Thursday, December 30, 2010

Final gifts of the season!

Hello...I am enjoying the quiet stillness of the snow and cold, as the old year winds down. Many people enjoyed that energy on our call last night, the winter stillness. And perhaps it was also our theme, "Aligning with Acceptance, Optimism and Peace of Mind."

Here's the link to the recording--enjoy! It's slightly over an hour long. On the call I mentioned that the format of free calls will be changing in 2011--they will be teaching calls, and more of an intro to my work. The group repatternings will continue to be available through paid subscriptions or a la carte sessions, as will my Mercury Retrograde and Joyful Manifesting proxy sessions. I also mentioned a holiday special on private sessions for new clients, which you are welcome to take advantage of.

Many blessings,

New Year's Day Planetary Transmission

To usher in the New Year in a very unique way..come join this special global planetary transmission is being offered on the morning of New Year's Day, 1/1/11 (Lots of beginnings!) by World Puja. A number of spiritual teachers and healers will be leading this two hour free event. Register here:

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Ring Out the Old: Integration for Completion Solstice recording

Here's the link to the recording of last week's Solstice session, guiding you through the Integration for Completion process from the Resonance Repatterning(r) system. This process can be used at any time when you are coming to closure or completion of a project, phase of life, career or job, relationship--or anything else. It's a half hour long--enjoy! And I hope you'll be there for tonight's f*ree session on "Aligned for Optimism, Peace of Mind and Acceptance." Dial in to 1-712-432-1600 access 121233# at 9pm Eastern time. This call is an hour and will be recorded.

Many blessings,

Monday, December 20, 2010

Guidance for the Solstice--it's here! Join me at 3 Eastern, 1 Mountain!

A reminder..come join us for a half hour tele-class with energy work tomorrow, December 21st. Dial in to 1-712-432-1600 access 121233#

Here is some powerful and useful information about the eclipse/Solstice, shared by Lira Wright, an intuitive healer in Santa Fe:

Solstice Moon by Allison Rae
Tuesday, 14 December, 2010 (posted 17 December, 2010)

A great moment of truth approaches.

Over the next seven days, our Sun aligns with the heart of the Milky Way Galaxy. On Monday night, just hours before the Solstice, the Earth's shadow will cross the face of the Full Moon, collapsing time in a dimensional portal of infinite possibility.

Welcome to this year's Solstice. Standstill. Night of Creation. Ancient home.

The total eclipse of the Moon will be visible throughout the Americas . The effects will radiate beyond time and space to all sentient life, everywhere, carrying our hopes and prayers into the next millennium.

The alignment of the eclipse with the galactic core is a rare cosmic phenomenon and not a coincidence. It's connected with 2012 and the Mayan calendar, the cycles of Venus, the Earth and the Moon. This opening in the heavens signals a time of great change on Earth, of purification and enlightenment.

Deep, unmasked truth lies at the heart of this eclipse. Whatever darkness remains within our own hearts will be revealed. Within the interplay of shadow and light, secrets from the individual and collective unconscious are exposed in tones of raw emotion. Suffering is transformed by the caress of perfect love.

This is likely to be a most uncomfortable passage through the heart of darkness and into the ultimate bliss of self-realization, the galactic consciousness that awaits our embrace.
The Serpent
Right now the Sun is transiting a part of the sky that connects us with the Great Beyond via Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer.

The medicine of this great healer is truth, a potent elixir that heals the wounds of many lifetimes and helps us find our way home to love. The serpent initiates our becoming.

Each year, the Sun aligns with this region of the heavens, and divine cosmic frequencies stream to Earth on the galactic cross. This is the alignment that religions and spiritual traditions around the world celebrate as the return of spiritual light to Earth.

As 2012 approaches and the Mayan calendar comes to a close the feathered serpent symbolizes our ascended state as fully realized, galactic humans. Out of darkness we are reborn.
The Eclipses
A most auspicious event happens this year as the lunar and solar cycles dovetail in a special eclipse series that coincides with the Turning of the Ages on Earth.

These eclipses echo the Grand Cardinal Cross eclipse series earlier this year and yet another series a year ago. This entire period marks a turning point for humanity and the Earth.

Eclipses happen in six-month and 19-year cycles. Issues that surfaced over the summer months will be back, with higher stakes this time. Themes will also relate to 1991 when eclipses previously happened in the same place in the sky.

Both individually and collectively, we're beginning a new cycle along these timings, within the context of the great cycle shift known as the Turning of the Ages.

The December 20/21 event is the first total lunar eclipse in three years. There will be two more in 2011.

In the Americas , where the eclipse is visible, it happens overnight December 20-21. Here's the timing:

Partial eclipse begins 1:33 AM Eastern December 21
Total eclipse begins 2:41 AM Eastern December 21
Mid-eclipse 3:17 AM Eastern December 21
Total eclipse ends 3:53 AM Eastern December 21
Partial eclipse ends 5:01 AM Eastern December 21

As the Moon appears to darken, it will actually turn a deep shade of red. The entire event lasts three-and-a-half hours. Within that, the period of totality is 72 minutes. If you live in North, South or Central America and have a clear sky, you can watch the entire event.

All the phases of a 28-day lunar cycle will be condensed into three-and-a-half hours. Beyond the Full Moon, 26,000 light years away, lies Galactic Center , the heart of the Milky Way. Gazing in this direction activates your cellular memory, awakening wisdom codes deep within your being.

The Sun enters Capricorn later that day (3:39 PM Eastern December 21), as lunar and solar energies bathe the Earth in divine love.

This is a Solstice to be remembered, a galactic initiation available to anyone open to receive it.

The December 21 lunar eclipse is paired with a New Moon Solar Eclipse on January 4. As the Sun and Moon meet in Capricorn, the new year begins.
The Potential
The ongoing galactic alignment in December and the 2009-2011 eclipses bring to completion millennia of spiritual darkness on Earth and mark the beginning of a new era of enlightenment, peace and prosperity. Our divine hearts are awakened.

Each year, the Sun appears to rise and set in the same place for three days surrounding the Solstice before turning south (or north, if you're in the Southern Hemisphere) for the next six months. Time seems to stand still, creating an extended moment of silence ideal for quiet reflection and review in preparation for the next cycle.

Timed within the Solstice gateway, the December 21 lunar eclipse expands the potential to infinity. The effects of prayer and meditation are magnified exponentially through this portal. Energetically, humanity is poised for a quantum evolutionary leap.

We're invited to step into our power as divine co-creators who will shape our destiny and craft a remarkable future for humanity and the Earth.
The Experience
Each of us needs to find our way through the maze of meaning within this rare alignment. Issues central to this experience will be:

- Addictions, the ways we numb ourselves and limit the actualization of our highest potential

- Emotional and physical healing

- Alignment with the soul, the cosmos and our deepest purpose

It might seem easier to ignore the vastness of this opportunity, yet the consequences of denial are far more devastating than facing the truth.

There are many ways to attune to the celestial frequencies to embed and direct the transformative effects of eclipses. My favorites include:

- Time in nature
- Communion with the planets and stars
- Healing work with exceptional practitioners
- Purification of body, mind (thoughts) and emotions
- Journaling
- Celebration with loved ones
- Creative activities (art, music, dance, drumming, chanting, etc.)
- Devotional practice (prayer, contemplation, meditation, drumming, chanting, etc.)

- Movement (yoga, t'ai chi, xi gong, walking, running, swimming, etc.)

- Eating foods that grow in and close to the Earth (especially root vegetables and dark, leafy greens) plus mineral supplementation
- Crafting intent
Ceremony is most potent in the hours before, during and after the eclipse alignments, and at sunrise and sunset during each day of the Solstice gateway. As the energies are building, then disseminating, our prayers expand and multiply.

I'd like to offer, for the benefit of all beings, a prayer that we might carry in our hearts through this eclipse passage.
A Solstice Prayer
Beginning now, I choose to walk in a new way on planet Earth, to attune to her as I remember cosmic truth and embody my divine purpose.

I forgive myself and others and open my heart to receive the infinite blessings of divine love flowing throughout the universe and coursing through my very veins.

As I attune to the Earth, the Moon, the planet and star beings in the heavens, I breathe with universal forces of creation. Divine Source enters me, filling the cells and spaces of my being with pure love and light. I am healed, whole, and renewed.

May I be gentle with myself and others as pain, fear and suffering are released. I bless all I encounter and embrace my fellow beings, all situations and circumstances, all thoughts, feelings and emotions, as reflections of my own divinity.

I joyfully claim my destiny as a force for positive change at this turning point in Earth's history. Together with my brothers and sisters, I will strive to shape the future in ways that serve humanity's highest evolution and fulfill the needs of generations yet to come. Aligned in truth, I am.

from Alison Rae.

Happy solstice and many blessings as we move forward into the new age,

Friday, December 17, 2010

Energies of December 21st and beyond..fasten your seat belt!

Here is an update from Jose and Lena Stevens on what we can expect, and some additonal astrological information. Their site is

Please join me on December 21st for a half hour tele-gathering and completion of the year energy work, at 1pm Mountain (3 pm Eastern), right in the "power window" time. Dial in to 1-712-432-1600 access 121233#. It's my gift to you and feel free to invite others.

Your planetary update:

The Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse is at 1:13 AM Mountain Standard Time on Tuesday, December 21. The Eclipse should be visible in North and South America after midnight. Winter Solstice is exact at 4:39 PM Mountain Standard Time on the same day. Needless to say, this is an extremely powerful day especially the time frame between the eclipse/full moon and the solstice, setting the stage for the next period of time. It is imperative that you stay away from any situations where conflict, violence, argument or disagreement is anywhere present. Keep your energy focused and clean. If you have your ducks in a row and have managed to maintain balance and focus, you could experience a higher centered breakthrough with a lot of insights, clarity, intention and a great sense of rightness to your life and direction.

