Friday, January 11, 2013

New Moon January11th

Happy New Year!  Looking forward to tomorrow's "Manifest your Intentions for the New Year" group repatterning, at 11:11am Eastern.  You can still register, until 10am Eastern tomorrow morning, at  

The following reading is TOTALLY in alignment with the group session tomorrow, it is from Lena Stevens, website: Enjoy and hope you'll join me tomorrow for the call! 

Many blessings,

Dear Friends,

New Moon is Friday, January 11 at 12:44 PM Mountain Standard Time. This is the marker for the instinctive time of transition. If you have not spent enough time contemplating your new intentions, resolutions and dreams, this would be the time to do it. Doing something to nurture yourself spiritually would be a great asset at this time and will have a far-reaching influence. In thinking about your intentions it would be beneficial to revisit the motivation behind them and to make sure the motivation is truly yours and not someone else's. This New Moon is also about truth. If there is a transition you are in denial about, tell the truth about it and whatever else may be surfacing that is difficult to face. Remember that you have the support of forgiveness and gratitude on your side.

It is also important to see this time as a transition, and to be patient with all the clarity, inspiration and movement that you may be expecting at the beginning of a new cycle. It will come. Be aware that there is a lot of new energy available that will download bit by bit as you are ready. Be ready by clearing anything old that is still lingering in the basement of your subconscious. Change is good at this time and it can be honored by changing some of the little things that have become habitual. 

Make sure you get plenty of rest and sleep around this new moon time as there is great astral work going on in resetting and rebooting this new cycle.

