Saturday, December 26, 2015

Happy holidays! All Planets in Direct Motion--a rare event!

Happy holidays to you!  We've just had a rare Christmas full moon.  The last Joyful Manifesting transformational series of 2015 begins tomorrow. Registration closes at midnight tonite at   (Dates on the website have been extended). This program helps bring more of what you want into your life with ease. 

Even more rare: All planets are in direct motion between December 25 and January 5.  That means they are all moving forward—when no planets are in retrograde.  (Mercury goes Retrograde on January 5th and you can also get repatterned for that!). 

So what does this astro-speak mean to you? ALL of the planetary support is there for forward motion, nothing holding us back--"full steam ahead!" 

Yet it's the middle of winter, just past the Solstice time of the void, where Nature's rhythms ask us to listen, to allow the still small voice within to whisper, to dream about what we wish to plant  and bring to fruition this year.  And it's holiday time, so it's not the time get into massive action--it's not about "just go do it" right now. 

How can we use this "Full Steam Ahead" energy then? 

During this window, between Christmas and New Year's with the help of all the planets, we can review 2015--what we’ve learned, what we want to keep and nurture, and what we want to sow.  To initiate the New Year, we envision first, plant seeds, and stimulate the movement of beginning. 

In a world that values action above everything, that doesn't feel like we're doing much.  Yet it is the most powerful thing we can do at this time.  (To get some other ideas for what to do with the All planets direct, read to the bottom of this post)

I'd love to help you utilize the All Planets Direct energy along with the fresh start energy we have each New Year! How? Join me for a two part  group teleseminar, called "Ring out the Old: Ring in the New for 2016 Manifesting Peace and Prosperity for All".  

My work is always personal--to benefit YOUR life--and your loved ones.   In these new times it feels important to manifest together in collaboration and mutual support--so we include our individual needs and desires while also honoring the collective.  Working this way, whether in a visioning circle, prayer or actual group projects, magnifies our ability to move our lives and our world forward in alignment, harmony and cooperation. 

Our first session will be Sunday night 5pm Mountain/7pm Eastern, and it will be a guided exploration of the year past AND a repatterning session.  If you can’t join us you are welcome to send intentions—before, or after the call, and you’ll be proxied in.  And of course, it will be recorded for you to listen to afterwards. 

How to proxy in?  Just email me that you want to be proxied in, and how you plan to pay (see options below). 

The second session will be on Thursday 12/31 at 11:11 Mountain time (that's 1:11 pm Eastern) We'll do some visioning together followed by a manifesting circle.  How would you like prosperity and peace of mind to look in YOUR life, your family and community, and the world in 2016?  

We will utilize the power of the group, amplified by planetary energy, use subconscious manifesting techniques to move the vision into our bodies and into physical manifestation.   Then, let’s celebrate—it is DONE!

The fee for these three events is just $47 (that’s what I charge for a group repatterning these days.)  Because I want as many people to join as possible…I am offering this in a pay what you want format…with a minimal payment of $27 to reflect the energy of exchange.  

To register, it's simple.  (No links at my website, not enought time to set that up!) 

Just email me at and tell me you want in on the New Year’s Peace & Prosperity group, whether you want to be proxied in, and how you will pay for the session.

Three ways to pay:
1) If you are a regular client (and I have your card# on file), I can simply charge your account..tell me how much.  (anywhere from $27 to $47)
2) I can send you a Paypal invoice for whatever amount you wish to pay—let me know!
3) You can mail a check to me, Ellen Shapiro.  Use PO Box 22994, Santa Fe, NM 87502.   

Looking forward!  Full Steam Ahead!

With love and fresh inspiration,

1. We can consider acceleration, movement and velocity as intrinsic to APDM timings, and observe or apply core potential.
2. We can open to discovery, information and/or messages during APDM.
3. We can meditate and/or dance together, or individually, apply timing and conscious focus to conceive new ideas, organic cures, set the intention, visioning.
4. We can BLOG our thoughts, observations and feelings before, during and after APDM cycles, checking for similar themes.
5. We can take note of apparent APDM themes including faith, confidence, determination.
6. It takes a Village to unpack APDM. our combined participation makes a difference. in fact APDM is all about global participation during the approaching Aquarian Age.
7. We can co-create an enlightening experience through a collective vision for the future of humanity.


Sunday, September 27, 2015

Another full moon is upon us-tonight!-and that means time for another round of Joyful Manifesting. You can still register until tomorrow

Allow the powerful energy shifts of the Joyful Manifesting program to assist support help you get let go and open to the new, and get aligned with what you want to bring in with these powerful energies that are here now. 

It's not only a full moon but it's a lunar eclipse and a rare configuration called a blood moon.  There are many prophecies and predictions around this planetary event.  I tend to ignore those that are about doomsday and Revelation-like apocalypse and seek meaning and guidance..what is leaving, what is coming in, what are we being asked to re-examine and shift?   I look for information that is empowering and that asks me to look at what I can do, or what consciousness to hold.

