how is your self-talk, and how do you feel about your life now and your future?  If you are not in a place of peace or acceptance at the very minimum, you need some clearing. 

What does it mean to be clear?

When you are free of trauma, when your energy is not being thrown off by negativity, you are clear and you are peaceful, open, accepting.  You feel good in your body and you may even reach the higher frequencies of joy, happiness, enthusiasm and even exhilaration. 

That is not what mainstream thinking will tell you. We live in a culture that is very cut off from healthy life force energy, that is artificially deadened and filled with addictive urges to buy more, change our looks, get more money.  Even the urge towards self-improvement can become an addiction or source of pain.

The ideas I'm proposing could be pretty radical. 

Our past traumas are being activated by current conditions, pointing to the need for more clearing, and we are triggered by the uncertainty and fear in the collective mind.  It's very very easy, especially if you are a sensitive, open and caring person, to have picked up a bunch of mental pollution...and you need to clear yourself often or get cleared.

How can you get cleared by someone else?
Find a practitioner of your choice and ask for it. 

I'd love to assist you, and I have a number of methods in my toolkit to help you come back to clear.  That's why I am calling my work by a new name, bcause it's not just Resonance Repatterning anymore. The new name is Accelerated Belief Clearing or ABC work.

What tools do I use?
I do Soul Clearing (also called Therapeutic Kinesiology), Nun Karma clearing, and Emotion code work which is all about clearing trapped emotions.  I also do integrative Body Clearing sessions for people who can work with me in person.  And of course, Resonance Repatterning.  

I'd be glad to test which of these would help you get back to clear, so you can feel like YOURSELF, your truly alive self. You can email me at or call me at 973-655-1745.

Many blessings,

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

New Moon and Joyful Manifesting begin coincidence!

Time for more joyful manifesting....a 5 day Intensive program for breaking through your limiting beliefs and getting obstacles (inner and outer) out of the way!  We begin tomorrow and it's all done by distance so if you want to jump in, you still can.  All the work is done for you except two things:  a) write down the two goals you want me to help unblock you for; and b) read the session notes that I send after each day's session. 

Clients LOVE the power and effectiveness of this program and have used it for dates, interviews, selling artwork, real estate transactions, a better family life or marriage. 

Not to mention the intangibles, like more peace, acceptance of life's ups and downs, moving out of depression into joy or contentment.  Or getting unblocked so you can take action to create what it is you're wanting to manifest.

Just a few of the many benefits clients have received over the years! Maybe you wonder how one program can help with such a range of goals?  It's simple: I do the energy work to clear the obstacles, I don't focus on the goals which are different for everyone. 

Come join us...learn more and register here:

New bonuses for anyone who registers this time.. a new program I am starting called Manifest Prosperity and Peace of Mind.

Email me at: to learn more.  

Why do I do this program at the New Moon time?  This article will help you understand:

New Moon in Cancer 2012
Posted by Jana Groscost Matthews at

Each New Moon is a time of new beginnings, or revisiting existing goals. It’s a time of planting seeds of what you want to accomplish during the coming month. The time around the New Moon is less emotionally charged, allowing you to see more clearly the path to take. Take time to evaluate your goals and dreams. The New Moon in Cancer encourages introspection and creating a nurturing foundation that supports your growth.

"The moon is our constantly changing companion. She effects are moods, and encourages us to take note of our emotions. Emotions are least influenced during the time of a New Moon and are heightened by a Full Moon. As the emotional filters are reduced during a New Moon, we see ourselves, our goals, and our path more clearly.

Each New Moon travels through a particular astrological sign which also influences us and our world. Learning to work with these energies helps navigate the ebb and flow of life. The New Moon in Cancer occurs on Thursday, July 19, 2012 at 12:24am EDT (July 18, 2012 at 9:24pm PDT). Cancer is a water sign that is associated with the mother, fertility, family, and calls us back to heal our “roots.”

Cancer teaches us to embrace the Divine Feminine. During this lunar cycle you may be seeking comfort within your home, a desire to connect deeply with your mother, or looking a way to create a cozy environment. It’s a good time to heal external relationships related to the mother, as well as, embracing the Inner Mother, and nurturing yourself.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, Cancer (the crab) often sidesteps deep emotional issues. Instead of avoiding emotions that are coming up use this introspective time to explore deep emotional wounds that desire your attention. These three steps are a guideline to resolving old emotional wounds:

1) Journal to clearly identify and express your emotions
 2) Ask your Creator to remove the old emotions during meditation or yoga
 3) Ask your Creator to replace the old emotions with the ones you want

[Ellen's note: All of the above are great suggestions, plus get yourself a session with me or the Intensive when you can, to make your own efforts even more effective by clearing the subconscious blocks!"]

