Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A Rare and Auspicious Event: New Moon in Capricorn, New Year's Day

A very auspicious time, this New Year's Day.  Here' s a  good article on it from Bekah Finch Turner
published at the website "Conscious Life News" .  Find it at:

Bekah writes:
"I don’t tend to follow our agreed-upon western calendar in terms of cycles or seasons. I still prefer the moon and the earth to guide me.  The idea that January 1st is the new year has never made any real sense to me energetically. January is such a dreary month anyway and I like either celebrating solstice or even Chinese new year for a new beginning. But 2014 is a little different because the first new moon of the year happens to fall on new year’s day. And it is not just any new moon, it is Capricorn, the queen of the mountain, initiator of winter, earth element in its most powerful and challenging.

To me, someone who tries to honor cycle, season, moon, earth, intuition, spirit and goddess, there is something incredibly auspicious about this line up. Particularly as we are coming out of such a hard year. There are challenges ahead, don’t get me wrong, 2014 will have its bumps and ebbs, but I don’t know; when I look at the little new moon symbol in Capricorn next to January 1st on my calendar, it gives me butterflies.

The Capricorn new moon is the best of the year to start foundational work. This is the sign of resolutions, making plans and mapping the course. As so many already use Jan 1st as the day of new beginnings, having the strength of Capricorn behind it makes me feel like those intentions might have the ability to manifest better than usual, and they also run the risk of holding us more accountable than usual.

Saturn rules Capricorn and Saturn is big daddy planet, the strict father figure of astrology that keeps us in line and has no qualms about forcing us back on the horse, or goat, rather, when we either fall or jump off.

This is a new moon to really take some time to decide what your true goals are for the year to come. This is not the year to write down those resolutions you just write because you always do (make a million dollars, get married, lose 50 lbs) unless you truly intend to get to work.

Saturn and Capricorn are listening this time and you don’t want to tell them something you don’t mean because they do not have a sense of humor and they don’t think not following through is funny. At all.

I recommend getting out on the earth this new year’s day. Walk to the park, or better, climb a hill or mountain. Sit or stand with feet or sit bones firmly on the ground, connecting you to her strength. Consider your physical world.

Capricorn is best for goals around the physical and material. What do you really want? What is your long-term dream, the top of the mountain, so to speak? What actions can you take to get there? What do you really need to live the life you want?

Be serious. Be practical but also, believe in yourself. Believe you have the ability and support to achieve your goals this year. Tell the earth and the moon that you are ready and willing to do what needs to be done. If you are clear and diligent in your intentions, Capi and Saturn are two of the best allies you could ever want and you will get to the top in 2014.

I wish you, and all beings, a prosperous and auspicious new moon and new year."

Happy New Year to you, with many blessings,

PS January 7th, my first offering in 2014, a group repatterning.  Participate by teleclass or proxy. It's called:
"Forget Your Resolutions: Manifest your New Year's Intentions with Joy, Grace and Ease"

Registration is now open at http://www.repattern.com/Manifest_NewYear.shtml

Monday, December 30, 2013

Teleclass: More Room for Prosperity in 2014: "Ring Out the Old, Ring in the New": How to prepare and enter the New Year

You're invited to my last offering in 2013, just in time for the last day of the year and New Year's Day! 

Together we'll go through a process for coming to peace with 2013, gathering the lessons of this year and this phase of your life. We will do some great clearing out of your "psychic" junk drawer. Good Feng Shui for your inner world.
In the teleseminar, you'll receive supportive prosperity teaching, a tasty sample of the great stuff I'm cooking up for you in 2014--a NEW  support "salon" called "Elevate Your Prosperity Power: Unblock Your Cash  Flow."

Join us for the teleseminar if you can--and read on below for information on how to prepare for this teleseminar and for entering the New Year!  End 2013 lighter, clearer and ready for a fresh start aided by the Capricorn New Moon.  You can also get the link to the recording if you can't be on with us.

