Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Anger & other feelings you didn't know you had

On tonight's call, someone shared that she was told (I assume by a healer, therapist or psychic)that she had a lot of anger. She had been aware of other feelings, but not the anger. Her question was: How do I let go of it if I didn't even know it was there?

That is a very good question, which I did answer on the call, but it deserves more space.

First of all--I believe that emotions are an expression of energy, and that they are there for a reason, that they have a message for us. If we were not allowed to feel or express an emotion, it will go underground and show up in some other way--such as depression, physical pain, smoking, overeating, creating crises in your life. It won't go away until we address the underlying issue and hear the message. (Check out the book by Karol Truman "Feelings Buried Alive never die").

Our culture is essentially a culture of denial, where we are taught that only certain emotions are acceptable. Happiness, confidence, optimism are okay--but grief, anger, insecurity? Faggedabout it.

If we had learned how to make room for all our feelings, and to know that they are just energies arising that we can listen to, address, resolve and move through--we'd be much healthier, peaceful and live together a lot more harmoniously!

Each family has its own particular "rules" about which emotions (if any) are okay to express. And then there are the cultural rules too. Especially for women, anger is not an acceptable emotion. So we learn that any time we get angry, we should keep it inside, or express it in tears or sadness. It goes so far underground that we don't have a clue that we are feeling it.

Anger turned inside often shows up as depression, low energy and low self-esteem. Why is that?

There is a lot of life force energy in anger, and when we disconnect from it, we also disconnect from our life force. In Polarity therapy, anger is associated with the Fire Element. In that system, Fire is our vitality, will power and seat of our digestive, where we turn food into vital life force or prana.

Every emotion has its positive purpose and message, and usually anger arises when we have been treated unfairly, hurt, abused or violated in some way, or our boundaries are crossed. It's mainly a survival emotion designed to keep us safe and out of harm's way and to let someone know when they've crossed a line with us.

With anger, it's important to create a safe space or get support to feel the feeling. That may be with a healer or therapist, or trusted friend or family member.

Here are some ways to help you get in touch with and deal with anger--or any other feeling that needs to be healed:

1) Journaling and self-discovery: Spend some time journaling. You can ask yourself, "If I were angry, what would I be angry about?" or "If my anger had a voice, what would it say? And what age is that voice?" You can also do a left right hand journaling exercise. With your dominant hand, you write a question, like "Why am I angry?" with your other hand you write the answer. You may be surprised at what you discover.

2)Learn a technique called Focusing, which was created by Eugene Gendlin, or find a practitioner who knows it. It helps you to discover your emotions by reading backwards from your body sensations.

3) Study your own body cues. Tight shoulders or jaw, high blood pressure, acid reflux and other digestive disorders are common signs of repressed anger. Chronic depression can also be a sign of anger. Start noticing when you hold your breath, clench your teeth, or develop a belly ache. What was happening right before those body symptoms appeared?

4)Learn the Sedona method--for releasing and letting go. Wtih the Sedona method you may find that you have a great desire to control other people or life, or feel out of control--and that's often associated with anger. Sedona releasing doesn't require that you know what you are feeling, or have a label for your feelings in order to let them go. As a Sedona coach, I can teach you some basics and support you in practicing the method.

5) You can also learn EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) which you can teach yourself or learn from a practitioner.

6)Do some body-oriented psychotherapy or energy work. This could be a therapist, massage person, practitioner of Polarity therapy, Gestalt therapy, Somatic experiencing, Core Energetics, Rubenfeld Synergy, bioenergetics or some other form of body oriented therapy that includes emotional release. I am trained in Polarity and Gestalt and have a lot of eexperience in supporting people through emotional release work.

Sometimes even with the best self help methods, we can't get to the deeper issues. This is because in order to survive, we had to create defenses to get through life..and these defenses get in the way of accessing the feeling (they are designed to protect us against feeling painful or uncomfortable feelings). It can be done but it takes some training to be your own therapist..and even when you do have that skill, there are just some things we need the help of another person for.

If a certain emotion keeps coming up, or you just don't feel cleared and resolved, that's a sign you need more support beyond what you can do for yourself.