During this lunar cycle you may also feel more attune to other people’s emotions and pick up the mood of the room, as Cancer has an empathic quality to it. Take a step back and sort through what you’re feeling to ensure the emotions are yours instead of those of others. All water signs present a time for healing deep emotional issues because emotions are fluid like water. As we release emotional wounds, manifesting becomes easier because the blocks between you and what you want are removed......

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Solar Flares and How they are Affecting Us

If this doesn't point to our NEED to do work like Accelerated Belief Clearing and Resonance Repatterning, I don't know what does!

Exactly what is a solar flare and how does it affect us?  This is a great article on the topic...and it explains my recent "fever-like" waves of hot and cold.  You may relate as well.

"A solar flare is a magnetic storm on the Sun which appears to be a very bright spot and a gaseous surface eruption such as in the above photograph.  Solar flares release huge amounts of high-energy particles and gases that are tremendously hot.  They are ejected thousands of miles from the surface of the Sun.

According to Mitch Battros – Earth Changes Media, “One of the best known prophecies/predictions of our Mayan elders is the message of a changing paradigm of our era.  In the words of the Maya, it is said that we are now in a time of “change and conflict”.  The change is coming from the ‘outside” in the way of weather, natural phenomena, celestial disturbance (sun flares) and manmade self-inflicted trauma.  The conflict comes from the ‘inside’ in the way of personal challenge, grief, bewilderment, depression, anxiety, and fear.  It is said we are “at the cross roads”.  A time of choosing a new path, deciding on a new self and community direction, venturing into the unknown, finding our true identity of being.  Others will choose to stay on the same road, stay with the familiar, and place great effort to maintain “predictability.”

There appears to be a direct connection between the Sun’s solar storms and human biological effect especially after an "M" class solar flare.  The conduit which facilitates the charged particles from the Sun to human disturbance is the very same conduit which steers Earth’s weather through the Magnetic Field on Earth, and also through the magnetic fields around humans.

Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tornadoes, and wind storms appear to happen after strong solar activity on the sun.

Geomagnetic Activity on the Sun Influences our Thoughts

I have noticed in my own research that solar activity is known to influence human consciousness.  Solar flares affect the Central Nervous System (stomach lining), all brain activity (including equilibrium), along with human behaviour and all psycho-physiological (mental-emotional-physical) response.  Solar flares can cause us to be nervous, anxiousness, worrisome, jittery, dizzy, shaky, irritable, lethargic, exhausted, have short term memory problems and heart palpitations, feel nauseous, queasy, and to have prolonged head pressure and headaches.
full article here:

Thursday, July 5, 2012

It's time for another Mercury retrograde!

From July 14th to August 8, Mercury will be in retrograde...meaning its orbit will appear to go backward.
Mercury retrograde periods happen 3 to 4 times each year, and go on for approximately 3 weeks.  Since Mercury governs communications, it can affect our ability to communicate clearly, and impact things like computers, phones and other forms of communication and travel.  Things slow down so it is generally advised not to start major new undertakings, or sign important papers.

There are things that are best NOT To do, and there are also things that are optimal to do during retrograde time.  During a Mercury retrograde, we go into a kind of "heyoka" state and we tend to think differently and out of the box more. I ought to know, because I was born under a Mercury retrograde!  

I offer a group proxy (distance) repatterning session to help ease you through the Mercury retrograde time,as it can be very frustrating if you are the kind of person who likes things to move forward smoothly and in a more linear way.  Go to to sign up, anytime up till the 11th of July.

In addition to the typical Mercury retrograde patterns described above, each time we go through a retrograde is a little different depending on the other planetary aspects.

Robert Wilkinson has some interesting comments on his website about the upcoming July Mercury retrograde in Leo.  Follow his site for tons of detailed and excellent astrological info at Here is the link to his full article on Mercury retrograde that I have excerpted below:

"Actually, the coming Mercury retrograde should prove to be a fairly productive time with many unique and favorable developments. What follows is why.

Now that Venus and Saturn are moving forward and the Jupiter square Neptune is finally leaving the stage, things should proceed with more precision and momentum than we've had in a while! It sure seemed like Venus retrograde slowed a lot down, as I explained in yesterday’s article.

Venus gave us a look at past and future developments as it danced back and forth in degrees of Gemini. Now it’s moving across that span one more time. Now it’s moving forward, we’ll all be dealing with....the stirring of unconscious factors that will repolarize our ego. Whether it’s a protest against privilege or just a catabolic meltdown will depend on our individual circumstances.