If not, you could be in for a breakdown. Breakdowns will happen in the aftermath of this day and will affect anything that should have been dealt with beforehand. Make sure to do something special to honor this day, set your intentions, write your wish lists and treat this solstice as the true beginning of a new year. If you are still dealing with situations that do not have closure, do something symbolic such as a burning ceremony around the issues to acknowledge your intention of completion. Come from gratitude in your communications and interactions.



Additional Astrological Notes: Written by Patricia Liles. Contact her PATLILES@AOL.COM

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini
Sun in Sagittarius 29º/Full Moon in Gemini 29º
1:13 AM MST, Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Visible in North and South America after midnight
Winter Solstice - Sun enters Capricorn - 0º
4:39 PM MST, Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Overview of astrological aspects of the next few weeks:
12-30-10 Mercury goes Direct 12:21 AM MST
01-04-11 New Moon in Capricorn/Partial Solar Eclipse 13º 2:03 AM MST
01-19-11 Full Moon in Cancer - 29º 2:22 PM MST
Fourth of five full moons at last degree of the sign.

What does all this mean to you and me?

Herald the Rebirth of the New Year! The Sun has completed the nadir of its journey and is now renewed and reborn as it crosses the Winter Solstice point (Summer Solstice for Southern Hemisphere folks) and enters the first degree of Capricorn. The sacred point of rebirth - one of the four major astrological power points of the year along with the equinoxes and the summer solstice. We enter the domain of the Raven and ask this crafty ally to gift us as it goes into the dark and brings forth the light.

If you want to read the influences of the year, you look to the Winter Solstice chart, the longest night and shortest day. At this solstice time, the Sun enters Capricorn, the cardinal (initiating) earth sign ruled by serious, orderly Saturn - Lord of Time. The planets are aligning auspiciously on this particular solstice with the torch of a Full Moon illuminating the solstice just 15 hours before, powerfully intensifying the influences that present themselves for our examination and reflecting the upcoming year.

What is most prominent in the solstice chart? Well, there is a Grand Square aka Grand Cross involving the exact conjunction of asteroid Pallas Athena and the Sun at 0º Capricorn, square asteroid Juno, square Jupiter conjunct Uranus in late Pisces, and square South Node conjunct Moon in Cancer. A multitude of squares and oppositions abound here noted for their dynamic, tension-causing influences. Energy will move under this configuration as we are forced to make choices in the areas that these planets and asteroids rule. What will these configurations bring us in the way of influences?

The planets, except for Moon and Venus, are masculine in nature and the major asteroids (Ceres, Juno, Pallas Athena, & Vesta) bring in the feminine influences. These feminine influences have a most prominent place in this chart especially Athena and Juno with Ceres aiding with benevolent energy to unlock the tight Grand Cross. Athena exactly conjunct the powerful, waking Sun at 0º Capricorn, rules three major areas - social justice, artistic energy and creative inspiration and intelligence. Remember, she sprang full grown from her Father's head. In the sign of Capricorn, she brings in the influences of form and structure. Healing the skeleton and teeth (form & structure) using modalities such as chiropractic, cranial-sacral work, deep tissue massage that breaks through resistance and old patterns is useful.

For more about Athena and the other influences, stay tuned for the next installment...

Written by Patricia Liles. Contact her PATLILES@AOL.COM

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What's happening? Couldn't have said it better myself!

Hi, this was passed on to my by an intuitive healer here in Santa Fe. I could almost have written so reflects my own experience. Here we go! May you find some ideas here that are useful, supportive and relevant.

Personally, I'm looking forward to the New Year.

Many blessings,
November left us for dead.

If you have been feeling like you are suddenly back at the very beginning of your journey again, experiencing the same situations/sicknesses/emotional entanglements/financial hardships/etc,take heed.

Some heavy goo has been kicked up the last 40 days and 40 nights… and if you were as deep in it as I was, no doubt you spent most of those on your back (all I can say is…thank gawd for the new season of Housewives...and all other mindless Bravo brain fodder).

From the very end of October and thru the entire month of November we endured such a legendary disconnect period that for the first time ever, I was not sure if I would still be writing these updates when we emerged on the other side. I mean, we have certainly plowed thru p l e n t y of void periods over the last decade or so, but November brought the whole concept next level…to the point that I was unable to hear, feel, think, sense or intuit anything outside of my physical reality…which was also very bleak, mind you. It was like the universe just dropped us off in the middle of the forest..left us to our own human devices without a pack of matches, a GPS or a US weekly.

Personally, I was reduced to a toddler-like-state with a month long temper tantrum…vacillating between flipping off the forces that be, and quivering in my pillow to the tune of: "I want my mommy". If I didn't have abandonment issues prior to ascension, I definitely do now. My extreme child-like resistance to this punishment...a month without a purpose…was completely laughable to anyone who witnessed me, but soooooo not funny. I just could not get away from myself…everywhere I went, there I was.

In a word…brutal. In two words…upyoursmuthafatha god.

Luckily, since the new moon last Sunday, there is a very different vibe slowly leaking into the earth plane and we are reconnecting again while adjusting to this new space we are now inhabiting...albeit a little lighter. Well, still fat, but with less emotional encumbrances.

The Disconnect - So what gives?

First of all, I had to call in the big guns for back-up this time around, otherwise I would have never gotten this update this blogcast is officially brought to you by three separate sponsors: the Andromedan Collective, the Pleiadian High Council and the Spiritual Hierarchy.

I needed all the help I could get to make some sense of the nightmare we just lived through and from what I can gather, (if you weren't forced to push the eject button) November offered us two things :

1) An emotional upgrade…the loss of more of our ego-created selves so that we can inhabit more of our authentic self and live directly from the heart. Loss = mourning, so if you spent the last month crying over spilled milk, welcome to the hormonally imbalanced. We are mourning the loss of more outdated aspects of ourselves (those things that we thought we would be, do or have in this lifetime, but didn't) which of course can also create a fleeting identity crisis leaving us vulnerable and skinless…pervious to all lower forms of energy and feeling as though we have no protection from societal forces of harshness. We are slowly coming out of a very inward period where even getting the mail may have felt like torture.

This sloughing-off included everything from releasing played-out relationships & responsibilities to shedding more preconceived ideas of who we thought we were and what we thought we were here to contribute... and everything in between. The reconnection of this higher level, heart-based intelligence required an extensive rewire and manifested as a zombie-like state, a complete lack of interest in living…not even so much an interest in dying, just an overwhelming indifference to life... and of course with a side dish of physical misery to boot.

This disconnect period may have surfaced in a myriad of ways for you but the most obvious symptom of the void is that it is difficult-to-impossible to feel good or connected to anything in any realm.

Some common side of effects are as follows: disinterest in our passions, purpose, potential, projects, creativity, all those things we normally enjoy, etc...the inability to connect to our higher guidance... financial hardship/sluggishness...lack of desire to care for/nurture our bodies/exercise/eat well (even the foods we eat seem tired and unappealing)…feeling constantly dissatisfied yet not knowing how to feel fulfilled/can manifest as hunger that won't go away even after a meal, unsatisfying sleep, etc…wanting/needing to be alone and feeling relentlessly fatigued.

These periods are some of the most difficult to navigate on the ascension journey, but the undeniable truth is, they eventually and always bring us to a higher and better-feeling place. Even when we don't think we will survive it, and we have absolutely convinced ourselves that we are completely delusional and that nothing good will ever come of sacrificing a decade or two of our lives …something beautiful and amazing always pops thru…and just in the nick of time.

2) On a physical level, we have been undergoing some MASSIVE etheric reconstructive brain surgery…some of which is still "bleeding" into December and will not be complete until the beginning of January as we find our new footing and try to make sense of this new reality we are adjusting our focus to. If you have been experiencing a literal inability to focus or make cognitive sense of things (what I call left-brain dead), or an unusual amount of spinning/dizziness/vertigo/loss of balance/eye issues/burning, itching & watery eyes/spaciness and/or sinus headaches & migraines...most likely its related to this upgrade.

This extensive brain rewiring manifested as the result of joining polarized spiritual forces within the 6th and 7th chakras (pituitary/pineal glands)... the blending of the divine feminine and masculine energies that are fully responsible for our entrance and focus (hence vision issues) into galactic consciousness via the higher mind. The Andromedans reassure us that this recalibration period was quite an extraordinary event, and one that completes the release from karmic re-creation…the universally heralded and perceptual "shift of the ages".

As we reorient ourselves to the new timeline and our physical bodies begin to harmonize with the new frequencies, we will begin to see, feel, and experience new dimensional patterns based in a higher reality construct. The secrets once hidden from our mortal sight will become available to us and our vision will become keener... our perceptions, more profound.

In other words, the shift from November to January is a deeply physical one and is resulting in our reconnection to unity consciousness and divine love. In fact, I am told that November was primarily a biological restructuring period and one that required us to be completely unplugged from our current level of consciousness so that we could be reoriented to the new timeline.

Make no mistake…this recent disconnect was the mother-load of all disconnects. If your wheels came off like mine did, its simply because its time for a new set.

The Reconnect

After a disconnect period, there is always a reconnect period…albeit to a higher level/frequency…which is what we are in the process of assimilating to now. Though technically we are still between worlds, the Pleiadians share that as a result of this recent reconnection, those who partake in and are aligned with the divine developments on earth will experience a great shift in mind, body and spirit…a harmonizing shift that will offer us the ability to further stabilize ourselves in the increasing frequencies, to maintain equilibrium in our cells, and to consciously coexist with our brothers and sisters of divine heritage as reconnected galactic humans in 2011.

As always there is an adjustment period (aka, pain) required to bring our lower bodies into alignment with our higher self because we are now vibrating at a much higher rate and our cells still need time to adjust. The month of December will definitely be a time to intense period of assimilating to the latest download so we are fully prepared to exercise our gifts and potential in the new timeline. That said, there is also a period of activity surfacing that will enable us to finish up details and actualize year-end goals as well as some new and aligned opportunities that may arise, compliments of the next 6 weeks of powerful galactic, astrological and celestial forces.

