Saturday, January 31, 2015

Happy Imbolc!

A seasonal note—I am not a pagan but I enjoy the rhythm of the pagan holidays because they are based on the natural cycles of the seasons and the earth.  So not only is this Superbowl weekend (hmm, is that a modern pagan holiday?) but it’s Imbolc, or Candlemas. 

It’s a holiday honoring the fire goddess, Brigid and the “seed” energy of the light returning.   I’ve posted more information and some suggestions about celebrate and honor this time in the natural year.  Take what resonates for you and leaves the rest.  

Some ideas for you…lighting candles, doing a cleansing ritual, do an initiation ceremony, make something with your hands.    Even if where you live it doesn’t feel to springlike, the wheel of the year is turning and the light tells us spring is coming.  Enjoy!  

Here's more information on this time of year.  Source is this website:

“This holiday is also known as Candlemas, or Brigid's (pronounced BREED) Day. One of the 4 Celtic "Fire Festivals. Commemorates the changing of the Goddess from the Crone to the Maiden. Celebrates the first signs of Spring. Also called "Imbolc" (the old Celtic name).

This is the seasonal change where the first signs of spring and the return of the sun are noted, i.e. the first sprouting of leaves, the sprouting of the Crocus flowers etc. In other words, it is the festival commemorating the successful passing of winter and the beginning of the agricultural year. This Festival also marks the transition point of the threefold Goddess energies from those of Crone to Maiden.

It is the day that we celebrate the passing of Winter and make way for Spring. It is the day we honour the rebirth of the Sun and we may visualize the baby sun nursing from the Goddess's breast. It is also a day of celebrating the Celtic Goddess Brigid. Brigid is the Goddess of Poetry, Healing, Smithcraft, and Midwifery. If you can make it with your hands, Brigid rules it.

She is a triple Goddess, so we honour her in all her aspects. This is a time for communing with her, and tending the lighting of her sacred flame. At this time of year, Wiccans will light multiple candles, white for Brigid, for the god usually yellow or red, to remind us of the passing of winter and the entrance into spring, the time of the Sun. This is a good time for initiations.

This can be a time of purification after the shut-in life of Winter, through the renewing power of the Sun. It is also a festival of light and of fertility, once marked in Europe with huge blazes, torches and fire in every form. Fire here represents our own illumination and inspiration as much as light and warmth.

It is traditional upon Imbolc, at sunset or just after ritual, to light every lamp in the house - if only for a few moments. Or, light candles in each room in honour of the Sun’s rebirth. If snow lies on the ground outside, walk in it for a moment, recalling the warmth of summer. With your projective hand, trace an image of the Sun on the snow."

Happy Imbolc, see you soon,

Friday, January 23, 2015

The REAL New Year begins now...2015 planetary energies

Human Design is a super-useful system for understanding yourself and your blueprint for happiness and success.  Here's a message from Karen Curry Parker, my favorite Human Design teacher and author (Her book, Understanding Human Design makes this complex system totally understandable.)
It will also give you insight into the energies of the year. What are you really longing to re-imagine and create anew in your life? Can you give yourself permission to dream bigger?  She also mentions the dreamy quality of this particular Mercury for another post here about the January to February 2015 retrograde..

Karen's message is so inspiring, and a beautiful confirmation of my moving more into Tapping Into Wealth coaching and helping women move beyond the limits of the past..

From Karen, posted 1/22 in my email: 

…Today is the first day of the Human Design New Year!  I'm sorry I'm late in wishing you a happy New Year.

The energy this year is all about foundation laying.  We are preparing for even bigger shifts on the planet and discovering what we need to do to move in the direction of making our dream our reality.

The last few years have been rough and focused on releasing karma and letting go of old patterns that have kept us stuck and locked into choices that have not served our highest good.  The energy now is lighter, more joyful and full of promise for the future.  

In the summer of this year, the focus will be money and how to create more abundance, especially on the material plane.  It's a great year to start a new business or radically change your relationship with money.  

The Human Design year always starts with the energy for creativity and dreaming.  That which we dream in our minds can, ultimately, become our reality.  In addition, we start this year with Mercury in retrograde in the Gate 13, the Listener, causing us to review the past and discover what we need to release in order to move forward.  

This is a dreamy energy that pushes us to evaluate what is working in our life and to focus on those areas of growth.  Dream big. Take some time to day dream and envision what you'd love to create this year.  Now is the time to nurture your dreams. 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Completion Process for 2014 and entering 2015

Transitions are very important, and can be a time when we lose "chi" or energy.  Especially in this culture which is so future oriented, we just jump into the New, or the next project, activity, phase of life, year ahead without taking time to focus on the cycle, project, relationship or year just ended. In this "hamster on the treadwheel" we are always focused on what's next, and what we didn't complete or get done, from the past.  We want to leapfrog past the lessons, the disappointments, the seeming failures--right into goal setting.  Looking at and honoring the past, honoring the 'shadow'-the uncomfortable stuff as well as the 'light' gives us grounding and stability.

 To be fully realized and effective in the world (yang expression), requires the support of the 'yin field'--the pause for introspection, the slowing down and turning inside.  This process below, will help you do just that, and come to closure and completion with the year just past.  I suggest that you take some time to do the following process around New Year's and over the next few weeks. 