For this Blood Moon Energy, take time to meditate, turn inside, get quiet and listen...however YOU do that.  

Here is some information from a longer article, these were excerpts I found meaningful.  You can read the full article here:

 “With this last Aries Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse, it’s time to integrate the endings, awakenings, transformations and death and rebirth experiences related to the balance of Self and Other, completing our initiation into a more balanced exchange between the masculine and feminine energies of life as well as between women and men.”

-Cathy Pagano (click name for full article)

“First and foremost we want to dramatically change our relationship with ourselves - as anything we want or need or desire OUT THERE can only be fulfilled and truly experienced when we have found it IN HERE.

“Any relationships that are on solid footing are fine- you may experience things that rock your boat, but if your ship does not have holes in it and you are both willing to do the work to row to a safe harbor you will be fine.

“For others who have issues up and perhaps have large holes in their boat- this final Eclipse may be a time to think about whether those issues/holes can be fixed and if both people are willing to do the work necessary to fix them- or if it’s better to jump ship before you go down with it…”

-Divine Harmony 

Here is a long article, pretty far out..but uplifting...take what is useful..leave the rest! 

Final Blood Moon: Anchoring unity creation September 24, 2015 by Lauren                                       
Happy belated equinox dear people of HEART! We may have merely survived another season of ascension, but the one that follows promises to be unlike ANY other…in the history of everness.

When I sat down to transcribe this report, the first words that entered my mind were: “The new world consciousness begins now.”  If you are not feeling the truth of that already, you will soon enuf. We all have our own perfect, unique, divine timing…one that dovetails into the perfection of our lives, relationships and personal creations. Aka, ALL is well.

If you’re reading this then you already know that September is and has been a HUGE, supercharged month of majorly shifting tides.  For some, a life-changing ‘event is on the horizon’, for others a deeper call to full truth, but for ALL…whether conscious or not…a turning point is definitely on tap.

A brand new frequency, steady & ready to take us to the heights of sustainable creative bliss. Certainly there is a whole lotta colorful hype about what this upcoming final blood moon heralds for humanity, but just like when 2012 came and went, these events are never what we conjure up in our heads.

That is definitely not to say that amazing, unspeakable gifts of goodness won’t befall us…in fact, this is already happening for some…it’s just that these waves of energy don’t affect everyone in the same way, at the same time. In the world of causality, the interpretations are spanning the gamut in the usual, polarizing ways…from the common “mass rapture” talk at one end, to the always popular doom & gloom theories at the other.

This is pretty typical aggrandizement for duality, where the separated mind tends to gravitate toward extremes…but we know better.  We know that in unity, the truth is always somewhere in the middle and solely contingent on Self…
on how much LOVE we can hold in our HEARTs and how much light we can carry in our cells.

We know that in 5D, that is the only gauge we ever have for how we experience anything.

Yes, we are all receiving this energy… no, not everyone is ready to utilize it. Yes, this energy will change things in the world around us in grandiose ways…no, it will not be immediate. The point is that the unified heart-mind is unconcerned with “what will happen out there” knowing that the creation of worlds is all an inside job. (And yes, that includes things like: the global economy.)  Those who get that concept, and employ it consistently and without fail, are those who are ready to benefit immediately from this serious boost of Source.

Speaking of which, and moving deeper into the second eclipse/blood super moon combo, there is absolutely a brand new, fully tangible, never-before-experienced frequency being delivered to us as I write this, resulting in a tremendous momentum of creation energy brought forth to the planet.  It has been pulsing thru us since the solar eclipse and, from what I am told, will span the rest of this year and beyond…most notably from (September) equinox to (March) equinox of 2016…but we are in the thick of it right now, rising to the crescendo point.

And tho I say that it is being “delivered to us”, the starry folk remind me that while this energy wave is seemingly arriving from a Source outside of ourselves (ie, the galactic center) that we need to keep the holographic and empowered perspective that it is in fact coming FROM us, not TO us in the sense that we ourselves…aka, the Source inside of us…is heralding it. From the (3D) outside-in perspective it looks and feels as tho this energy is coming into our hearts when in actuality…from the (5D) inside-out perspective…it is our awakened hearts that is actually calling it forth. Simple perspective shift, profound difference…and one we must maintain to create in unity, where there is no separation between Self and Source.

This fortified, effervescent frequency is bringing with it many things known and unknown…but of the most pressing, according to our star kin and therefore the focus of this article, is our return to creator God status. Back in the July report the Pleiadians mentioned that moving into August (via the lion’s gate) we would be reconnecting with our magic powers…cultivating creativity to the point that we may actually be able to DO something with it.  What they failed to mention, however (and likely on purpose), was the eruption of old energy around creation that would emerge for mass clearing. 😳

So, soon after the 888 gateway you may have definitely been throttled by a good ole fashioned dust-up of old unresolved/unLOVEd feelings around your creator power/powerlessness and purpose…ie, whether or not you feel in command of your life, of sustaining yourself solely on the merit of BEing GOD.  This may have been served with a side dish of poverty thinking (for review), or at the least, a moment to reassess where you sit now on the prosperity-lack continuum.