"We would like to welcome you to this new level of human existence, we are beyond delighted to greet you here. What you have been accustomed to experiencing prior to this dimensional shift is far from what you will be able to experience now. Look for big changes in your inner and outer world…the macro and the micro." -Pleiadian High Council

The Pleiadians also mention that our merkaba is changing.. the sacred geometric vehicles that house and transport our consciousness are rapidly increasing in spin and morphing into a new geometric construct which will support and enable our participation with ascended living. These changes are also responsible for our recently skewed depth perception and inability to focus from a particular point of reference. (aka, brain scramble) This is nothing to be concerned about, we are simply rising up, bumping against a dimensional ceiling in an attempt to break thru to a higher altitude which can of course cause feelings of confusion, lightheadedness, ungroundedness and dizziness.

Lastly, I am hearing that when the reconnection is complete, many of us will be shedding our old spirit guides/soul-team members who so fervently helped us along the way…more aptly stated, we are becoming these future versions of ourselves that once guided us here, and as a result, we will now be mingling with many more who will be coming forth to work with us in this plane as new human AND spirit guides/mentors and teachers of the higher ways. Groovy.

What Next?

"There is a tide coming that is preparing to wash away all that is not in alignment with the new. This tide is offering each wayshower the full ability to step into unity consciousness and to take part in the planning and preparation period for the next and final stage of the planetary ascension" -Spiritual Hierarchy

From what I am being shown, December is a powerhouse month beginning with a Mercury retrograde period that started today, 12/10, and will be returning direct on the 30th. Shortly after we have the 12/12…the final galactic gateway portal of 2010 which is pushing us to complete all the spiritual lessons that the last 12 months scraped up for us. We also have a VERY powerful solstice on the 21st (when the sun closely aligns with the galactic center), and another famous eclipse sandwich….a full moon and total lunar eclipse on the same day as the solstice and a partial solar eclipse on January 4, 2011. Mixed in with that caffeinated cup of cosmic coffee are some major celestial & astrological happenings threatening to cauterize our past…whether we feel ready or not.

In general, this month will be another month of completion. In addition to the holidays, there is much to be accomplished in both our inner and outer worlds and December offers us the opportunity to take advantage of these supportive energies for endings if we are paying attention. The eclipse period beginning on 12/21 will offer us a major portal of expansion…what the Spiritual Hierarchy refer to as a "wormhole from the old to the new". "The illuminated energies from this (eclipse) portal will besiege those who choose to release themselves from the old and willfully embrace the new."

Like most months, I am being shown a combination of tiny bursts of forward movement, and longer periods of cellular integration, but this month there is a strong message coming thru for those who choose to exit their past via the eclipse portal…we are enthusiastically being reminded that we will not be able to carry any density with us to the other side, so this month is the final month to release emotional burdens and wrap up outworn affairs.

"As you walk forth into the month of December, you will be embraced by more loving energies, but you will also be called to complete many outworn tasks, behaviors, relationships, and activities that have held you bound. Realize that these next 6 weeks are a gift and will serve you well should you be willing to first let go and then fully open yourself to receiving. We cannot stress this enough... completion is the overriding energy of December with regard to your new beginnings." SH

I know I say this a lot, but our new beginnings will not commence until every last personal detail has been completed and finalized and all wayward elements from the past are wrapped up. In other words, we can't skip any steps…anything that we've forgotten, suppressed or ignored will come at us like a spider monkey this month, so be sure to take a good look around your life and see whats left to deal with because this is a sort of last chance offer to empty our proverbial chalice.

If it feels in any way like you are being pushed too far, its because you are…we will be pushed to a breaking point in those areas of our lives that we are not seeing clearly, areas that need a shift in perspective or deeper understanding in order for us to become unhinged. We are being stretched as far as we can possibly go so as to encourage (?) us to deal with every last lingering detail, to strip away every illusion/delusion we've honored along the way so that we can be as empty and as pure as possible before we fill ourselves up with the new. Even without our participation, we will be all-but-forced resolve and absolve it all with the celestial powerhouses lining up to clean our clocks, I mean slates.

My advice? Always better to go willingly & consciously.

These final labor pains of 2010 will continue to pulsate and push us forth into the new waves of unity consciousness…waves of creativity and bliss that undulate in increasing frequency in 2011. So know that from now until the eclipse period we are receiving this final call to separate ourselves from all that no longer serves us (limiting thoughts, situations, relationships, homes, careers, health issues, etc)..cuz come the eclipse sandwich, we will be sucked up and spit out by cosmic forces way beyond our control…vibrationally sifted and sorted...and landing in our new reality with the task of figuring out how the heck everything works in this as-yet-unknown-territory.

"The next two months in earth-time will be centered around love. The love quotient in each and every one of you has risen significantly and now that you are moving into the unity timeline, a dimension of oneness, you will be vibrationally eligible to receive all the blessings of love's grace." -SH

Physical Happenings

We have been rapidly and intensively changing on a cellular level, preparing our new human templates...which are meticulously designed to operate on the new timeline…for a very long time. These upgraded biology suits will hold more light and participate seamlessly with the new timeline. This is very exciting, however it also unfortunately means some physical discomfort.

The list of symptoms is long and varies as usual, but the most intense symptoms this time around (especially last month) seemed to manifest in the head/neck area.

As mentioned earlier, the pituitary/pineal activations created lots of dizziness/vertigo/loss of balance/vision problems/burning, itchy & watery eyes/spaciness and/or sinus headaches & migraines, stuffed/runny nose, post nasal drip, inability to focus, migraines, sinus headaches, fatigue, sleep changes (insomnia/deep sleeps…up at night, down during the day), night sweats, wild and vivid dreams, etc.

There were also those who experienced flu-like symptoms with lots of muscle aches, neck stiffness/pain, sore throat, mouth/teeth pain, clogged ears and tons of back pain (fluctuating between lower/upper/middle…sometimes all three).

We also experienced a major solar plexus (power) activation in the beginning of December which may have created temporary waves of stomach pains & digestion issues as well as the usual heart opening and grounding symptoms: heartburn/indigestion, soreness behind the heart, nausea, palpitations and rapid heart beat...lower back/leg aches, sharp shooting pains in rectum/tailbone area, sore ankles, legs and feet, intestinal clearings (candida/skin rashes/inflammations) etc.

We are going thru major and magnificent biological changes needed for our new life experiences so its very important to listen to what our body's are telling us….even if it is diametrically opposed to all we have been taught. Protein cravings are very common during major integrations, as well as periods of no appetite…or you may even need a random carb fix at 3am during one of those insomnia streaks.

When in doubt, nurture yourself like a pregnant woman… give your body what it wants/needs when you can and don't hold back…even & especially if that means 15 hours of sleep…per day.

Reporting to you for the last time this year…see you on the other side of that sandwich!

Wishing you and yours a sacred holiday season, and enough energy to survive it ; ))

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Letting Go Movie party all of December!

"In the 21st century, letting go is not a luxury but a necessity."
That is a quote from Hale Dwoksin, head of Sedona Training Associates, and a principal teacher of the Sedona Method.

Almost every spiritual teacher or path tells us to "just let go", but how? The Sedona method shows you an amazingly simple way to do just that.

I have been working with the method since 2003 and completed a Level 1 Coach Training, as well as several 7 day retreats in Sedona with Hale. The method, or releasing as it is called, is a very handy thing to know, and if you do it regularly it will absolutely change your life.

I like to introduce the method to my clients in a half hour free coaching session. From there you can learn the method through audio courses, live courses and in other ways.

If you'd like to learn more about this simple but effective technique for de-stressing, relaxing into life and manifesting more easily, you can watch the "Letting Go" DVD free all through December.

here's the link, and let me know what you think!

general information:

Here's to lightening up and going free, or as the originator of the method, Lester Levinson would say...becoming hootless!

Many blessings,

December's Astrology: More joy from Mercury and other planets! What you can do

Three or four times a year, the planet Mercury goes retrograde. This has certain predictable effects, communication slows down, appointments have to rescheduled and then rescheduled again. And yet, each time we go through a retrograde there are different aspects and we are all impacted a little differently because of our personal astrology.

It can be frustrating and stressful if you are not aware of the retrograde and if you fight with the energy instead of rolling with it. That's why I offer a proxy or distance repatterning to help you align your energy and mindset for Mercury retrograde.

The final Mercury retrograde in 2010 runs from 12/10 to 12/30. My last Mercury retrograde session is tomorrow, Wednesday December 8th around 9pm Mountain, and the deadline to register is 7pm Eastern on December 8th.

To register, go to:

Here is a very rich summary of the upcoming retrograde period:

Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn on December 10th, 2010
Posted on November 27, 2010 by Dipali Desai

Re-Defining Life Priorities: Mercury in Capricorn Retrograde Phase

Mercury retrograde will start on December 10th through December 30th so put a note in your daily planners. This Mercury Retrograde will happen at 6 degrees Capricorn and Mercury will shift back into the sign of Sagittarius when all is said and done by the end of December 2010.

Quick Overview About Mercury
In Astrology, the planet Mercury represents communication and information. It also symbolizes the linear thought process, mental attitudes, way in which you learn. and the way you consciously perceive reality. Approximately every 3 months, for approximately three weeks, Mercury appears to go “backwards” in the sky. The planets do not really go backwards. The ‘retrograde phase’ for any planet can be considered an ‘introspective’ phase. For Mercury retrograde, all forms of communication, short-term travels and information may encounter delays, obstacles and or disruption. The nature of the Mercury Retrograde phase is to allow the central nervous system to shift into non-linear states of Consciousness (similar to deep relaxation and meditation) and give the nervous system a much deserved break.

