Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Change, change change!  Would you like tools that will help you navigate and dance more easily through all the letting go and new habits you're wanting to establish?  I want to share some tools with you that I've found very effective, for me and for clients, and also a little bit about the changes I'm making in my business-new directions.  I am offering some special teleclasses the first two weeks of July for this, so make sure to read the details below.  First one is Thursday July 2nd at 8:30pm Eastern.

Change is my game, and I recently decided that who I am is a reinventionist.  It is another one of those cycles of big change for me right now, as I am reinventing my body and my busines--it's a perfect time to reconnect and speak directly to you--my clients and readers.  Because I have so much experience with reinventing myself, I can serve you as a guide through these transformational times, where we are ALL being asked to reinvent. 

A little secret for you--I still go through my kicking and screaming resistance phase--but I move through it a lot faster now with my tools!  Our brains have evolved to instinctively resist change, so even when we want to shift, it's not that easy.

Exactly what I want to speak to you about in these upcoming teleclasses.  July's theme is Retrain Your Brain--so it's all perfect! 

Reinvention requires a stage of chaos—as old ways break down, there is chaos before the new emerges.   For me, that is showing up as "break out of your rut".  That means listening deeply to my inner guidance, after being somewhat overwhelmed by the din of experts. Nothing against expert advice—I give it too, when asked--and well meaning, skilled and insightful knowledge from others is vital—but all in its place and time.  

Like everything in the age of Information Overload, it requires discernment, discernment, discernment!

In the spirit of breaking out, I've got not one, or two but FOUR teleclasses for you, starting this Thursday 7/2.  (Thursday evenings, Tuesday lunch time) Call in details for 7/2 are at the bottom of this page. 

Strength and Wisdom for Moving through Change
Thursdays, 7/2 and 7/9,  6:30 pm MT (8:30 EDT) 
Conversation, guided exploration, teaching and Holding Presence

Tapping into Wealth Tuesdays: Lunch and Earn! 
Tuesdays at 11:30 Mountain, 1:30 Eastern, 7/7/ and 7/14
Insights, transformational coaching and EFT meridian tapping
from my Tapping into Wealth work. 

Further Details: 

On the Thursday evening calls 
Guided discussion, led by me, with weavings in relevant personal sharing, teaching and transformation.  I want to share some new directions happening in my business and my life.  You'll also get a chance to share and be heard--and coached.  PLUS something brand new, called Holding Presence.  (Actually I've been doing it for many years but never named it). It will be an intuitive group energy reading on behalf of the group.

On Tuesdays at lunch time
Tapping into Wealth Tuesdays-I'm also calling it Lunch and Earn (as opposed to Lunch and Learn! ). We'll explore various topics around money, wealth, growing your income, and you'll get a taste of  Tapping into Wealth coaching and EFT meridian tapping for clearing money and prosperity issues. 

Please note: these calls are NO charge because I'm trying out some new things here--yet they will offer value and support!  Have friends you are wanting to introduce to me?  This is the perfect thing to invite them to.   

Yes, they will be recorded.  But so much richer if YOU are on the call! 

CALL IN DETAILS: Thurs 7/2 at 6:30pm MT, 8:30 pm Eastern

Strength and Wisdom for Dancing through Change part 1 
Date & Time: Thursday, July 2nd at 6:30pm Mountain

Attend by Phone: 
Primary dial in number: (425) 440-5100 
Guest pin code: 370169#   

Listen via web- event Page: 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Time to Drop or Revise Old Stories: Full moon updates for early June

It's Full Moon in Sagittarius tomorrow--a powerful time for moving forward.  And the perfect time to receive a "vitamin blast" or fresh juice energizer smoothie--for that forward movement.  How? It's so easy with energy shifts done-for-you via my Joyful Manifesting program.  Go here to learn more or sign up..first session is June 3 so don't hesitate..and also feel free to email me with any questions if you are new to this program or my work.  

Joyful Manifesting--registration extended till midnight June 2nd. http://www.repattern.com/manifesting.shtml

Here are three different takes on the current moon and planetary energies:

From shamanic healer Lena Stevens:
This moon is energized, inspiring, and supports creative action and breakthrough in ideas, problem solving and new ways of approaching something.  Watch Impatience and beware of frustration around not being able to do everything at the same time. Allow yourself to be inspired and lifted by what is showing up most powerfully. 

There is plenty of time. Do one thing at a time and take that action with enthusiasm.  This is an especially good time for anything that has felt stuck, sluggish and confusing to find a new creative approach and you may suddenly find that you have way more support around a project than you had originally perceived. Allow the support to help you and the movement to flow.
There is a higher centered wave of energy available right now that can energize the daily activity to a higher spiritual plane but will make things feel a bit otherworldly and less grounded. To take
advantage of the higher centered influence you will need to trust something other than your rational mind.

From astrologer Pat Lilies: 
Well, we’re certainly not in the double Taurus energy we were in at New Moon a mere two weeks ago.  The Sun as of May 21 leaped out of its earthy influence and right into the quick, mental airiness of Gemini,  and who did the Sun find, but lively and spontaneous Mercury and action loving Mars! Now, the flexibility, curiosity, and sociability of the Sun’s power in Gemini are capable of moving the most stuck ‘dig your heels in’ energy of Taurus.  Some major juggernauts moved at that shift point.   

With Gemini-Sagittarius, we find ourselves in an air-fire environment and that means strong mental energy, objectivity, inspiration and enthusiasm!  We can use that!  We find Gemini’s ruler, Mercury, happily in its own sign even though retrograde until June 11 (and not fully regaining its degree of retrograde until June 26).  

Mercury in retrograde might even be seen as a stabilizing force as it encourages us to reflect on our actions, regroup mentally after the challenges that surfaced with the eclipse energy of March-April, and to claim the objective view that air signs are so good at

From astrologer Marina Ormes: 
Sagittarius Full Moon-Making New Meaning From Old Stories (my note: LOVE this theme!)
This Full Moon helps us look at the ways we tell stories that may not serve us. What are the problems or challenges you face? Chances are there is a story you are telling about those
issues--not enough time, not enough money, not deserving, not capable, not supported, etc.  This meditation will help you access your own inner wisdom about how to shift that story and 
get to the place of solution.