BUT, beneath those old stories, and the extent to which you are willing/able to let go-move on…is a beautiful new consistent flow of (unity) creation that is steady and ready to take those prepared to the heights of sustainable creative bliss. You may be already be feeling this creative fire beginning to burn inside of you in ways you haven’t felt since before 2012…aka, since before all of our focus was on the monumental and unforgiving task of clearing out the lower body system in preparation for ensoulment.  The best part is…depending on how clear your vessel…the momentum of this creative surge is going to continue to build as we all power up individually, and then spread this LOVE thru the grids. As the grid pulses with this concentrated Source frequency (think: 100th monkey) it enables more and more people to awaken, to bump up, to receive new creative orders (downloads from our spiritual blueprints) for exciting, purposeful new earth endeavors.

Again, if you are not feeling the ecstasy of said vibration, don’t fret. The point, as always, is that it’s here-now and available for everyONE and ALL who consciously choose to do what it takes to embody it. There is no rush, and this is not a race.  We have a very long, exciting road ahead, so pace yourself.  We know full-well the encompassing journey of purification-to-embodiment and it is never something worth expediting…or trying to. It’s like the Seven Sisters of Pleiades once said:  “The point isn’t where you are on the journey, it’s that you’re on it at all.”  

Cosmically speaking, this is beyond an exciting time…it is something we won’t be able to wrap our brains around in totality yet, but rest assured it is everything we are here for, everything we worked toward is happening now. And as we move into the fullness of the new/unified creation energy, those ready (those who have completed the karmic recycling program) will experience a “clicking into place” as the first group of souls moves deep into the flow of all good things…without a paddle!

There is a leap required, and you will know it when it presents, but don’t hesitate because that step in faith will quickly be replaced by the tremendous magnetic support of your universe. Are you ready to finally and fully PLAY with passion, purpose & potential to live and LOVE limitlessly? It’s GO time.  ©As LOVE, Inc. 2015 All rights reserved. 
Permission granted to copy and redistribute The 5D Report’s FREE VERSION ONLY on the condition that the content remains complete, intact, full credit is given to the author, and that it’s distributed freely.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Planetary Update - Ease Your Way through Mercury Retrograde

L'shanah tovah -- Happy New Year!  We are about to go into the Rosh Hashanah holiday, the Jewish New Year, a time of remembrance, prayer, cleansing, self forgiveness and forgiving others.  Use this energy, whether you identify as Jewish or not, for letting go and new beginnings. 

If you are feeling powerful energies, and shifts that may not seem directly related to your day to day life, but from a deeper place...welcome to September!  Lots of planets changing direction, Pluto going direct, Venus too (strengthening the 'native' powers of these planets), and everybody's favorite, Mercury Retrograde. Yes, it's here again. 

Did you know I do a proxy (distance) group session to help you ease your way through the Retrograde period?  I can't change the planets (not yet, anyway, give me a few more years to develop my superpowers!), but I can help you shift the way you react to them.   The "regulars" who sign up for these sessions swear they make life easier...

Register here by midnight September 14: 

Keynotes with Mercury Retrograde--humor, patience, be careful with communications, if  you must sign contracts, read the fine print carefully--and re-read to make sure you read it correctly.   It is a time when our thought processes are less linear, more right brained than usual.  I should know, because I was born under a Mercury retrograde.  An astrologer once told me, "People born under a Mercury retrograde march to a different drummer".  What do you think, dear reader? I'm pretty sure you too will agree that that astrologer was right about me. 

But relax--it should not be as stressful as usual--I for one am really glad to hear it, because the last one was a humdinger! 

Each Mercury Retrograde has its own 'flavor', depending on Mercury's relative position to the other planets. This one will have a focus on partnership and relationships. 

Here's a take from a different astrologer than the two I usually quote from, on the upcoming retrograde...

That site,, has some interesting information about the September 13 solar eclipse and the healing of broken hearts:

Karyl Jackson is another astrologer who writes well on the retrograde, and this article has broader explanations too.

So, from me, you can get repatterned for Mercury retrograde, and this is also a GREAT time to do 
some ancestral clearing (Special price on 3 session package of Ancestral Alchemy, through mid November) or some in-depth one on one work around relationships or money....

Enjoy the powerful energies, and let me know how I can support you  on your journey to greater happiness, fulfillment and prosperity. I'm here for you. 

Many blessings,

If you're ready to sign up for Mercury retrograde, the link again is:   (sign up by midnight tomorrow night 9/14)

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Strength and Wisdom for Dancing with Change

We had a lovely, intimate teleclass tonight on this topic--sorry you missed it.  Readings, teaching, conversation and inspiration.

I invite you to listen to the recordings here over the weekend or as it suits you, and let me know what you think.  The longer first recording is the teaching call.  The second recording is my first recording of Holding Presence and for some reason it cut off very early, but you may enjoy the first few minutes.

Some questions to explore--that I assigned as 'homework for further self inquiry' on the call:

1. How do you tend to react to, and handle change?  What is your habitual response--do you get overwhelmed, frustrated and angry, want to go ostrich and stick your head in the sand? 