Tuesday December 31st, Noon Eastern.  F*ree teleclass
Topic: Ring Out the Old, Ring in the New:  Making Room for more prosperity in 2014
Dial in to: +1 559-546-1301 Access code: 279607
 (this call will be recorded)

How to prepare for this call, and for entering your New Year:
You can do the following preparation before tomorrow's call, or if you are going to listen to the recording later, use these instructions before you start the recording. 

You can also simply use this process by itself to move into "completion mode".

Go ahead, clear some time and space for yourself to do this.  Then prepare your body--stretch, dance for a few minutes, shake out your body, whatever works for you.  Take a few deep breaths and consciously relax your body.  If you have a way you like to connect to Source, or to your higher self, go ahead and do that now. 

Then have a sense of the year ahead, like a glass jar.  This jar isn’t empty, though—it’s filled with the stones that are intentions and goals from the past.  Empty the jar out, and sort through them..which are the ones that don’t fit any more?  List a few that seem important to let go of. 

If this image doesn’t work for you, you can use your own, or simply ask, “What do I want to let go of as I move into this New Year?  What isn’t or hasn’t been working, or what feels outdated and outmoded?”

Now notice how you feel about letting them go…does it feel possible and easy, or difficult and scary?  Does it bring up self doubt or negative/limiting beliefs and thoughts?  Write those down too.

Is forgiveness needed--towards yourself, a mate or family member, a friend or co-worker, a boss or parent, a teacher, a community or family?  What about towards Creator, "the economy"? 

See if you are ready to release any anger, fear, resentment towards whomever or whatever.  If so, breathe in, breathe out and let the feelings, the thoughts, flow out like a tide.

When you feel at peace (and this process can be done whenever needed!), move on to what you do want—there may be new stones you want to add.  Or maybe you simply need to re-energize and activate what’s already in the jar.   One way to see what you want, if you aren't sure, is to state the opposite of what you don't want or are letting go of. 

Sometimes, though, what we want to bring in is not in relation to what it is that we’ve let go of.    Welcome what is entirely new as well!  
You may choose to focus on just personal or professional goals/intentions, or combine them.   What feels most alive and juicy, what will unlock more joy and fulfillment for you in the coming year?

My experience is that it’s hard to hold more than three intentions in my mind and energy field.  That's why whenever I begin another round of Joyful Manifesting, I ask you to come up with two intentions, occasionally three.  The mind can't focus on more than that at once, even if you ARE the queen (or king) of multi-tasking.

Enjoy the journey, let me know what you learn or appreciate about it if you do it.

See you on the call, noon Eastern, December 31, 2013,
"Ring Out the Old, Ring in the New: Make Room for More Prosperity in 2014"

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Happy Solstice and blessings of the season to you.  Did you miss my Winter Solstice meditation?  You can still enjoy it, as my gift to you, by going here to listen: http://www.audioacrobat.com/play/WxCRMGFx

We are now in the in-between time, the void or blank-slate time, as we transition from the old year to the new and as we enter the very earliest stage of the next harvest cycle.

This is a perfect time (or right after Xmas) to relax, look back at the year past, learn from it, let go and open to the new.  

Join me this Friday at noon, Eastern time, 12/27, called "Opening to Prosperity". Skip down to the PS to get the phone#.

Meantime, enjoy this message--which appeared in perfect timing in my in-box this morning, right on the topic of receiving. 

Mastering Receiving ~ Key Preparation for 2014
By Selacia

"The year 2014 will come with opportunities for shifting your life in a grand way – do you feel prepared to receive your good?

How you relate to the world will be a key factor in what you experience during 2014. This can mean many things, of course, but for the purposes of this article, the focus is receiving.

How You Receive Influences Your Experience
The way you receive from the world will influence your experience and how you feel about your life. This is nothing new, of course.