Saturn retrograde [which we have just completed] gives us yearly reviews of lessons we need to take a new look at. Now it resumes its direct motion and finished moving through  Libra, so this is the time to apply what “philosophical completions” you’ve done since February. Still, it’s moving forward, so those affairs related to Saturn will as well.

Even though Mercury is slowing down, ....I suspect it will still be a fairly productive time given its relationship with both Venus, Mars, and Jupiter for most if not all of the RX [retrograde]period...

We’ll need to retire peacefully from some things, and allow a greater creativity and/or spontaneity to come forth. And of course, I’ll be writing more in the next couple of weeks about the coming Mercury retrograde in Leo."

Happy Mercury retrograde..and don't forget to get yourself repatterned for moving through it with grace and

Many blessings,

Friday, May 4, 2012

May's theme is Committment

As you read this forecast, ask yourself what your conscious and unconscious committments are.  Are you living in alignment with them, or not?  If you want support with this, you may want to do a "Committment Repatterning" with me by phone or in person if you're in or near Santa Fe.  Or, join me from any time zone for the upcoming May Joyful Manifesting Intensive.  More info on the Intensive is at

I hope you enjoy this forecast from shamanic practitioner Lena Stevens and find it useful.  She and her husband have a website called  I like these forecasts very much and usually publish them here, but here is info from them to sign up directly if you're interested: 

"Monthly forecasts will be posted on the first of every month on our website. To receive Moon updates and other information please sign up for email notices (link here).For a more specific overview of the trends for 2012 (discounted this month) please order our Mp3 or CD of TRENDS 2012 (link here).

What is commitment?

Commitment is removing the back door, the escape route and the words “if”, “maybe” and “when” from your vocabulary. Commitment is moving into your future with no turning back and no escape hatch. Commitment is eliminating the worry and anxiety that comes with ambivalence, doubt, consideration and “too many thinking”. Commitment is a natural segway of any bid for power. A bid for power without a proper commitment to launch it is not a serious bid for power.

If your bid for power is to stop smoking, you can’t qualify it with “if I find the right program” or “when I get more of a handle on my life” or “maybe next week”. No, if you want to stop smoking you stop right now. You make a commitment that goes along with your bid for power. Once you commit 100 percent, then the program or other support will show up and you will begin to get a handle on your life.

It is the same thing for relationships or work or health. If your bid for power is to make a change in the direction that is better for you, then do it now without procrastination and without the ability to sneak out if it does not work. Most of the reason for something not working out is your lack of true commitment to it. All of you have made some bid for power last month whether you are aware of it or not. This is the month where you either commit to it or choose a new one that you can commit to.

There are two types of Commitment: Commitment that is unconscious and manifested by your actions rather than what you verbally intend, and commitment that is consciously and deliberately planned for and chosen. The unconscious commitment is the one you may not be aware of but everyone else is by your actions around it.

A good example is someone who complains and complains about the nature of their relationship because it is not a good fit, and says they want something else, but ends up staying in the same relationship “until something better comes along”. This is not a serious bid for power for a new relationship and certainly not the way spirit works. This example is showing an action that the universe reads as a commitment and therefore will not provide another “better relationship” to take its place while the action shows a commitment to the current one. So this person may think they are bidding to change their circumstance but as long as they stay in the current relationship they are not serious about the change. If you are truly committed to changing your relationship dynamics you must show you are serious by becoming conscious about the ways you are showing commitment to the things you say you do not want.

Another example may be the person who says, I am on a diet, I intend to lose weight and really should not eat this piece of cake and then proceeds to eat it anyway. Are they serious about their bid for power to lose weight? Where is the commitment? Another example is the bid for power to have more fun and make more time for self. However if the person continues adding things that are not fun to their plate, they are showing by their actions that they are not truly committed to their intention and guess what, spirit will always give you more of what you are putting your energy into. This person may likely say, “I will make time when things slow down.” This is not good enough for spirit, as it is a conditional commitment and shows through action that the real commitment is something different than the spoken intention.

True commitment is unconditional, something we are not used to having or working with. Conditions create the “ifs”, “whens”, and “maybes” in our vocabulary. Placing conditions on your bid for power waters down the commitment to it and is like putting only your big toe in the water when you really intended to take a swim. Hesitancy, doubt, confusion, ambivalence, worry, anxiety, fear and mistrust, all take their toll on your ability to commit to something cleanly and clearly."

To read more of this forecast, go to:

Many blessings,

Thursday, May 3, 2012

What on Earth is going on? May astrology...