2.  Can you think of a time when you handled change well?  What did you do that worked for you? Is there a way to learn from that time, or use those skills again? 

The question that came through from Spirit on the Holding Presence call was:

"What wants to grow here?  What is trying to emerge in the garden or blank canvas of my life?"

Would love to hear your response! 

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Change, change change!  Would you like tools that will help you navigate and dance more easily through all the letting go and new habits you're wanting to establish?  I want to share some tools with you that I've found very effective, for me and for clients, and also a little bit about the changes I'm making in my business-new directions.  I am offering some special teleclasses the first two weeks of July for this, so make sure to read the details below.  First one is Thursday July 2nd at 8:30pm Eastern.

Change is my game, and I recently decided that who I am is a reinventionist.  It is another one of those cycles of big change for me right now, as I am reinventing my body and my busines--it's a perfect time to reconnect and speak directly to you--my clients and readers.  Because I have so much experience with reinventing myself, I can serve you as a guide through these transformational times, where we are ALL being asked to reinvent. 

A little secret for you--I still go through my kicking and screaming resistance phase--but I move through it a lot faster now with my tools!  Our brains have evolved to instinctively resist change, so even when we want to shift, it's not that easy.

Exactly what I want to speak to you about in these upcoming teleclasses.  July's theme is Retrain Your Brain--so it's all perfect! 

Reinvention requires a stage of chaos—as old ways break down, there is chaos before the new emerges.   For me, that is showing up as "break out of your rut".  That means listening deeply to my inner guidance, after being somewhat overwhelmed by the din of experts. Nothing against expert advice—I give it too, when asked--and well meaning, skilled and insightful knowledge from others is vital—but all in its place and time.  

Like everything in the age of Information Overload, it requires discernment, discernment, discernment!

In the spirit of breaking out, I've got not one, or two but FOUR teleclasses for you, starting this Thursday 7/2.  (Thursday evenings, Tuesday lunch time) Call in details for 7/2 are at the bottom of this page. 

Strength and Wisdom for Moving through Change
Thursdays, 7/2 and 7/9,  6:30 pm MT (8:30 EDT) 
Conversation, guided exploration, teaching and Holding Presence

Tapping into Wealth Tuesdays: Lunch and Earn! 
Tuesdays at 11:30 Mountain, 1:30 Eastern, 7/7/ and 7/14
Insights, transformational coaching and EFT meridian tapping
from my Tapping into Wealth work. 

Further Details: 

On the Thursday evening calls 
Guided discussion, led by me, with weavings in relevant personal sharing, teaching and transformation.  I want to share some new directions happening in my business and my life.  You'll also get a chance to share and be heard--and coached.  PLUS something brand new, called Holding Presence.  (Actually I've been doing it for many years but never named it). It will be an intuitive group energy reading on behalf of the group.

On Tuesdays at lunch time
Tapping into Wealth Tuesdays-I'm also calling it Lunch and Earn (as opposed to Lunch and Learn! ). We'll explore various topics around money, wealth, growing your income, and you'll get a taste of  Tapping into Wealth coaching and EFT meridian tapping for clearing money and prosperity issues. 

Please note: these calls are NO charge because I'm trying out some new things here--yet they will offer value and support!  Have friends you are wanting to introduce to me?  This is the perfect thing to invite them to.   

Yes, they will be recorded.  But so much richer if YOU are on the call! 

CALL IN DETAILS: Thurs 7/2 at 6:30pm MT, 8:30 pm Eastern

Strength and Wisdom for Dancing through Change part 1 
Date & Time: Thursday, July 2nd at 6:30pm Mountain

Attend by Phone: 
Primary dial in number: (425) 440-5100 
Guest pin code: 370169#   

Listen via web- event Page:

Monday, June 1, 2015

Time to Drop or Revise Old Stories: Full moon updates for early June

It's Full Moon in Sagittarius tomorrow--a powerful time for moving forward.  And the perfect time to receive a "vitamin blast" or fresh juice energizer smoothie--for that forward movement.  How? It's so easy with energy shifts done-for-you via my Joyful Manifesting program.  Go here to learn more or sign up..first session is June 3 so don't hesitate..and also feel free to email me with any questions if you are new to this program or my work.  

Joyful Manifesting--registration extended till midnight June 2nd.

Here are three different takes on the current moon and planetary energies:

From shamanic healer Lena Stevens:
This moon is energized, inspiring, and supports creative action and breakthrough in ideas, problem solving and new ways of approaching something.  Watch Impatience and beware of frustration around not being able to do everything at the same time. Allow yourself to be inspired and lifted by what is showing up most powerfully. 

There is plenty of time. Do one thing at a time and take that action with enthusiasm.  This is an especially good time for anything that has felt stuck, sluggish and confusing to find a new creative approach and you may suddenly find that you have way more support around a project than you had originally perceived. Allow the support to help you and the movement to flow.
There is a higher centered wave of energy available right now that can energize the daily activity to a higher spiritual plane but will make things feel a bit otherworldly and less grounded. To take
advantage of the higher centered influence you will need to trust something other than your rational mind.