Mercury in Capricorn, December 2010:
During this phase, our attention will be on goals, and long-term plans as well as how you define things while. Capricorn symbolizes responsibility, wisdom and maturity. We must be “patient” and wise when taking an idea or theory and applying it in daily life to see if it is realistic or something needs to be revised. Mercury in Capricorn potentially can help us persevere for the long stretch to attain any and all goals we set, small or large. We must also learn to be flexible and initiate new ideas when we feel guided to.

Best Way to Prepare & Suggestions:
The suggestion is: to finish up Holiday shopping in advance, writing out cards and any other preparation ahead of time. Due to Mercury being retrograde during most of December, people may encounter more mental stress and strain with delays or snags in travel. It is best to value the quiet time and appreciate the fact that the things slowing down will ultimately help you if you have the understanding. Complete things that are left undone, projects, organizing, sorting out. Triple Check all appointment details. Add extra space between appointments and while traveling. Back up your important documents, files and pictures onto an external hard drive. Leave time to meditate, relax, dream and be in the non-linear space. Try not to force the mind to produce if you don’t have to. Wait to sign important documents or make major decisions until early January 2011. Wait to purchase “brand new” electronic items if possible (renewal is fine). Clear Away Clutter: old documents, paperwork, files & sort through the last 3 months. Renew commitments. Now is the time to review your thoughts, perceptions, words and actions to see if they are in alignment (Capricorn) with your goal(s).

Linking Up with Other Planets (The term Transits represents planets in the sky traveling through the signs currently.)

Mercury and Pluto Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn happens next to transiting Pluto in Capricorn. And may be felt intensely within the mental energy body and thought processes. It is possible, some news or information may be exposed or brought to the light of day for transformation and healing. People (or you) may feel the urge to revisit someone from the past, communicate or even bring up an old issue to resolve. It is best to be open and discuss things rather than clinging to the ‘right and wrong’ of the situation.

Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn invites us to be pragmatic in our thinking and be patient as we encounter challenges or delays. We are given opportunities to sort out and clean out the ‘mental closest’ so to speak. We may decide to make deep shifts in our perception about our lives. It is possible we may hear news about people transitioning (death) or loss as well as we may be saying goodbye to people in our lives whom we have grown apart with.

With Pluto’s symbolism closely connected to the Mercury Retrograde, we get to purge our mental attitudes and off balancing thinking. Whatever within the mind keeps us paralyzed or imprisoned we can reclaim our empowerment.

Triple Dose: Mars, Mercury Retrograde and Pluto in Capricorn
Transiting Mars in Capricorn links up with Pluto and Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn. This energy is strongly building momentum and intensity from about early December through December 16th. The potential is highly transformative energy ready to kick-start or kick ass and put something into motion.

It is possible someone or something comes back our lives with a different approach and we are presented with an intense encounter or news of some kind. Old issues that had gone “underground or been buried” may erupt, for confronting and healing now. Remember the key is; “what choice, words and actions will empower all involved?” It is best to be very patient and not take things too personally now. It’s also possible there may be miscommunications, agitations and possible combative encounters. Remind yourself that you can choose what role to play, one that is empowered and Soul-level (wisdom) or one that is ego/mind level fear based.

Mars/Pluto in Capricorn with a team like focus, stimulates deep desires on a physical level are possible, a desire to merge intimately or connect with another/loved one high. It may be helpful to channel the energy into physical outlets or organizing.

Possible Off-Balance Energy:
Mars/Pluto combination can be highly charged up in a good way or it can be volatile, eruptive and explosive. This combination is not to be taken lightly. Watch for manipulation, power struggles and control tactics generated from a place of fear and anxiety. If you allow these potent energies to build up without regular outlets there can be explosive outbursts, screaming matches, ego-power struggles, rage exploding as well as words (Mercury) being used as daggers. It is best to channel this energy into physical constructive outlets or projects.

Mercury Phase Overview:

■Pre-Retrograde Phase: November 22nd (slow down, yellow signal) – December 9th
■Actual Retrograde Phase: Mercury in Capricorn at 6 degrees from December 10th through December 30th
■Mercury goes Direct: at 19 degrees Sagittarius on December 30th
■Post-Retrograde Phase: (Go ahead new phase, green signal) January 18th

Copyright 2010-2011 Dipali Desai. All Rights Reserved
Celestial Astrology blog at

Happy holidays and Easeful Retrograde to you,

PS Again, the link to register for the session is here:
To register, go to:

Saturday, December 4, 2010

December Manifesting begins tomorrow + other stuff too!

The next Joyful Manifesting Intensive begins tomorrow, December 5th and there is still time to join us for this powerful energy healing by distance. I do 5 sessions, 5 days in a row, to clear the obstacles to manifesting your goals and intentions. You sign up, write down two goals and then go about your life while I do the behind the scenes work!

There is Lighten Up, a weight release support group and teleclass, on Monday night December 6th, and there is also a "Sail through Mercury Retrograde" distance session to ease the challenges of the Mercury retrograde which affects electronics, communications and scheduling.

More information on any of these programs and links to register, are at

Happy Manifesting, Y'all,

Friday, December 3, 2010

Chop wood, carry water--forget the big picture!

Wow..can't believe I haven't posted anything here in almost a month. Wait--I take that back--I do believe's been a long strange trip lately. For you too?

It has been such a roller coaster ride personally and professionally. Because I'm an empath and I work with the collective consciousness around prosperity and money, and because I'm human and living in the midst of these changes myself, I can't always tell how much of what I'm feeling
is even mine.

Sleep disturbances, mood swings out the much is my hormones, my resistance to making changes, and how much of this is triggered by planetary/global energy shifts? In addition, I live in Santa Fe, which, lovely as it is, is a crucible of transformation. Don't come here unless you are prepared to change, grow and let go as a way of life.

If you are wrestling with any of this yourself, or just wondering what the heck is really happening in the world...I'll tell you what I've come to lately: Stop trying to figure it out, and if the big picture is too confusing, frightening or de-energizing: let it go! Just focus on what's in front of you, do what is needed, what I call "Just in time" living.

The Japanese pioneered a system in manufacturing called "just in time" where the parts arrive just in time for when they are needed. In this new reality, we need to live that way..."Am I okay in this moment, can I trust the Universe that I will have what I need when I need it, can I focus on the all-rightness in the present moment."

The minute I go into the future or projecting about the past, I lose faith and trust and go into fear. Being a pragmatist, I say, of course we do need to make plans sometimes. But then, it's important to live moment to moment. Chop wood, carry water...too many unknowns, too many shifting uncertainties. Can you trust yourself, can you trust that others will be there to help, that it's going to be okay--even though we can't see how we will get there or how the Universe is going to deliver?

A friend and I spoke at EmbodyDance last night..about how our generation, and everyone really, are being asked to show up for each other, and to learn to trust each other, in ways we never have before.

Meantime, I do my best to find the joy in singing, dancing, nature and good companions. What simple things bring you peace, joy and heart connection?

Along those lines..a few words that may inspire you, courtesy of Rhea Goodman, host of a great radio show here in Santa Fe called "Living Juicy", check it out at KSFR Santa Fe, Monday nights, 101.1 FM or streaming via internet!

Life is short.
Break the rules,
forgive quickly,
kiss slowly,
love truly,
laugh uncontrollably,
and never regret anything
that made you smile.

Life may not be the party we hoped for,
but while we are here we should dance.

“Forget safety.
Live where you fear to live.
Destroy your reputation.
Be notorious.”

you must remember one thing.
the world was made to be free in.
give up all worlds except the one to which you belong.
anything or anyone that does not bring you alive
is too small for you.

...david whyte

Many blessings,

Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Spiritual Conspiracy

This was passed on by my friend Harriette King of Santa Fe. The author is unknown.


On the surface of the world right now there is war and violence and things seem dark.But calmly and quietly, at the same time, something else is happening underground. An inner revolution is taking place and certain individuals are being called to a higher light. It is a silent revolution.

From the inside out. From the ground up.
This is a Global operation.
A Spiritual Conspiracy.
There are sleeper cells in every nation on the planet.

You won't see us on the T.V.
You won't read about us in the newspaper
You won't hear about us on the radio
We don't seek any glory
We don't wear any uniform

We come in all shapes and sizes, colors and styles
Most of us work anonymously
We are quietly working behind the scenes
in every country and culture of the world
Cities big and small, mountains and valleys,
in farms and villages, tribes and remote islands

You could pass by one of us on the street
and not even notice
We go undercover
We remain behind the scenes
It is of no concern to us who takes the final credit
But simply that the work gets done

Occasionally we spot each other in the street
We give a quiet nod and continue on our way
During the day many of us pretend we have normal jobs
But behind the false storefront at night
is where the real work takes a place

Some call us the Conscious Army
We are slowly creating a new world
with the power of our minds and hearts
We follow, with passion and joy
Our orders come from the Central Spiritual Intelligence

We are dropping soft, secret love bombs when no one is looking
Poems ~ Hugs ~ Music ~ Photography ~ Movies ~ Kind words ~
Smiles ~ Meditation and prayer ~ Dance ~ Social activism ~ Websites
Blogs ~ Random acts of kindness...

We each express ourselves in our own unique ways
with our own unique gifts and talents
Be the change you want to see in the world
That is the motto that fills our hearts

We know it is the only way real transformation takes place
We know that quietly and humbly we have the
power of all the oceans combined
Our work is slow and meticulous
Like the formation of mountains

It is not even visible at first glance
And yet with it entire tectonic plates
shall be moved in the centuries to come
Love is the new religion of the 21st century

You don't have to be a highly educated person
Or have any exceptional knowledge to understand it
It comes from the intelligence of the heart
Embedded in the timeless evolutionary pulse of all human beings

Be the change you want to see in the world
Nobody else can do it for you
We are now recruiting

Perhaps you will join us
Or already have.
All are welcome
The door is open
~ author unknown

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Inspirational Message from the Deva of Trust

Hello..a member of the wonderful creative/healing arts/dance community here in Santa Fe, my friend Rena Tairifa sent this message today and I thought you would enjoy it.