Have you noticed that things seem to be moving ahead slowly, even though there is a lot of energy, activity and intensity this year?  There are some amazing planetary shifts going on--as you have already heard--and there are also many interpretations of why and what it all means.

That's actually why I like astrology, because I find it more "scientific" and "objective" than channeled readings.  I do also read and value channeled readings but I believe they are subject to more distortion..and they are as clear as the channel herself (or himself).  With astrology--even for skeptics or people who don't understand it, when you start tracking events and energies from an astrological point of view, you start to see how accurate it can be.   I am talking well beyond the simple sun sign horoscopes you can read in a newspaper (does anyone even read newspapers any more?). 

There are powerful energies available in May--I don't want you to miss out!  This month, more than usual, "Timing is Everything".  So I've decided to post a 3 part series about these energies, to help you use this time well. 

Part i: Here's a good astrological overview from Susan Miller, author of the popular astrology site,  

First, from the Libra May astrology by Susan Miller..but I’m only including what applies to everyone:

“This has been an unusual year for everyone, so if you feel frustrated at the slow pace, you are not alone. It started out with Mars retrograde, January 23 to April 13. Thank goodness Mars has been moving again since mid-April (albeit slowly), as Mars is the action planet that gives extra oomph and push to everything we do. When Mars sleeps, you find it very hard to lift things off properly, in any phase of life, whether business or personal in nature.

Now, Venus will start to retrograde, May 15 to June 27, and that will have an even more powerful effect, (for Taurus and Libra) because Venus is your ruling planet.

There is more news about retrogrades, so I might as well tell you about the next one now. After June 27, you will only have two weeks, and then from July 14 to August 8, Mercury will retrograde. We are all upset about this, and believe me I didn't want to tell you, but I thought I should.

 I cannot remember a year anything like this one. It seems the universe wants us to go slowly and carefully.
If you look closely at these dates (which I carefully flag on all my Year Ahead Calendars that I write annually), the universe will give us little patches of time in which to act decisively. Those patches of time will be excellent for initiating new ventures, and we are in one of those now. (That window of opportunity opened April 13 and will end May 15.)

It is rare that the universe speaks so clearly: Go slowly to make sure all your plans are well thought out. 

Retrograde planets ask us to look back to scrutinize areas that we can improve. It looks like you'll be thinking back about things that have not taken the course you wanted, and about how you would do things differently in the future.

As said, Venus won't retrograde until May 15, so as you begin May, plan on being sharp and productive because - and this may surprise you - you have just arrived at one of the very sweetest portions of the year. Although it will be a narrow window of time, May 1 to May 13, it will be one of your best. Every zodiac sign will have something to celebrate then, and for you (if you’re a Libra)  your good news will center on money.

Enjoy your month..stay tuned for more!  And don't miss the super full moon on May 5th or the amazing events ar around May 20th! 

Many blessings,

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Divine Message for Right Now

This comes from Maureen Moss, creator of the World Puja Network. I hope it inspires you!

Dearest Hearts,
As always I pray you are well.
A dear friend and mentor of mine, currently on a profound journey with cancer, who, as he calls it is living his 'bonus life,' has been receiving loving and supportive and brilliant e-mails from people all over the world.

He sent the short one below to me last week. It went right to my heart. I was then compelled to share it with you, with his permission. It speaks to each and every one of us. It's not mutually exclusive to cancer. These simple words are life changing if we will allow them to authentically register with us.

From Robert:

Today, I received an email from a friend in Australia. She had dinner with her friend, a breast cancer survivor. Here is that woman's message to everyone. I'm passing it along, because I think it has real value for everyone who wants to live an authentic life.

My message to anyone dealing with physical illness is: Love yourself unconditionally! Regardless of what illness you have, or treatments you choose, whether natural, holistic, or conventional, the most important thing is to choose to treat your condition from love, rather than fear! Always see yourself as whole and well. Watch your emotions, and always make choices based on your love for your life and health, rather than to react from fear! Choose actions that lovingly move you towards wholeness and health, rather than actions taken out of fear to move you away from illness.

We seem to believe that we constantly have to work on ourselves to improve ourselves and become "better." But the question is, better by whose standards?

I spent a lifetime trying to live up to other people's unrealistic standards of how I "should" be - and all it did was cause me cancer, because I constantly believed that I wasn't good enough. In truth, all we have to do is BE OURSELVES!

We don't realize that we are actually perfect just the way we are. We are born perfect, but spend a lifetime trying to be something we are not, and then feel inadequate for failing. Your only purpose is to be yourself, otherwise you will deprive the Universe of Who You Truly Are.