From astrologer Pat Lilies: 
Well, we’re certainly not in the double Taurus energy we were in at New Moon a mere two weeks ago.  The Sun as of May 21 leaped out of its earthy influence and right into the quick, mental airiness of Gemini,  and who did the Sun find, but lively and spontaneous Mercury and action loving Mars! Now, the flexibility, curiosity, and sociability of the Sun’s power in Gemini are capable of moving the most stuck ‘dig your heels in’ energy of Taurus.  Some major juggernauts moved at that shift point.   

With Gemini-Sagittarius, we find ourselves in an air-fire environment and that means strong mental energy, objectivity, inspiration and enthusiasm!  We can use that!  We find Gemini’s ruler, Mercury, happily in its own sign even though retrograde until June 11 (and not fully regaining its degree of retrograde until June 26).  

Mercury in retrograde might even be seen as a stabilizing force as it encourages us to reflect on our actions, regroup mentally after the challenges that surfaced with the eclipse energy of March-April, and to claim the objective view that air signs are so good at

From astrologer Marina Ormes: 
Sagittarius Full Moon-Making New Meaning From Old Stories (my note: LOVE this theme!)
This Full Moon helps us look at the ways we tell stories that may not serve us. What are the problems or challenges you face? Chances are there is a story you are telling about those
issues--not enough time, not enough money, not deserving, not capable, not supported, etc.  This meditation will help you access your own inner wisdom about how to shift that story and 
get to the place of solution.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Time to go within and review..again! Mercury going retrograde NOW....

The energies of April and May have been busy, intense and all over the map!  Interestingly both our New Moon tomorrow and Mercury going retrograde, encourage us to use this time to re-examine, to review, to re-set our goals and our energy for what we are consciously choosing to create.

Mercury Retrograde has a bad rap now--a lot has been written about how it's a challenging time for communications and technology.  And it IS that!  Which is why I offer a Mercury Retrograde E-Z energy clearing and adjustment session to help you cope.  I also include intentions in the session for using the time wisely. 

To register by midnight May 18th, go to

Most people don't realize that there are also some wonderfully supportive energies within this three week time period.  If there were no purpose to having Mercury go retrograde 3 or 4 times a year, I don't think it would happen!   The Universe may be perplexing to us, but it is NOT wasteful!  

The brief piece below from astrologer Marina Ormes at explains this very well. (See the PS for another astrologer's take on this Mercury retrograde...)

"Happy New Moon in Taurus as  Mercury goes retrograde.
Mercury retrograde is a time for review and reflection. People sometimes complain about technology and communication challenges, because outward communication can feel, well, thwarted.
Backing up your computer, double-checking your calendar and itineraries, and asking clarifying questions to make sure you understand can help you avoid frustration and unnecessary suffering.
But remember to also attend to the inner communication that is actually improved when Mercury is retrograde. It's a great time for journaling and taking time to reflect on recent developments and what is important to you. Take time to reflect and set your intentions for the month."

Could you use the gentle yet effective support of being "repatterned" for Mercury Retrograde, for gliding through it with grace and humor instead of frustration annd aggravation--and for giving yourself permission to slow down, and be a bit introspective...If so don't miss out...go right now to register .....Mercury can make you more forgetful and distracted...registration closes midnight on Monday but why put it off when you are likely to forget?   Right here, right now--let the E-Z times roll! 

One more interesting take on Mercury Retrograde from astrologer Chris Largent:
Demonstrating that our solar system has a warped sense of humor, the Uranus-Pluto "Wake Up Shake Up" aspect goes on vacation just as Mercury goes retrograde next week.  That is, on Monday, May 18th, following a Taurus New Moon no less, the little Messenger seems to change direction at about 10 in the morning — and stays that way until Thursday, June 11th.

The reason for the humor, warped or otherwise, is that the retrograde period enables us to look back at "Wake Up Shake Up" aspect, which approached in 2010, was exact for the first time in 2012, and made its last exact connection in mid-March of this year.  It doesn't get back in the saddle until after Thanksgiving this year, and then it rides off into the sunset in early 2016.  But it's not exact any more.  The seven exact Uranus-Pluto squares have already happened.  As a result, we get to reflect of how our lives have changed during this time.

In other words, this retrograde, while being annoying in its typical little ways — the standard cautions are given below — offers us clarity about the long-term dynamics of change.  This is one retrograde that may make what's really happening on the planet much clearer.

In keeping with this, it's a good time to be more reflective, especially to reduce our nervous system overload.  Much of this simply involves taking more rest and reflection time.  There'smore, though, that we can do.  I was recently reminded that the human nervous system 
operates between high beta at about 30 Hz and deep delta, just below 4 Hz.  But the In-
formation Age devices we use entrain us to between 50 and 60 Hz.  When that happens, welose our connection to the cosmic, mystical, or holistic awareness (whatever we wish to call 
it) and replace that awareness with mere stress.

