Saturday, December 26, 2015

Happy holidays! All Planets in Direct Motion--a rare event!

Happy holidays to you!  We've just had a rare Christmas full moon.  The last Joyful Manifesting transformational series of 2015 begins tomorrow. Registration closes at midnight tonite at   (Dates on the website have been extended). This program helps bring more of what you want into your life with ease. 

Even more rare: All planets are in direct motion between December 25 and January 5.  That means they are all moving forward—when no planets are in retrograde.  (Mercury goes Retrograde on January 5th and you can also get repatterned for that!). 

So what does this astro-speak mean to you? ALL of the planetary support is there for forward motion, nothing holding us back--"full steam ahead!" 

Yet it's the middle of winter, just past the Solstice time of the void, where Nature's rhythms ask us to listen, to allow the still small voice within to whisper, to dream about what we wish to plant  and bring to fruition this year.  And it's holiday time, so it's not the time get into massive action--it's not about "just go do it" right now. 

How can we use this "Full Steam Ahead" energy then? 

During this window, between Christmas and New Year's with the help of all the planets, we can review 2015--what we’ve learned, what we want to keep and nurture, and what we want to sow.  To initiate the New Year, we envision first, plant seeds, and stimulate the movement of beginning. 

In a world that values action above everything, that doesn't feel like we're doing much.  Yet it is the most powerful thing we can do at this time.  (To get some other ideas for what to do with the All planets direct, read to the bottom of this post)

I'd love to help you utilize the All Planets Direct energy along with the fresh start energy we have each New Year! How? Join me for a two part  group teleseminar, called "Ring out the Old: Ring in the New for 2016 Manifesting Peace and Prosperity for All".  

My work is always personal--to benefit YOUR life--and your loved ones.   In these new times it feels important to manifest together in collaboration and mutual support--so we include our individual needs and desires while also honoring the collective.  Working this way, whether in a visioning circle, prayer or actual group projects, magnifies our ability to move our lives and our world forward in alignment, harmony and cooperation. 

Our first session will be Sunday night 5pm Mountain/7pm Eastern, and it will be a guided exploration of the year past AND a repatterning session.  If you can’t join us you are welcome to send intentions—before, or after the call, and you’ll be proxied in.  And of course, it will be recorded for you to listen to afterwards. 

How to proxy in?  Just email me that you want to be proxied in, and how you plan to pay (see options below). 

The second session will be on Thursday 12/31 at 11:11 Mountain time (that's 1:11 pm Eastern) We'll do some visioning together followed by a manifesting circle.  How would you like prosperity and peace of mind to look in YOUR life, your family and community, and the world in 2016?  

We will utilize the power of the group, amplified by planetary energy, use subconscious manifesting techniques to move the vision into our bodies and into physical manifestation.   Then, let’s celebrate—it is DONE!

The fee for these three events is just $47 (that’s what I charge for a group repatterning these days.)  Because I want as many people to join as possible…I am offering this in a pay what you want format…with a minimal payment of $27 to reflect the energy of exchange.  

To register, it's simple.  (No links at my website, not enought time to set that up!) 

Just email me at and tell me you want in on the New Year’s Peace & Prosperity group, whether you want to be proxied in, and how you will pay for the session.

Three ways to pay:
1) If you are a regular client (and I have your card# on file), I can simply charge your account..tell me how much.  (anywhere from $27 to $47)
2) I can send you a Paypal invoice for whatever amount you wish to pay—let me know!
3) You can mail a check to me, Ellen Shapiro.  Use PO Box 22994, Santa Fe, NM 87502.   

Looking forward!  Full Steam Ahead!

With love and fresh inspiration,

1. We can consider acceleration, movement and velocity as intrinsic to APDM timings, and observe or apply core potential.
2. We can open to discovery, information and/or messages during APDM.
3. We can meditate and/or dance together, or individually, apply timing and conscious focus to conceive new ideas, organic cures, set the intention, visioning.
4. We can BLOG our thoughts, observations and feelings before, during and after APDM cycles, checking for similar themes.
5. We can take note of apparent APDM themes including faith, confidence, determination.
6. It takes a Village to unpack APDM. our combined participation makes a difference. in fact APDM is all about global participation during the approaching Aquarian Age.
7. We can co-create an enlightening experience through a collective vision for the future of humanity.