She has spent time at Findhorn, a co-creative community in Scotland, famous for great growing despite the very cold, rainy, inhospitable climate there. Co-creative gardening--something I have studied with Sibylle Preuschat and with the materials of Maechelle Small-Wright, involves working in partnership with nature.

When we work with nature, one level at which we can communicate and partner with her is through the Devas. The Devas are architects of form..some people see them as spirit beings or in other forms. I do not usually see them but I sense them. Everything that exists in form--not just plants and rocks and things we would consider nature, but anything that can be named, even intangible things, have an overlighting Deva, a Deva in charge of that thing.

If this idea is new to you, you can read Co-Creative Science by Maechelle Small Wright to learn more...You can also experiment with asking for a connection to be made to any Deva you want to connect with, and see what messages, images or sensations you receive from making that connection. Make sure that when you finish connecting, you ask for the connection to be released, with thanks....otherwise it's like leaving a phone off the hook.

So that is a little background for those of you not familiar with Devas or that we can communicate directly with nature.

This is Tairifa's communication from the Deva of Trust. Enjoy!

Many blessings,

Inspirational Message from the Deva of Trust

"Move from a place of knowing within you rather than as a result of adaptation to outer experience. Let go of your assumptions and your need to control life's creative process.

It does not matter what spiritual path you’re on, an ultimate sense of peace comes down to one question: Can you let go of the need to control your life, and trust there is a benevolent force guiding all that ever has, is, and will happen?

Trust is the soul's way of attuning to a fundamental law of reality. There is a deep rhythm that moves through all life that cannot be controlled by our will. When trust informs our experience, it allows our psyche to relax and our soul to be at peace with our situation. We can rest in unquestioned confidence that the universe provides, that we have and will receive what we really need. In fact, often beyond what we alone are even capable of imagining.

When we have a lot of basic trust, we are courageous and take risks. We don't suppress our competencies. We engage in life wholeheartedly, doing what feels appropriate with the confidence that it will work out. Life becomes a story of creation not an obstacle course.

Without basic trust, we tend to react to what arises in accordance with our conditioning wanting our process to go one way or another. We cling to predetermined assumptions and outcomes. We become tense and contracted and do all we can to manipulate the circumstances to fit with our desires.

Here is a suggestion for changing the automatic internal response to external signals. When a traffic light turns yellow and there is a safe distance to stop before it turns red, what do you tend to do? Do you accelerate to 'make it through'? If so, this is a metaphor for what happens inside when our yellow worry light goes off — we accelerate; try harder, move faster, do more, all stress responses to our conditioning. Trust is the ability to stop and wait for the green light to signal the time to move forward again.

Why not, for the month of November, practice putting on the brakes when the light is yellow and taking that moment to pause and breathe in trust and the deeper rhythm of life while waiting for the green light to again signal you to go."

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Anger & other feelings you didn't know you had

On tonight's call, someone shared that she was told (I assume by a healer, therapist or psychic)that she had a lot of anger. She had been aware of other feelings, but not the anger. Her question was: How do I let go of it if I didn't even know it was there?

That is a very good question, which I did answer on the call, but it deserves more space.

First of all--I believe that emotions are an expression of energy, and that they are there for a reason, that they have a message for us. If we were not allowed to feel or express an emotion, it will go underground and show up in some other way--such as depression, physical pain, smoking, overeating, creating crises in your life. It won't go away until we address the underlying issue and hear the message. (Check out the book by Karol Truman "Feelings Buried Alive never die").

Our culture is essentially a culture of denial, where we are taught that only certain emotions are acceptable. Happiness, confidence, optimism are okay--but grief, anger, insecurity? Faggedabout it.

If we had learned how to make room for all our feelings, and to know that they are just energies arising that we can listen to, address, resolve and move through--we'd be much healthier, peaceful and live together a lot more harmoniously!

Each family has its own particular "rules" about which emotions (if any) are okay to express. And then there are the cultural rules too. Especially for women, anger is not an acceptable emotion. So we learn that any time we get angry, we should keep it inside, or express it in tears or sadness. It goes so far underground that we don't have a clue that we are feeling it.

Anger turned inside often shows up as depression, low energy and low self-esteem. Why is that?

There is a lot of life force energy in anger, and when we disconnect from it, we also disconnect from our life force. In Polarity therapy, anger is associated with the Fire Element. In that system, Fire is our vitality, will power and seat of our digestive, where we turn food into vital life force or prana.

Every emotion has its positive purpose and message, and usually anger arises when we have been treated unfairly, hurt, abused or violated in some way, or our boundaries are crossed. It's mainly a survival emotion designed to keep us safe and out of harm's way and to let someone know when they've crossed a line with us.

With anger, it's important to create a safe space or get support to feel the feeling. That may be with a healer or therapist, or trusted friend or family member.

Here are some ways to help you get in touch with and deal with anger--or any other feeling that needs to be healed:

1) Journaling and self-discovery: Spend some time journaling. You can ask yourself, "If I were angry, what would I be angry about?" or "If my anger had a voice, what would it say? And what age is that voice?" You can also do a left right hand journaling exercise. With your dominant hand, you write a question, like "Why am I angry?" with your other hand you write the answer. You may be surprised at what you discover.

2)Learn a technique called Focusing, which was created by Eugene Gendlin, or find a practitioner who knows it. It helps you to discover your emotions by reading backwards from your body sensations.

3) Study your own body cues. Tight shoulders or jaw, high blood pressure, acid reflux and other digestive disorders are common signs of repressed anger. Chronic depression can also be a sign of anger. Start noticing when you hold your breath, clench your teeth, or develop a belly ache. What was happening right before those body symptoms appeared?

4)Learn the Sedona method--for releasing and letting go. Wtih the Sedona method you may find that you have a great desire to control other people or life, or feel out of control--and that's often associated with anger. Sedona releasing doesn't require that you know what you are feeling, or have a label for your feelings in order to let them go. As a Sedona coach, I can teach you some basics and support you in practicing the method.

5) You can also learn EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) which you can teach yourself or learn from a practitioner.

6)Do some body-oriented psychotherapy or energy work. This could be a therapist, massage person, practitioner of Polarity therapy, Gestalt therapy, Somatic experiencing, Core Energetics, Rubenfeld Synergy, bioenergetics or some other form of body oriented therapy that includes emotional release. I am trained in Polarity and Gestalt and have a lot of eexperience in supporting people through emotional release work.

Sometimes even with the best self help methods, we can't get to the deeper issues. This is because in order to survive, we had to create defenses to get through life..and these defenses get in the way of accessing the feeling (they are designed to protect us against feeling painful or uncomfortable feelings). It can be done but it takes some training to be your own therapist..and even when you do have that skill, there are just some things we need the help of another person for.

If a certain emotion keeps coming up, or you just don't feel cleared and resolved, that's a sign you need more support beyond what you can do for yourself.

Be compassionate, patient, and open to guidance and it will come. I am happy to explore how my skill set can be used to help you with this.

Every emotion you reclaim is another piece of aliveness and healing, and allows you to be more present and aware. Accessing our emotions makes us healthier on all levels--physical, mental and emotional.

When we can access and feel our anger, fear or grief, that helps us to also feel our courage, joy, peace and happiness. We are then free to play all the keys on the piano, as my teacher John Beaulieu used to say.

To your freedom,

P.S. How would you live if you knew that every feeling you had was acceptable, natural and beautiful, and a message from some part of your self that needs something?

Letting Go of the Old, Welcoming the New

That was the theme of tonight's f*ree once a month session.
If you would like to listen to it, here's the link. The
recording is a little over an hour.

As you listen, you are welcome to write down your own answers
to the questions I ask, and you will be repatterned just by

The session was a Metal Element Repatterning. The Metal element
in Chinese medicine relates to the Lung Meridian (what we take in,
what inspires us) and to the Large Intestine Meridian (what is
toxic, old or unneeded, to be let go of).

The season of fall that we are in, is also associated with the
Metal element. The session is to help you let go with ease..
and many of the people on the call felt really relaxed and
like they had let go, by the end.

So enjoy!

Many blessings,

PS A question was asked on the call about anger and how to
let go of it, especially if you are not even aware that you
are angry! I answered this on the call but would like to
address this further in the next post.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Intense times lately?

Hi..just wondered how this month is going for you. For me, there's been a lot of extremes in mood and energy, and in the level of activity too, from busy busy, to extremely quiet.

It had actually occurred to me that I am in a birth birth yet again to a new version of myself, and also my business.

See what you's the excerpt from Jose and Lena Stevens monthly forecast/energy reading for October. To read more, go to:

The main theme for October is INTENSITY.

Everything this month is amplified, paving the way for stronger reactions and increased sensitivity. It's as if the 100 watt light you are used to operating under just got turned up to 1000 watts. The resulting light intensity would take some getting used to. This intensity has been with us to some degree all summer through various themes and the veil that has kept us asleep and in the dark has been slowly coming off. But now that veil is completely coming off exposing us fully to the intensity. Some of us will instinctively try to turn away and retreat even deeper into a dark shell. But there is no escape. As in childbirth there is now full dilation and a need to stay focused in order to push through our own birth.

The main theme for October is INTENSITY.

Everything this month is amplified, paving the way for stronger reactions and increased sensitivity. It's as if the 100 watt light you are used to operating under just got turned up to 1000 watts. The resulting light intensity would take some getting used to. This intensity has been with us to some degree all summer through various themes and the veil that has kept us asleep and in the dark has been slowly coming off. But now that veil is completely coming off exposing us fully to the intensity. Some of us will instinctively try to turn away and retreat even deeper into a dark shell. But there is no escape. As in childbirth there is now full dilation and a need to stay focused in order to push through our own birth.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

How are YOU wired?