So, this retrograde also encourages us to use protective devices, most of which can be        found on the Information Age web, and take good care of the health of our nervous systems.  

We still have a Super Success aspect operating collectively through early June, so we can also look for new opportunities, engaging with the organic processes of our lives and nature, and networking in our communities, allowing ourselves to be supported by those around us  (both here and on the other side).  We can get our support teams on board.

We may need them, too, for Mercury's little annoyances — and here are the usual notes:

1) Since this is an inward-turning time, people may not be alert on the highway.  So, we       need to DRIVE CAREFULLY.

2) A reflective time also means re-activities.  We may redo, revise, revisit, retool, rescript,     rethink, or recheck things.  We may find that old relationships, creative projects, and work   projects return or need to be rethought (including, with Neptune in its own sign, the return    of relationship dynamics from past lifetimes).

3) Because of our inward orientation, Mercury retrograde may also represent distraction and confusion.  We need to double-check all plans we make and plan ahead.  And allow extra   time to get where we’re going.

4) We also need to communicate as clearly as possible, which often means repeating things until we’re clear that everyone understands what is being said.  The same is true of              listening.  We need to double-check what we think we heard someone say.  During a           retrograde, we often hear only what is in our own minds. 

5) This IS a time of contemplation.  We have an opportunity to slow down and look at our      lives.  We may re-examine our relationship and work commitments.  We may rethink our    health and finances.  And overall, we may look for alternatives to our present life commit-   ments.  This is a major change time.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Happy Easter and Passover! And full moon lunar eclipse!

Spring has sprung, here in New Mexico.  Everything is flowering!  Allergies blossoming too :-)

Here we are, again!, in another major transformational window between two eclipses, the March 20 new moon solar eclipse and this April 4 lunar eclipse.

Eclipses are times of sudden changes and endings.  An old way of being, even a lifetime perspective you've had, can shift abruptly.  Great clarity is possible too--realizing a relationship is over, or isn't what you thought it was.

It can be intense--and you don't have to go it alone, support is here!  I can offer you private sessions of Resonance Repatterning, Tapping into Wealth and personal and business coaching and intuitive guidance.  Like groups?   Joyful Manifesting for April is about to begin and that's a great way to reap the benefits of my psychic backhoe (clearing out your old gunk and issues, helping you align with what you really want).  It's distance or virtual work so you just go about your life while I do the clearing.  Learn more and sign up at

Want a more interactive group to help you stay focused, on track, getting more done AND enjoying yourself?  Look for info from me on the expanded, upgraded group program called "Get More Done Have More Fun" brain retraining--nicknamed "Fire your Inner Slavedriver!" starting in May.

My mantra has become "leave no stone unturned" in my quest for personal, spiritual and financial freedom--and in my work with clients. In that spirit, here's a beautiful poem by Jennifer Welwood.  Enjoy it!


Willing to experience aloneness,
I discover connection everywhere.
Turning to face my fear,
I meet the Warrior within.

Opening to my loss,
I gain the embrace of the Universe;

Surrendering into emptiness,
I find Fullness without end.

Each condition I flee from, pursues me
Each condition I welcome, transforms me;
And becomes itself, transformed,
Into its radiant jewel-like Essence.

I bow to the One who has made it so
Who has crafted this Master Game:

To play it is purest delight;
To honor its form,  true devotion.

-Jennifer Welwood

Sunday, February 1, 2015

A Fresh Approach to Cultvating Self-Love and Self-Reverence

I like to celebrate February as the month of self-love..self-love must come first and foremost, whether we have an intimate partner or not.   This idea of an Embodied Self-love practice is based on teaching from Master Zhenzan Dao, in his Daoist sexuality classes. 

It's simple, but profound.  What is this? The Embodied self-love practice is about touching yourself regularly with love and kindness. Through doing this, it becomes natural to appreciate your body more, and feel more sensual, sensitive and fully alive. 

Daily, or a few times a week, touch your body like a caring friend or lover, using organic coconut or grapeseed oil. Depending on the time you’ve set aside, you can massage the whole body, just the face, or whichever places that want your touch the most, and don’t be shy to include your intimate areas.

Make it a ritual, use soft music or candles if you like.  It doesn’t need to take long, most days it’s about 10 minutes for me, though sometimes I treat myself to a longer ‘session’. You can do this any time of day, though some people find it too stimulating at night.  (I can share more with you about this practice privately so contact me with your questions)

How does this work? The body is literal—it translates being touched with love to “I am loved. My body is lovable, my life matters.”  This is how infants form attachments--how we all learn to feel loved.  Attachment research in psychology has proven--and we all know this instinctively--that only the infants that get touched will thrive and develop fully.  Touch tells the infant it is loved.   

This concept is the basis, in fact, of the “Self-Acceptance Repatterning” Resonance Repatterning session that I offer clients. 