However, next year as the pace of evolutionary change quickens, you will need new levels of mastery involving receiving.

What’s receiving? It’s accepting or taking what is offered – by another person, group, entity, the world in general, or even spirit. What you receive can involve things like information, validation or praise, a physical object, a reward or financial compensation, or something you consider a blessing.

Mastery of receiving is rooted in self-love and a learned ability to consciously and appropriately receive what the world offers you. This involves being present, aware, and skilled with observation – discerning what is appropriate and precisely when to receive it. It means asking questions about what you are receiving, too, to gain clarity and understanding of how to respond.

As you become experienced with receiving, you intuitively recognize what is being offered and you know when something is in your highest good. You trust in divine timing, too, allowing that to guide your receiving. This means that you don’t try to get ahead of yourself, pushing for things before they are appropriate.

The DNA of Deserving and Receiving
You will be less likely to get impatient with timing issues if you believe that you deserve the good that can come to you. You cannot will this feeling, of course.

The conditioning of most people, in fact, is to doubt whether they deserve to receive as much as the next person. This tends to be generational – meaning that your ancestors had the same conditioning and you inherited it in your DNA.

If you sense that your receiving ability could use a tune up, DNA-level patterns or beliefs are likely surfacing. How the energy works is that dysfunctional DNA beliefs get catalyzed by key life events and significant personal goals. In this case, the beliefs could relate to what you think you deserve or how you feel the world treats you. They get triggered when you are about to take another big leap forward or change something significant about your circumstances.

In reality, life is abundant and there is enough of everything to go around. You don’t have to stand single-file to wait your turn, and you aren’t gambling. Receiving is not about luck. It’s about being in a flow with life, trusting that flow, and observing the flow as it comes in.

You Must Trust You Deserve
For mastery, you must trust that you deserve to receive fully from the bounty of what is available to you.

In fact, if you doubt that you deserve something, your own self-doubt can block your awareness of gifts right outside your door! This circumvents your flow of incoming goodness, your mind being tricked to think that you cannot have what you want.

As part of that, something good indeed could show up, but your doubt could obscure your understanding. Example: you ask for help with something, then the next day a helpful person calls or you awaken from a dream with insights from spirit. Unable to connect the dots, you may be convinced that you received nothing.

24/7 Sending and Receiving
Think of yourself like a 24/7 sending and receiving station, broadcasting to and from the world. Even when you are sleeping, you are sending energetic impulses reflecting your thoughts, feelings, and desires. You are receiving during sleep, too, through dreams and by connecting with spirit.

Remember: spirit knows you intimately. Your higher self knows your question before you even ask. The mere asking of your question sets in motion an energetic exchange between you and spirit. This includes the physical world, of course, as spirit has unlimited means of communicating with you.

With wisdom, you will realize that the world is sending you an endless flow of beneficial energies, things, people, and opportunities. Some may be disguised as troublesome manipulators – like the boss who hovers over you, critical and trying to control your every move. Even that boss, however, bears a gift – stirring your desire to be more empowered.

End the year with a higher frequency by examining and updating your relationship with the world. You can do this through purposeful, conscious reflection of how you interact with people and the larger world. Invite spirit to reveal your blocks to receiving fully – ask to be shown how you can better master the art of receiving. Trust that in the asking, spirit begins to work with you, helping you to unravel old dysfunctional patterns and to embody the higher octaves of love."

Copyright 2013 by Selacia or at Earths Pivotal Years

Monday, December 16, 2013

A full moon update for you from Jose and Lena Stevens...this is the first part of the Power Path Full Moon report...you can subscribe for all their updates at www.thepowerpath.com.
"Full moon is Tuesday, December 17 at 2:28AM MST (Mountain Standard Time). You may wish to celebrate it the night of Monday, December 16. Use this full moon to expand your sense of what could be. The time between this full moon and the Winter Solstice should be honored and quality time should be carved out to do what brings you joy. What brings you joy? What feeds you spiritually? What do you still need to adjust and revise and modify? What do you need to let go of? What needs expansion and more inspiration? Ask these questions and then go for it!