Today I had the great pleasure of sitting with Adyashanti, a wonderful teacher of Advaita, or non-dual philosophy. His answers were so loving, practical and heartfelt, with light self-deprecating humor. I will share more with you, as I took copious notes, but one thing he said which really interested me, was about how we fall back on our greatest strengths in times of challenges, yet there are times when relying on those strengths is not the optimal choice, when the Universe (or perhaps our own souls) ask us to stretch, and maybe even go to the other extreme. He spoke of bringing his competitive approach from sports into spirituality, when what was needed was not bulldogging things, but letting go.

He went on further to suggest that working with the way we are wired--how many of even really know that--will help us in spiritual life and in everything. He's so non-prescriptive, but he opens and invites us so beautifully to consider new thoughts and ways.

It made me contemplate myself--how well do I know myself? It's not like I haven't been studying myself for a lifetime, but recently I've had so many new discoveries, I've had to revise my idea that I knew myself well. I do feel I am able to be more objective about whatever I do see, which may also be why it's easier to see clearly. Hmm. Ya think?

okay, enough late night rambling.

Catch y'all later.


PS I'm so excited about my on-the-drawing-board plans for my new website, Hearts Abode. Please hold the vision of me having the site up by Thanksgiving, with ease and grace, working with great people, being supported in every way, so I can bring my work my fully to the world.
And thanks for being my reader. If you don't know me personally, would you please comment or send me an email? I'd love to know who you are, how you found my Blog and what made you subscribe..what keeps you reading the blog?

Saturday, October 9, 2010

It's all coming together, FINALLY! lessons from growing my business and my garden

I've been learning so much from planting a garden, my first ever. The unseen events that happen underground for a while before the miracle pushes its way up to the air. That a garden takes time, a few passes through all the seasons. The rock garden area I created by the honey locust tree, was planted with grass (an exotic luxury here in New Mexico just because it takes extra watering)--and lo and behold, is filled with insects and crawly things.

This former New York City girl is just amazed by it all, even though of course I've always known about's different, way different, to experience the miracle of growth.

The songbird garden, planted with amaranth, cosmos and other plants that birds like, has become a gourmet banquet for grasshoppers and crickets. I guess the word got out to the neigbhorhood.."Pssst..over here, she's got stuff we like". It's new for me, not having had pets for years, and no children, to feed living creatures, even though I am asking them politely not to eat the roses and so far they are listening. I talk to the devas (Nature's Intelligence Agents) and they are cooperating.

Today I spied a hummingbird hovering around the purple morning glories (what an apt name for those royal flowers!).

So, I built it, and they came!

What does this has to do with my business? I do a process called co-creativity where I partner with Nature to help me bring things into form in the easiest and best supported way. Maechelle Small Wright, one of my teachers of co-creativity, provided guidelines for creating a garden--one in soil, and also for soilless gardens, which could be almost any project or undertaking, like a business.

I can see similarities between the garden and my business, where many seeds in the forms of intention have been planted. In their own mysterious way, when I "water" them and give them soil, light and air, these seeds are now growing fast and beginning to blossom and unfold.

Seeds are programmed to become plants, I don't have to tell them how to do it, just give them the right support and let them do what they were designed to do. Yes, there is the mystery of right timing, the perfect coming together of all the ingredients, and care and feeding--but teh cycle of planting, growth and maturity has its inherent rhythm and order.

Soon it will be time to harvest, and withdraw energy from what is now finishing, and make plans for the next cycle.

What is blooming, what is ready to be harvested, what is dying out and needing to be removed, in your business, relationships or personal habits?
Where is the fertile ground, where is the fallow ground, and what do you want to grow in your next cycle?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Get Mad at God if you need to!

When it's all too much, or things seem unfair, or out of's a suggestion: take a look at what you are learning in this situation. That alone may begin to shift things.

A second option: Get mad at God! Or get mad at the Universe, Creator, Allah (fill in with your favorite name for the Divine). If you were brought up in a strict religion, this might sound wrong or even sacriligeous.

Try it, you'll like it. And in my experience at least, and in the experience of many Jews (remember, the Jews are the ones who argued with the angelic messenger of God) no thunderbolts or cosmic revenge will ensue.

While I am not religious or particularly identified with the Jewish religion of my birth, and my parents professed to be atheists, I understand more and more how culturally Jewish my upbringing was. "Question all authority and conventional wisdom", and go ahead and argue with the Top Brass--that's what I learned at home and what we practiced (Except when it came to questioning the authority of my parents, of course!).

The Jews have a specialty (excuse the sweeping generalization, I know we can't lump all individual Jews, or any religious or ethnic group, for that matter, itno a homogeneous glob) of contention: arguing and disagreeing, and expressing our unique opinions. Last night at my first Jewish education event since the tender age of 12, I discovered, or re-discovered that Judaism is filled with arguments, dicussions, comments and comments on the comments. We don't even seem to have a unified concept of God!

So don't worry about dishing to the Divine. S/he can take it and has probably heard it all before.

Years ago, living in YC and going through tough times financially and working in a stressful job, I sat on a rock one day in Riverside Park, by the Hudson River, and screamed, vented and wailed to God. It helped!

This week, on Tuesday morning, I had another opportunity to practice this.
After I vented, out loud and also in my diary, something did shift and I began to feel like I could at least put one foot in front of the other again.

I invite you, whenever you need to, and whatever religion you were brought up in...let it rip. Tell Creator your deepest fears, frustrations and angers. When you do this, and you really let go, you open the way for grace, for help to arrive.

Let me know what happens if you do try it!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Super powerful new moon tomorrow!

Tomorrow, October 7th is the New Moon. This is always a powerful time for seeding, setting intentions and focusing on what you want to manifest, which is why I offer the Joyful Manifesting Intensive on the new moon, every two months.

If you'd like to learn more about this transformational yet convenient program go to

Whether you join us or not for that, I thought you would enjoy this information. The first segment is from Jose and Lena Stevens, two shamanmic practitioners here in Santa Fe. Their website, from which this is taken, is

Enjoy...happy manifesting,

Dear Friends,

A super New Moon is Thursday, October 7 at 12:45 PM Mountain Daylight Time. This new moon supports compassion, forgiveness and healing. This is a good time to recapitulate memories, events and people in your life who still evoke resentment, anger, hurt, jealousy and blame. These negatively charged reactions need to be neutralized and this new moon can support you in doing that. For every charged memory breathe in compassion and forgiveness while turning your head all the way to the left. Then turn your head all the way to the right while exhaling gratitude, neutrality and freedom. You can do this breathing exercise several times on the same charged issue. Do it until you feel a change that moves you towards neutrality. It is also important at this time to step away from others projections, not take anything personally, and stay out of any drama created by another's reactions.

This new moon is about the self. Resist the temptation to project and meddle elsewhere. Take care of your own backyard. Do something that is important to you. Tremendous healing is available to you during this time if you stay focused. Watch the energy leaks!



Here is an astrological take on the New Moon, from astrologer
Patricia Liles. Contact her at

Libra Super New Moon, Thursday, Oct. 7, 12:45 PM MDT at 14º Libra

Note:* Super New Moon is when the Sun is closest to the Earth and in precise alignment with the Moon and Earth increasing its potency. This is the last of three Super New Moons in a row.

We are in that dangerous and exalted moment of metamorphasis when the old skin has become too tight and the new skin is not yet functional. We are vulnerable and raw and as yet unformed. Nonetheless, we are committed to our growth. Each new moon or planetary alignment provides a contraction and undulation that moves us forward in our evolutionary state. The summer has provided an enormous opportunity to go deep and release especially in the lower chakras.

The first chakra at the base of the spine may be releasing issues of deep instinctual fear of loss of survival and what we may have had to do to survive horrific conditions as well as the armoring and protection we hold there as a result. It's where our security and our relationship with our body lie.

Second chakra release may reveal the emotional and sexual issues of past humiliation, joylessness or abuse that have been buried and carried for generations creating extreme sensitivities in our behavior. Located in the abdomen, sexual organs and lower back, this is where we connect through feeling and desire with others - also where we can manipulate others and in turn, be manipulated creating the seesaw of love-hate relationship. Through a cleared second chakra, we can welcome and embrace change and creativity.

The third chakra holds our personal power, will, and intention. Located at the solar plexus near the navel, it distributes our energy and helps us hold and use power in a balanced way. Greed, domination, self destruction and feelings of powerlessness may be asking for passage into the light so one can step into one's true personal power.

Higher-centered states are present, but are not the greater focus. Clearing out the relationship patterns and self-esteem issues engrained by hundreds of years of repetition and cultural reinforcement are up for healing before we move forward into higher frequency experience.

The Super*New Moon chart with the Sun and Moon in Libra focuses us on our relationships and bringing in the energies of balance and cooperation. We are learning to compromise for the sake of relationship. Venus rules this chart. The day after New Moon she goes retrograde (once every 18 mos.) until Nov. 18. Retrograde takes us more deeply within to look again at what we want to give power to in relationship. It brings old relationship issues from the past up to be re-examined and healed. We all know that this relationship work is only with ourselves and our mates, partners, bosses, children, teachers, and neighbors only act as mirrors to show us our inner selves more clearly. Beautiful Venus is in Scorpio, the sign of the dark feminine, so there are incentives for seeking out what lies in the dark and is crying out to be transformed. Where do your attachments lie? How are you protecting your heart? Where are you being standoffish or overly sensitive? Venus also rules money, possessions and values and these areas may be the bone the dogs of our shadow-selves are fighting over with our beloveds. The result of bringing more consciousness to Venus-ruled areas will be felt in more intimacy and shared powerfulness. Venus is traveling with Mars her masculine counterpart. They are in a higher frequency aspect with Jupiter and Uranus. The masculine and feminine planets are aligning with those two rebel rousers, Uranus and Jupiter to shake up and expand the way we hold our male/female energies and relationships. Everyone out there is witness to relationships ending and new ones beginning and unusual alliances forming to learn and grow and create.