Be compassionate, patient, and open to guidance and it will come. I am happy to explore how my skill set can be used to help you with this.

Every emotion you reclaim is another piece of aliveness and healing, and allows you to be more present and aware. Accessing our emotions makes us healthier on all levels--physical, mental and emotional.

When we can access and feel our anger, fear or grief, that helps us to also feel our courage, joy, peace and happiness. We are then free to play all the keys on the piano, as my teacher John Beaulieu used to say.

To your freedom,

P.S. How would you live if you knew that every feeling you had was acceptable, natural and beautiful, and a message from some part of your self that needs something?

Letting Go of the Old, Welcoming the New

That was the theme of tonight's f*ree once a month session.
If you would like to listen to it, here's the link. The
recording is a little over an hour.

As you listen, you are welcome to write down your own answers
to the questions I ask, and you will be repatterned just by

The session was a Metal Element Repatterning. The Metal element
in Chinese medicine relates to the Lung Meridian (what we take in,
what inspires us) and to the Large Intestine Meridian (what is
toxic, old or unneeded, to be let go of).

The season of fall that we are in, is also associated with the
Metal element. The session is to help you let go with ease..
and many of the people on the call felt really relaxed and
like they had let go, by the end.

So enjoy!

Many blessings,

PS A question was asked on the call about anger and how to
let go of it, especially if you are not even aware that you
are angry! I answered this on the call but would like to
address this further in the next post.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Intense times lately?

Hi..just wondered how this month is going for you. For me, there's been a lot of extremes in mood and energy, and in the level of activity too, from busy busy, to extremely quiet.

It had actually occurred to me that I am in a birth birth yet again to a new version of myself, and also my business.

See what you's the excerpt from Jose and Lena Stevens monthly forecast/energy reading for October. To read more, go to:

The main theme for October is INTENSITY.

Everything this month is amplified, paving the way for stronger reactions and increased sensitivity. It's as if the 100 watt light you are used to operating under just got turned up to 1000 watts. The resulting light intensity would take some getting used to. This intensity has been with us to some degree all summer through various themes and the veil that has kept us asleep and in the dark has been slowly coming off. But now that veil is completely coming off exposing us fully to the intensity. Some of us will instinctively try to turn away and retreat even deeper into a dark shell. But there is no escape. As in childbirth there is now full dilation and a need to stay focused in order to push through our own birth.

The main theme for October is INTENSITY.

Everything this month is amplified, paving the way for stronger reactions and increased sensitivity. It's as if the 100 watt light you are used to operating under just got turned up to 1000 watts. The resulting light intensity would take some getting used to. This intensity has been with us to some degree all summer through various themes and the veil that has kept us asleep and in the dark has been slowly coming off. But now that veil is completely coming off exposing us fully to the intensity. Some of us will instinctively try to turn away and retreat even deeper into a dark shell. But there is no escape. As in childbirth there is now full dilation and a need to stay focused in order to push through our own birth.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

How are YOU wired?

Today I had the great pleasure of sitting with Adyashanti, a wonderful teacher of Advaita, or non-dual philosophy. His answers were so loving, practical and heartfelt, with light self-deprecating humor. I will share more with you, as I took copious notes, but one thing he said which really interested me, was about how we fall back on our greatest strengths in times of challenges, yet there are times when relying on those strengths is not the optimal choice, when the Universe (or perhaps our own souls) ask us to stretch, and maybe even go to the other extreme. He spoke of bringing his competitive approach from sports into spirituality, when what was needed was not bulldogging things, but letting go.

He went on further to suggest that working with the way we are wired--how many of even really know that--will help us in spiritual life and in everything. He's so non-prescriptive, but he opens and invites us so beautifully to consider new thoughts and ways.

It made me contemplate myself--how well do I know myself? It's not like I haven't been studying myself for a lifetime, but recently I've had so many new discoveries, I've had to revise my idea that I knew myself well. I do feel I am able to be more objective about whatever I do see, which may also be why it's easier to see clearly. Hmm. Ya think?

okay, enough late night rambling.

Catch y'all later.