The energy definitely shifts as we approach the Full Moon and then the Winter Solstice (on the 21). You may feel jerked around by things seeming one way today and upside down tomorrow. This is a time of sudden adjustments often made by others but affecting you. There will be many lessons around attachments to how you think things ought to be and how you think people ought to behave. It is important to keep asking the questions, to keep focused on your own truth and on what you want and to stay out of negativity and judgment. Make the adjustments and move on..."
How do YOU ride the full moon energy?  Often I will look at what is completing, what it is I've been learning lately, and what I need to let go of.  I may clean a part of my house or put my crystals out to absorb full moon energy and be recharged by the earth. 
Would love to hear from you--what do you do?
Happy Full Moon....and Solstice is coming too!
Please join me for a Solstice ritual and gathering (via conference call, free) this coming Saturday at 10am Mountain. 
Winter and holiday blessings,

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Anorexia of the Spirit / Dear Woman

Dear Woman,

How would you live, if you knew you were beautiful and loved beyond any doubt? 
How would you live, if you knew the rounded shape of your body was what nature intended,
That your body was meant to sing out in pleasure,
That NOTHING about it is wrong, or shameful or something to hide.
How would it be to enjoy, to savor and to celebrate in public, your healthy appetite, for food, for life, for sex, to be seen, felt, heard and touched?

How would you live if you could open your throat, your heart and your womb and let your own voice ring out, with passion, saying “YES” to all that makes you feel sensual and alive, and at one with the living earth--to making love with life?

How would you speak if the words “SORRY” or “I just____” or “Excuse me” died on your lips?
How would you occupy your body and your space at the dinner or the conference table?
How would you live if you were free to create, without the nagging voice of judgement?                              

How would you walk down a street, into a meeting with men or onto a stage-- if you knew that everything you birth is a blessing to this world: babies, art, great meals, poems, brilliant teachings, a wave of hope in the life of another, schools and companies and books and sacred gatherings?

Your Mother Father God

(c) Ellen Shapiro 2013
feel free to share as long as you provide the source and website link


Thursday, October 3, 2013

New Moon Update October 4th

As always, I find the planetary updates from the Power Path very helpful so I am sharing the latest one below, for the New Moon on October 4th.

Happy New Moon, and wishing you  a most transformational month of October...I have two main group offerings this month: "Mercury Retrograde E-Z" and
"Shine Out and Prosper: Confidence and Marketing Moxie for Heart-Centered Women". 

Check them out at my website, www.repattern.com.

And here's the Power Path info:

"....With Sun and Moon in Libra, the Venus ruler has considerable emphasis in the New Moon chart. Because Venus is in Scorpio at the moment, we find her in a more intense, powerful aspect of herself. She is wearing the raiment of the Dark Feminine; she pulls us deep to cleanse ourselves of that which needs to shrivel and slough off so new growth can fill our souls from deep within. She is rebalancing the relationship of the Feminine to the Masculine. Healing and forgiving of the past imbalance between these two energies is being called to the foreground.

Let's look at the two asteroid goddess energies that are squaring the North and South Nodes – the points that release what we have brought from the past (that we now feel we have the strength and power to release-south) and the point of growth in this lifetime (north). Both Pallas Athena and Juno are in a dynamic, stressful, crisis-causing relationship to the Nodes as points of release and growth.

Both are sub-rulers of Libra. Pallas Athena, Wisdom Goddess, is focused on justice, fairness, balance and social equality. By springing full grown clothed in shield and armor from her father Zeus's head, she entered the masculine world and directed her kundalini energy into the mental, artistic and healing realms embodying courage and strength and mastering creative visualization and manifestation.