According to Human Design, the New Year doesn't really begin till January 21st anyway.  Relax...let go of all this artificial  pressure about "New Year Goals or Resolutions".  Your New Year can start anytime you want it to...doesn't have to be January 1st.  Take time now to do the following Closure process and the new year will come into focus soon.

In this Closure/New Beginnings process, we not only name our regrets, we also take time to look at what DID work, what went well, what we appreciate about ourselves or our lives, what skills we learned, even to acknowledge our accomplishments.    This is part of RBCS (Retrain Your Brain to Celebrate Success), a very important key to staying motivated that I use in Tapping into Wealth  coaching and all my work.

Closure/New Beginnings Process **

This process is done at the completion of anything--a relationship, a career, a phase of life, a project, in order to bring closure and integrate the learning from the experience.  

 By coming to closure, we become oriented.  What does it mean to be oriented? We all know what disoriented means--so oriented is the opposite.  It means we know where we are in time and space.  We aren't lost in the past or floating in the future.  When we are oriented we are fully present, grounded and connected to our hearts.  We can see the options in front of us, we perceive the situation more clearly and can identify the best way to solve a problem or to move forward. 
Using this closure/new beginnings process for each phase of your day, relationships and life, enables you to clear the slate, to go into a new phase or new beginning with more energy. This process also helps you to let go of regrets and make peace with the past. 

When you are doing this process for the ending of a phase of your life, you may want to repeat this process over several days or even weeks to help you come to closure.  It’s best to do this in writing if you are alone, or speaking the answers out loud to another person who is partnering with you (or just listening to you).

You may also choose to do a Resonance Repatterning session with me, which will include this closure process and much more.

How to do the closure process:**

1. Preparation: First close your eyes. Begin to breathe slowly and rhythmically through your nose.
2. Relax your body: On the exhale, breathe out and relax—starting with your eyes, mouth and jaw.  Let your awareness move down your body and consciously relax each part, first neck and shoulders…then, the  chest, belly and hips.  Relax your upper, middle and lower back.  Breathe deeply, letting go as you now relax your thighs, lower legs and feet.

As you do this, notice if you are holding any tension and let it go. 

3.Connect to your heart: Bring awareness to your heart.  Receive love on your in-breath, radiate your love out on the out-breath, to people you're close to, to everyone in your group and to the world.  When you feel ready, open your eyes. Take your time.

4. Appreciation: Name what you appreciate about what you have just completed. What have you learned or received that is important and valuable to you?  How have you grown?

5. Regrets:  Do you have any regrets about what happened or did not happen?  About yourself or the actions of others?  Instead of moving on right away, when we acknowledge a regret, it becomes a powerful learning for us.  What is the lesson of the regret? Sharing your regret(s) usually generates immediate forgiveness and love. 

By accessing and naming your regrets you are able to let go of the tension, stress or pain that your regrets create, and orient yourself to love once more. 

Solutions/Advice not necessary: You don’t have to come up with a solution when someone is sharing their regrets.  Just listening with love (or acknowledging yourself with love) as someone names their regret, opens the space for great healing. 

6. Release and let go: After sharing your regrets, take a deep breath and relax, making a “Ha….” Sound.  Now get up and move, shake the energy out,  stretch, dance  or move your body freely any way it wants. 

7.  Doesn't that feel better? Now you are ready to focus on your next phase and new beginnings!

**Instructions and concept adapted from Chloe Wordsworth's Resonance Repatterning materials. 

New Year 2015: End the Insanity. Wait: it's not even the new year yet!

You know I march to a different drummer.  So, maybe I've really gone off the deep end this time?

Insanity of Resolutions
Einstein said "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results".  Make resolutions--year after year--that become promises we fail to keep to ourselves.   Add to the pile of regrets and self-recrimination we're already carrying?  I don't think so...

I always talk about manifesting intentions instead.  It's so much kinder and more inclusive and allows for the unexpectedness of life.  Intentions guide your life and therefore don't become like a "pass-fail" grade by which to judge yourself. 

Come join us for the annual New Year's group to Manifest with Ease in 2015 and let go of any burdens or unresolved emotions from the year that just passed.  Go to

Goal or Hope Trauma, anyone?
Then there's goal setting, which is more about how you are going to bring your intention into manifestation.  More insanity: study after study says goal setting is key to success, yet most people don't set goals.  There's actually a reason for this: Unresolved goal trauma. 

I've got some new tools to help if you think that may be happening for you, from Tapping into Wealth.  Learn more about this potent new work I'm offering at  Join me for free teleseminars or a private discovery session, many events in January, then twice monthly from there on.

It's not New Year's yet? What the Bleep?? Wasn't New Year's day on January 1st?

Of course it was, on our Julian (Roman) calendar, a man-made calendar imposed on us in Roman times. It was designed for control, and does not correspond with any nature-based or astrological calendar. 

I'm talking about Human Design, a profound system for understanding each person's
design--how they function in the world--which I am learning.  In Human Design, the New Year doesn't begin until approximately January 22nd.  If you are curious, read
the full article here:

So, join us for the New Year's group, get repatterned for Mercury Retrograde, and
start getting tapped into more wealth....repatterning info at
Tapping into wealth info at

Joy, prosperity, health and a SANE and HAPPY NEW YEAR,