PS I'm so excited about my on-the-drawing-board plans for my new website, Hearts Abode. Please hold the vision of me having the site up by Thanksgiving, with ease and grace, working with great people, being supported in every way, so I can bring my work my fully to the world.
And thanks for being my reader. If you don't know me personally, would you please comment or send me an email? I'd love to know who you are, how you found my Blog and what made you subscribe..what keeps you reading the blog?

Saturday, October 9, 2010

It's all coming together, FINALLY! lessons from growing my business and my garden

I've been learning so much from planting a garden, my first ever. The unseen events that happen underground for a while before the miracle pushes its way up to the air. That a garden takes time, a few passes through all the seasons. The rock garden area I created by the honey locust tree, was planted with grass (an exotic luxury here in New Mexico just because it takes extra watering)--and lo and behold, is filled with insects and crawly things.

This former New York City girl is just amazed by it all, even though of course I've always known about's different, way different, to experience the miracle of growth.

The songbird garden, planted with amaranth, cosmos and other plants that birds like, has become a gourmet banquet for grasshoppers and crickets. I guess the word got out to the neigbhorhood.."Pssst..over here, she's got stuff we like". It's new for me, not having had pets for years, and no children, to feed living creatures, even though I am asking them politely not to eat the roses and so far they are listening. I talk to the devas (Nature's Intelligence Agents) and they are cooperating.

Today I spied a hummingbird hovering around the purple morning glories (what an apt name for those royal flowers!).

So, I built it, and they came!

What does this has to do with my business? I do a process called co-creativity where I partner with Nature to help me bring things into form in the easiest and best supported way. Maechelle Small Wright, one of my teachers of co-creativity, provided guidelines for creating a garden--one in soil, and also for soilless gardens, which could be almost any project or undertaking, like a business.

I can see similarities between the garden and my business, where many seeds in the forms of intention have been planted. In their own mysterious way, when I "water" them and give them soil, light and air, these seeds are now growing fast and beginning to blossom and unfold.

Seeds are programmed to become plants, I don't have to tell them how to do it, just give them the right support and let them do what they were designed to do. Yes, there is the mystery of right timing, the perfect coming together of all the ingredients, and care and feeding--but teh cycle of planting, growth and maturity has its inherent rhythm and order.

Soon it will be time to harvest, and withdraw energy from what is now finishing, and make plans for the next cycle.

What is blooming, what is ready to be harvested, what is dying out and needing to be removed, in your business, relationships or personal habits?
Where is the fertile ground, where is the fallow ground, and what do you want to grow in your next cycle?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Get Mad at God if you need to!

When it's all too much, or things seem unfair, or out of's a suggestion: take a look at what you are learning in this situation. That alone may begin to shift things.

A second option: Get mad at God! Or get mad at the Universe, Creator, Allah (fill in with your favorite name for the Divine). If you were brought up in a strict religion, this might sound wrong or even sacriligeous.

Try it, you'll like it. And in my experience at least, and in the experience of many Jews (remember, the Jews are the ones who argued with the angelic messenger of God) no thunderbolts or cosmic revenge will ensue.

While I am not religious or particularly identified with the Jewish religion of my birth, and my parents professed to be atheists, I understand more and more how culturally Jewish my upbringing was. "Question all authority and conventional wisdom", and go ahead and argue with the Top Brass--that's what I learned at home and what we practiced (Except when it came to questioning the authority of my parents, of course!).

The Jews have a specialty (excuse the sweeping generalization, I know we can't lump all individual Jews, or any religious or ethnic group, for that matter, itno a homogeneous glob) of contention: arguing and disagreeing, and expressing our unique opinions. Last night at my first Jewish education event since the tender age of 12, I discovered, or re-discovered that Judaism is filled with arguments, dicussions, comments and comments on the comments. We don't even seem to have a unified concept of God!

So don't worry about dishing to the Divine. S/he can take it and has probably heard it all before.

Years ago, living in YC and going through tough times financially and working in a stressful job, I sat on a rock one day in Riverside Park, by the Hudson River, and screamed, vented and wailed to God. It helped!