In the face of the rising patriarchy, Juno (Hera) willingly surrendered her position as Queen of Heaven to partake of divine union and fulfillment with another –Zeus, but in the end, this union was not realized and instead his destruction of her fertility practices and infidelities bred betrayal, deep jealousy and frustration. In the last turn of the ages, much buried power struggle and negative emotional energy exists within the feminine psyche that needs to be transformed and released to create anew our capacity for committed relationship and equal partnership that these three feminine archetypes, Venus, Pallas Athena and Juno, so fervently desire.

As the strength of the Feminine reemerges, what has been compromised within each of us in our relationship to our inner masculine will be brought to the light and healed, and as our inner sacred marriage is given expression, so will it flourish in our outer world. There is no better opportunity to spend time and attention on right relationship than when Libra and Venus hold open the portal for you to the inner divine temple of love and relationship.

If we dial back from the personal, a major dance is taking place between Uranus and Pluto. They are within 1º of an exact square to each other. On November 1st just before the eclipse of the New Moon, will be their fourth exact square of seven over a period of three years – 2012-2015. We are bracketing an intense learning period and growth curve; of course, it's uncomfortable!

What they say about Pluto's influence is 'it's almost more than the organism can bear...' kind of like childbirth, I guess. Pluto likes to extract a high price for his favors, so there are opportunities for some to be called on to give of what they cling to most desperately.

But Pluto rewards with deep transformation, clarity, release and personal power. So think about how you want to engage the energy. Total resistance to change? (like our childish Congress), extreme bonks on the head? (lost jobs, great debt, desperation, self destruction, etc.) Or surrender? and the mysterious darkness of the chrysalis when absolute, liquefying chaos reigns until the reemergence of essence occurs with beauty, freedom, and delight.

If you use the influence of Uranus in Aries to take a major personal risk, to put yourself on the line by stretching your edges maximally, to go for something innovative instead of status quo, then you will be using the times wisely and be rewarded by feeling more alive, energized and fool hardy than you may have felt in decades.

In addition, Uranus in Aries is in a Thor's Hammer configuration with Venus square Mars (feminine and masculine) reiterating and reinforcing some of the themes about the yin/yang polarities we were looking at earlier through Pallas Athena, Juno and the Nodes. A Thor's Hammer wields a lot of energy, is stressful and can bring things to crisis. A huge push is awakening us to underlying issues in our gender relationships. I just have to recommend Joseph Gordon-Levitt's film that he wrote, directed and stars in called "Don Jon". He's speaking about the influence of porn on sexuality. That's a Plutonian topic, if I ever saw one, and one that could use some transformation!

Whatever challenges exist are balanced by support and outlets for all the tension being created by the release we are all called on to step up to. Pluto remains extremely supportive with a positive relationship to Saturn (and Chiron). Saturn rules the bones and hard structures of the body and Pluto is taking the opportunity to regenerate patterns that go the deepest and hold our most limiting fears. We are making huge breakthroughs everyday especially in groups who gather to do the transformative, world shifting work that Pluto, Uranus, Saturn like to do.

Full Moon on October 18 will mark the beginning of the eclipse window with a lunar eclipse followed by a New Moon solar eclipse on November 3rd. Eclipse windows (about every six months) always allow us to reboot our systems and realign our selves to the cosmos. Mercury goes retrograde in Scorpio on October 21st until it turns direct again on November 10th. Many of you will sense that energy the week before and the week after. A good reminder that just like the trees and plants, it's time to turn our energy inward here in the Northern hemisphere.

New Moon, as well as eclipses, always allows us to begin anew and reset our intentions. Intend clarity in relationships, speak your truth and listen and receive the communications of your partner, seek beauty, bring into alignment what has tipped out of balance and consciously intend to let the grace and love of Venus shine through you wherever you go...."

The full article can be read here:


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Confident, Clear and Courageous--this Saturday!