Why else is touch so profound? Touch feeds your parasympathetic nervous system, which in turn helps you relax, and feel more connected to yourself and to others.  It will help you digest and sleep better, and feel more peaceful. From a Daoist point of view, self-touch, especially around our intimate areas, enlivens and reconnects us to our jing, the core creative and procreative energy that gave us the spark of life.   Touching ourselves actually makes us more alive and more of who we truly are. 

From concept to embodied reality, this practice generates an internal feeling of goodness, acceptance and pleasure.  I have discovered that through Embodied Self-Love I can experience what I always longed to receive from a partner, whether he's in my life or not. This practice can be your key too, to being more fulfilled and free from any dependence on a partner or friends for approval and attention.       

If you desire a new partner or a richer relationship with your current partner, Embodied self-love will help you come to your relationship full, rather than from lack or neediness.  It will benefit you even if you are not in partnership or not wanting one, by freeing you to experience more love, pleasure and satisfaction.

It’s a great way to finally end that vain effort to fill a hollow place in yourself with water from another’s well, to liberate yourself from needing food, substances, entertainment, money, achievement or material goods to feel satisfied.  Now THAT is abundance and true flourishing!    

Experiment, let me know how it goes. I’m here for encouragement and guidance if you need it. Let the joy, pleasure and self-love begin.

Many blessings,

PS Speaking of self-love, you are welcome to join me for a 21 Challenge and Joy Party of Productivity and Self-Love--Retrain your Brain the Celebrate progress.  We begin 2/4 and registration stays open till 2/11.  Retraining begins as soon as you sign up so why wait? More info at:       

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Happy Imbolc!

A seasonal note—I am not a pagan but I enjoy the rhythm of the pagan holidays because they are based on the natural cycles of the seasons and the earth.  So not only is this Superbowl weekend (hmm, is that a modern pagan holiday?) but it’s Imbolc, or Candlemas. 

It’s a holiday honoring the fire goddess, Brigid and the “seed” energy of the light returning.   I’ve posted more information and some suggestions about celebrate and honor this time in the natural year.  Take what resonates for you and leaves the rest.  

Some ideas for you…lighting candles, doing a cleansing ritual, do an initiation ceremony, make something with your hands.    Even if where you live it doesn’t feel to springlike, the wheel of the year is turning and the light tells us spring is coming.  Enjoy!  

Here's more information on this time of year.  Source is this website:

“This holiday is also known as Candlemas, or Brigid's (pronounced BREED) Day. One of the 4 Celtic "Fire Festivals. Commemorates the changing of the Goddess from the Crone to the Maiden. Celebrates the first signs of Spring. Also called "Imbolc" (the old Celtic name).

This is the seasonal change where the first signs of spring and the return of the sun are noted, i.e. the first sprouting of leaves, the sprouting of the Crocus flowers etc. In other words, it is the festival commemorating the successful passing of winter and the beginning of the agricultural year. This Festival also marks the transition point of the threefold Goddess energies from those of Crone to Maiden.

It is the day that we celebrate the passing of Winter and make way for Spring. It is the day we honour the rebirth of the Sun and we may visualize the baby sun nursing from the Goddess's breast. It is also a day of celebrating the Celtic Goddess Brigid. Brigid is the Goddess of Poetry, Healing, Smithcraft, and Midwifery. If you can make it with your hands, Brigid rules it.

She is a triple Goddess, so we honour her in all her aspects. This is a time for communing with her, and tending the lighting of her sacred flame. At this time of year, Wiccans will light multiple candles, white for Brigid, for the god usually yellow or red, to remind us of the passing of winter and the entrance into spring, the time of the Sun. This is a good time for initiations.

This can be a time of purification after the shut-in life of Winter, through the renewing power of the Sun. It is also a festival of light and of fertility, once marked in Europe with huge blazes, torches and fire in every form. Fire here represents our own illumination and inspiration as much as light and warmth.

It is traditional upon Imbolc, at sunset or just after ritual, to light every lamp in the house - if only for a few moments. Or, light candles in each room in honour of the Sun’s rebirth. If snow lies on the ground outside, walk in it for a moment, recalling the warmth of summer. With your projective hand, trace an image of the Sun on the snow."

Happy Imbolc, see you soon,

Friday, January 23, 2015

The REAL New Year begins now...2015 planetary energies

Human Design is a super-useful system for understanding yourself and your blueprint for happiness and success.  Here's a message from Karen Curry Parker, my favorite Human Design teacher and author (Her book, Understanding Human Design makes this complex system totally understandable.)
It will also give you insight into the energies of the year. What are you really longing to re-imagine and create anew in your life? Can you give yourself permission to dream bigger?  She also mentions the dreamy quality of this particular Mercury for another post here about the January to February 2015 retrograde..

Karen's message is so inspiring, and a beautiful confirmation of my moving more into Tapping Into Wealth coaching and helping women move beyond the limits of the past..

From Karen, posted 1/22 in my email: 

…Today is the first day of the Human Design New Year!  I'm sorry I'm late in wishing you a happy New Year.

The energy this year is all about foundation laying.  We are preparing for even bigger shifts on the planet and discovering what we need to do to move in the direction of making our dream our reality.

