Friday, March 16, 2012

Joyful Manifesting & Manifesting Tips

Hello..our next Joyful Manifesting Intensive--5 days in a row of getting your path unblocked.  That's a whole lotta clearing for less than the price of a single session. Learn more here and register by midnight March 20th:

Here's a juicy manifesting tip for you:

Joyful Manifesting Tip#1: Discovering Your Unconscious Programmed Beliefs

This can be very revealing.  What you do is look at one or two unwanted circumstances in your life.  Write them down, like “I am attracted to people who don’t like me or who reject me”, or “I am in a dead-end job that does not use my gifts and talents”.  Just take one or two to start.  Now, ask yourself, “What beliefs might a person (try to look at yourself as though you were observing another person) have that would lead to them being in such a situation?  (the beliefs could be about self, life, the world, other people, men, women, money, work, relationships).”  Write them down. 

The second question would be to ask yourself “What might that person have been told, or how might others have treated her, to make her believe that way?”

Identifying these beliefs and memories is the first step, which is about becoming aware.

Being aware of what is running you puts you in a place of greater self-mastery, because you can choose different programs instead.  But awareness alone is often not enough, as you may have discovered through therapy or reading self-help books. 

 Resonance Repatterning to the rescue!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Another fantastic easy to use tool!

Thanks to my friend Elise Miller, a wonderful healer and creative human being here in Santa Fe, I have learned a new tool, which she turned me onto, called the Emotion Code. Created by chirorpractor Bradley Nelson, it is a very very simple to learn and to do, yet powerful process to clear trapped emotions.  You do need to know how to do muscle testing, something I am planning to teach soon, or you can also use a pendulum.

Many physical issues, relationship and prosperity blocks can be rapidly cleared using this process and it's a miliion times simpler to learn than the Resonance Repatterning system. 

The skill level, and where you may want the support of a practitioner, is in asking the right questions and also trusting the muscle testing.  You can easily learn this by buying Dr. Nelson's book at and learn more there about the Emotion Code. I am happy to support you also with sessions of this work and coaching for those who are learning to do it themselves.

I have been seeing some remarkable shifts in clients and in myself from this work..even though I've been "clearing" for many years.

Let me know if you do check it out, what you experience...and happy to speak with you about it further, so give me a call at 505-473-0969.

Happy Clearing, y'all

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Mercury Retrograde & What Else is Up?

Hello there..I'm back with you after a long hiatus.  Has February been a month of action for you, as it has for me? Stay tuned because we can expect a lot more forward movement this year, and a lot more stepping into and living in the unknown.  These are times to be Absolutely Vigilant in keeping your emotions, mind and body in balance and to use the tools you know.  So it's self empowerment BIG TIME, falling into a victim place will throw you farther and faster in these accelerated times, than ever before.  It's also time to stop being the Lone Ranger, to get help and come together with others of like mind who can support you.

Speaking of staying in balance, we have a Mercury retrograde coming right up..and something you can do to help yourself move through this potentially challenging 3 week period with ease, grace and humor!  Sign up for the Mercury Retrograde "E-Z" session by proxy, by midnight March 8th, at

Here's the scoop on Mercury Retrograde from astrologer Karyl Jackson and her website

MERCURY RETROGRADE 2012: The adjustments of Mercury retrograde typically occur three times a year, giving 2012 a dynamic start. The Mercury retrogrades during 2012 are in fire signs, bringing the spark forward from the power of feelings, as Mercury retrogrades back into water signs to connect with our passion, emotional commitment and our true beliefs. The adjustments that occur during Mercury retrograde typically have a theme that occurs all year long, shown by the elements of the signs affected. The Mercury retrogrades that occur in 2012 provide the opportunities for us to make adjustments in the practical aspects of our life from the information brought to us through the Mercury retrograde in fire signs; Aries, Leo and Sagittarius (occurring in that order). Decisions about our goals and aspirations will be the focus during the Mercury retrogrades of 2012 as change, breakthrough and freedom allows our feelilngs to break free from the restrictions of the past. Because we are making decisions to bring forward the visionary awareness into our new journey, new endeavors, new goals, the events during the Mercury retrograde time frames help us to veer away from the past emotional dramas and take bold steps out of the old situations to move into our new future. These adjustments will be very necessary as they allow us to make major changes, emphasizing our bold and innovative choices assigned to the fire signs of the retrogrades.

March/April 2012: Mercury is retrograding from fiery Aries back into sensitive, emotional and intuitive Pisces. The direction of Aries is powered by the spiritual essence of Pisces. Mercury retrograde in March/April becomes the cosmic course correction that is prompted from the alignment of the spiritual essence that charts the outer direction that will begin to unfold. In 2012 the adjustments that are slated to occur during the retrogrades are in fire signs, with the Mercury retrograde in March/April becomes the powerful transition and course correction that shifts situations with the winds of changing, blowing us all into new directions. Uranus will connect with the Mercury retrograde events during March and April, emphasizing the spontaneous and sudden changes that will set the pace for 2012's major course corrections. Mars turns retrograde early in the year, emphasizing the Virgo aspects of accountability, which will activate the changes bringing a heightened level of activity and change into the month.

Many blessings, and stay tuned for more posts soon,

PS To register for the Mercury retrograde, the link again is:
PPS Next Joyful Manifesting Intensive begins on the spring equinox, register by midnight March 19th,