Pluto and Ceres are mirroring this cosmic dance of relationship. They were linked long ago in mythology when the God of the Under World, Pluto, kidnapped Ceres' precious daughter, Persephone. Ceres' grief was overwhelming and she made the Earth pay heavily for her unhappiness. Now and through the Full Moon these two planetoids are conjunct and near the North Node, the point of our growth. Their first conjunction brought us the Gulf Oil spill and now their last conjunction on Oct. 19th will keep our relationship to Mother Earth and our own bodies in our minds and hearts. In the sign of Capricorn our government, industry, and authority figures are asked to recognize their on-going responsibility to the planet that nourishes and supports us.

Saturn and Mercury are heavy hitters in this New Moon chart as well. They are within 1º of each other in Libra (7-8º) and closely square the North and South Nodes. The nodes show what we have brought from the past and need to resolve this lifetime to evolve and grow into the gifts of the north node. Mercury squaring the nodes can bring up issues of finding our inner voice, the self-deprecation surrounding our intelligence or under achievement or arrogance about being 'right'. Mercury here wants us to learn to monitor our thoughts and what we are creating with them.

Saturn will show up as challenges in the practical physical world - how to pay the bills, your parent has Alzheimer's, toothaches, or just having to get up in the morning and keep the daily grind going because you see no other way. No internal work=despair, indifference or even hostility (i.e. take out the whole university). Focus and discipline is always the road Saturn points to. Completion and putting one foot in front of the other for the long haul to complete the challenge of transformation to higher frequency, more conscious lives are the name of the game. It may be Saturn's parting message to us as it leaves the huge pressure of the T-Square of the last several months. These are HUGE planetary changes that we are experiencing. We have passed a huge portal as we move pass this New Moon. The next Full Moon of Oct. 22 has no evidence of the T-Square, and the Nov. Full Moon has many trines and harmonious aspects focused on Venus. Continue to awaken, heal and balance the masculine and feminine energies in self and with others throughout this time frame. The issues of this New Moon will easily carry through November. Now we plateau, catch our breath, review all that has taken place since Spring Equinox and prepare for the movement in spring when Uranus moves into Aries and into a long lasting challenging square with Pluto that will carry us through 2012 and beyond bringing sweeping and radical changes to our external political and government and business arenas that reflect the work we are doing internally in our own lives.

10/08 Venus goes retrograde in Scorpio 13º
10/22 Full Moon in Aries 7:38 PM MDT
10/23 Sun enters Scorpio at 6:34 AM PDT
11/07 Daylight Savings Time ends

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Intensive is coming, the Intensive is here--starts October 7th

A very quick post..with more to come soon.
First, if you missed my monthly free session on "Getting Into Action" I am sorry you missed was very powerful but clearly an experience for just exactly those who showed up. We did the Nun Karma repatterning and you can read all about this very special repatterning at my February 20th blog post earlier this year.

Joyful Manifesting--the Intensive--is our every two month journey into major clearing and unblocking, into manifesting what you want NOW. Another session of these 5 days of Virtual Proxy shifts is about to begin.

YOu can still register up until noon on October 7th by going here:

There is a bit of preparation, and you can find the instructions at my August 10th, 2010 blog post in this very blog!

Many blessings and joyful manifestations to you,

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Inspiration, Oneness & Miracles

Who says God isn't running the internet? On Google, there is a site that is linked to my blog for some reason I can't figure out, so I decided to go there. I read the following passage and found it beautiful and inspiring. Hope you enjoy it!

"Change is all about neutralizing within ourselves any kind of ego-centered certainty and surrendering through bliss-filled tears into the embrace of the Higher Self, the Immortal Soul, the Infinite Being of Love we each are in essence.

It is opening the floodgates of Divine Light pouring, overflowing and expanding ad infinitum through us. It is unreservedly accepting our True Divine Nature, going with the Flow of Love that spills out endlessly from the Well of Wisdom and Clarity shining at the core of our Being, and soaring ever higher on the waves of Sentient Perfection echoing the Omniversal Creator enshrined into each speck of matter, energy and consciousness throughout the entire dimensional range of Reality. In short, change is shifting up.

What is expected from each one of us in nothing less than remembering, accepting and integrating in every facet of our existence and within the very fabric of our waking consciousness the fact that we each are a Living Miracle, the embodiment of Universal Perfection, and the co-Maker of our evolving reality.

All we need to do is ask... Ask for an universal upgrade... Ask to have our physical self, brain, bones and blood, adjusted to the higher frequencies now seeping through every atom of our physical reality to catalyze and precipitate the Shift of Ages into an unprecedented era of Heaven on Earth, Blissful Happiness in every soul, and ongoing Communion with the universal family of souls living throughout this galactic Milky Way and beyond in the Grand Symphony of Light, Life and Love

You may choose to remain on the sideline of evolution and persist in sticking to your egoic certainties and separate sense of self. There is absolutely nothing wrong in doing so, for you have absolute freewill, just like every other soul in existence. Or you may choose to shift up towards the Light calling us all back into full remembrance of our truly universal, divine nature."

- Taken from Meditation Focus #178: Shifting Up

"You are the temple of the Sun of yourself. So if you have been worrying about something, allow yourself to take a deep breath... right now... feel that easy, deep breath and allow yourself to go within, eyes open or eyes closed, whichever feels comfortable, and go within to the sacred place of the Sun within you, and know that within you is divine radiance. There is nothing that can threaten or change that divine radiance within you. Feel it with your mind's eye. Feel yourself in the Sun within yourself. Know that you are surrounded by the Sunlight that you are. Feel it. Visualize it. Allow it to expand until you feel yourself to be in a bubble of Sunlight. Feel yourself to be safe, secure within the Sunlight of yourself. All that you have ever truly desired abides within the Sun within your own temple, within yourself.

Go within and for a moment allow everything else to be blotted out by the brilliance of the Sun in that space. Visualize how the Sun fills every part of your being. Visualize yourself in the middle of that Sun. Feel its warmth. Feel its power. Feel the security. Nothing can threaten that security. Any time that the world speaks to you of problems, go quickly to your own temple and to your Sun and abide there in the security of the divine essence, the divine radiance that you are. And then if there is something that has been troubling you, bring it within that light and see how it dissolves into nothing, into light, knowing yourself always to be taken care of, always in the Light. You have fashioned a body so that you could walk through this reality to play in this reality, to struggle with all of the challenges that you have collectively agreed upon. But none of those challenges can threaten or change the divine light of you within you."

- Jeshua ben Joseph channeled by Judith Coates (8 July 2010) - Taken from The Temple of the Sun

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Single Person who Cares

Tonight I was hanging out with my new friend Francesca. Responding to someone who had reached out to her for healing a while back, she blew breath over the phone to ignite the woman's spark of life after she'd ahd surgery. The next day, the woman said "You caught my gossamer thread" and "I don't feel alone anymore."

What changed everything was knowing that just one person cared.

I shared a similar story with her. After the death of a beloved friend, I was in devastating grief for a while. One night I let go of my inhibition completely and wailed away in my apartment. Part of me didn't care if anyone heard, the pain was so deep and it so needed to be released--and the other part of me wanted someone to hear.

My upstairs neigbhor Deborah, a sweet person and mom to a 5 year old, called me and said "Do you want to come upstairs where I can hold you or rock you?"

It was so caring, so real...I didn't actually need or want to go up to her place but knowing I was heard and someone cared made all the difference.

So, if you are the only one to hear someone's cry, or if you question whether you can do anything for another person in pain or need...the power of one is vast...don't underestimate it. Don't underestimate the grace you convey through listening to the man at the cash register, or letting someone you hardly know, be deeply seen and heard.

It's not about being Atlas and holding up the world, just about caring for another person, the one who's right in front of you. (It might even be yourself!).

Tikkun Olam--the healing of the world. It begins here:
See me, feel me, touch me, heal me. (Remember that song by the Who from Tommy?)

Love to you from this sacred & special place on planet Earth--Santa Fe, City of Holy Faith,

Friday, September 10, 2010

Manifesting Mondays: coming right up!

We've just had the New Moon in Virgo--new moons are always good for new ideas, a new cycle, and setting intentions. That's why I offer the Joyful Manifesting 5 day Intensive on the new moon, every other month. The next one is
in October.

To take advantage of the new moon energy in the months when there is no Intensive, such as this month (September), join me for a Manifesting Monday session--the next one is coming up on Monday, September 13th.

Why would you consider this program? If you've had good experiences through my free teleclasses, the bi-monthly Intensives or working with me one on one, you can continue and deepen your momentum in creating and manifesting. It's good for business, personal, health and relationship goals and helps get you clear so the Law of Attraction can work for you and bring you what you consciously desire, instead of what you are unconsciously broadcasting out there.

Unlike the Intensive, which is 5 days in a row, this is a one-time proxy session and it's $40. What is proxy? Proxy is by distance--I do the session and serve as the "proxy" for the members of the group. That means you don't have to call in, or even be meditating or tuning in. You don't have to set time aside to particpate--I do all the work remotely. You just sign up and write down a few intentions as guided.

If you are interested, you can sign up at my website at:

Many blessings,

PS Also please mark your calendars for the next f*ree Repatterning
Teleclass: Sept 29th-Wednesday--topic is "Get Into Action!"

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Happy New Year & New Moon

Hi..I'm back after an entire month hiatus! I've been travelling and working..and playing too. But, I missed posting here and connecting with you in this way.

Today is the first night of the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah. This is the official start of the Jewish High Holy Days and the culmination of a time period in the Jewish calendar that is all about reflecting on yourself, your life and what you want to change and re-set for the coming year. It also coincides with the harvest, and as the growing cycle ends and we reap what we've already sown, it is perfect time for contemplation and meditation.

Then we have the new moon in Virgo tonight, so another opportunity to set goals and intentions. From Susan Miller's Astrology Zone: "This new moon in Virgo will help you lay the groundwork for the year to come. It's a great time to plan and reflect on all that you hope to happen at the year ahead."