The last few years have been rough and focused on releasing karma and letting go of old patterns that have kept us stuck and locked into choices that have not served our highest good.  The energy now is lighter, more joyful and full of promise for the future.  

In the summer of this year, the focus will be money and how to create more abundance, especially on the material plane.  It's a great year to start a new business or radically change your relationship with money.  

The Human Design year always starts with the energy for creativity and dreaming.  That which we dream in our minds can, ultimately, become our reality.  In addition, we start this year with Mercury in retrograde in the Gate 13, the Listener, causing us to review the past and discover what we need to release in order to move forward.  

This is a dreamy energy that pushes us to evaluate what is working in our life and to focus on those areas of growth.  Dream big. Take some time to day dream and envision what you'd love to create this year.  Now is the time to nurture your dreams. 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Completion Process for 2014 and entering 2015

Transitions are very important, and can be a time when we lose "chi" or energy.  Especially in this culture which is so future oriented, we just jump into the New, or the next project, activity, phase of life, year ahead without taking time to focus on the cycle, project, relationship or year just ended. In this "hamster on the treadwheel" we are always focused on what's next, and what we didn't complete or get done, from the past.  We want to leapfrog past the lessons, the disappointments, the seeming failures--right into goal setting.  Looking at and honoring the past, honoring the 'shadow'-the uncomfortable stuff as well as the 'light' gives us grounding and stability.

 To be fully realized and effective in the world (yang expression), requires the support of the 'yin field'--the pause for introspection, the slowing down and turning inside.  This process below, will help you do just that, and come to closure and completion with the year just past.  I suggest that you take some time to do the following process around New Year's and over the next few weeks. 

According to Human Design, the New Year doesn't really begin till January 21st anyway.  Relax...let go of all this artificial  pressure about "New Year Goals or Resolutions".  Your New Year can start anytime you want it to...doesn't have to be January 1st.  Take time now to do the following Closure process and the new year will come into focus soon.

In this Closure/New Beginnings process, we not only name our regrets, we also take time to look at what DID work, what went well, what we appreciate about ourselves or our lives, what skills we learned, even to acknowledge our accomplishments.    This is part of RBCS (Retrain Your Brain to Celebrate Success), a very important key to staying motivated that I use in Tapping into Wealth  coaching and all my work.

Closure/New Beginnings Process **

This process is done at the completion of anything--a relationship, a career, a phase of life, a project, in order to bring closure and integrate the learning from the experience.  

 By coming to closure, we become oriented.  What does it mean to be oriented? We all know what disoriented means--so oriented is the opposite.  It means we know where we are in time and space.  We aren't lost in the past or floating in the future.  When we are oriented we are fully present, grounded and connected to our hearts.  We can see the options in front of us, we perceive the situation more clearly and can identify the best way to solve a problem or to move forward. 
Using this closure/new beginnings process for each phase of your day, relationships and life, enables you to clear the slate, to go into a new phase or new beginning with more energy. This process also helps you to let go of regrets and make peace with the past. 

When you are doing this process for the ending of a phase of your life, you may want to repeat this process over several days or even weeks to help you come to closure.  It’s best to do this in writing if you are alone, or speaking the answers out loud to another person who is partnering with you (or just listening to you).

You may also choose to do a Resonance Repatterning session with me, which will include this closure process and much more.

How to do the closure process:**

1. Preparation: First close your eyes. Begin to breathe slowly and rhythmically through your nose.
2. Relax your body: On the exhale, breathe out and relax—starting with your eyes, mouth and jaw.  Let your awareness move down your body and consciously relax each part, first neck and shoulders…then, the  chest, belly and hips.  Relax your upper, middle and lower back.  Breathe deeply, letting go as you now relax your thighs, lower legs and feet.

As you do this, notice if you are holding any tension and let it go. 

3.Connect to your heart: Bring awareness to your heart.  Receive love on your in-breath, radiate your love out on the out-breath, to people you're close to, to everyone in your group and to the world.  When you feel ready, open your eyes. Take your time.

4. Appreciation: Name what you appreciate about what you have just completed. What have you learned or received that is important and valuable to you?  How have you grown?

5. Regrets:  Do you have any regrets about what happened or did not happen?  About yourself or the actions of others?  Instead of moving on right away, when we acknowledge a regret, it becomes a powerful learning for us.  What is the lesson of the regret? Sharing your regret(s) usually generates immediate forgiveness and love. 

By accessing and naming your regrets you are able to let go of the tension, stress or pain that your regrets create, and orient yourself to love once more. 

Solutions/Advice not necessary: You don’t have to come up with a solution when someone is sharing their regrets.  Just listening with love (or acknowledging yourself with love) as someone names their regret, opens the space for great healing. 

6. Release and let go: After sharing your regrets, take a deep breath and relax, making a “Ha….” Sound.  Now get up and move, shake the energy out,  stretch, dance  or move your body freely any way it wants. 

7.  Doesn't that feel better? Now you are ready to focus on your next phase and new beginnings!

**Instructions and concept adapted from Chloe Wordsworth's Resonance Repatterning materials.