This week, on Tuesday morning, I had another opportunity to practice this.
After I vented, out loud and also in my diary, something did shift and I began to feel like I could at least put one foot in front of the other again.

I invite you, whenever you need to, and whatever religion you were brought up in...let it rip. Tell Creator your deepest fears, frustrations and angers. When you do this, and you really let go, you open the way for grace, for help to arrive.

Let me know what happens if you do try it!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Super powerful new moon tomorrow!

Tomorrow, October 7th is the New Moon. This is always a powerful time for seeding, setting intentions and focusing on what you want to manifest, which is why I offer the Joyful Manifesting Intensive on the new moon, every two months.

If you'd like to learn more about this transformational yet convenient program go to

Whether you join us or not for that, I thought you would enjoy this information. The first segment is from Jose and Lena Stevens, two shamanmic practitioners here in Santa Fe. Their website, from which this is taken, is

Enjoy...happy manifesting,

Dear Friends,

A super New Moon is Thursday, October 7 at 12:45 PM Mountain Daylight Time. This new moon supports compassion, forgiveness and healing. This is a good time to recapitulate memories, events and people in your life who still evoke resentment, anger, hurt, jealousy and blame. These negatively charged reactions need to be neutralized and this new moon can support you in doing that. For every charged memory breathe in compassion and forgiveness while turning your head all the way to the left. Then turn your head all the way to the right while exhaling gratitude, neutrality and freedom. You can do this breathing exercise several times on the same charged issue. Do it until you feel a change that moves you towards neutrality. It is also important at this time to step away from others projections, not take anything personally, and stay out of any drama created by another's reactions.

This new moon is about the self. Resist the temptation to project and meddle elsewhere. Take care of your own backyard. Do something that is important to you. Tremendous healing is available to you during this time if you stay focused. Watch the energy leaks!



Here is an astrological take on the New Moon, from astrologer
Patricia Liles. Contact her at

Libra Super New Moon, Thursday, Oct. 7, 12:45 PM MDT at 14º Libra

Note:* Super New Moon is when the Sun is closest to the Earth and in precise alignment with the Moon and Earth increasing its potency. This is the last of three Super New Moons in a row.

We are in that dangerous and exalted moment of metamorphasis when the old skin has become too tight and the new skin is not yet functional. We are vulnerable and raw and as yet unformed. Nonetheless, we are committed to our growth. Each new moon or planetary alignment provides a contraction and undulation that moves us forward in our evolutionary state. The summer has provided an enormous opportunity to go deep and release especially in the lower chakras.

The first chakra at the base of the spine may be releasing issues of deep instinctual fear of loss of survival and what we may have had to do to survive horrific conditions as well as the armoring and protection we hold there as a result. It's where our security and our relationship with our body lie.

Second chakra release may reveal the emotional and sexual issues of past humiliation, joylessness or abuse that have been buried and carried for generations creating extreme sensitivities in our behavior. Located in the abdomen, sexual organs and lower back, this is where we connect through feeling and desire with others - also where we can manipulate others and in turn, be manipulated creating the seesaw of love-hate relationship. Through a cleared second chakra, we can welcome and embrace change and creativity.

The third chakra holds our personal power, will, and intention. Located at the solar plexus near the navel, it distributes our energy and helps us hold and use power in a balanced way. Greed, domination, self destruction and feelings of powerlessness may be asking for passage into the light so one can step into one's true personal power.

Higher-centered states are present, but are not the greater focus. Clearing out the relationship patterns and self-esteem issues engrained by hundreds of years of repetition and cultural reinforcement are up for healing before we move forward into higher frequency experience.