The following message comes from Spirit: (through Maureen)

You are amongst the last generation of a 26,000 year cycle.  You are amongst the first that will wake up on the other side of the conscious membrane that defines the two cycles of the human experience at the end of 2012.

Who you allow yourself to authentically become, what template you choose to inhabit, human or Divine, what heart and mind you chose, yours or Mine to think and feel through by the close of this cycle, is what you will carry and live with on the New Earth for a very long time.

Each choice you take matters deeply now. Each thought you hold, matters deeply now. Raising your vibration, consciously, daily matters deeply now. Choose well. Choose with love, with presence, with conscious care of yourself.

My children of the Earth, you are a Divinely assembled and chosen group, about to enter the final days of a long and arduous climb. Watch your steps. You are walking into a new Template of Creation, and from that Template you will begin a new form of your evolution.

The end of this cycle of suffering is in sight for you Beloveds; for your body, your mind and your Spirit, if you will only allow Me in, in ways you may never have before. Allow Me to make My descent deeply into you, allowing you to ascend and enter into a new Template of Divine Creation.
Surrender, be still, be authentic at each turn, breathe, listen and make room for Me to lead you. Pay close attention to symbols, signs, whispers, experiences that come your way, how you feel, not how you think; and that which shifts. And then, follow in that direction.

You are activating the code within you of the Christ Consciousness, the God Consciousness, as they are One. I Am here as the God of Your Being to assist you.

It is imperative that you make your life a sacred expression in all ways, from what you eat to how you treat each other and how you love and honor your truest Self. As you do, you will Christ your own Self.

In full consciousness, make every movement sacred, every choice sacred, every word spoken sacred, and every relationship you engage with sacred.

At the time of your birthing, you were given everything and everyone that you needed to accomplish this. You were entrusted and seeded with the sacred Christ Blueprint/The Divine Plan, inside of you.
Every aspect of this blueprint ultimately leads you to be ensconced with the consciousness that allows you to move and express as an unencumbered being of love, always.

Only you can activate this blueprint by your expression of Me through You.

You embracing everything that you have learned and experienced in your third dimensional world, by blessing it and accepting it as Jesus did while in the desert for forty days and forty nights, will activate this Divine Template.

When he endured the battle with the world of delusion, and then surpassed it, he remembered who he really was. Then, He spent the rest of his life expressing it, thus giving humanity The Blueprint to follow at this precise time.

You hold the exact same capacity.  That is why you chose and were chosen to be born at this time, Beloveds, to have the opportunity to reach that same pinnacle while in human form.

Do not simply hear these words.  Live these words, and you will pass every initiation required to step into a world you have once called a phenomena.  It will not be phenomena for you much longer.

Nothing is closed down to any human being right now, that is willing to Christ themselves by birthing within them the Divine Blueprint by using My Heart and My Mind.

This is a year riddled with a landslide of grace, of dreams and goals coming to fruition if you properly prepare yourself and allow for the many deaths still necessary to occur.

Do you know that there was a point in time, where I didn't know whether you would be willing to go through the trials and tribulations that would bring you to a place where we could be together in so much joy?  I was concerned for a time that your feet were held too close to many fires. It has been said throughout your history that "God never gives us more than we can bear."

Beloveds, I never gave you anything to bear.  You did.  You called forth every trial and tribulation to yourself purposefully. You chose to merge with me against what appeared to be all odds.

Yes, that was your wish, and I prepared a place for you and let you have your wish.  Through it all, I never left your side for even a moment.  Through all of your pain and all of your beliefs that had you believing I was not with you, I was, and I AM.

I remind you of this; the Christ Consciousness is not only about singular love or singular peace. It contains within it the entire Divine Plan for evolution and wholeness for a species, a planet and a Universe.  It contains every code that is involved with transformation of each, and you hold it within you.

Can you imagine and hold how much I love you and trust you, for I created you so that you were able to hold inside of you the path and the plan for an entire species and planet to be resurrected?

That too is why I never left you.  I have always been a flame of Life inside of you to help safeguard this sacred Consciousness, the complete Divine Plan that you hold an intricate piece of.  This has been my commitment to you. This is why the umbilical cord between us can never be severed, for if it were, a piece of the plan would be lost.  You would be lost, and I would never lose any of my children, whether in the Heavens or on the Earth.

Knowing what you hold, can you honor and love yourselves, now having a greater understanding of your Divine part in My Divine Plan for bringing Heaven to Your Earth so you could live as the Masters that you are? I wished for you to be the stars of Earth's Heavens.  And you are becoming that.

I Love You.
(Please share keeping author's name, Maureen Moss and websites and intact.)