Do you, like many women, have an inner nag who says “Who do you think you are?”  or “What’s so special about you?”  Does being critical, harsh or judgemental towards yourself  take you out, or slow you down?   Maybe you don’t ever feel good enough, or  like you still don’t know enough.   You keep running on the hamster wheel, getting nowhere,  despite getting more advice or a new marketing strategy.  You keep looking for something from outside for that missing ingredient to success.   

Your biggest obstacle may NOT be a lack of ideas, a shortage of information, a weak business model, or a failure to adopt some hot new technology. 

It could simply be a lack of confidence.  
In my fre*e seminar this coming Saturday, I'll be talking about the two tracks to confidence.  INNER CONFIDENCE is  expressed from the inside out, based on how you feel about yourself, your inner self-image, and your self-talk.
OUTER CONFIDENCE is the kind that shows in your body language and your voice.  It shows in how you walk and move, and in the ways you express yourself—clearly, warmly and self-assured, without hiding or apologizing.  A cool tip: You can use OUTER confidence to grow INNER confidence.  Ask any performer or public speaker!

How do you benefit from being more confident? 

It can help you in business, whether you own your business or work for a company.  It can help you be more of a magnet, to attract potential dating interest and new friends, to be someone others want to be around.

With more confidence, you feel better about yourself, value your work more, express yourself more clearly and with more impact.  You can get media attention, build a following, and bring in more clients. You will:  

∙ Know, and be able to say, what is special and unique about you
∙ Be clear about the results your clients have and that your work makes a difference in people’s lives.
 ∙ Create services, programs and content that shine with quality and value, and market them with    enthusiasm.  
∙ Let go of having to be perfect  and putting off your success. 
∙ Feel more at ease sharing your expertise as you relax into being yourself.
∙ Have more ‘presence’ and enjoy more attention-people remember you. 
∙ Gain more of that “know-like-trust” factor  that builds an audience and draws clients.  
∙ Enjoy marketing as a conversation and opportunity to connect with others. 

Your work, your life, just being you--becomes a whole lot more fun and satisfying.  How good can it get?

Confidence blessings,
PS Could you--and other friends or family members use more confidence? If that sounds good, PLEASE join me this Saturday at 4pm Eastern and tell others! 

Remember you must register on two different pages for the details for the Summit and the call I'm leading on Saturday 4pm Eastern.  go to www.repatterningworldsummit.com.

See you on the call...looking forward to it.

Confidence blessings,

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Wow: Resonance Repatterning World Summit (fr*ee)

I'm so excited...you will be too, if you join us....Resonance Repatterning, the main modality I've used to create powerful transformations for myself and thousands of clients, is stepping out onto the world stage with a weeklong free telesummit.  

Experience sessions on all kinds of topics, all for free! My session is coming up on Saturday March 23, at 4pm Eastern, and it's called "Confident, Clear and Courageous".  Could you use some more of that, for your relationships, career and business?  

Please spread the word!  Help us reach more people with this powerful work...it begins in just 2 days.  To join , go here...you must sign up on this page to get all the details: www.repatterningworldsummit.com. 

My website is www.repattern.com. 

See you at the Summit? 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Rise Up O Women O Sisters O Guardians of the Goddess in men and women’s bodies.

Today many bear witness to the suffering of girls and women from violence and abuse. Around the world we speak, dance, read poems, act in plays, to attest to this horror, to declare that it must stop NOW.

We understand well that this is the result of patriarchy and a deliberate systematic disempowering of women. This is part of the disconnection of humanity from the natural world and the force of life itself which women carry as the birth-givers.

None of this is news.  We’ve had 8-10 thousand years of this.   What’s sad and shocking is that despite women’s great progress in some ways and in some parts of the world, this level of violence and terrorism against women continues.  It is hard to measure since so much of this goes on unreported and unseen in the privacy of women’s lives, but could it be that it’s even increasing?  Is this a backlash against the rising of women in so many countries and continents? Or is it simply that in our world of instant global communication this long buried well of pain and suffering is finally coming to light?