Virgo helps us focus on health, order, and organization so why not use this energy to consider these areas of your life?

May you be inscribed for a year of joy, health, prosperity and all of life's blessings!

L'shanah tovah (Happy New Year),

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Joyful Manifesting Intensive! Coming right up & How to prepare for it is your August going? I'm having a wonderful working vacation on the East Coast. Mercifully the extreme heat broke and it's been the best of summer weather here.

And, I'm looking forward, as usual, to the adventure that is the 5 day Joyful Manifesting Intensive. On the new moon, Tuesday August 10th,I will begin the first session-to clear the obstacles to whatever you are wanting to manifest. It is 5 sessions, 5 days in a row--a lot of repatterning, for less than the price of a single private session.

If you would like to be part of this, or just learn more, please visit the site at

Already signed up? Here is how to prepare for it. If you've done it before it's the same instructions as usual.

Take a few minutes to sit quietly, relax and tune in. Then decide what your two goals or intentions are for this Intensive. What area of your life feels most in need of change or positive momentum? Is it your income, your relationships or the lack of intimacy, is it health, is it clarity on a business or other life decision? And what quality or personal strength do you need most at this time?

Write them down for yourself. You are welcome to email them to me, but that is entirely optional, to

1. A tangible goal: something you would recognize when it arrives. Be specific, not just "more prosperity" but something like "another 6 clients a month" "another $1000 of regular income a month", etc.
2. An intangible goal or quality: examples--peace of mind, relaxation, trust, etc.

And then stay tuned for your session notes!

Many blessings,

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Say Yes to Life!

We had a sweet but powerful call tonight. The topic: Staying Centered in Turbulent Times. There was a brief meditation, including the Abundance Decree by Maureen Moss, followed by a Committment Repatterning.

This repatterning looks at what our percentage of committment is to a particular goal or intention. Our overall intention for this session was to "Say Yes to Life". As the session began, we were only resonating between 10 and 15% committed to "Saying Yes to Life". That means that 85 to 90% of our behavior, emotional energy and subconscious programming was saying no (or at least not saying yes) to life. Talk about driving with the brakes on!

After the session, the group is now resonating with 100% committment to saying yes to life.

That's nice, you say, but you missed the call? No worries, mate. You may actually listen to the recording of the session and receive the benefit that way. I set that intention when I began the session, that it will repattern not just the people present on the call, but anyone who listens to it later. How cool is that? We call that in the world of repatterning: retro-intending. Because time is not linear, this actually works!

So here's the link. The recording is about an hour. To get the most out of it, I recommend listening to it in one sitting, uninterrupted. Treat this like an actual healing session--because it is. You wouldn't go to a coach, healer or therapist and multi-task. And it will be much more powerful that way. In fact, people have had powerful reactions to listening to the recording so don't think this is just food for the mind. It's the real deal. Enjoy!

To listen on your computer:

download link: save as an MP3 and listen when you like:

Many blessings,

PS Don't want to miss future monthly f*ree sessions? Make sure you are signed up at my website at Next one is August 25th. They will be the last Wednesday of each month (except for major holidays).

PPS Next Joyful Manifesting Intensive begins August 10th. Breakthroughs, anyone?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Come home to yourself..back to center..tomorrow!

Doesn't that sound enticing?

It's so easy to be set spinning in this accelerated
time--by people, situations, finances, the constant
pace of change, how fast everything is moving.

So come on in, pull up a chair, relax, because
tomorrow night, July 28th,we get to step out of the whirlwind
with a f*ree group repatterning session, called
"Staying Centered in Turbulent Times".

It's one hour starting at 7:30pm Eastern, 5:30 Mountain
and 4:30 Pacific time.

I'm looking forward to hearing you on the call.
It will be recorded.

Dial-in: 1-712-432-1600 access 121233#

Peaceful Prosperity Blessings,

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Today: A Day out of Time

Tonight I learned something interesting at the birthday party of the lovely Jan Stringer, whose latest book is "Bee-ing Attraction"-she's a great business coach and new member of the amazing Santa Fe tribe I'm part of here. She shared that today in the Mayan Calender is considered a Day out of Time, the last day of the year.

I woke up to soft rain falling--a rare thing here in Northern New Mexico and everything was so still. All I could do was my lemon water and then I fell into my armchair for a long delicious meditation.

Had a visit from a friend and we sat out in the moist cool air, enjoying the green of my growing garden..our conversation touched on many things and it truly felt timeless. Our lunch visit stretched to 4 pm and while I certainly have plenty to do--today was not the day for doing it. NO busyness of the world for me today.

It's not just that it's a summer Sunday--in fact my mood and energy on any summer Sunday this year is nothing like the social, relaxed and laid-back pattern of Sundays in other summers--but today is/was a day out of time. That explains a lot!

Also, if you've ever felt, like I have, that our Gregorian calendar seems irregular and not in synch with anything--when you read about the Mayan calendar--and other calendars based on moon, star and solar cycles--we were right.

Read this very interesting excerpt about the meaning of the Day out of Time in the Mayan calendar when you have a little time.

Mayan Day out of Time
Sunday, July 25, is an important day in the Mayan calendar. The Mayan calendar is built around a 13-month cycle, each month has exactly 28 days which totals to 364 days. The last day of the year is left out of this count and therefore is "out of time". This day is considered an opportunity for a big change: purification and healing, for forgiveness of debts and old grievances, a time for achieving peace, a great time to clarify our understanding, focus on direction and create a major shift in our lives. Especially after the Conscious Convergence on July 17th and 18th time is accelerating as we move with the new wave of energy that we created with our focused and collective intention during these two days.

I live my life by a truth that was gifted to me as a child when I was visited by a beautiful woman dressed in white who appeared one day when I was 10 accompanied by a white wolf. She spoke to me that I was not alone and in the years that would follow I would come to understand why I had been brought here as a faith keeper. That white wolf remained by my side as my animal ally and spirit teacher to guide me and to walk with me on a Shamanic path of peace and truth. There is an every increasing awareness of the Mayan calendar and the significance of 2012. Everywhere I go I hear discussions and am asked questions regarding the significance of this date.

It is my truth that I simply share, having a strong belief that each day more and more souls are awakening and a huge shift in consciousness is occurring. What happened during the time of the Conscious Convergence in the ancient stones of the Star Walkers and Navigators was felt around the world as we are all joined together. 2012 I believe will continue to accelerate the awakening and we will in deed move into a higher vibrational frequency that will support the focused dream of oneness and unity. It is not an instantaneous event where one switch will turn off and another turn on nor is it the ending of the world. I choose to look at everything around me as a message, sometimes strong messages of warning but more now than ever messages of hope that we as global citizens can make a difference.

The current calendar the world now operates under known as the Gregorian calendar was imposed as an instrument of power and as a symbol of dominance by European conquerors over the Maya, Inca and Aztec civilizations—all of whom used, among other calendars, the 13 Moon/28 Day count. This 13 moon calendar was used by other ancient civilizations such as the Druids, the Essenes and the ancient Egyptians. It had also been identified as the Calendar of Thoth. If you have felt more stress and that you have less time it is because your vibrational field is realigning itself to truth and to the natural cycle and order that our earth vibrates at. Not the time manipulated system created by mankind to control other civilizations and nature itself.

On this very special day take the time to sit once again in stillness. If you can be near earth, dirt, or sand at the beach take a handful and slowly let the grains of sand or particles of dirt slip through your lightly held hands. If you live in the city you can even use corn meal for this ritual. This is so very symbolic of so many things ocurring in our lives right now. Each particle of earth and sand represents something you are letting go of. An old hurt or wound, a disappointment, an anger, a grievance or judgment. It can be an entire way of life as many of us are feeling our world is completely changing in some way. Focus on your breath and as you release the particles back to the earth feel your vibration being elevated. On a piece of paper write down the debts you are forgiving (old loves, old relationships, expectations not fulfilled). Forgive yourself of any guilts you continue to hold on to. Let go of feeling unworthy. This serves absolutely no purpose for you to be less than who you were intended to be. It is time to claim who you are and step forward. Fold the paper in half away from you and burn the paper symbolizing transformation. Remember we are still in the energy of 2010, the Year of the Phoenix Rising from the ashes. Bury the ashes in the earth giving gratitude to the earth mother and make your commitment to walk the earth in balance. This is also a Full Moon and full moons always represent completion, end of cycles, coming into our full power so this can be an especially powerful night to do the Uncrossing Ritual for those of you who have my 2010 Moon cycle and Ritual book.

The more you take the time to do the inner journey, to sit and be still to receive guidance from the greatest teacher you have (yourself) the more you will find your emotions stabalizing. Many of you have felt depressed, angry, frustrated and restless. Some have felt physically fatigued and emotionally drained. There is a continuous movement of energy now to raise your vibration. Opportunities such as these special celebrations of life can assist. These emotions will hold you in a lower vibration and you will not be able to truly move forward until you clear them. There are waves of energy coming rapidly now and we need to move through these times with determination and hope. We will all have moments of doubt and old fears will return only to be embraced and transformed if we allow the process to occur.

As always take a few moments to see your light moving through a web connecting with millions of souls around our planet. Feel yourself being part of a great awakening and feel how your light is so very important to the whole. We can not move forward if we do not move together. When you are complete with your personal ritual do something to bring beauty into the world. Go see a movie that inspires you, listen to beautiful music that soothes you, paint or create something beautiful, buy yourself some beautiful flowers or go into a garden and observe the amazing beauty that surrounds you.

Most important smile, feel alive and share your light with others. I continue to create the prayer circles so if there is anyone in need, or yourself, please send me the name of the person or persons and I will include them in the prayers of healing.

Much love, rainbows and joy on this magnificent day out of time.


Source: An article by Robbyne La Plant-Seaman,