The Super*New Moon chart with the Sun and Moon in Libra focuses us on our relationships and bringing in the energies of balance and cooperation. We are learning to compromise for the sake of relationship. Venus rules this chart. The day after New Moon she goes retrograde (once every 18 mos.) until Nov. 18. Retrograde takes us more deeply within to look again at what we want to give power to in relationship. It brings old relationship issues from the past up to be re-examined and healed. We all know that this relationship work is only with ourselves and our mates, partners, bosses, children, teachers, and neighbors only act as mirrors to show us our inner selves more clearly. Beautiful Venus is in Scorpio, the sign of the dark feminine, so there are incentives for seeking out what lies in the dark and is crying out to be transformed. Where do your attachments lie? How are you protecting your heart? Where are you being standoffish or overly sensitive? Venus also rules money, possessions and values and these areas may be the bone the dogs of our shadow-selves are fighting over with our beloveds. The result of bringing more consciousness to Venus-ruled areas will be felt in more intimacy and shared powerfulness. Venus is traveling with Mars her masculine counterpart. They are in a higher frequency aspect with Jupiter and Uranus. The masculine and feminine planets are aligning with those two rebel rousers, Uranus and Jupiter to shake up and expand the way we hold our male/female energies and relationships. Everyone out there is witness to relationships ending and new ones beginning and unusual alliances forming to learn and grow and create.

Pluto and Ceres are mirroring this cosmic dance of relationship. They were linked long ago in mythology when the God of the Under World, Pluto, kidnapped Ceres' precious daughter, Persephone. Ceres' grief was overwhelming and she made the Earth pay heavily for her unhappiness. Now and through the Full Moon these two planetoids are conjunct and near the North Node, the point of our growth. Their first conjunction brought us the Gulf Oil spill and now their last conjunction on Oct. 19th will keep our relationship to Mother Earth and our own bodies in our minds and hearts. In the sign of Capricorn our government, industry, and authority figures are asked to recognize their on-going responsibility to the planet that nourishes and supports us.

Saturn and Mercury are heavy hitters in this New Moon chart as well. They are within 1º of each other in Libra (7-8º) and closely square the North and South Nodes. The nodes show what we have brought from the past and need to resolve this lifetime to evolve and grow into the gifts of the north node. Mercury squaring the nodes can bring up issues of finding our inner voice, the self-deprecation surrounding our intelligence or under achievement or arrogance about being 'right'. Mercury here wants us to learn to monitor our thoughts and what we are creating with them.

Saturn will show up as challenges in the practical physical world - how to pay the bills, your parent has Alzheimer's, toothaches, or just having to get up in the morning and keep the daily grind going because you see no other way. No internal work=despair, indifference or even hostility (i.e. take out the whole university). Focus and discipline is always the road Saturn points to. Completion and putting one foot in front of the other for the long haul to complete the challenge of transformation to higher frequency, more conscious lives are the name of the game. It may be Saturn's parting message to us as it leaves the huge pressure of the T-Square of the last several months. These are HUGE planetary changes that we are experiencing. We have passed a huge portal as we move pass this New Moon. The next Full Moon of Oct. 22 has no evidence of the T-Square, and the Nov. Full Moon has many trines and harmonious aspects focused on Venus. Continue to awaken, heal and balance the masculine and feminine energies in self and with others throughout this time frame. The issues of this New Moon will easily carry through November. Now we plateau, catch our breath, review all that has taken place since Spring Equinox and prepare for the movement in spring when Uranus moves into Aries and into a long lasting challenging square with Pluto that will carry us through 2012 and beyond bringing sweeping and radical changes to our external political and government and business arenas that reflect the work we are doing internally in our own lives.

10/08 Venus goes retrograde in Scorpio 13º
10/22 Full Moon in Aries 7:38 PM MDT
10/23 Sun enters Scorpio at 6:34 AM PDT
11/07 Daylight Savings Time ends

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Intensive is coming, the Intensive is here--starts October 7th

A very quick post..with more to come soon.
First, if you missed my monthly free session on "Getting Into Action" I am sorry you missed was very powerful but clearly an experience for just exactly those who showed up. We did the Nun Karma repatterning and you can read all about this very special repatterning at my February 20th blog post earlier this year.

Joyful Manifesting--the Intensive--is our every two month journey into major clearing and unblocking, into manifesting what you want NOW. Another session of these 5 days of Virtual Proxy shifts is about to begin.

YOu can still register up until noon on October 7th by going here:

There is a bit of preparation, and you can find the instructions at my August 10th, 2010 blog post in this very blog!

Many blessings and joyful manifestations to you,