It doesn’t really matter.  What’s important is that it's being talked about, that we are rising, that we are rising TOGETHER, and saying “Enough!”

There’s another conversation that needs to happen too--about how women themselves  perpetuate the oppression of other women.  Not through physical violence but through the way we project jealous and competitive thoughts and emotions towards each other.

We envy the one who’s thinner or more beautiful, we compare ourselves to impossible standards of beauty and find ourselves lacking. We compete for attention, men, money and power.  I have often heard women, as well as men, affirm that women are catty and can’t be trusted. 

If we’ve had the experience of being put down or torn down by our mothers, sisters, female classmates or coworkers, then we have even more evidence that women are not safe to be around and we can’t rely on them for support.

There are so many ways this insidious turning of women against each other can happen.  How do YOU perpetuate this?

An ancient strategy-- divide and conquer-- is a very effective way to disempower any group of people  and keep them fearful and separate. 

I am NOT blaming the victim here.  In fact, recognizing how we as women participate in our own disempowerment is our point of power.   We can start to recognize the part we’ve been playing and take the steps to correct these patterns of competing, putting down, and failing to support other women.  We can look at any places where we have failed to stand up for each other, and where we have sold ourselves and each other out in order to gain or keep the peace with men, even at a great cost.

I ask you to imagine now a world where mothers, teachers and all women feel safe in the world, where we are free of the fears of violence, rape, unwanted pregnancy, abuse and exploitation.  Where mothers raise their daughters—and their sons, to cherish, honor, and celebrate the Feminine.  Where women appreciate their own unique form of beauty, and the many expressions of the Divine Feminine through the whole range of women’s body shapes and sizes. 

Imagine a world—it was birthed today--where women gather to celebrate, honor, appreciate, love, accept and welcome each other, exactly as we are.  Take a minute to envision this, and then feel it in your body, dance it, move it, meditate on it.

I leave you with a very simple practice, one of the core practices of the Art of Feminine Presence to make this vision manifest in the world. Take the next three days to tell other women what you appreciate about them. 

This beautiful movement of 1 billion rising….carry the seeds forward with this simple practice of appreciating other women.

Together, we WILL change the world.  
Happy V-day to you and all of us with love,


Friday, January 11, 2013

New Moon January11th

Happy New Year!  Looking forward to tomorrow's "Manifest your Intentions for the New Year" group repatterning, at 11:11am Eastern.  You can still register, until 10am Eastern tomorrow morning, at http://www.repattern.com/Manifest_New_Year.shtml.  

The following reading is TOTALLY in alignment with the group session tomorrow, it is from Lena Stevens, website: www.thepowerpath.com. Enjoy and hope you'll join me tomorrow for the call! 

Many blessings,

Dear Friends,

New Moon is Friday, January 11 at 12:44 PM Mountain Standard Time. This is the marker for the instinctive time of transition. If you have not spent enough time contemplating your new intentions, resolutions and dreams, this would be the time to do it. Doing something to nurture yourself spiritually would be a great asset at this time and will have a far-reaching influence. In thinking about your intentions it would be beneficial to revisit the motivation behind them and to make sure the motivation is truly yours and not someone else's. This New Moon is also about truth. If there is a transition you are in denial about, tell the truth about it and whatever else may be surfacing that is difficult to face. Remember that you have the support of forgiveness and gratitude on your side.

It is also important to see this time as a transition, and to be patient with all the clarity, inspiration and movement that you may be expecting at the beginning of a new cycle. It will come. Be aware that there is a lot of new energy available that will download bit by bit as you are ready. Be ready by clearing anything old that is still lingering in the basement of your subconscious. Change is good at this time and it can be honored by changing some of the little things that have become habitual. 

Make sure you get plenty of rest and sleep around this new moon time as there is great astral work going on in resetting and rebooting this new cycle.

